Washing hands with soap is an important habit that can prevent the spread of many diseases in children. The document outlines a project to teach children in three families the importance of handwashing with soap. The key points emphasized are that handwashing with soap can reduce the risk of infectious diarrhea by 50% and respiratory infections by 19-45%. The project instructor demonstrated proper handwashing technique to the children and made it into a game to motivate them. By getting the support of the families and making it a fun habit, the project aimed to contribute to reducing illness in children through improved hand hygiene.
Washing hands with soap is an important habit that can prevent the spread of many diseases in children. The document outlines a project to teach children in three families the importance of handwashing with soap. The key points emphasized are that handwashing with soap can reduce the risk of infectious diarrhea by 50% and respiratory infections by 19-45%. The project instructor demonstrated proper handwashing technique to the children and made it into a fun contest to encourage them forming the habit. By getting the support of the families, the project aimed to contribute to reducing illness in children through improved hand hygiene.
The document provides information about the International Advertising Festival "White Square" organized in Belarus. The 3 day festival, organized by the Advertising Organizations' Association under the Ministry of Trade of Belarus, includes advertising contests and exhibitions as well as workshops, masterclasses and parties. Over 400 participants from Belarus and other countries are expected to attend, with over 1500 advertising works submitted to various contests and categories. The festival aims to promote the advertising industry in Belarus and recognize excellence in advertising work.
Virtually unwrapping a mummy with x ray and ct scans: preliminary findings 2-...Scott Carroll
This describes initial efforts to use x ray and ct scans to provide a better understanding of the composition of mummy coverings, here a mummy mask or head covering. The primary interest is to try to analyze the texts on the papyrus infrastructure.
The video depicts the protagonist "Jesus of Suburbia" standing in crucifixion position in the streets, imitating Jesus. Scenes show Green Day performing the song, with lyrics and phrases written on walls expressing passion and questioning religion and existence. Jesus of Suburbia is shown using drugs and standing in crucifixion behind the UK flag, possibly expressing hate for America and desire to escape problems of the country.
This document provides an overview of different types of fallacies and examples of each. It discusses three main categories of fallacies: fallacies of irrelevance, fallacies of presumption, and fallacies of ambiguity. Ten common fallacies of irrelevance are explained in detail with examples, including argumentum ad hominem, tu quoque, and red herring. Fifteen fallacies of presumption are then outlined, such as composition, division, and bifurcation. The document concludes by noting there are five fallacies of ambiguity to be covered, including equivocation and amphiboly.
This prayer book contains prayers for various occasions related to the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary, including invocations, blessings, luncheon prayers, special prayers, prayers for holidays, family prayers, memorial prayers, and poems. It was edited by Robert and Susan Haverfield of the Eighth Western Rivers Region of the US Coast Guard Auxiliary to provide a resource for Auxiliary members and Team Coast Guard. The prayers were compiled from various previous Coast Guard Auxiliary prayer books and sources.
Marico is an Indian consumer goods company founded in 1857 and headquartered in Mumbai, India. It produces coconut, edible, and hair oils as well as other personal care products.
The company has a presence in over 25 countries and recorded annual revenue of Rs. 40 billion in 2011-2012. Its portfolio includes popular brands like Parachute, Saffola, Hair & Care, Nihar, Mediker, Revive, and others.
Marico aims to improve people's quality of life through branded beauty and wellness products and services. It focuses on innovation, sustainability, and maximizing value for all stakeholders including consumers, employees, farmers
Hoe kan designdenken worden toegepast in het onderwijs? Fablabs kunnen daarbij helpen. Deze workshop gaf ik op 11 juni 2010 tijdens de EHON conferentie over co-creatie. Intro van het Fablab & designdenken en twee opdrachten.
Laura Braspenning, Danny Leen & Ben Hagenaars (MAD-Faculty Genk) over hoe design, kunst en media participatieve oplossingen aanreiken voor maatschappelijk kwetsbare groepen en plaatsen in de samenleving.
De MAD faculty onderzoekt formules om sociale en economische innovaties aan te jagen vanuit design. Een interdisciplinaire onderzoeksgroep Social Spaces zoekt participatieve oplossingen voor maatschappelijk kwetsbare groepen en plaatsen, vertrekkend vanuit de- sign. Hij spitst zich voornamelijk toe op publieke ruimte, sociaal design en sociale media.
The video depicts the protagonist "Jesus of Suburbia" standing in crucifixion position in the streets, imitating Jesus. Scenes show Green Day performing the song, with lyrics and phrases written on walls expressing passion and questioning religion and existence. Jesus of Suburbia is shown using drugs and standing in crucifixion behind the UK flag, possibly expressing hate for America and desire to escape problems of the country.
This document provides an overview of different types of fallacies and examples of each. It discusses three main categories of fallacies: fallacies of irrelevance, fallacies of presumption, and fallacies of ambiguity. Ten common fallacies of irrelevance are explained in detail with examples, including argumentum ad hominem, tu quoque, and red herring. Fifteen fallacies of presumption are then outlined, such as composition, division, and bifurcation. The document concludes by noting there are five fallacies of ambiguity to be covered, including equivocation and amphiboly.
This prayer book contains prayers for various occasions related to the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary, including invocations, blessings, luncheon prayers, special prayers, prayers for holidays, family prayers, memorial prayers, and poems. It was edited by Robert and Susan Haverfield of the Eighth Western Rivers Region of the US Coast Guard Auxiliary to provide a resource for Auxiliary members and Team Coast Guard. The prayers were compiled from various previous Coast Guard Auxiliary prayer books and sources.
Marico is an Indian consumer goods company founded in 1857 and headquartered in Mumbai, India. It produces coconut, edible, and hair oils as well as other personal care products.
The company has a presence in over 25 countries and recorded annual revenue of Rs. 40 billion in 2011-2012. Its portfolio includes popular brands like Parachute, Saffola, Hair & Care, Nihar, Mediker, Revive, and others.
Marico aims to improve people's quality of life through branded beauty and wellness products and services. It focuses on innovation, sustainability, and maximizing value for all stakeholders including consumers, employees, farmers
Hoe kan designdenken worden toegepast in het onderwijs? Fablabs kunnen daarbij helpen. Deze workshop gaf ik op 11 juni 2010 tijdens de EHON conferentie over co-creatie. Intro van het Fablab & designdenken en twee opdrachten.
Laura Braspenning, Danny Leen & Ben Hagenaars (MAD-Faculty Genk) over hoe design, kunst en media participatieve oplossingen aanreiken voor maatschappelijk kwetsbare groepen en plaatsen in de samenleving.
De MAD faculty onderzoekt formules om sociale en economische innovaties aan te jagen vanuit design. Een interdisciplinaire onderzoeksgroep Social Spaces zoekt participatieve oplossingen voor maatschappelijk kwetsbare groepen en plaatsen, vertrekkend vanuit de- sign. Hij spitst zich voornamelijk toe op publieke ruimte, sociaal design en sociale media.
Aanvulling voor de Doetank Gereedschapskist - mei 2012.
Deze kaartenset omvat een groeiend aantal praktische methoden en instrumenten voor toepassing in Doetanks en daarbuiten. Deze instrumenten hebben zich bewezen hebben in andere sectoren en netwerken. Ze helpen nu om vernieuwing bij de overheid eenvoudiger, goedkoper en effici谷nter te maken.
Digital Branding en Social Media StrategiePaul Blok
Collegemateriaal voor NIBAA, het Nederlands Instituut voor Brand Management - opleidingen 'Strategisch Brand Management' en 'Brand Identity & Design Management'.
2. > Ik wil een app cre谷ren voor mobiele toestelen >
> Het is een game app die gebasseerd is op
4. Bedoeling
Op een leuke manier kennis geven over het mensenlijke lichaam;
> anatomie, positieve en negatieve aspecten van de oefeningen.
> Kennis toepassen in het echte leven
> Promoten van een gezondere levenswijzen
Na een grondig onderzoek zijn er mij al een aantal software paketten ter attentie gekom
7. > Deze plug-in zou een vereenvoudigde versie van een custom panel zijn.
> Ik werk met Photoshop zowel als Painter, door deze beiden te combineren
zal het geheel efficienter en duidelijker overkomen.
> Mijn bedoeling is om een designer te helpen door overstappen naar een
digitale manier van ontwerpen
9. Een voorbeeld; versimpelen van swatches.
< Rechts: Corel Painter color wheel.
> Links: Photoshop color swatches.
NOVEMBER > Week 7 8
> onderzoeken bestaande softwarepakketten en informatie verwerken
> Verzamelde data analyzeren en verwerken
> apart halen van alle mogelijkheden die deze softwarepakketten bieden
- afbakenen van bestaande tools en opties
- vinden van moeilijke en eenvouwdige oplossingen voor tools en opties
- onderzoeken hoe kan ik het verbeteren en vereenvouwdigen
> soort werkwijze onderzoeken
> designers interviewen
> concept uitwerken en realiseren
- schetsen van het concept
-iIntegreren van het data die onderzocht was
- conceptueel uitwerken
- pratische sample cre谷ren dat functioneert
> presentatie