Neural interfacing aims to create links between the nervous system and outside world by stimulating or recording neural tissue to treat disabilities. The ultimate goal is to restore sensory function, communication and control for impaired individuals. Research has made progress developing invasive and non-invasive brain-computer interfaces using EEG, MEG and other methods. While promising, challenges remain as these systems require extensive training before becoming effective and raise ethical concerns regarding privacy and effects on the brain. If developed further, neural interfaces could have wide-ranging medical, military, manufacturing and social applications.
2. Introduction
. Research to develop systems that can help restore
sensory function, communication, and control to
impaired humans is coalescing into a new branch
of experimental neuroscience, variously named
brain-machine interfaces (BMIs), brain-computer
interfaces (BCIs), neural prostheses, or neural
interface systems (NISs).
3.  The ultimate goal of neural interface research is to
create links between the nervous system and the
outside world either by stimulating or by
recording from neural tissue to treat or assist
people with sensory, motor, or other disabilities of
neural function
 We address the potential for neural interface
research to enhance basic scientific understanding
of brain function by offering unique insights in
neural coding and representation, plasticity, brain-
behavior relations, and the neurobiology of
 Finally, we discuss technical and scientific
challenges faced by these systems before they are
widely adopted by severely motor-disabled
16. P300
 The P300 (P3) wave is an event related
potential (ERP) component elicited in the
process of decision making.
 It is considered to be an endogenous
potential, as its occurrence links not to the
physical attributes of a stimulus, but to a
person's reaction to it.
 Since the mid 1980s, one of the most
discussed uses of ERPs such as the P300 is
related to lie detection.
17. EEG mu rhythm
 The EEG mu rhythm is believed to reflect an
underlying execution/observation matching
 These findings suggest that there is
execution/observation matching system
dysfunction in individuals with autism and
that this matching system is related to
degree of impairment in imitation abilities.
18. VEP Detection
 A visual evoked potential is an evoked
potential caused by a visual stimulus, such
as an alternating checkerboard pattern on
a computer screen.
 A doctor may recommend that you go for
a VEP test when you are
experiencing changes in your vision that can
be due to problems along the pathways of
certain nerves.
20. Training BCI Devices
 While ones first impression of a BCI device may
be a surgical implant, or a wireless headset that
immediately allows a human to control
whatever device it is connected to,
unfortunately this isn’t the case. One important
issue of BCI devices is the training requirement.
 For motor or sensory enhancement, these
devices require months of physical therapy
before they become effective. Before data
transfer techniques can be used, the subject
must be trained on how to ‘think’ in order to
control their devices.
23. BCI control process
.Brain Computer
Interfaces are
considered to be
a direct signal
conduit between
the brain and an
24. Applications of BCI
 Medicine
 Military
 Manufacturing
 Gaming
 Communication
 Social Potential
25. Prime use of neural interface
Medical application:
Robotic Prosthesis External Memory
26.  Math games, spelling games, typing
games, and geography games were all vital
parts of my education. Therefore the use of
virtual reality for gaming and education is a
major potential for BCI.
At this point, it becomes necessary to
introduce the concept of the ‘human
network’. Instantaneous communications
mixed with BCI could mean a complete
change in social behavior.
30. Ethical Considerations for
 The potential for BCI connections to violate
privacy- allowing an intruder to ‘read your
 Harmful effects of BCI implements to the
 Having one’s external memories stolen
(from an external memory device).
 Corporate memory (from an external
memory device) overriding personal
31. Conclusion
 Certainly the applications for BCI devices
discussed in this paper are long reaching, and BCI
devices are not currently powerful enough to
perform the tasks mentioned above.
 But the possibility of ‘thought control’ machines
would eliminate a bottleneck in data processing
and computer interaction including
communications that would improve not just the
environment but people themselves.