The document proposes flushing toilets with air instead of water to conserve water. Using air would save over 15 liters of water per flush compared to standard toilets. For example, a boarding school of 500 students could save over 1.8 million liters of water per year. The document also suggests collecting organic waste and using anaerobic digestion to produce biogas, with a boarding school of 500 people producing around 10,000 liters of biogas per day. Implementing a system that uses air flushing and anaerobic digestion could help facilities like schools, hotels and prisons reduce water and energy use.
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New Approach 1
1. Thinking outside the box, new approach to flushing:
We are heading for a time to conserve water and reduce energy consumption.
What better way would it not be if we flushed our toilet with Air instead of using water and
wasting water (which is mostly drinking water) to transport our message from A to B.
From A, the toilet to the B, the wastewater treatment plant.
By flushing with Air we save an enormous amount of water only less than 1 litre is used to flush
instead of 15 litres.
Imagine a boarding school with 500 students.
Water to flush the toilet is normally 7500 litres per day per school year 1.875.000 litres.
With Air this is only 125 m3.
This way we would not need any expensive waste water treatment facilities that only consume
We should be collection all this organic (faecal) matter and digest it in an Anaerobic digester.
Also all organic kitchen waste, from preparing the food and the returns / leftovers should go to this
Anaerobic Digester.
In the Anaerobic Digester all organic material is digested by Anaerobic Bacteria and Biogas is formed
(Methane and Carbon di Oxide).
This Biogas can be used to burn and cook the meals or in a heating system.
The amount of Biogas generated is approx. 20 litre per day per person.
So a boarding school or hotel with say 500 people/beds would produce ca. 10.000 l/day.
ENVIERHO AQUA PROTECT s intention is to market and sell vacuum systems linked to an Anaerobic
Digester that will produce methane gas for heating and cooking.
This concept could be easily implemented where we have a concentration of people.
- Large boarding schools with canteens.
- Larger cluster of apartments.
- Prisons.
- Large hotels with restaurant
- Hospitals with kitchen.
- Cruise ships.
- Larger camping sites.
- Holiday homes clusters.
To get this concept implemented a Pilot Scheme is required to proof its viability.
Tim Vierhout BSc Chem Eng.
Wastewater Treatment Systems & AD consultant
waste water treatment technologies and anaerobic digester technologies
Tel.: +353 56 776 9317
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