Netchex sought to exceed customer expectations by optimizing their systems through Salesforce and required expert consultation. They searched for a firm experienced in mission critical deployments using best practices. Netchex was referred to CRM Evangelist, who visited to understand Netchex's goals. CRM Evangelist implemented a Salesforce solution for Netchex within 9 weeks, migrating their processes to be more integrated and efficient. This allowed Netchex to focus more on customers and meet their objectives of improved service.
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Netchex Customer Success Story
1. You just cant jump in
all by yourself to accomplish
such a comprehensive task
we couldnt do it without an
expert consultant
The formidable objective of exceeding each clients individual
expectations was placed in the charge of the Director of Service and
Implementation, who quickly determined that Netchex could not
internally meet this need. Netchex required optimization of their
Salesforce Sales Cloud, integration of their Marketing Autmation
platform, and introduction of the Salesforce Service Cloud to shift
from a cumbersome paper-based process to a streamlined customer
service computer system - which meant that Netchex needed to find
someone they could trust to deliver this technology.
Copyright 息 2013 CRM Evangelist, LLC. All rights reserved.
So, Netchex began the search for a consulting firm
with experience in mission critical deployment,
with advanced practice in the utilization of best
industry procedures, and a broad skillset (i.e., Sales
Force Automation, Marketing Automation, Avaya
CTI integration, portals, data integration, and call
agent performance).
At this point, Netchex was referred to CRM
Evangelist a Salesforce.com速 Silver Cloud
Alliance partner with expertise in the introduction
of cloud technology into companies by Salesforce.
com to assist Netchex in optimizing operations and
Netchex exists to help businesses by providing
services such as payroll/tax services, human
resource management, and benefits administration
amongst other services. As the kind of company
that believes the client is their number one priority,
Netchexs clients are assigned a dedicated service representative who is not only familiar with the clients
specific needs, but does everything within their power to ensure those needs are met. The focus of Netchex is
to maximize the quality of services for their clients, which method is proven by their 97% customer retention
rate. And then Netchex set a new objective to not simply meet the clients needs but to exceed their expectations.
2. Copyright 息 2013 CRM Evangelist, LLC. All rights reserved.
After receiving formal approval to proceed, the CRM Evangelist
team of expert consultants sprang into action. In a mere nine
weeks, the full Netchex Salesforce CRM implementation was
Major milestones of the project included:
Migrated information from paper management to
Salesforce using better integration of existing cases
with new cases and inbound information
Enabled Salesforce Solutions adoption to internal
S a l e s f o r c e . c o m
Knowledge Base, making
it easy for agents to
navigate, find, and browse
issues and resolutions, as
well as enabling keyword
search for solutions
Visibility to management through reporting and dashboards to show group as
well as individual customer service representative performance
Standardized processes such as validation rules and workflow actions and
enforced business rules and processes by preventing missing information, skipped
steps, and human error, e.g.: cases cannot be closed until all fields are entered or
Our goal going in was on
a scale we had never done
before. CRM Evangelist
helped us find the low
hanging fruit that we could
get to and turn around
quickly to more effectively
increase revenue.
- Netchex Founder and CEO
customer service.
With confidence that the
partner would lend vital aid to meeting their
new objective, the Netchex CEO reached
out to CRM Evangelist.
To clearly establish Netchexs goals, CRM
Evangelist visited onsite. CRM Evangelist
asked probing questions to best determine
what was required to fulfill these aspirations.
Impressed, the CEO asserted, they [CRM
Evangelist] were professional and spent time
trying to understand our needs -- they didnt
just pull the trigger and leave.
3. Copyright 息 2013 CRM Evangelist, LLC. All rights reserved.
Salesforce,, Service Cloud, and Marketing Cloud are either trademarks or registered trademarks owned by, Inc
cases that are open longer than expected send an alert to a supervisor.
Avaya CTI adapter installed, integrated with Salesforce and
configured to provide a pop-up window of customer contact using
automatic look-up from incoming callers phone number
Prior to the cloud enhancements implementations, if an employee were
out of the office, it was inefficient for another employee to step in and
handle the case. However, now they are able to track their clients cases
within the Salesforce Service Cloud, and it is simple for any employee
to locate and update a case. Additionally, employees are able to view
a customizable dashboard that displays their schedule for the day,
coworkers projects, and clients needs. To complete the project, CRM
Evangelist formally trained Netchex staff on how to use the Salesforce
Service Cloud system.
Netchex said that they
consulting team to be
very organized and
very easy to work with
which made the whole
process no problem at
all. CRM Evangelist was
able to prove they were the
right team for the project
and helped Netchex reach
their goals.
Today the business
relationship between
CRM Evangelist and
Netchex continues to
thrive as CRM Evangelist
provides on-demand
support to Netchex and
makes system tweaks to
continually improve the
efficiency of the cloud enhancements. Through the renovations made by CRM Evangelist, business at Netchex is running
more smoothly that ever before. Netchex is able to focus more time with the client, enabling them to reach their objective
of surpassed customer service.
Netchex affirms that CRM Evangelist set the right foundation to make us that much better!
A great group,
very organized, lived by
the team effort. CRM
Evangelist really lived up to
all expectations.
-Director of Service
and Implementation