Tips for thinking about and utilizing the data you collect about your constituents and supporters. Presented in the context of the open source CRM, but generally applicable.
How to add value to your contact list and target your outreach efforts.
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NetSquared CiviCRM User Group Meetup May 27 2014
1. Michael Z Daryabeygi
Ginkgo Street Labs
(twitter / LinkedIn / #CiviCRM IRC /
4. Community Driven & Open Source
Stores info about your supporters
A little about
5. Community Driven & Open Source
Stores info about your supporters
A team player - a clearinghouse for your
data ecosystem
A little about
16. - Your Campaigns
- Types of participation
- Contact Preferences, where, when, how
Interests & Preferences
17. - Your Campaigns
- Types of participation
- Contact Preferences, where, when, how
- Personalized (prefixes, pronouns)
Interests & Preferences
18. - Your Campaigns
- Types of participation
- Contact Preferences, where, when, how
- Personalized (prefixes, pronouns)
- Visibility of their data (to your staff, your
volunteers, other supporters)
Interests & Preferences
19. - Your Campaigns
- Types of participation
- Contact Preferences, where, when, how
- Personalized (prefixes, pronouns)
- Visibility of their data (to your staff, your
volunteers, other supporters)
- Currency or means of giving financially
Interests & Preferences
25. - How and when did you get their contact info?
26. - How and when did you get their contact info?
- What events have they attended?
27. - How and when did you get their contact info?
- What events have they attended?
- What is their giving history and pattern?
28. - How and when did you get their contact info?
- What events have they attended?
- What is their giving history and pattern?
- How frequently have they participated
29. - How and when did you get their contact info?
- What events have they attended?
- What is their giving history and pattern?
- How frequently have they participated
- How have you contacted them?
30. - Other data within CiviCRM
- Integrated Website (CMS)
- Integrated Services
Linking with other Stores
31. Before you decide how to store your data
its useful to know how it can be usedused
and think about how it will be collected.collected.
Storing your Data
33. - CMS form integrations
How does CiviCRM facilitate collection?
34. - CMS form integrations
- Special-purpose forms
How does CiviCRM facilitate collection?
35. - CMS form integrations
- Special-purpose forms
- API for coder extension
How does CiviCRM facilitate collection?
36. - CMS form integrations
- Special-purpose forms
- API for coder extension
- Click-tracking for email
How does CiviCRM facilitate collection?
37. - CMS form integrations
- Special-purpose forms
- API for coder extension
- Click-tracking for email
- Imports/Uploads
How does CiviCRM facilitate collection?
40. - dont treat all supporters the same
Using your Data - Segmentation
41. - dont treat all supporters the same
- know what they are ready to act on
Using your Data - Segmentation
42. - dont treat all supporters the same
- know what they are ready to act on
- target your messaging
Using your Data - Segmentation
43. - dont treat all supporters the same
- know what they are ready to act on
- target your messaging
- target your efforts and measure the results
Using your Data - Segmentation
45. (Static) Groups
- Allow for arbitrary (explicit) group membership
Using your Data Segmentation
46. (Static) Groups
- Allow for arbitrary (explicit) group membership
- Allows for a group-hierarchy (sub-groups or
implicitly included groups)
Using your Data Segmentation
47. (Static) Groups
- Allow for arbitrary (explicit) group membership
- Allows for a group-hierarchy (sub-groups or
implicitly included groups)
- e.g. Board Members and committees
Using your Data Segmentation
49. (Dynamic) Smart Groups
- A Saved Search
- Based off of contact properties, so auto-updates
Using your Data - Segmentation
50. (Dynamic) Smart Groups
- A Saved Search
- Based off of contact properties, so auto-updates
- Sorts your supporters as you learn about them
or their info changes
Using your Data - Segmentation
51. Use groups for targeted mailings or other
types of contact
Using your Data
52. Select segments by contact properties
- Giving History
- Event participation
- Demographics or preferences
Using your Data
58. How well does it support creation of groups?
- Free-text not very useful for segmentation
- What is the degree of difficulty of obtaining the
Planning Data Collection
59. Registrations, Donations, Email clicks, triggered
api logging
- Required filling out a form (website or paper)
- Parsing out by staff
- Have to implement new infrastructure
Planning Data Collection
60. Better strategies for gathering data:
- Hold an event, and see who shows up
- See who registers, even if they dont show up
- Which program link in an email do they click?
- Other suggestions?...
Using your Data
61. More ways to collect data
- Campaign
- Surveys
- Events
- Volunteer
- Donations
- Phone Banks
- Canvassing
62. Thank You!
Michael Z Daryabeygi
Ginkgo Street Labs
(twitter / LinkedIn / #CiviCRM IRC /