
際際滷Share a Scribd company logo
5 Chestnut Close
Kent TN8 5JJ
Mobile Tel: 07539553328
Home Tel: 01732 672 955
Email; skthom82@yahoo.co.uk
 A hardworking individual who understands the importance of
customer service.
 Able to touch type over 50 words per minute.
 Able to carry out tasks to the highest standards and keen to learn.
 Competent in using various in-house systems and Microsoft Office
 Utilised creative and communication skills during a trip to
Bangladesh supporting and promoting the work of Sightsavers and
raised 贈2000 by organising two variety concerts in Sevenoaks.
 Self-motivated but can also be effective when working as part of a
team and is now looking to use existing skills and learn new ones in
an exciting new role.
November 2013  April 2014 Halfords Sevenoaks
Customer Assistant
 Shelf replenishment and stock rotation
 Till work and cash handling
 Assisting customers with enquiries
 Product knowledge and training paramount.
 Warehouse management and cleaning
 Assisting the manager with deliveries.
November 2011  June 2013 Stag Theatre Sevenoaks
 Answering queries via phone & email.
 Using Microsoft Office packages.
 Internal Customer Service
 Monitoring and updating client lists.
 Writing to volunteer referees
 Database management and data entry.
 Arranging information displays.
March 2008  November 2011 SIMS Tunbridge Wells
Claims Advisor/Motor Insurance
 Managing a portfolio of claims and keeping policy holders updated.
 Logging and escalating new claims.
 Maintaining rapport with suppliers when arranging hire and repairs.
 Scanning post and saving it to claim files.
 Knowledge of complaint avoidance and policy wording.
 Clearing inboxes in outlook of any outstanding emails to deadline
 Answering complaints and general queries via phone and email.
 Sending out surveys via outlook
 Responsible for continually improving processes.
 Organising meetings via outlook.
August 2006  August 2007 Somerfield Stores Plc. Aberystwyth.
Customer Services Assistant/ Retail
 Dairy shelf replenishment and price reduction
 Cleaning and knowledge of food hygiene
 Warehouse and stock duties
 Printing SELs and lists of wasted stock from the in-house system.
 Health & Safety and personal safety awareness
May 2004  July 2006 RLSB, Dorton House School Sevenoaks
 Meet and Greet Visitors, Parents and Staff.
 Copy typing Filing, Photocopying
 Operate Switchboard internal and external calls.
 Created displays and press releases using Powerpoint for charity events
 Dealt with incoming and outgoing mail using a franking machine
 Provided customer service to the public, trustees and celebrities.
 Sold luncheon vouchers and stamps to staff and visitors.
 Created a weekly newsletter on charity, education and the economy.
 Responsible for proof reading and curl binding documents.
November 2003  February 2004 Universal Utilities Maidstone
Telesales Agent  3 month Contract
 Booking appointments for assessors.
 Cold call targets small businesses in the local area.
 Providing refreshments for management meetings.
 Promoting the Telecom Package UNICOM to potential buyers.
 Work shadowing assessors on the appointments.
 Worked to daily targets and broke a record of 11 deals in one day.
September 2002  January 2003 IFA Sevenoaks
Office Junior 4 month contract
 Copy typing, filing and faxing.
 Stationery replenishment
 Answering queries via telephone and email.
 Data entry using In-house systems.
 Collated information from client files on to excel.
 Sent out promotional information to clients on a regular basis
September 1998  July 2002 West Kent College, Tonbridge
NVQ Level 2 Administration
RSA CLAIT Word Processing
OCR Medical Word Processing
OCR Text Processing
OCR Audio Transcription
September 1987  July 1998 Dorton House Sevenoaks
7 GCSE Including English, Information Technology and Maths.
Organising charity events, sailing and currently writing my first novel.
References Available upon request.

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  • 1. 5 Chestnut Close Edenbridge Kent TN8 5JJ Mobile Tel: 07539553328 Home Tel: 01732 672 955 Email; skthom82@yahoo.co.uk SarahThomson Profile: A hardworking individual who understands the importance of customer service. Able to touch type over 50 words per minute. Able to carry out tasks to the highest standards and keen to learn. Competent in using various in-house systems and Microsoft Office Packages. Utilised creative and communication skills during a trip to Bangladesh supporting and promoting the work of Sightsavers and raised 贈2000 by organising two variety concerts in Sevenoaks. Self-motivated but can also be effective when working as part of a team and is now looking to use existing skills and learn new ones in an exciting new role. Experience November 2013 April 2014 Halfords Sevenoaks Customer Assistant Shelf replenishment and stock rotation Till work and cash handling Assisting customers with enquiries Product knowledge and training paramount. Warehouse management and cleaning Assisting the manager with deliveries. November 2011 June 2013 Stag Theatre Sevenoaks Administration/Volunteer Answering queries via phone & email. Using Microsoft Office packages. Internal Customer Service Monitoring and updating client lists. Writing to volunteer referees Database management and data entry. Arranging information displays. March 2008 November 2011 SIMS Tunbridge Wells Claims Advisor/Motor Insurance Managing a portfolio of claims and keeping policy holders updated. Logging and escalating new claims. Maintaining rapport with suppliers when arranging hire and repairs. Scanning post and saving it to claim files. Knowledge of complaint avoidance and policy wording. Clearing inboxes in outlook of any outstanding emails to deadline Answering complaints and general queries via phone and email. Sending out surveys via outlook Responsible for continually improving processes. Organising meetings via outlook.
  • 2. August 2006 August 2007 Somerfield Stores Plc. Aberystwyth. Customer Services Assistant/ Retail Dairy shelf replenishment and price reduction Cleaning and knowledge of food hygiene Warehouse and stock duties Printing SELs and lists of wasted stock from the in-house system. Health & Safety and personal safety awareness May 2004 July 2006 RLSB, Dorton House School Sevenoaks Receptionist Meet and Greet Visitors, Parents and Staff. Copy typing Filing, Photocopying Operate Switchboard internal and external calls. Created displays and press releases using Powerpoint for charity events Dealt with incoming and outgoing mail using a franking machine Provided customer service to the public, trustees and celebrities. Sold luncheon vouchers and stamps to staff and visitors. Created a weekly newsletter on charity, education and the economy. Responsible for proof reading and curl binding documents. November 2003 February 2004 Universal Utilities Maidstone Telesales Agent 3 month Contract Booking appointments for assessors. Cold call targets small businesses in the local area. Providing refreshments for management meetings. Promoting the Telecom Package UNICOM to potential buyers. Work shadowing assessors on the appointments. Worked to daily targets and broke a record of 11 deals in one day. September 2002 January 2003 IFA Sevenoaks Office Junior 4 month contract Copy typing, filing and faxing. Stationery replenishment Answering queries via telephone and email. Data entry using In-house systems. Collated information from client files on to excel. Sent out promotional information to clients on a regular basis Education Interests September 1998 July 2002 West Kent College, Tonbridge NVQ Level 2 Administration RSA CLAIT Word Processing OCR Medical Word Processing OCR Text Processing OCR Audio Transcription September 1987 July 1998 Dorton House Sevenoaks 7 GCSE Including English, Information Technology and Maths. Organising charity events, sailing and currently writing my first novel.