The document discusses the merging of human and machine intelligence through connecting the brain and hardware. It mentions how the structure of the nervous system was recognized through early scientific work. Diagrams from 1899 depict cells in the pigeon cerebellum. The potential for a "NeuroSemanticWeb" is discussed, combining knowledge from the brain and vast capabilities of technology.
2. "the next step in [the] inexorable evolutionary process: the union of human and machine, in which the knowledge and skills embedded in our brains will be combined with the vastly greater capacity, speed, and knowledge-sharing ability of our creations."
7. The Brain is a Wiki @rainer "der spannendste mauerfall der n?chsten 2 dekaden d¨¹rfte der zwischen gehirn und festplatte sein. (24.05.2009 20:15)" EmotivEpoc
10. LifeWiki Just DoIt!: A language for/of your mind: 1 thought = 1 WikiPage standardize: * adjectives * verbs ? share with others SocialBackup PostPrivacy
11. SemanticWeb->SemanticWorld uniquely identify entities across the WorldWideWeb... ...which will soon be a superset of RealLife, because... ...UnTil2029 the InternetOfThings will emerge: ? DavidOrban: Years from 2009: ??? 1 < IoT< 25
14. VirtualEconomy Inspired by: SecondLife (LindenDollar) Currency: KayGroschen Dedicated to: AlanKay (TuringAward 2003) MoneySupply: 10.000.000 KayGroschen ExchangeRate KayGroschen<->EuRo ?? ? ? ? ? will be determined by auctions on the ?? ??? ??? ForEx EnteringMoney for new CitiZen's of NooPolis (graded)
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19. NooPolis: A WikiBased MicroNation We ActionResearch the most important parts of a society: CivilRights: Constitution ? - Jurisprudence Politics: Elections?- Administration - Legislation - Household ? Economy: Econcomy ? - CompanyRegister - StockExchange
20. NooPolis: WikiBased Everything is wikibased and therefor editable: Constitution who can change what, when and how HouseHold ?monetary issues Votings ?at disagreements Elections ?of trusted mediators ? Public Editing possible only with RealName CamelCase ?for ultra-fast linkages within Wiki itself Theoretical foundation: Nomic (PeterSuber, TheParadoxOfSelfAmendment)
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24. SingularSummitEurope ? What :? classical conference with KeyNote 's? SingularCamp ?with? OpenSpace ?elements issues around the future and Singularity When : One or two days in September/October 2009 Where: TuDresden ?or? GehAcht ?or? PanoMeter ? CongressCenterDresden ?or? SemperOper 'a ? LockSchuppen