This document describes the various icons and functions available in the NetBeans integrated development environment (IDE). It provides descriptions of 12 main icons (File, Edit, View, Navigate, Source, Refactor, Run, Debug, Profile, Team, Tools, Windows) and lists the options available under each one, along with associated keyboard shortcuts where relevant. The icons and their options control common development tasks like creating, opening and managing projects and files, editing, searching, debugging, version control, and more.
3. Working of Icons
1st Icon File Icon name
New project (It is use to make a new project)
New file (For creating new file in existing
project or outside)
Open project (For opening existing project )
Close project (for close the current project)
Open file (Open file from pre-written)
Open recent file (Open to recently closed file)
Project group (Creating or selecting groups for adding
Project properties(About the project properties i.e. words,
lines, memory.)
5. Export project (Save project in different directories)
Save (Save current work for later use)
Save as (Save current work in different file
Save all (Ctrl+shift+S)
Page setup (To set the page size and type)
Print (To print out any file)
Print to html (For save out in a html extension file
use this function.)
Exit (Exit from file icon)
6. 2nd Icon Edit Icon name
Undo (Ctrl+z..Move Current to
previous format/text/change)
Redo (Ctrl+y.. use undo command
& you go upward changes then use redo command)
Cut (Ctrl+y.. Move text to other
place or line)
Copy (Ctrl+y)
Paste (Ctrl+y)
Pasted formatted (writing format paste)
Paste from history (Ctrl+shift+d)
Delete (for delete)
Select all
Select Identifier (Select method or class name)
7. Find Selection (Find in selected area)
Find next (Find word in next line or area)
Find previous (Search word in previous line)
Find (Ctrl+fSearch word in all projects or
Replace (Ctrl+h..Change word with other
word )
Find usage (alt+f7.. Find usage of project or file)
Find in projects (Ctrl+shift+f..Search in projects)
Replace in projects( Ctrl+ shift+ h for any changing)
Start macro recording(macro is to record a series of
commands for playback at a later time)
Stop macro recording (end recording)
8. 3rd icon View (Icon name)
Editors (source,history)
Split (Create editor window more than 1)
Code folds (Code folding allows collapsing and expanding certain
parts of the document)
Ide logs (This function shows IDE usage & working details)
Tool bars (file,clipboard,undo/redo,run,debug,performance,
Small toobars icons,reset toolbars,customiz)
Show editor toolbars (This option used for hide/show editor
toolbar e.g. history, source, from main window)
Show line numbers (This option shows line number with coding
Show non-printable characters (This option show/hide non-
printable characters)
Show breadcrumbs(Use when the structure of the website follow
strict hierarchical structure of similar formatted content)
Show diff sidebar (This function used for color changing)
9. Show versioning table (Its used for high colors in selected
Synchronize editor with views (For automatically view
current open file)
Shoe only editor (ctrl+shift+enter)
Full screen (alt+shift+enter)
4th Icon Navigate (Icon Name)
Go to file (alt+shift+OFor opening & find location of file.)
Go to type(ctrl+O..Find file with type)
Go to symbol(Ctrl+alt+shift+OFind symbol in file)
Go to spring bean(alt+shift+BHyper linking of Java classes
and properties mentioned in Spring bean definitions, as well
as hyper linking to other Spring bean references)
Go to test/tested class(Ctrl+alt+Tfor test a desire class)
10. Go to previous document(Using for opening recently closed
Go to source (Ctrl+shift+B.. Find source any selected class)
Go to declaration (Ctrl+B)
Go to super implementation(Ctrl+shift+P..To merge Eclipse
project with net beans use this command)
Inspect (To look at carefully in order to find problems)
Last edit location (Ctrl+Q)
Back (Alt+left)
Forward (Alt+right)
Go to line (Ctrl+G)
Toggle bookmark (Ctrl+shift+M..Save a file link in net beans
for easy access)
Bookmark history popup next
(Ctrl+shift+period..Check next save links of files & projects.)
11. Bookmark history pop up previous
(Ctrl+shift+comma..Check previous save
links of files & projects)
Next error (Ctrl+period..To jump on next error in
Previous error (Ctrl+comma..To jump on
previous error in file)S
Select in projects (Ctrl+shift+1..For select item in
projects use this command..)
Select in files (Ctrl+shift+2)
Select in previous (Ctrl+shift+3)
5th Icon Source (Icon name)
Format(alt+shift+f) (This option for source format
Remove trailing spaces(Remove spaces from line)
12. Shift left (Alt+shift+Left..Shift word left side
with this.)
Shift right (Alt+shift+right..)
Move up (Alt+shift+up)
Move down (Alt+shift+down)
Move code element up(Alt+shift+page up)
Move code element down(Alt+shift+page down)
Duplicate up (Ctrl+shift+up)
Duplicate down (Ctrl+shift+up)
Toggle element (Ctrl+slash)
Complete code (Ctrl+space)
Insert code (Alt+insert)
13. Remove surrounding code (Alt+backspace)
Fix code (Alt+enter)
Fix imports (Ctrl+shit+I)
Organize imports (Organize download file)
Organizer member(Organize program element)
Show method parameters (Ctrl+P)
Show documentation (Ctrl+shift+space)
Make controller
Insert next matching word (Ctrl+shift+K)
Insert previous matching word (Ctrl+K)
Scan for external changes
14. 6th Icon Refactor Icon name
Rename (Ctrl+R)
Remove (Ctrl+M)
Safely delete (Alt+Delete)
Change method parameters
Pull up
Push down
Extract interface
Extract super class
15. Use super type where possible
Make inner to outer level
Convert anonymous to member
Encapsulate fields
Replace constructor with factory
Replace constructor with builder
Invert Boolean
Inspect and transform
16. 7th Icon Run Icon name
Run project (F6)
Test project (alt+F6)
Build project (F11)
Clean and build project (shift+F11)
Set project configuration(Default,customize)
Set main project
Generate javadoc
Run file (Shift+F6)
Test file (Ctrl+F6)
Compile file (F9)
17. Check file (Alt+F9)
Validate file (Alt+shift+F9)
Repeat/build run (Ctrl+F11)
Stop/build run
8th Icon Debug Icon name
Debug project (ctrl+F5)
Debug file (Ctrl+shift+F5)
Debug test file (Ctrl+shift+F6)
Attach debugger
Finish debugger session (Shift+F5)
Continue (F5)
18. Step over(F8)
Step over expression(shift+F8)
Step info(F7)
Step info next method(Shift+F7)
Step out(Ctrl+F7)
Run to cursor(F4)
Apply code changes
Take GUI snapshot
Set current thread
Stack (make callee current Alt page up, make
caller current Alt page down, Pop top most call)
19. Toggle line break point(Ctrl+F8)
New break point(Ctrl+shift+F8)
New Watch(Ctrl+shift+F7)
Evaluate expression(Ctrl+F9)
Check to dead lock
9th Icon Profile Icon name
Profile project (Alt+F2)
Profile file
Profile test file
Attach profiler
Rerun profiling session(Ctrl+shift+F2)
20. Stop profiling session(Alt+shift+F2)
Reset profiling session(shift+F2)
Run GC(Alt+shift+F2)
Take snapshot of collected results(Ctrl+F2)
Take heap dump
Load snapshot
Load IDE snapshot
Load heap dump
Compare snapshot
Advance commands(run profiler calibration, view
command line arguments, display internal statistics)
21. 10th Icon Team Icon name
Shelve changes
Git (Clone, Initialize Repository, Repository browser
Mercurial (Initialize Repository, Clone other)
Subversion (Checkout, Import into Repository)
History (Show history, Revert deleted)
Find task
Report task
Create build job
11th Icon Tools Icon name
22. The first option is add to palette..
The next option is internationalization .four option is appeared in
this option
2:insert internationalize string.
3: internationalization wizard
4: internationalization test wizard
The next option is Java Platform
The next option is Net beans Platform
The next option is Ant variables
The next option is Ant Libraries
The next option is servers
The next option is Cloud providers
23. The next option is Templates
The next option is DTDs and XML schemas
The next option is Palette.. there are 2 options
Swing/AWT components
HTML/JSP code clips
The next option is plug-ins.
And the last one is Options. The new window will
appear, there are 6 options. The first one is
24. 12th Icon Widows Icon name
The first option is PROJECTS, for this the key is
The next option is FILES, for this the key is
The next option is FAVOUROTES, for this the key is
The next option is Services, for this the key is
The next option is ACTION ITEM, for this the key is
The next option is PALETTE, for this the key is
The next option is PROPERTIES, for this the key is
25. Versioning:
The two options will appear. The first one is
1: Subversion
2: Me curious
1: Three options will appear
The first one is Exception Reporter
2: The next option is Java doc.
3: The next one is Analyze Stack.
1: Two options will appear
The first one is Web Browser Ctrl+shift+W
The first option is Documents, for this the shortcut
key is Shift+F4
26. The next option is FAVOUROTES, for this the key is Ctrl+3
The next option is Services, for this the key is Ctrl+5
The next option is ACTION ITEM, for this the key is
The next option is PALETTE, for this the key is Ctrl+Shift+F8
The next option is PROPERTIES, for this the key is
The next option is Output, for this the key is Ctrl+4
The next option is search result, for this the key is
The next option is Find usage result, for this the key is
27. The next option is inspector windows.
The next option is test result.
The next option is Versioning Output
The next option is Refactoring Preview.
The next option is Analyzer.
The next option is Terminal.
Two options will appear. The first one is
Navigate for this the shortcut key is Ctrl+7
The second option is Bookmark.
Two use this command, the short key is Ctrl+O
Configure Window:
Four options will appear, the first one is
1: Minimize
2: Maximize
3: Float group
4: Dock, for this the shortcut key is Alt+Shift+D
Reset Windows:
The first option is Close window, for this the shortcut key is
The first option is close all documents, for this the shortcut
key is Ctrl+shift+W
The first option is Documents, for this the shortcut key is
29. 13th Icon Help Icon name
And the last option is help, for this the first
command is
Help Contents
Online support and Docs
Keyboard shortcut cards
30. Java doc index search, for this the shortcut key is
The next option is Check for Updates
The next option is Start Page
and the last option is about.