Neville Maluleke describes himself as an understanding and assertive person who is open to new experiences. He enjoys working with others as it allows him to learn more about his communication, argumentation, and interpersonal skills. The most important parts of his self are time, attention, loyalty, and effort from others, which mean more to him than any material gifts. He wakes up each morning motivated to achieve his goals of finding his calling and serving those in need through consistent progress in his education and work.
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Neville maluleke teaching studies 3 b
1. Name:
Last name:Maluleke
My Photograph:
A bit about myself (the real Me)
Firstand foremostIdsayI am an understandingperson.Iamopentonew experiences
whichare at timesbeyondmywildestimagination.Iaman assertive personwhovalues
workingwithotherpeople.WorkingwithpeopleforMe is an opportune tolearnmore
aboutthe extentof myskillsandtalents;perhapstosayrealisingthe levelof my
communicationskills,argumentskills,minute personal aspectssuchasbalancinginsuch
momentssuchas whenor howto show politenessyetnottoopolite,empathy,and
furthermore Ibelieve Igetrevelationsof mypersonalityorattitude standardmostlywhenI
am ingood communicationwithothers.
A furtherexpatiationonthe real me isthat I thinkthe mostfundamental partof my self is
that I dontcare aboutthe material thingssomeone couldgive me.Icare abouttime,
attention,loyalty,andeffort.Those giftsmeanmore thananythingmoneycouldbuy.
2. What makes me get up in the morning?
I getup in the morningbythe will anddesire of achievingmygoalsthroughfulfillingmyobjectives
consecutivelyandconsistently.Mymainfocusit to findmycallingandserve the people inneed.I
visionmyselfgoingbeyondeducationanditfuelsmydesire toachieve thismorningandeveningand
by the grace I shall prove newgroundsperhapseverunturned.