Pamela is bullied by her classmates Jorge and Miriam for wearing glasses and being a "nerd". She eats junk food alone in her room to feel better. Natalia and athletic Elisa want to help Pamela become happy and healthy. They convince Pamela to eat nutritious food and exercise. Natalia also talks to Pamela's parents to get their support. Elisa talks to Jorge and Miriam to stop bullying Pamela and apologize. After two months of support from her new friends, Pamela is exercising regularly, eating healthy, and spending time with Jorge, Natalia, Elisa, and Miriam.
In PandoPad, we think about the children and offer them fun and education with our Pando bears.
PandoPad is a uniquely modern DOOH (Digital Out of Home) interactive Digital Signage solution for kids to be entertained and educated in nursery schools, kinder gardens, hospitals, waiting rooms or kids lounges.
This document discusses 6 mind-blowing social media stats and their implications for marketers. It finds that 95% of Facebook wall posts are unanswered by brands, 40% of social media purchases will be on Pinterest, and the average Facebook user spends 20 minutes per visit, representing an opportunity for brands. It encourages marketers to respond to posts, have an active Pinterest presence, and create high-quality content to engage users. The document provides best practices and lessons for marketers to utilize social media stats.
JU Park Prirode Papuk je u sklopu Projekta integracije u EU Natura 2000 (NIP) izgradio objekt Eko-toka Jankovac. U sklopu objekta projektirano je interaktivno predstavljanje itavog Parka Prirode Papuk, u varijanti samostojeih ureaja za unutarnje postavljanje, te interaktivnog izloga.
Isporuene su dvije PandoPad jedinice, obje opremljene kamerom (PandoPad Floor42LT i PandoPad Glass32LT). Na prozorskoj jedinici aplicirana je touch folija te grafika folija. Sa zadnje strane instalacija je prekrivena ukrasnim poklopcem s pasivnom ventilacijom. Samostojea jedinica je dizajnirana grafikom folijom u skladu s vizualnim identitetom PP Papuk.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang pengertian iman, terutama iman kepada Allah. Iman mencakup tiga aspek tauhid yaitu tauhid rububiyah (mengakui kebesaran Allah dalam penciptaan alam semesta), tauhid uluhiyah (mengakui penghambaan hanya kepada Allah), dan tauhid asma wa sifat (meyakini nama-nama dan sifat-sifat Allah). Dokumen juga membahas tentang hubungan antara iman dengan psikolog
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