The document discusses several perspectives on networks from authors Anna Nagurney, Geert Lovink, and Alexander Galloway & Eugene Thacker. Nagurney emphasizes a scientific approach to studying transportation and other networks, while Lovink argues for considering user and cultural perspectives. Galloway & Thacker see networks as tools for control but also sites of potential progressive change through "exploiting" flaws within network protocols.
2. Networks - The Science-Spanning Disciplines (Anna Nagurney) Background of Networks 3 Basic Network Components: Nodes: Transportation intersections, homes, work places Links/Arcs: roads, railroad tracks Flows: cars, trains Transportation is one of the most essential forms of networks Used to facilitate face-to-face communication & provide access to other networks Dates back to ancient Rome Today, electronic tolls deal with similar congestion problems as in ancient times
3. Networks - The Science-Spanning Disciplines (Anna Nagurney) The Study of Networks Scientific approach seeks to determine patterns within networks Studying networks involves: Forming applications as mathematical units Studying models from an quantitative perspective Creating algorithms to solve the ensuing model Seeks to find & study networks where they go unnoticed Energy Online The studying of networks has elicited 3 classic problems: The Shortest Path Problems Moving flows in the most efficient way from an origin to 1+ destinations Examples: Transportation, telecommunications, minimizing storage needed for books in a library The Maximum Flow Problem Figuring out the capacity of the network Examples: Network reliability testing, building evacuation The Minimum Cost Flow Problem Finding the flow pattern that minimizes the total cost without exceeding capacity Examples: warehousing and distribution, biology, finance
4. Networks - The Science-Spanning Disciplines (Anna Nagurney) Characteristics of Networks Congestion has become a larger & larger problem through the years Behavior of users is important to consider Individuals vs. the group Can lead to alternative behaviors and paradoxes Braess Paradox Adding additional links/arcs to a network can sometimes reduce the overall performance of the network when the flows individually choose their route Mainly an observation of car traffic behavior, but also relevant to telecommunications and Internet networks since they are non-cooperative networks Highlights the cost to society concerning user optimization vs. system optimization Decisions surrounding networks can impact how a network is used Example: Wheres the best place to locate a nuclear plant?
5. Networks - The Science-Spanning Disciplines (Anna Nagurney) The Supernetwork Can be connected, multilevel, or multi-criteria Important to study how people interact with these networks What tools are used for decision-making? What happens when multiple decision-makers attempt to make certain choices? Important to study both the individual and the collective Tools for studying supernetworks: Network Theory Optimization Theory Game Theory Variational Inequality Projected Dynamical Systems Theory Network Visualization Tools
6. Networks - The Science-Spanning Disciplines (Anna Nagurney) The Supernetwork Common Applications: Telecommuting/commuting decision-making Teleshopping/shopping decision-making Supply chain networks with electronic commerce Financial networks with electronic transactions Reverse supply chains with e-cycling Knowledge networks Energy networks/power grids Supernetworks can integrate social networks by examining types of relationships Becomes the flows With higher relationship levels, comes: Reduction in costs Reduction of risks Increase in value Idea of social responsibility A dynamic, ever-changing network
7. Networks - The Science-Spanning Disciplines (Anna Nagurney) Questions: Throughout her presentation, Nagurney stresses the importance of transportation networks, noting that its not only essential for face-to-face interaction, but also to provide access to other networks. The growing popularity of social networks is spawning less of a need for face-to-face interaction. Will this, over time, begin to lessen the need for transportation networks? Nagurney notes that in social networks, higher relationship levels results in a reduction in costs and risk with an increase in value. Do you agree with this?
8. The Principle of Notworking (Geert Lovink) Important to analyze culture as a resource , rather than a commodity The culture of the Internet is at hand Important to recognize the user over the system The Internet is constantly changing, in a permanent flux Experts are still having trouble recognizing this Still see the Internet as a commodity Important to study how users interact with the Internet, but current research is insufficient New media needs a language of its own thats not so reliant on science The scientific approach has led to the lack of considering outsider viewpoints Networks are, complex techno-social environments that defy simplistic reductions
9. The Principle of Notworking (Geert Lovink) A networks focus is on the inside, with creativity, communication, and self-organized cooperation as its main values Search engines and browsers are not necessarily neutral tools Rather they have certain built-in plans New media enthusiasts must help mediate how theyre used But while networks can be used to foster creativity & cooperation, they are also used to control Protocol Theory Gilles Deleuzes control society idea Notworking is an important aspect of todays networks Elements in yesterdays networks that go awry help shape todays networks Spam, viruses stem from the frustrated mind
10. The Principle of Notworking (Geert Lovink) Questions: Lovink explains that the commercial attempts during the dotcom era to, validate online communication as value, measured in page views was wrong. Do you think this is continuing today with social networks? Is it the wrong way to measure websites? Do you agree with Lovink that, research into net cultures entails more than the study of virtual communitie, or do agree with Nagurneys more scientific way of studying networks? Do you think the culturization of the Internet is at hand? Is Lovinks notion of notworking what makes up todays networking?
11. Review of The Exploit: A Theory of Networks Review 1: Daniel Gilfillan Commends Galloway & Thacker for presenting a contemporary understanding of networks Networks are used to control Deleuzes idea of control societies & dataveillance Not necessarily a persons physically visible movements that networks want to track, but their, patterns in consumer purchases, telecommunications usage, and network access protocols Used to monetize online networking relationships, rather than promoting its surrounding culture Concept of pushing past the systems of control Take advantage of openings within it to lead to something new and progressive Flaws within networks make this progressive change possible A new type of asymmetry is needed for this to take advantage of inconsistencies within a network Antiweb and an exceptional topology Need both hierarchal systems of control & a decentralized system of distribution
12. Review of The Exploit: A Theory of Networks Exploitation of these flaws are possible through: Vector: a medium where an action or motion can take place Flaw: weaknesses within the network, enabling the exposure of the vector Transgression: The exploit then creates a change within the ontology of the network, making the failure of the network an alteration in its topology Looking at the unhuman factors in networks can help facilitate this progressive change It will be sculpted into something better, something in closer agreement with the real wants and desires of its users. (-G&T)
13. Review of The Exploit: A Theory of Networks Review 2: Nathaniel Tkacz Protocol is a set of rules or codes that enables, modulates, and governs a specific network and also a general logic of governance for all networks. A form of control & way of directing information Compares to the Panopticon in Foucaults disciplinary society But, also allows for the exploitation of the flaws within it Protological struggles, emerge that entail, discovering holes in existing technologies and projecting potential change through these holes The books limitations: Its structuring as a network left points not fully developed Relies too heavily on the old centralized/decentralized dichotomy Didnt hold firm to concept that networks can take numerous forms Confusion concerning what is (not) a network Found the idea behind the authors protocol/exploit argument less persuasive as it moved from the specific points to the more general
14. Review of The Exploit: A Theory of Networks Author Response: Alexander R. Galloway & Eugene Thacker Key point in book: the uncannily anonymous, network tactics demonstrated by pliant and vigorous nonhuman actors. Networks as beyond human, post-human Viruses dont thrive because the network is down, but because of the very fact that theyre working as they should be The authors use of Foucault & Deleuze go beyond what was mentioned by the 2 reviewers Looked to build upon Foucaults work in biopolitics and security (not discipline-surveillance) Not just looking at Deleuzes control society idea, but how this connected to his interest in immanence and univocity
15. Review of The Exploit: A Theory of Networks End with 2 overarching questions: What should be done concerning networks? Should we as humans learn to be more like nonhumans? 3 possible responses: Master of the universe attitude: Exploits, such as viruses, must be eliminated Agnostic: Acceptance that the world is at the mercy of technology Optimistic: Superficially dry and lifeless world, emergent and new at core Can there be an ontology of networks? Must there always be an outside mediator to the network? Can a network topology express itself from within?
16. Review of The Exploit: A Theory of Networks Questions: Do you think there can be an ontology of networks? Do you agree with any particular one of the philosophical answers Galloway & Thacker give for their question of, what should be done? What other answers could be considered? Even though Galloway & Thacker explain that they werent looking to build upon Foucaults concept of the discipline-surveillance and the Panopticon, as Tkacz mentioned in his review, do you still think it can relate to the control society nature of networks?