This document provides networking strategies and tips, including developing professional contacts for mutual long-term benefit, networking even when employed, and investing time in the highest value networking activities. It also outlines specific networking tools, methods for planning networking events, preparing for and performing at those events, and following up after events. The overall goal of networking outlined in the document is to make personal connections to help others as you want to be helped.
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Networking strategies and tips 2013
1. Networking
Strategies and Tips
By Todd Snover, PMP, LSSBB
February 2013
2. Networking Strategies
1. Develop your marketing plan and skills
2. Develop professional contacts for mutual long
term benefit
3. Network even when you have a job
4. Invest time in the highest value activities
4. Networking Tools
Business Cards ( Rubber Bands / Small Post-It Notes
DIY with Design Pro 5 download File Folders / Hanging Files
Pocket Sized Note Pad or Post-It Notes Own Name Tags - Clip on
Calendar Monthly or Weekly (paper)
LinkedIn Profile e-Mail Signature
- include your e-speech / job history - Include Name, Title / Brand
- customize profile name / web links - Contact info including LinkedIn
People Hire People Not Resumes Joel Reinert Calendar
- by Frank Danzo ,STL Business Journal,
Dont Send a Resume, by Jeffrey Fox BounceBack, GO! Network, KMOX, Yellow
Make $1000 / Minute, Jack Chapman Tie, Chamber of Commerce, etc.
Thank-You Cards Mini Resume (1 page)
Envelopes for mailing - 9x12 - Target Job Titles
Nice paper for resumes / cover letters - Target Company List
5. Networking Methods - Plan
Highlight Event calendars, topic not critical
Check other sources / Network Partners
Seek out the Target Rich Environments
Pencil-in meetings on your calendar
Include box for registration to-do / done
Call & ask if free for guests / unemployed
Put key meetings on spouses calendar
Seek un-posted jobs from news events
Networking Methods - Prepare
Dress For Success, unsure? Overdress
Leave Portfolio and Resumes in the car
Carry One Target Company List (in jacket)
Nametags: Write BIG, Post High, Do Own
Food is the bait, you are the fisherman
Ideally eat something first, arrive early.
Set a Goal Meet 20? Why Not Everyone!
Networking Methods - Perform
Ask about them 1st, then Im btwn. Cos
Explain your goal, then its OK to move on
Use a Business Card In / Out System
Notes & Stars on Cards, Pocket Notepad
Work the room for best prospects
Seek stragglers / odd numbered groups
Skip known contacts until later / after
Eat during speech or goal of cards recd
Drinking & Networking is an advanced skill
Keep moving, Leave Early for another event
Networking MethodsPost
Rubber Band / Event Cards / Mtg.
Mini Post-It
Ideally e-mail each new card in 24 hrs.
Call / e-mail. Goal 15 min. meeting
Ask to connect on LinkedIn / Join Groups
Do LinkedIn People/Co. search by Zip+75
Contact visible names in LinkedIn
Visit places near target companies
Attend meetings hiring managers go to
9. Networking 1 on 1 Meetings
In person 1 on 1 gets the best results
This is the true goal most people skip
Keep it short, offer to help them
Use a Target Company List
Dont ask them for a job, only leads
Ask for advice, feedback, direction
Send a thank-you note or e-mail
Follow-up on help they needed 9
10. Summary What is
Networking? to help
It is making personal connections
others as you want to be helped
It requires learning, dedication, and courage
It will improve your social skills & confidence
It will improve your sense of self-worth
It will improve your life long job security
It is rewarding and fun!
Editor's Notes
#4: Personal Branding What does a boring business card say about you? You might as well change your name to I.M. Bland I use Avery Design Pro 5 to edit and print my own cards 10 to a sheet. This allows flexibility
#11: Thank youplease let me know if I can ever help you in your Networking endeavors.