7. Technically Speaking
A Blog is:
A Web page organized around posts
Post = a story told with text,
pictures, audio or video content
In reverse-chronological order
Most recent post always on top
8. Reverse-chronological
2:56p Monday | | Best day ever!
7:18p Monday Work isjust in
6:45a Tuesday | This boring...
Check beenthis BBCat a 2 cent raise. OMG! 8-) :(
I have out staring story; consider for HOURS
My boss gave me my computer yourself lucky.
2:56p Monday | | Best day ever!
7:18p Monday Work is boring...
I have been staring at a 2 cent raise. OMG! 8-) :(
My boss gave me my computer for HOURS
2:56p Monday | Work is boring...
I have been staring at my computer for HOURS :(
26. Welcome to Freedom of Choice! Mar 09, 2005 - 09:04 PM
TOP TRACKS REMAIN 49 CENTS 揃 Read quot;Rock on Rob!quot;
Dont Let Apple Break Q&A with Real CEO
RealNetworks continues the momentum of the
Your iPod! Sign Rob Glaser
biggest online music sale in hstory by offering
up and tell the Apple top tracks at the RealPlayer Music Store for just
揃 New: Rob Glaser
you want the right to 49 cents a song. Each week, songs from the answers questions on
choose where you get latest quot;Rolling Stone Top 10quot; list will be Slashdot.org
your music. available to download for just 49 cents.
signature RealNetworks has launched the quot;Freedom of
Choicequot; campaign to help consumers break the
揃 Doc Searl's Blog
chains that tie their music devices to 揃 Tim O'Reillys Blog
proprietary music downloads. We're here to 揃 Larry Lessig's Blog
MAIN MENU 揃 Freedom to Tinker
inform AND motivate.
揃 Tony Talks Tech
Modules Washington-based consumer advocate Public
揃 Topics Knowledge, the voice of the public in a digital
揃 Web Links age, publicly applauds the Freedom of Choice Tuesday, August
Campaign and urges consumers to get involved. 24
揃 RealPlayer 10.5: A
DEVO Recording artist Devo lends their voice Music Player for All
ABOUT THE and their talent literally to the Freedom of Formats
CAMPAIGN Choice campaign. Read their exclusive Q and A
Monday, August
here. Come back for more surprises from Devo!
Read the Q&A
This site is intended as
揃 Consumers Say
a destination for
Rock on Rob! Apple Should Share
consumers to learn
more about the issues Rob Glaser, CEO and founder of RealNetworks, Friday, August 20
of choice in the pioneered music and video to the web. Rob will 揃 RealPlayer's
answer your questions about Freedom of Choice iPod-Compatible
growing digital music
and why consumers must be heard. Update 'Stunned'
arena. The site is
27. Hey Apple, Don't Break My iPod!
View Current Signatures - Sign the Petition
To: Apple Computer
Dear Apple,
Your company has long stood for innovation and open competition. Wasn't it Apple that
ran the famous Super Bowl ad encouraging consumers like us to stand up for our right to
make our own choices? We're asking that you do the same now and support the right of
your own customers to make their own choices about where they buy music for the iPod.
We want Freedom of Music Choice! Don't lock us in to purchasing digital music from one
source. That's bad for competition. It will stifle innovation. And it will slow the adoption of
digital music devices like the iPod.
Do the right thing. Stand with us for Freedom of Music Choice!
The Undersigned
Click Here to Sign Petition
View Current Signatures
28. Hey Apple, Don't Break My iPod!
We endorse the Hey Apple, Don't Break My iPod! Petition to
Apple Computer.
Read the Hey Apple, Don't Break My iPod! Petition
Sign the Hey Apple, Don't Break My iPod! Petition
Name Comments
1694 Total Signatures
View Signatures : 1694 1644 1594 1544 1494 1444 1394 1344 1294 1244 1194
1144 1094 1044 994 944 894 844 794 744 694 644 594 544 494 444 394
344 294 244 194 144 94 44
PetitionOnline.com has disabled the display of email addresses for signatories who chose to make their address
public. We have done this to reduce the spread of harmful Windows viruses which harvest email addresses from the
web cache of infected computers. This also prevents spammers from harvesting email addresses from this site.
The Hey Apple, Don't Break My iPod! Petition to Apple Computer was created by
29. Hey Apple, Don't Break My iPod!
We endorse the Hey Apple, Don't Break My iPod! Petition to
Apple Computer.
Read the Hey Apple, Don't Break My iPod! Petition
Sign the Hey Apple, Don't Break My iPod! Petition
Name Comments
894. kill'em all Note to Apple: crush them very hard in court. Even windoze users
hate Real. :-)
i'm not fat, it's the glasses that make me look fat. But my wife
(who's really fat) says they make me look smart. So i wear them.
893. Rob Glaser But i can see sh*t through them. Kind of like eeh... well what you
guys see when watching realmedia. And my ears aren't to great
either. But that's a different story.
Apple has a strategy, it started with a vision years and years ago, it
was driven by an idea that Apple picked up and made very
892. Stephen Peterson successful, they have a long term plan and people trust that they will
be around for a while, other companies such and Real, Napster and
Buymusic, their plans hatched as a result of the original success of
Apple, their counterfeiting an idea, not making it better.
891. phox REAL sucks!!!
890. Gimme A'Break You're joking right? I can get mp3s from anyone or from my own
CD collection too. Do some research guys.
889. Fulu Saba Win only? WTF is the point? iTMS is better.
Yo Real - if you want to play on a music player - why don't you
888. Johnny R make your own? Real blows - its like wal-mart except with media.
LONG LIVE APPLE!!!!!!!!!!!
34. Timeline
June 21, 2005: First post, Dell lies. Dell sucks.
Receives 253 comments.
June 26, 2005: Post, after his laptop returned from Dells
repair shop, Dell still lies. Dell still sucks.
Receives 358 comments.
June 26, 2005: Same day post, Have at me Apple
cultists where Jarvis considers switching to Mac
laptops. Receives 483 comments.
35. June 27, 2005: Post, Dell hell, still burning more
accounts of terrible customer service, they continue to
get Jarvis name wrong, recommends that everybody
drop Dell.
June 30, 2005: Jarvis buys a Mac, sends a letter to Dell
chief marketing of鍖cer and gets a concerned phone call
from Dell.
July 1, 2005: Dell hell: seller beware post about
the phone call with Dell brass...
36. July 4, 2005: Jarvis posts a fellow bloggers 鍖nding that
Dells PR company claims to monitor the blogosphere.
There are an estimated 9 million blogs today, but which
ones matter to you? Its our job not only to tell you, but
to help you negotiate that terrain. (February, 2003)
July 11, 2005: Dell shuts down its online customer
July 29, 2005: A reader forwards Jarvis the following
conversation of two bank tellers on their lunch break:
37. Woman one: I was going to buy a new Dell
but did you hear about Jeff Jarvis and the
absolute hell he is going through with them?
Woman two: Yeah, I know the IT guy told
me that the [Scobelizer] blog was
recommending we stay away from Dell.
38. August 12, 2005: Dell shares sink due to slower revenue
growth. Subsequent MSM coverage details surveys
showing poor Dell customer service and declining stock
August 17, 2005: Dear Mr. Dell post outlines the
situation and offers advice for preventing it in the future.
Receives 461 comments.
August 23, 2005: MediaPost runs a story based on an
interview with top customer service 鍖gures at Dell. Dell
vows to proactively address online issues and contact
affected customers. Mentions Jarvis, his open letter and
an offer to dialogue with him to [make] sure that
the system is to his liking.
39. August 26, 2005: A salesman from Dell calls Jarvis about
his sons laptop (which was also experiencing dif鍖culty)
and 鍖nally admits that he is cold calling to sell Dell-
branded broadband service to Dell customers. Dell hell
August 29, 2005: Jarvis recounts a call with Dells
corporate communications of鍖cer. Missed opportunity:
Dell talks to customers, not with them; Dell wants to
leverage the blogoshpere not participate; Jarvis offers to
relay a message to the blogosphere on Dells behalf, gets
a boilerplate talking point about improving customer
40. From that point forward, the Dell Hell saga is
chronicled in MSM publications, business
journals, marketing and PR case studies,
thought-leading blogs and smaller blogs with
similar Dell issues. Jarvis still receives daily e-
mails about readers Dell Hell experiences.
47. July 10, 2006: The Direct2Dell blog launches to
much criticism by bloggers:
Too commercial, corporate, promotional and un-
49. July 11, 2006: Post, Some friendly advice
from Dell Jarvis publishes a comment he
received on his post about the new Dell blog.
50. Hey Jarvis. I honestly think you have no life. Honestly?
Do you have a life, or do just spend it trying to make
Dell miserable. Ive been working with Dell the past
three weeks researching trashy blogs that worms like
you leave all over that frigen blogosphere and I cant
honestly say that Dell is trying to take a step towards
鍖xing their customer service. They hire guys like me to
go on the web and look through the blogs of guys like
you in hopes that we can 鍖nd out your problem and
鍖x it. But honestly I dont think you have a problem Dell
can 鍖x.Your problem is you have no life.
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3380 No more plastic wrap, please
Environment submitted by falbert May 22
In the last shipment of computers I received I was shocked by the amount of plastic wrap used for items like power Remember me
cords, USB cables, VGA/DVI cables. Do these items really need to be individually wrapped in a plastic bag. I can just Sign in
imagine the tons of plastic used by Dell annually... Forgot password
Something to think about
63 Comments 損
24630 Standardize Power Cables for Laptops Accessories (Keyboards, etc.)
Accessories (Keyboards, etc.), Laptops submitted by badblood 08/27/07 **UNDER REVIEW** Advertising and Marketing
Nothing is more annoying than laptop power cables that are not interchangeable from one computer model to another Broadband and Mobility
or from one brand of computer to another. Power cables have been standardized on most electrical applicances, Dell
including desktop computers for decades. Dell Community
Dell Web Site
Make an effort to promote and implement standard power cables for laptops.
Desktops and Laptops
Dimension products
54. Home Ideas Blogs Videos Discussions
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The Dell Community has contributed: 9375 ideas | promoted 641848 times | 71534 comments
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3380 No more plastic wrap, please
Environment submitted by falbert May 22
In the last shipment of computers I received I was shocked by the amount of plastic wrap used for items like power Remember me
cords, USB cables, VGA/DVI cables. Do these items really need to be individually wrapped in a plastic bag. I can just Sign in
imagine the tons of plastic used by Dell annually... Forgot password
Something to think about
63 Comments 損
24630 Standardize Power Cables for Laptops Accessories (Keyboards, etc.)
Accessories (Keyboards, etc.), Laptops submitted by badblood 08/27/07 **UNDER REVIEW** Advertising and Marketing
Nothing is more annoying than laptop power cables that are not interchangeable from one computer model to another Broadband and Mobility
or from one brand of computer to another. Power cables have been standardized on most electrical applicances, Dell
including desktop computers for decades. Dell Community
Dell Web Site
Make an effort to promote and implement standard power cables for laptops.
Desktops and Laptops
Dimension products