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Sparkling Wine Forum | Reims - June 2023
New materials for
barrels in a climate
change scenario Luca Risso
Clayver srl, ITALY
Sparkling Wine Forum | Reims - June 2023 3
Some data about last 22 harvests in Champagne
Harvest date
Sparkling Wine Forum | Reims  20 June 2023 4
Huglin Index
Only if Tav.>10属
Winkler, A.J.; et al. (1974). General viticulture.
University of California Press. ISBN 978-0520025912.
Pierre Huglin: Biologie et 辿cologie de la vigne.
Lavoisier (Edition Tec & Doc), Paris 1986, ISBN 2-
60103-019-4. S. 292 (371 S.).
Sparkling Wine Forum | Reims  20 June 2023 5
Sparkling Wine Forum | Reims  20 June 2023 6
Sparkling Wine Forum | Reims  20 June 2023 7
Tm and TM and are two arbitrary temperatures defining the
limits of normal ripening temperatures, f.e. 10属 and 30属. Ti is
a temperature for each hour of the day from 1/4 to 30/4
CWI= X+iY is a complex number with a
real part and an imaginary part. The first
takes into account what happens in normal
ripening days. The latter only what happens
when temperature are abnormal.
Complex Winkler Index
Sparkling Wine Forum | Reims  20 June 2023 8
Real Part
Imaginary Part
Sparkling Wine Forum | Reims  20 June 2023 9
 Increase the size of containers
 Limit the amount of oxygen given to wine
 Limit tannins others than the ones in the grapes
 Limit racking and other sources of extra oxygen
 Limit sulfur and other sources of reduction
 Limit contaminations (Hygiene)
 Change ampelographic base (if possible)
 New materials for wine containers
Sparkling Wine Forum | Reims  20 June 2023 10
Der Winzer Betonei, Steinfass, Tonamphore
& Co. Vergleich zu herk旦mmlichen
Weinbeh辰ltern Ein Artikel von OSR Ing. Herbert
Sch旦dl u.a. | 09.10.2017 - 00:10
Sparkling Wine Forum | Reims  20 June 2023 11
Sparkling Wine Forum | Reims  20 June 2023 12
Sparkling Wine Forum | Reims  20 June 2023 13
Pinot Noir, Champagne 24 months
Sparkling Wine Forum | Reims  20 June 2023 14
Mo短t fin FA + FML 4 mois 辿levage 7 mois 辿levage
Inox F短t Ogive
Inox F短t Ogive
Inox F短t Ogive
TAP/TAV (% vol) 10,27 10,25 10,2 10,3 10,25 10,3 10,3 10,35 10,3 10,25 10,3 10,25 10,3 10,3 10,2 10,25
pH 3,04 3,19 3,21 3,24 3,3 3,2 3,19 3,21 3,23 3,3 3,2 3,18 3,21 3,23 3,3 3,19
Acidit辿 totale (g/l) 7,95 5,05 5,25 4,75 4,55 5 4,95 5,05 4,65 4,4 4,9 4,8 5,1 4,55 4,3 4,8
SO2 libre (mg/l) 12 10 13 11 12 11 12 13 12 12 10 11 12 11 10
SO2 total (mg/l) 21 41 32 42 52 35 39 36 39 49 35 38 45 36 47 33
Acide tartrique
3,3 3,1 2,9 2,8 3,2 2,8 3 2,6 2,3 2,8
Acide malique (g/l) < 0,1 < 0,1 < 0,1 < 0,1 < 0,1 < 0,1 < 0,1 < 0,1 < 0,1 < 0,1
Acide lactique (g/l) 3,02 3,22 3,08 3,08 3,3 3,02 3,22 3,08 3,08 3,3
Acide ac辿tique
0,27 0,32 0,23 0,22 0,24 0,33 0,42 0,28 0,26 0,3
Turbidit辿 (ntu) 18,7 8,3 6,3 6,9 7,8 7,8
Sparkling Wine Forum | Reims  20 June 2023 15
Clayver is a ceramic container designed
specifically for winemaking, including
fermentation, conservation and ageing of the
product. It is the result of a long process of
research and experimentation
Sparkling Wine Forum | Reims  20 June 2023 16
Characterization of the Oxygen Transmission
Rate of NewAncient Natural Materials for
Wine Maturation Containers, Ignacio
Nevares and Maria del AlamoSanza, Foods
2021, 10, 140
Sparkling Wine Forum | Reims  20 June 2023 17
 5 mg/L.year for a
standard vat
 13 mg/L.year for a O+
(high porosity) vat
Experiments on a 250L Clayver
Sparkling Wine Forum | Reims  20 June 2023 18
 Any acid or basic solutions in normal
concentrations up to 100 属C.
 Steam, paying attention to let the container
cool down afterwards naturally, without
forcing things.
 High pressure water jet cleaner.
 Enzymatic solutions.
Cleaning Which solution to adopt?
Sparkling Wine Forum | Reims  20 June 2023 19
250L and 400L Clayver can be
rotated on their stand and turned
upside down for an easier cleansing
650L has a wide bottom
manhole to drain out
everything is scum, peels and
Sparkling Wine Forum | Reims  20 June 2023 20
Sparkling Wine Forum | Reims  20 June 2023 21
Mandatory: no lead nor cadmium can be present
(Regolamento CE 1935/2004 - Direttiva 84/500
attuata con D.M. 4/4/85 e Direttiva 2005/31/CE
attuata con D.M. 1/2/2007)
Other elements such as Al, Si, Fe, Ca, Ti, Na, K could
be allowed under certain concentrations, but they are
not welcome
Food grade certification
Sparkling Wine Forum | Reims  20 June 2023 22

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New materials for barrels in a climate change scenario

  • 1. 1 Sparkling Wine Forum | Reims - June 2023
  • 2. New materials for barrels in a climate change scenario Luca Risso Research Clayver srl, ITALY
  • 3. Sparkling Wine Forum | Reims - June 2023 3 Some data about last 22 harvests in Champagne Alcol Harvest date Acidity
  • 4. Sparkling Wine Forum | Reims 20 June 2023 4 Huglin Index Only if Tav.>10属 Winkler Index Winkler, A.J.; et al. (1974). General viticulture. University of California Press. ISBN 978-0520025912. Pierre Huglin: Biologie et 辿cologie de la vigne. Lavoisier (Edition Tec & Doc), Paris 1986, ISBN 2- 60103-019-4. S. 292 (371 S.).
  • 5. Sparkling Wine Forum | Reims 20 June 2023 5 Huglin Winkler
  • 6. Sparkling Wine Forum | Reims 20 June 2023 6
  • 7. Sparkling Wine Forum | Reims 20 June 2023 7 Tm and TM and are two arbitrary temperatures defining the limits of normal ripening temperatures, f.e. 10属 and 30属. Ti is a temperature for each hour of the day from 1/4 to 30/4 CWI= X+iY is a complex number with a real part and an imaginary part. The first takes into account what happens in normal ripening days. The latter only what happens when temperature are abnormal. Complex Winkler Index
  • 8. Sparkling Wine Forum | Reims 20 June 2023 8 Real Part Imaginary Part
  • 9. Sparkling Wine Forum | Reims 20 June 2023 9 Increase the size of containers Limit the amount of oxygen given to wine Limit tannins others than the ones in the grapes Limit racking and other sources of extra oxygen Limit sulfur and other sources of reduction Limit contaminations (Hygiene) Change ampelographic base (if possible) New materials for wine containers CURRENT TRENDS
  • 10. Sparkling Wine Forum | Reims 20 June 2023 10 Der Winzer Betonei, Steinfass, Tonamphore & Co. Vergleich zu herk旦mmlichen Weinbeh辰ltern Ein Artikel von OSR Ing. Herbert Sch旦dl u.a. | 09.10.2017 - 00:10
  • 11. Sparkling Wine Forum | Reims 20 June 2023 11
  • 12. Sparkling Wine Forum | Reims 20 June 2023 12
  • 13. Sparkling Wine Forum | Reims 20 June 2023 13 Pinot Noir, Champagne 24 months
  • 14. Sparkling Wine Forum | Reims 20 June 2023 14 Parametres Contenat Mo短t fin FA + FML 4 mois 辿levage 7 mois 辿levage Inox F短t Ogive beton Ogive terre cuite Ogive gr竪s Inox F短t Ogive beton Ogive terre cuite Ogive gr竪s Inox F短t Ogive beton Ogive terre cuite Ogive gr竪s TAP/TAV (% vol) 10,27 10,25 10,2 10,3 10,25 10,3 10,3 10,35 10,3 10,25 10,3 10,25 10,3 10,3 10,2 10,25 pH 3,04 3,19 3,21 3,24 3,3 3,2 3,19 3,21 3,23 3,3 3,2 3,18 3,21 3,23 3,3 3,19 Acidit辿 totale (g/l) 7,95 5,05 5,25 4,75 4,55 5 4,95 5,05 4,65 4,4 4,9 4,8 5,1 4,55 4,3 4,8 SO2 libre (mg/l) 12 10 13 11 12 11 12 13 12 12 10 11 12 11 10 SO2 total (mg/l) 21 41 32 42 52 35 39 36 39 49 35 38 45 36 47 33 Acide tartrique (g/l) 3,3 3,1 2,9 2,8 3,2 2,8 3 2,6 2,3 2,8 Acide malique (g/l) < 0,1 < 0,1 < 0,1 < 0,1 < 0,1 < 0,1 < 0,1 < 0,1 < 0,1 < 0,1 Acide lactique (g/l) 3,02 3,22 3,08 3,08 3,3 3,02 3,22 3,08 3,08 3,3 Acide ac辿tique (g/l) 0,27 0,32 0,23 0,22 0,24 0,33 0,42 0,28 0,26 0,3 Turbidit辿 (ntu) 18,7 8,3 6,3 6,9 7,8 7,8
  • 15. Sparkling Wine Forum | Reims 20 June 2023 15 Clayver is a ceramic container designed specifically for winemaking, including fermentation, conservation and ageing of the product. It is the result of a long process of research and experimentation
  • 16. Sparkling Wine Forum | Reims 20 June 2023 16 https://tinyurl.com/bdfmyebc Characterization of the Oxygen Transmission Rate of NewAncient Natural Materials for Wine Maturation Containers, Ignacio Nevares and Maria del AlamoSanza, Foods 2021, 10, 140
  • 17. Sparkling Wine Forum | Reims 20 June 2023 17 5 mg/L.year for a standard vat 13 mg/L.year for a O+ (high porosity) vat Experiments on a 250L Clayver
  • 18. Sparkling Wine Forum | Reims 20 June 2023 18 Any acid or basic solutions in normal concentrations up to 100 属C. Steam, paying attention to let the container cool down afterwards naturally, without forcing things. High pressure water jet cleaner. Enzymatic solutions. Cleaning Which solution to adopt?
  • 19. Sparkling Wine Forum | Reims 20 June 2023 19 250L and 400L Clayver can be rotated on their stand and turned upside down for an easier cleansing 650L has a wide bottom manhole to drain out everything is scum, peels and stems
  • 20. Sparkling Wine Forum | Reims 20 June 2023 20
  • 21. Sparkling Wine Forum | Reims 20 June 2023 21 Mandatory: no lead nor cadmium can be present (Regolamento CE 1935/2004 - Direttiva 84/500 attuata con D.M. 4/4/85 e Direttiva 2005/31/CE attuata con D.M. 1/2/2007) Other elements such as Al, Si, Fe, Ca, Ti, Na, K could be allowed under certain concentrations, but they are not welcome Food grade certification
  • 22. Sparkling Wine Forum | Reims 20 June 2023 22 THANK YOU!