COCOMO II is a model for estimating the cost, effort, and schedule of software development projects. It consists of three submodels with increasing levels of detail: Applications Composition, Early Design, and Post-architecture. COCOMO II can be used for making investment decisions, setting budgets and schedules, and deciding on tradeoffs between cost, schedule, and quality factors.
2. • COnstructive COst MOdel II (COCOMO® II) is a
model that allows one to estimate the
cost, effort, and schedule when planning a
new software development activity
3. • It consists of three submodels, each one
offering increased fidelity the further along
one is in the project planning and design
process. Listed in increasing fidelity, these
submodels are called the
• Applications Composition,
• Early Design, and
• Post-architecture models.
4. • COCOMO® II can be used for the following major
decision situations
• Making investment or other financial decisions
involving a software development effort
• Setting project budgets and schedules as a basis
for planning and control
• Deciding on or negotiating tradeoffs among
cost, schedule, functionality, performance or
quality factors
5. • The original model published in 1981 went by
the simple name of COCOMO®. This is an
acronym derived from the first two letters of
each word in the longer phrase COnstructive
COst MOdel. The word constructive refers to
the fact that the model helps an estimator
better understand the complexities of the
software job to be done, and by its openness
permits the estimator to know exactly why the
model gives the estimate it does