The student completed the CCNA Exploration: Network Fundamentals course and was able to proficiently explain communication in data networks and the internet, analyze network layer protocols and routing concepts, design and apply subnet masks, describe data link layer protocols and physical layer protocols, and build and configure simple Ethernet networks using routers and switches. The student received a Certificate of Completion from the instructor and Cisco, which recognized competencies in network protocol models, subnetting, basic network cabling, and Cisco CLI configuration and verification.
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Network fundamental
1. Certificate of Course Completion
CCNA Exploration: Network Fundamentals
During the Cisco Networking Academy course, administered by the undersigned instructor, the student was able
to proficiently:
Explain how communication works in data networks and Analyze the operations and features of the network layer protocols
the Internet and services and explain the fundamental concepts of routing
Recognize the devices and services that are used to support Design, calculate, and apply subnet masks
communications across an internetwork Describe the operation of protocols at the data link layer
Explain the role of protocols in data networks Explain the role of physical layer protocols and services
Describe the importance of addressing and naming schemes at Build a simple Ethernet network using routers and switches
various layers of data networks
Use Cisco CLI commands to perform basic router and switch
Describe the protocols and services provided by the application configuration and verification
layer in the OSI model and describe how this layer operates in
sample networks
Analyze the operations and features of the transport layer protocols
and services
Lindu Cipta Pranayama.
Universitas Pancasila - Fakultas Teknik
Academy Name
March 2, 2010
Location Date
Syarifudin, Nur
Instructor Instructor Signature
2. Cisco Systems, Inc.
170 West Tasman Drive
San Jose, CA 95134-1706
Direct: 408 526 4000
FAX: 408 526 4100
March 2, 2010
Dear Lindu Cipta Pranayama.
Congratulations on completing the CCNA Exploration: Network Fundamentals course as part
of the Cisco Networking Academy. This hands-on, lab-oriented course has prepared you for
exciting career opportunities in the technology industry.
By completing this course you have earned a Certificate of Completion for CCNA Exploration:
Network Fundamentals, and acquired competencies that include the following:
Using network protocol models to explain the layers of communications in data networks
Designing, calculating, and applying subnet masks and addresses
Building a simple Ethernet network using routers and switches
Employing basic cabling and network designs to connect devices
Using Cisco CLI commands to perform basic router and switch configuration
and verification
Technological literacy is more important today than ever before, and Cisco is proud to provide
you with the knowledge and skills necessary to build and maintain computer networks.
Please accept my best wishes for your continued success.
John T. Chambers
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer