This document provides tips for effective networking using online social networks. It recommends figuring out your goals and areas of interest before choosing which networks to use. The document suggests starting conversations online and moving them offline when possible. Lastly, it stresses the importance of being prepared when networking with others.
5. Before you do anything else, you
have to 鍖gure out what you stand for
6. You probably already know about
Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn
Have you ever considered Dribbble,
Pinterest, Behance or Geeklist?
Do you have a personal website?
How about Google Reader?
7. Having so many options means
that we need to set goals - both
large and small
8. Have an end goal in mind, but
dont be married to it
Think of smaller goals that will
make you happy in the
meantime and set you on the
path toward your end goal
9. Who do you want to meet?
Where can they be found?
What are their key interests?
10. Begin conversations online - can
someone introduce you?
If not, how can you get their
attention and create conversation?