The Piyaro Sugar Mills was established in 1977 and shut down in 1999 due to production losses, before being purchased and reopened in 2008. It processes sugarcane into various products like granulated sugar, molasses, and bagasse. The mill has several departments including processing, HR, and finance. Hundreds of workers work in shifts for daily wages of 250-350 rupees. Safety conditions are poor as workers often get injured. The mill runs only during winter and uses bagasse to power its own plant and nearby areas.
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New Dadu Sugar Mills Limited
1. It was established in 1977 by Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto.
Due to continuous and heavy production losses every year, Government decided to shut this unit in
1999. After 10 years In July 2008 it was purchased by Omni Group and made this plant one of the 2nd
complete FCB plant in the world. Majority of sugar processing equipment are imported from FCB,
France.Some of the majorprocessingequipments include3BoilerHouses,PowerHouse,ProcessHouse
and a Mill House.
WhenI visited, Isaw,howto make Sugarfrom Sugarcane.It has many processes tomake the Sugar.First
Raw material walkthroughthe machine then putintocuttermachine make itsmall piecesof sugarcane.
After that raw material go to grinder machine then make it sweet water or juice. Juice of sugarcane is
boilinginlarge numberof boilertank.Infurtherprocess sweetwaterorjuice convertedintofinish good
products such as;
Turbinado Sugar
Granulated Sugar
Brown Sugar
Powdered Sugar
Workersare assetsof an organization.Isurprise tosee their friendly environment, unity of each other.
They are Host Hospitality in spite of some are uneducated. Because of, it is culture of Sindh to warm
welcome totheirguests.There isworkersentryregistrationsystembutunfortunatelyPiyaroMillshasnt
providedIDcards to theirworkers. A Piyaromillshastwodepartments,one isHRdepartment& otheris
Finance department. There are three shifts for working;
1. 08:00 am to 04:00 pm
2. 04:00 pm to 12:00 am
3. 12:00 am to 08:00 am
Hundreds of workers work in one shift. They are working on daily wages. Each worker gets 250 to 350
rupeesperday.There isone dispensaryroomunfortunatelythere isnodoctor only one Ambulance use
inemergencytime &three dispensers,eachdispenserworkinone shift. A PiyaroMills hasnt any safety
plansfor workers,mostof workersinjuredandlosttheirHands,Arms,legs duringwork. Sugarmillsruns
onlywinterseason(10thJanuaryto 15th February). Unfortunately I came late and didn't see sugarcane
but I sawwork inprocessof sugar. Waste brownpaste supplytoKarachi chocolate industriesformaking
chocolates. Piyaro Sugar mills has own power plant, which is running by waste material powder or
bagasse of sugarcane. Separate Energy Power plant supplying light to Piyaro Goth, Seeta village and
Phulji Station.