New DuDu Zip-it Collection. Wallets for men and women in Genuine Leather designed by Zaven.
A search for inspiration in the very essence of objects. The result is Zip–it, the design collection by Dudu, where shape and colour become project. A decorative element that defines borders and openings, the zip frames modular geometrics in full colours.
Founded in 2006 by Enrica Cavarzan and Marco Zavagno, Zaven is a multi-disciplinary creative studio where communication, art and design dialogue. Its activity ranges from graphics to product design and installations and it stands out for its ability to develop collaborations between creatives from different sectors. It showed at The New Italian Design exhibition at the Triennale in Milan, at Meet Design (in Rome and Turin), on several occasions at the London Design Festival and at the Designer Days in Paris. In 2011, the studio won the Macef Design award and Festival Città Impresa.
3 Ways Big Data Analytics is Transforming OrganizationsTyrone Systems
As organizations struggle to keep pace with the rapidly evolving technology, three trends are emerging within big data analytics that empower organizations to handle the volume, velocity, and location aspects of data so they can use it strategically.
Why your outsourcing still fail in 2017?Artem Gavrik
Why your outsourcing still fail in 2017? Take a look at 5 simple reasons. By clearly showing what is happening at any time, the customer is empowering its supplier to deliver the best service and vice versa – the outsourcer is enabling the customer to refocus, in order to get the best possible outcome.
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Get most lucrative deals of Property in Noida Extension in options of flats, apartments of 2 BHK and 3 BHK available with numerous renowned real estate developers. For best deals of flats in Noida Extension with guaranteed benefits book with ATN Infratech.
We provide different size and style pins.we offer most attractive pins at a cheap rates in market as compare other company. Key chains lovers designs pins available our company.We offer a gold and silver metal pins.We are providing key chains and pins with your logo.
Adhering to their approach of thinking like a hacker, EC-Council is all set to launch the latest version of CEH: CEH v11, adding in the curriculum the latest advancements in the field of cybersecurity. Domains have been kept intact, but new segments have been introduced with the addition and removal of a few topics.
This was a simple presentation we provided to a dealership in Texas. This covers our standard pricing and what strengths we have that separate us from the competition.
Many infographics on game industry and trends. Several phenomenon are addressed: social gaming, mobile smartphone and tablets gaming, connected TV, publishers digital revenue and so on
Copper Art is a wholesale collection of handmade wall art inspired by nature and designed with passion. With attention to detail, realistic depth, and beautiful finishes, our metal sculptures make walls come to life.
How Machine Learning Can Secure The Internet Of ThingsTyrone Systems
As more and more devices rely on data sharing, the Internet of Things (IoT) is rapidly expanding. Developing strong privacy and security protocols for these systems is critical, as devices, applications, and communication networks become increasingly integrated.
Catalogue of New Antica Toscana Collection. Wallets for men and women in Genu...dudubags
Catalogue of New Antica Toscana Collection.
Wallets for men and women made in Genuine Italian Leather, vegetable tanned, hand-dabbed.
Combining centuries of craftsmanship with technological innovation, this tanning process is employed with the use of natural tannins to give the leather an extraordinary character.
Available in 4 different colors: Honey, Terracotta, Chestnut and Black.
New catolog of Vintage collection by DuDu® - old effect is better!dudubags
The new special collection of called Vintage signed DuDu®. Bags and wallets for men made in genuine calfskin leather from old antique vintage effect. Each article, in natural leather, is manually assembled. The uniform colour and natural irregularities of the leather or finishes reflect the authenticity and "aged" appearance of each part.
DuDu® Images Collection 2014 - Your favorite big cities inside leather wallet...dudubags
Complete cataloge of new DuDu® Images collection 2014.
Big cities as New York, London, Rome, Florence and Venice serigraphy inside your wallet.
Exclusive collection made in genuine leather for men.
High quality and new style for unique design.
Attractive Benefits Associated with Property in Noida Extension Amrapali O2 V...rati18
Get most lucrative deals of Property in Noida Extension in options of flats, apartments of 2 BHK and 3 BHK available with numerous renowned real estate developers. For best deals of flats in Noida Extension with guaranteed benefits book with ATN Infratech.
We provide different size and style pins.we offer most attractive pins at a cheap rates in market as compare other company. Key chains lovers designs pins available our company.We offer a gold and silver metal pins.We are providing key chains and pins with your logo.
Adhering to their approach of thinking like a hacker, EC-Council is all set to launch the latest version of CEH: CEH v11, adding in the curriculum the latest advancements in the field of cybersecurity. Domains have been kept intact, but new segments have been introduced with the addition and removal of a few topics.
This was a simple presentation we provided to a dealership in Texas. This covers our standard pricing and what strengths we have that separate us from the competition.
Many infographics on game industry and trends. Several phenomenon are addressed: social gaming, mobile smartphone and tablets gaming, connected TV, publishers digital revenue and so on
Copper Art is a wholesale collection of handmade wall art inspired by nature and designed with passion. With attention to detail, realistic depth, and beautiful finishes, our metal sculptures make walls come to life.
How Machine Learning Can Secure The Internet Of ThingsTyrone Systems
As more and more devices rely on data sharing, the Internet of Things (IoT) is rapidly expanding. Developing strong privacy and security protocols for these systems is critical, as devices, applications, and communication networks become increasingly integrated.
Catalogue of New Antica Toscana Collection. Wallets for men and women in Genu...dudubags
Catalogue of New Antica Toscana Collection.
Wallets for men and women made in Genuine Italian Leather, vegetable tanned, hand-dabbed.
Combining centuries of craftsmanship with technological innovation, this tanning process is employed with the use of natural tannins to give the leather an extraordinary character.
Available in 4 different colors: Honey, Terracotta, Chestnut and Black.
New catolog of Vintage collection by DuDu® - old effect is better!dudubags
The new special collection of called Vintage signed DuDu®. Bags and wallets for men made in genuine calfskin leather from old antique vintage effect. Each article, in natural leather, is manually assembled. The uniform colour and natural irregularities of the leather or finishes reflect the authenticity and "aged" appearance of each part.
DuDu® Images Collection 2014 - Your favorite big cities inside leather wallet...dudubags
Complete cataloge of new DuDu® Images collection 2014.
Big cities as New York, London, Rome, Florence and Venice serigraphy inside your wallet.
Exclusive collection made in genuine leather for men.
High quality and new style for unique design.
Catalog of new Timeless Washed Collection. Bags and accessories garment-dyed ...dudubags
Timeless bags and accessories represent the perfect combination of Italian design and skilled craftsmanship. Available in the collections Natural or Rock, these products feature an aged, vintage style in colours inspired by the elements of nature.
Timeless bags and accessories are unique hand-made articles in real leather, garment-dyed, and may show irregularities in colour, which simply enhance their authentic appearance.
A perfect blend of design, experience and functionality lies at the base of the bags and small
accessories in the Dùdù collection. The leather and quality finishes have been painstakingly
selected and undergo rigorous inspections to create long-lasting quality products.
Catalog of classic collection Plume made in genuine calfskin Nappa leather - ...dudubags
Classic collection signed DV made in soft genuine calfskin Nappa leather. Women and men wallets, accessories with simple style and design. High quality Nappa leather, very soft at touch. Very assorted catalog with billfold wallets, coin purse, credit card holders, key holders, etc.
New catalog 2015 of Multicolor Colorful Collection by DuDu® - wallets, access...dudubags
This is the new catalog 2015 of Multicolor Colorful collection by DuDu®. Wallets, bags and accessories all made in soft genuine calfskin Nappa leather. For men and for women, more that 50 different products online in our official eshop. High quality materials and researched design for a TOP seller exclusive collection of DuDuBags. Retailers and simple customers find in our products all the Italian design.
New Colorful catalog 2016 DuDu - Mens wallets, womens wallets, womens bagsdudubags
The new Colorful catalog 2016 is arrived!
Mens wallets, womens wallets and bags in soft genuine multicolor Nappa leather from Italian fashion design.
New models wallets divided in 8 multicolor tones: black, dark brown, red, fucshia, violet, blue and 2 new colors: safari and woods.
Discover the collection at this link:
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3. Rice r c a r e l ’i s pi r a zio ne
ne l l ’e s s e nz a d e l l e cos e.
C os ì n a s ce Zi p – i t , l a
co l l ezione d i d e s ig n
f i r m a t a D u d u, d ove
for m a e co l or e
d i ve nt a no p r o g e t to.
A sea rc h for ins pira tion
in th e ve r y es se nce of
obje c t s. T h e resul t
is Zip – i t, th e d esig n
colle c tion by D u d u,
w h e re s ha p e a nd
colou r b e com e p roje c t.
4. 3
1 – 2 C o d . 5 9 7   –   6 6 3
3 – 4 C o d . 5 9 7   –   6 6 0
b l u e
5. C o d . 5 9 7   –   6 6 0
C o d . 5 9 7   –   6 6 3
C o d . 5 9 7   –   6 6 3
C o d . 5 9 7   –   6 6 0
7. 3
1 - 2 C o d . 5 9 7   –   6 6 2
3 - 4 C o d . 5 9 7   –   6 6 1
8. b lac k
1 C o d . 5 9 7   –   6 6 5
2 C o d . 5 9 7   –   6 6 3
3 C o d . 5 9 7   –   6 6 4
4 C o d . 5 9 7   –   6 6 0
5 C o d . 5 9 7   –   6 6 2
10. C o d . 5 9 7   –   6 6 2
C o d . 5 9 7   –   6 6 1
C o d . 5 9 7   –   6 6 2
C o d . 5 9 7   –   6 6 1
11. E l e m e nto d e co r a ti vo
c he g e ne r a co nf i ni
ed a pe r t u r e, l a
ce r nie r a i nco r nic ia
g eo m e t rie m od u l a ri
d i co l ori pie ni.
A d e cora tive ele m e n t
tha t d e f in es bord e r s
a nd o p e ning s, th e
zip fra m es mod ula r
g e om e tric s in full
colou r s.
12. 4
1 C o d . 5 9 7   –   6 6 1
2 C o d . 5 9 7   –   6 6 2
3 C o d . 5 9 7   –   6 6 5
4 C o d . 5 9 7   –   6 6 4
5 C o d . 5 9 7   –   6 6 3
6 C o d . 5 9 7   –   6 6 0
13. C o d . 5 9 7   –   6 6 4
C o d . 5 9 7   –   6 6 5
C o d . 5 9 7   –   6 6 5
C o d . 5 9 7   –   6 6 4
15. 2
1 C o d . 5 9 7   –   6 6 4
2 - 3 C o d . 5 9 7   –   6 6 5
17. M Z
E s p l o r a r e c r ea ti va m e nte
u n a for m a pe r a r ri va r e
a l l a s u a e s s e nz a.
Crea tive ex plora tion
of a s ha p e to rea c h
i t s es se nce.
S T U D I O Z AV E N – F o n d a t o n e l 2 0 0 6 d a E n r i c a C a v a r z a n e
M a r c o Z a v a g n o, Z a v e n è u n o s t u d i o c r e a t i v o m u l t i d i s c i p l i n a r e
i n c u i d i a l o g a n o c o m u n i c a z i o n e, a r t e e d e s i g n . L a s u a a t t i v i t Ã
s p a z i a d a l l a g r a f i c a a l d e s i g n d i p r o d o t t o, a l l e i n s t a l l a z i o n i ,
e s i è d i s t i n t a p e r l a c a p a c i t à d i s v i l u p p a r e c o l l a b o r a z i o n i
t r a c r e a t i v i d i d i v e r s i a m b i t i . H a e s p o s t o a l l a m o s t r a T h e
N e w I t a l i a n D e s i g n a l l a Tr i e n n a l e d i M i l a n o, a M e e t D e s i g n
(d i R o m a e To r i n o) , p i ù v o l t e a l L o n d o n D e s i g n F e s t i v a l
e a l D e s i g n e r D a y s a P a r i g i . N e l 2 0 11 l o s t u d i o h a v i n t o
i l p r e m i o M a c e f D e s i g n e F e s t i v a l C i t t à I m p r e s a .
S T U D I O Z AV E N – F o u n d e d i n 2 0 0 6 b y E n r i c a C a v a r z a n a n d
M a r c o Z a v a g n o, Z a v e n i s a m u l t i - d i s c i p l i n a r y c r e a t i v e s t u d i o
w h e r e c o m m u n i c a t i o n , a r t a n d d e s i g n d i a l o g u e . I t s a c t i v i t y
r a n g e s f r o m g r a p h i c s t o p r o d u c t d e s i g n a n d i n s t a l l a t i o n s
a n d i t s t a n d s o u t f o r i t s a b i l i t y t o d e v e l o p c o l l a b o r a t i o n s
b e t w e e n c r e a t i v e s f r o m d i f f e r e n t s e c t o r s . I t s h o w e d a t
T h e N e w I t a l i a n D e s i g n e x h i b i t i o n a t t h e Tr i e n n a l e i n M i l a n ,
a t M e e t D e s i g n ( i n R o m e a n d Tu r i n) , o n s e v e r a l o c c a s i o n s
a t t h e L o n d o n D e s i g n F e s t i v a l a n d a t t h e D e s i g n e r D a y s
i n P a r i s . I n 2 0 11, t h e s t u d i o w o n t h e M a c e f D e s i g n a w a r d
a n d F e s t i v a l C i t t à I m p r e s a .
18. Visconti Diffusione snc
via Roveredo, 1/A
33170 Pordenone Italy
T +39 0434 555647
d u d u b ag s . com
concept, art direction
and graphics: Dogtrot
product desgin: Zaven
photo: Barbara Franzò
Portraits photo: Giovanni Gastel
photo editing and print: Luce group
printed in July 2016