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2012 Democratic State Convention
           Delegate Workshop

                   Presented by
  Massachusetts Democratic State Party Field Services
The most important information first..
Events & Parties: For Delegates, Guests & Volunteers
Friday June 1st
   5:30 PM - 8:00 PM
        Join Congressman Richard Neal and Elizabeth Warren at Theodores at 201
         Worthington Street
   6:00 PM - 10:00 PM
        The SEIU hosts a night of food, drinks and dancing at Adore Nightclub at 208
         Worthington Street.
   6:00 PM
        Lt. Governor Tim Murray and Congressman Jim McGovern invite you to join
         them for their All In Party at McCaffreys Public House at 1171 Main Street.
   7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
        Treasurer Steve Grossman invites you to a reception at the Student Prince at 8
         Fort Street.
   8:00 PM - 2:00 AM
        Join the Young Democrats of Massachusetts for their 4th annual pre-convention
         party at Smiths Billiards at 201 Worthington Street. A $10 donation is
   9:00 PM - 11:30 PM
        Join the Host Committee for an evening of food and music at the MassMutual
         Center. Enter through the Main Street Entrance.
Events & Parties: For Delegates, Guests & Volunteers

Saturday, June 2nd
    8:30 AM
        Join the AFL-CIO and Joseph Kennedy III for a
         special breakfast in Ballroom A at the MassMutual Center
         Saturday morning.
    8:30 AM
        Join the Affirmative Action Committee for their Unity
         Breakfast in Meeting Room 5 at the MassMutual Center.

            You may receive invitations to other breakfasts for your union,

 Ask for Democratic Convention Group Rate
  when making reservation

      Hotels are selling out quickly! If you havent booked yet
       you most likely wont be staying in Springfield.
   The MassMutual Center does not own or operate any local
    parking facilities. However, there are several parking lots and
    garages in the area.
   Civic Center Parking Garage:
   This garage is located directly across from the MassMutual
    Center on Falcons Way.
   Columbus Avenue  South Garage:
   This garage is located on Columbus Avenue just two blocks
    from the MassMutual Center.
   Per request of the MassMutual Center, parking for all events is
    only $7. For more information, call the Springfield Parking
    Authority at (413) 787-6118
   Shuttle service will be provided around downtown Springfield on
    Friday from until midnight .
     The shuttle is the Peter Pan double decker bus. The bus will stop at
      all parties and all downtown hotels
L ocation, L ocation, L ocation
 2012 Nominating Convention is at the MassMutual
  Center, 1227 Main Street, Springfield 01103
 All Delegates, Alternates & Guests will enter through
  the doors on Falcon Way
Disabled Delegate/A lternate Information
 Designated parking on 1st floor of the Civic Center
  Parking Garage located on Falcon Way. Only
  vehicles with RMV handicap tag & placards
 Drop-off area & entrance for disabled delegates &
  alternates is on Falcon Way & will be clearly marked.
 Hearing devices, wheelchairs & people to assist will
  be available in Disabled Registration area. Credit
  card deposit required.
 Sign language interpreters & CART devices will be
  used on stage during the Convention.
 Contact the State Party at 617-776-2676 to discuss
  specific needs in advance.
 All delegates, alternates and guests must
  have picture ID plus credentials to attend
 Deadline for paying in advance and receiving
  credentials HAS PASSED
 you must pick up your credentials at the
  MassMutual Center
 $50 fee to replace lost credentials
 Registration opens Saturday at 8:00 AM at
  the MassMutual Center.
 Guest passes are available for $25 via
  www.massdems.org and at Convention
  Registration table.
Climate, Food & Exhibitors!

 Exhibitors will be in the hall adjacent to the
 Food & drink is available for purchase inside
  the MassMutual Center; no outside food
 All concessions accept debit and credit cards
 One water bottle allowed
 Wear layers: A/C inside and hot outside
When does the Convention
 Saturday, June 2nd
    MassMutual Center opens at 8:00 a.m.
    Convention is gaveled to order at 10:00 a.m.
       NOTE: only one bag will be allowed per person and it will be
 Delegates and Alternates must be seated by 10:45
 First Roll Call starts at 11 AM
 Alternates are seated with their delegations
 Alternates check in TOO!
 After Second Roll Call, Alternates will be switched for
  missing delegates
Rol l Cal l f or Del egates &Al ternates

 Get there early & check in with your Teller
   Tellers should be in Senate Districts by 9 a.m.
   Teller will have a credential of a different color
   Delegates seated by State Senate District
   Sit with the Senate District on your credential
   If your town/ward is split between two Senate
    Districts, the town/ward will be seated together in
    the same District
   Maps will be provided of where Senate Districts
    are seated
Alternates Replacing Delegates for Voting Purposes

 If a Delegate knows they cannot attend Convention,
  they can notify the State Party that will not be
  attending the Convention by May to allow an
  Alternate to take their place. Notification must be in
 After May , Alternates can only replace a Delegate on
  Saturday, not on Friday.
 Once an Alternate replaces a Delegate, the
  replacement is permanent.
Sat urdays expect ed agenda
 After candidate presentations, the tellers will
  take votes. Make sure you listen for your
  name, the ballot books are organized by
 Make sure to speak clearly when you vote,
  the Teller will respond with your vote so you
  can verify.
 Delegates are encouraged NOT to leave the
  arena until results are announced!
15% Rule has changed!
 Each candidate MUST receive at least
  15% of the vote on the FIRST ballot!
Charter Amendment(s) or

Read carefully Rules of Convention, By-
  laws and Charter for understanding of
  how to amend motion
At this time there are no known
  Amendments or resolutions expected
After Convention GOTV
 Go to www.massdems.org, and sign 
  up for one of the following:
   Data training
   Canvass downtown Springfield
     Training and walk packets will be provided
Key Points to
 Do NOT forget your credentials and a
  picture ID
 Check in with your Senate Teller early
 Keep track of the votes being taken on
  the floor
 Have FUN!!!!

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New Delegate Training

  • 1. 2012 Democratic State Convention Delegate Workshop Presented by Massachusetts Democratic State Party Field Services Sub-Committee
  • 2. The most important information first..
  • 3. Events & Parties: For Delegates, Guests & Volunteers Friday June 1st 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM Join Congressman Richard Neal and Elizabeth Warren at Theodores at 201 Worthington Street 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM The SEIU hosts a night of food, drinks and dancing at Adore Nightclub at 208 Worthington Street. 6:00 PM Lt. Governor Tim Murray and Congressman Jim McGovern invite you to join them for their All In Party at McCaffreys Public House at 1171 Main Street. 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Treasurer Steve Grossman invites you to a reception at the Student Prince at 8 Fort Street. 8:00 PM - 2:00 AM Join the Young Democrats of Massachusetts for their 4th annual pre-convention party at Smiths Billiards at 201 Worthington Street. A $10 donation is suggested. 9:00 PM - 11:30 PM Join the Host Committee for an evening of food and music at the MassMutual Center. Enter through the Main Street Entrance.
  • 4. Events & Parties: For Delegates, Guests & Volunteers Saturday, June 2nd Scheduled 8:30 AM Join the AFL-CIO and Joseph Kennedy III for a special breakfast in Ballroom A at the MassMutual Center Saturday morning. 8:30 AM Join the Affirmative Action Committee for their Unity Breakfast in Meeting Room 5 at the MassMutual Center. You may receive invitations to other breakfasts for your union, etc.
  • 5. Accommodations Ask for Democratic Convention Group Rate when making reservation http://www.valleyvisitor.com/ma-democratic-state Hotels are selling out quickly! If you havent booked yet you most likely wont be staying in Springfield.
  • 6. Transportation Parking: The MassMutual Center does not own or operate any local parking facilities. However, there are several parking lots and garages in the area. Civic Center Parking Garage: This garage is located directly across from the MassMutual Center on Falcons Way. Columbus Avenue South Garage: This garage is located on Columbus Avenue just two blocks from the MassMutual Center. Per request of the MassMutual Center, parking for all events is only $7. For more information, call the Springfield Parking Authority at (413) 787-6118 Shuttle: Shuttle service will be provided around downtown Springfield on Friday from until midnight . The shuttle is the Peter Pan double decker bus. The bus will stop at all parties and all downtown hotels
  • 7. L ocation, L ocation, L ocation 2012 Nominating Convention is at the MassMutual Center, 1227 Main Street, Springfield 01103 All Delegates, Alternates & Guests will enter through the doors on Falcon Way
  • 8. Disabled Delegate/A lternate Information Designated parking on 1st floor of the Civic Center Parking Garage located on Falcon Way. Only vehicles with RMV handicap tag & placards permitted. Drop-off area & entrance for disabled delegates & alternates is on Falcon Way & will be clearly marked. Hearing devices, wheelchairs & people to assist will be available in Disabled Registration area. Credit card deposit required. Sign language interpreters & CART devices will be used on stage during the Convention. Contact the State Party at 617-776-2676 to discuss specific needs in advance.
  • 9. Credentials All delegates, alternates and guests must have picture ID plus credentials to attend Deadline for paying in advance and receiving credentials HAS PASSED you must pick up your credentials at the MassMutual Center $50 fee to replace lost credentials Registration opens Saturday at 8:00 AM at the MassMutual Center. Guest passes are available for $25 via www.massdems.org and at Convention Registration table.
  • 10. Climate, Food & Exhibitors! Exhibitors will be in the hall adjacent to the arena Food & drink is available for purchase inside the MassMutual Center; no outside food allowed All concessions accept debit and credit cards One water bottle allowed Wear layers: A/C inside and hot outside
  • 11. When does the Convention open? Saturday, June 2nd MassMutual Center opens at 8:00 a.m. Convention is gaveled to order at 10:00 a.m. NOTE: only one bag will be allowed per person and it will be searched Delegates and Alternates must be seated by 10:45 AM First Roll Call starts at 11 AM Alternates are seated with their delegations Alternates check in TOO! After Second Roll Call, Alternates will be switched for missing delegates
  • 12. Rol l Cal l f or Del egates &Al ternates Get there early & check in with your Teller Tellers should be in Senate Districts by 9 a.m. Teller will have a credential of a different color Delegates seated by State Senate District Sit with the Senate District on your credential If your town/ward is split between two Senate Districts, the town/ward will be seated together in the same District Maps will be provided of where Senate Districts are seated
  • 13. Alternates Replacing Delegates for Voting Purposes If a Delegate knows they cannot attend Convention, they can notify the State Party that will not be attending the Convention by May to allow an Alternate to take their place. Notification must be in writing. After May , Alternates can only replace a Delegate on Saturday, not on Friday. Once an Alternate replaces a Delegate, the replacement is permanent.
  • 14. Sat urdays expect ed agenda After candidate presentations, the tellers will take votes. Make sure you listen for your name, the ballot books are organized by Town/Ward. Make sure to speak clearly when you vote, the Teller will respond with your vote so you can verify. Delegates are encouraged NOT to leave the arena until results are announced!
  • 15. 15% Rule has changed! Each candidate MUST receive at least 15% of the vote on the FIRST ballot!
  • 16. Charter Amendment(s) or Resolutions Read carefully Rules of Convention, By- laws and Charter for understanding of how to amend motion At this time there are no known Amendments or resolutions expected
  • 17. After Convention GOTV Go to www.massdems.org, and sign up for one of the following: Friend/phonebanking Data training Canvass downtown Springfield Training and walk packets will be provided
  • 18. Key Points to Remember! Do NOT forget your credentials and a picture ID Check in with your Senate Teller early Keep track of the votes being taken on the floor Have FUN!!!!