Presentation for the Making Waves with eLearning Conference in Lafayette, IN, 6-17-14. #elwave by Apple Distinguished Educator Jim Harmon
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New & digital literacies
2. New & Digital Literacies
with the iPad
Jim Harmon
Euclid City Schools
3. What are new literacies?
Made possible with new technology
Different scholars de鍖ne it differently
New technologies appear
New social practices for literacy emerge
Might include
social media
video creation & sharing
augmented reality
4. Why the iPad?
It is a content creation device
It is a desirable device
It allows for differentiation of instruction
5. How does the use of iPads
affect student literacies?
6. The scenario
Three sections of sophomore English w/
iPads (w/teacher A)
Six sections of sophomore English w/out
iPads (w/teachers B & C)
Mapped curriculum & common formative
Data collected included:
A pre- & post self assessment
Three benchmark (MAP) tests
Ohio standardized test results (OGT)
8. Assessment Results
Students with iPads:
Had a an average RIT score 5 points higher
on MAP tests than their peers
Both Reading and Language Usage tests
Five points = one full grade level
Scored higher than peers on Ohio writing
standardized test
Were 5% more likely to pass Ohio reading
and writing standardized tests
10. Students Self Perceptions
Students with iPads:
Were more realistic in identifying their own
literacy abilities
Were less likely to identify technology as a
support to do well in English class
Were 4% more likely to regularly attend class
11. Ohio Graduation Test Passage Rates
85 92
79 84
Reading Test
Writing Test
With iPads
Without iPads
For district results, visit
12. What students said:
I think it is more effective when you get
to use technology to read. It's more
interesting, fun, and different.
I think using an iPad to read or write is
great. I think it helps me to read and write
more because the technology is awesome.
I honestly think I will read and write a lot
13. Average RIT Scores: Spring 2011
Reading Test
Language Test
With iPads
Without iPads
For more on MAP testing visit
14. What students said:
I believe from my experience that it
would motivate others to want to read
and write more.
The iPads make things fun but I would write
with or without the iPads.
It helps me improve my comprehension and
improves my motivation to read and write
more; not just more, but more clearly and
18. Lessons learned
The iPads became ubiquitous to students in
spite of it not being a 1:1
Students who did not use iPads were more
likely to identify technology as a support in
English class
The use of Apps allowed for differentiation
of learning for students
Pro鍖cient readers/writers experienced no
negative effects from iPad integration
20. Lessons learned
Although students who used iPads did not
rate themselves higher than their peers in
reading and writing ability, they performed
better on assessments that measured these
This suggests that
the students without iPad access had an
in鍖ated view of their own abilities
the use of the iPad may have provided a more
realistic and regular sense of the literate self
22. What does this mean for teachers?
Teachers open to new tools provide more
opportunities for differentiating instruction/
If teachers dont lead the way, who will?
iPads excel in kinesthetic/tactile learning
Far more interactive than traditional
iPads get students excited to learn and do
Not to mention teachers
26. Future Directions
Sharing data and best practices through
Classroom experience and shared
Co-taught model 2012-13 w/special
education teacher
Continue to mentor teachers in tech use