We are also delighted to announce our autumn programme of exhibitions that include the Baines Surrey Artist of the Year exhibition, the Autumn Craft Collection, Trisha Crocker\'s playful female figure sculptures, and the Visual Diaries exhibition with Holly Drewett, Joanne Hummel-Newell and Craig Shuittlewood.
2. Thank you The Surrey Artist of the Year
competition gives recognition
for your
to the artists who have taken
part in the Surrey Open Studios
event. The prize is in its fourth year
and celebrates the partnership
between the New Ashgate Gallery
and the Surrey Artists Open Studios.
Christine Hoskins
The New Ashgate Gallery is an
educational charity, dedicated
to promote and champion
Baines Surrey Artist of the Year
the best contemporary art 7 September 20 October
Private view: Friday 7 September, 68pm
and craft and to provide
Craig Shuttlewood Pavilion Gallery
an unparalleled resource in
Votes counted from the Surrey Artists Artists include: Amanda Cobbett,
Farnham, Surrey and beyond.
Open Studios summer event were Emma Dunbar, Chris Forsey,
Donate online: https://
We support and mentor artists, tallied and the artists with the most Gillian Harris, Christine Hopkins,
deliver workshops and host votes have been invited to showcase Jo Lovelock, Fiona Millais, Peg Morris,
newashgategallery their work as a part of the exhibition. Tessa Pearson, Roger Roberts,
school visits. While we have
The public are asked to vote again Joe Szabo, Jean Tolkovsky,
Visit our fundraiser exhibition no regular public funding, we during the show to chose their overall and Barbara Westwell.
in the gallery or online at favourite. The votes are counted
would like to thank our friends
The exhibition is organised with
www.newashgate.org.uk by visitors, and a selected panel
and artists for their kind and of judges will decide the Surrey Surrey Arts and supported by Baines
until 22 September.
Charitable Trust.
generous support. Artist of the Year 2012. The winning
artist will be announced at a prize
Catalogue available at:
presentation on 19 October, and the
prize includes a solo exhibition at the
New Ashgate Gallery.
Front cover: Billie Tilley
3. Autumn Craft Collection
1 September 9 November | Craft Galleries
Private view: 7 September, 68pm
A must see show for both novice and
expert collectors of craft. All work is
Please Touch Me
handmade, making it unique and Trisha Crocker
environmentally friendly. Youre sure
to find a perfect gift. Claire Williams
25 September 13 October
Richard Miller; Margaret Gardiner; Balcony Gallery
Lucy Burley; Carys Davies; Ken Eardley.
Trisha Crocker has been working
Glass Jake Mee; Shakspeare Glass.
in clay and bronze for two
Jewellery Naomi McIntosh; decades and her work is
Kate Schuricht Ruth Wood; Emily Burnett; Nicola informed by play. Therefore,
Crawford; Claire Williams; Bea nothing is replicated and
The exhibition is curated by Ceri
Jareno; Lois Carson; Camilla Hyde; all is built from imagination
Bridge-Harrington and Alison Hannah Bedford. and experimentation.
Woodley. Makers include:
Textiles Janie Withers; Rebecca Trishas women are about
Ceramics Kate Schuricht; Rebecca Shreeve; Victoria Richards; Helen the uniqueness of the female
Callis; Emma Williams; Sherry Chatterton. form: their phallic appearance
Richmond; Gale Lewis; Billie Tilley; Sculpture Jill Walker developing through the natural
progression of play along with the
tactile quality of clay.
Maker in Focus: The title of the exhibition, Please Touch Me,
encourages the viewer to handle the pieces
1 September 20 October and feel their form, appreciating the many sides
of women. It is a reminder that women need
Lucy Harding to be touched and appreciated for their innate
Lucy is an emerging talent. She is a
individuality and beauty.
graduate of a Contemporary Crafts
BA Hons course at Manchester Trisha Crocker was born in Hollywood and has
Metropolitan University, specialising lived in England all of her adult life. Trisha Crocker
in Ceramics and Textiles. She recently
won the Outstanding Artist Award
at the Art Market at Holmfirth.
Lucy Harding
4. Joanne Hummel-Newell
Joanne Hummel-Newell
Annual Exhibition
collects printed and
handwritten ephemera and
this is an important part of her
creative process. She gathers
of Original 19th
things, scraps, shopping & 20th Century
art works
lists, tickets found on the
street, at a train station,
pockets, all of a particular
loved, lost, stained, beautiful
Holly Drewett, Joanne Hummel-Newell, Craig Shuttlewood and damaged. All of which
become part of Joannes
drawing cuttings and collage
24 October 14 November
Private view: Friday 26 October, 68pm
Pavilion Gallery & Foyer Craig Shuttlewood is
interested in experimenting
with surface and layers,
Visual Diaries brings together three
and his work has gradually
artists. Holly Drewetts prints explore
transformed into a visual
themes of journey, landscape,
diary. Colourful paintings
architecture and sense of place.
on canvas, found wood
Influenced by India and Nepal, the
and panel express quirky
work celebrates the rich culture and
illustrative elements and
colour that is so prominent in these
words based on the beauty
countries. At the heart of this work S.W. Hayter
of everyday observations
is printmaking; intrigued by both 26 October 28 October
and stories. Tall buildings,
traditional and digital techniques Private view:
trees, cup cakes, angels and Friday 26 October, 68pm
the processes are allowed to overlap
birds all appear along with
and the results are used to develop Balcony Gallery
Holly Drewett snippets of found printed
the work.
materials to make these
unique pieces. Open on Sunday 28 October,
5. The New Ashgate Gallery is an
educational charity that promotes
contemporary visual arts and crafts
to as wide a public as possible,
through a programme of changing
exhibitions, projects with artists,
makers, and projects of support
and development delivered by the We are situated on the edge of
trust with local, regional, national Waggon Yard, just off Downing Street.
and international partnerships and By road: Farnham is 11 miles south-
educational events. west of Guildford, Surrey, and is clearly
New Ashgate Gallery signposted from the A3, A31, M3
Waggon Yard, Farnham, and A287. There is a pay and display
Surrey, GU9 7PS car park in front of the Gallery.
The adjacent car park has four
dedicated disabled parking spaces.
01252 713208
By rail: The Farnham Station is served
by London Waterloo. The Gallery is a
Angels and Patrons five-minute walk from the station.
Friendship Scheme By bus & coach: Buses run from
A Patron receives: invitations to Farnham to surrounding towns and
previews of new exhibitions and villages, generally every hour. For
enquiries contact Traveline on 0871
complimentary drinks with artists
2002233 or visit traveline.info
and staff; priority invitations to
special events and sales. Opening hours
TuesdaySaturday 10am5pm.
In addition, an Angel receives: 10%
Free admission and
discount on purchases, excluding groups are welcome
books, magazines and cards. All exhibition rooms are accessible
to wheelchair users. Guide dogs
Angels and Patrons may also vote in are welcome.
Surrey Artist of the Year exhibition, an
annual competition with a top prize www.newashgate.org.uk
of an exhibition in the gallery. You
can become a Patron for just 贈25 a www.facebook.com/newashgate
year or an Angel for 贈60 per year.
Registered Charitable Trust No. 274326
Design: www.janeglennie.co.uk