The New Ashgate Gallery is holding a summer craft exhibition from May 11th to August 25th to showcase unique handmade works and raise funds. The exhibition will feature jewelry, ceramics, textiles and other crafts from over 30 local artists. The gallery also hosts other events like talks and workshops throughout the summer to support local artists and makers. Donations are being accepted online or by phone to help fund the educational charity during an economic downturn.
2. Support us –
Fliff Carr Akiko Hirai Ruta Brown
we support artists
and makers!
The New Ashgate Gallery is an
educational charity that supports
Unlike many other UK arts charities,
the New Ashgate Gallery Trust Summer Craft Exhibition
and brings together contemporary receives no regular public funding.
For new and old collectors: Unique and handmade art objects that
visual arts and crafts through a busy The economic downturn has
are environmentally friendly and sustainable
programme of changing exhibitions, affected sales over the last year.
creative learning events and free Whilst we are optimistic of a long Jewellery, ceramics, Makers include:
professional development and term future, we are fundraising to silvermithing, textiles, glass, Phil Atrill; Judith Brown; Ruta Brown;
mentoring with artists and makers, ensure that we have the financial enamels, cards
Lucy Burley; Emma Calvert; Fliff Carr;
delivered by the trust with a wide means to support the gallery Known for selecting contemporary Ali Cooper; Nicola De Cruz; Hazel
range of partnerships. through such a transition. craft of the highest quality and skills, Davison; Alison Dupernex; Michelle
the gallery has selected many of Freemantle; Rowena Gilbert; Laura
our makers at major events such as Golborne; Charlotte Hannett;
Collect, Art in Clay, Art in Action, Emmeline Hastings; Akiko Hirai;
for information about our
Joanna Howells; Harriet Knightley;
fundraising event or to purchase Rising Stars and the Festival of Crafts.
Bea Jareno; Debbie Joy; Zoe Larkins;
one of the fantastic artworks The Summer Craft Exhibition
Jacqueline Leighton-Boyce; Richard
kindly donated by our artists presents both established and
Miller; Jane Muir; Janine Partington;
and makers, available for emerging makers, and supports their Michael Peckitt; Deryn Relph;
viewing in the gallery. practice by ensuring their work is Jessica Sherriff; Machi de Waard;
visible to increasing numbers of Joanne Wombwell; Suet Yi Yip ...
Donate online: craft collectors. and many more.
Phone: 01252 713208
May Maker in Focus:
Janine Partington
Left: Flora Gare
Front cover: Michael Peckitt
3. In 2011, Stuart Stanley was voted
Justin Cooke
Surrey Artist of the Year. The New
Ashgate Gallery is delighted to
present his solo exhibition with new
work created for this exhibition.
This includes landscapes that are
inspired by the wonderful deep
cut lanes leading to Friday Street in
Surrey. Stuart presents the contrast
in the dark banks and the beautiful
patterns of the winter branches. The
exhibition also shows landscapes
Stuart from Stuart’s recent trip to Scotland,
capturing the variety of textures and
colours to be found in the Western
The Winner of the Baines Surrey The Surrey Artist of the Year is
Artist of the Year 2011 organised in partnership with the
Surrey Open Studios and supported
15 June – 14 July
by the Baines Charitable Trust.
Pavilion Gallery
Private view: Friday 15 June,
6–8pm – all welcome
Justin Cooke
11 May – 9 June | Pavilion Gallery
Private view: Friday 11 May, 6–8pm – all welcome Visit the 2012 Surrey Open Studios
Justin Cooke’s paintings sit within a Justin’s paintings reveal themselves
9–24 June and 20–22 July
tradition of British artists inspired by through a process of built up and
landscape in all its forms. Much like scraped away layers. This often For 19 days, meet artists and The most voted artists and
the best artists in this field, both leads to a result which could be makers and visit studios that are makers will be exhibiting at the
contemporary and throughout history, considered in almost abstract not normally open to the public, New Ashgate Gallery in autumn
Justin has developed an affinity with terms. However it is his painterly
see the artists at work, browse 2012.
the landscape he knows well, and, technique, his use of the brush, an
completed works and see work
working on the cusp of what is individual thing that can only be
abstract and what is figurative, he honed from years of experience in progress, trying your hand at
reveals this relationship through a which makes his work distinctive something and meeting fellow
true understanding of his subject. and recognisable. enthusiasts on route.
4. At Play presents fun and playful
artworks such as collectable
Events Family Activity Box
Interactive workshops with artist and
At Play
board games, artists’ books and Playfulness: educator Gemma Cumming, 23
sculptures in the year that the talks by artists and curators
June, 10.30am–12noon & 2–3.30pm.
summer Olympics comes to Britain. 25 June, 6.30–8.30pm
The exhibition re-creates a sense of Exploring Board Games
At Play: Curatorial notes about
what it is like to be a child at play 9 July, 4.30–7pm, £5
playfulness, a presentation by Cally
with games and sport references. (minimum age 10)
As a participatory exhibition, it Trench and Outi Remes.
Learn about the social history,
encourages us to remember, touch, Kirsty E. Smith discusses participation design and conventions of board
8 June – 14 July explore … and play.
that came as a result of her games with artist Cally Trench:
Balcony Gallery and Foyer At Play also includes events and questionnaire into participation. try out some old favourites and
an artists’ professional support
Private view: Friday 15 June, Este MacLeod discusses her journey unfamiliar games, and devise and
programme, supporting them to
6–8pm – all welcome of discovery through playing with design a board game of your own.
engage with their audiences. At
Play 2012 is a project in partnership disconnected and obsolete objects
Crafts At Play
with the New Ashgate Gallery, that once belonged, or had a
Surrey, South Hill Park, Berkshire, and Sandy Hill Community Centre,
purpose. Este also explored the
OVADA, Oxfordshire. Farnham, 7 June
stories of three South Africa Olympic
The New Ashgate Gallery presents athletes who participated in the Artist Jane Tadrist works with lone
work by AM Bruno, Linda Francis, Olympics between 1948 and 1960. parents and over 60s community
Flora Gare, Este MacLeod, groups to explore the ancient
Kirsty E. Smith and Cally Trench. Olympics as a starting point for
At Play is supported using public artwork that will be displayed as
funding by the National Lottery part of the At Play exhibition in the
through Arts Council England. gallery. Supported by Farnham Town
At Play 2012 catalogue at: Council and Opportunities.
Cally Trench, Vegetable Thieves (2010)
Commissions, Wedding Lists Collect art with OWN ART
and Gift Vouchers Own Art is the Arts Council’s interest free loan
P Commissions welcome: we will work to find scheme for buying art and craft. Own Art
out the best artist or maker for your needs. application is made with the customer in the
P Individual & ethical Wedding Gift service. gallery, and complete in ten minutes.
P Gift Vouchers at an amount of your choice,
for any occasion. Shop online at:
Nicola De Cruz Rowena Gilbert
5. The New Ashgate Gallery is an
educational charity that promotes
contemporary visual arts and crafts
to as wide a public as possible,
through a programme of changing
exhibitions, projects with artists,
makers, and projects of support
and development delivered by the We are situated on the edge of
trust with local, regional, national Waggon Yard, just off Downing Street.
and international partnerships and By road: Farnham is 11 miles south-
educational events. west of Guildford, Surrey, and is clearly
New Ashgate Gallery signposted from the A3, A31, M3
Waggon Yard, Farnham, and A287. There is a pay and display
Surrey, GU9 7PS car park in front of the Gallery.
The adjacent car park has four
dedicated disabled parking spaces.
01252 713208
By rail: The Farnham Station is served
by London Waterloo. The Gallery is a
Angels and Patrons five-minute walk from the station.
Friendship Scheme By bus & coach: Buses run from
A Patron receives: invitations to Farnham to surrounding towns and
previews of new exhibitions and villages, generally every hour. For
enquiries contact Traveline on 0871
complimentary drinks with artists
2002233 or visit
and staff; priority invitations to
special events and sales. Opening hours
Tuesday–Saturday 10am–5pm.
In addition, an Angel receives: 10%
Free admission and
discount on purchases, excluding groups are welcome
books, magazines and cards. All exhibition rooms are accessible
to wheelchair users. Guide dogs
Angels and Patrons may also vote in are welcome.
Rising Stars, an annual competition
to find the most promising up-and-
coming artist with a top prize of an
exhibition in the gallery. You can
become a Patron for just £25 a year
or an Angel for £60 per year.
Registered Charitable Trust No. 274326