This document describes the features of the TOMAS Module for managing meetings and conclusions. The module allows users to prepare templates for recurring meetings, create meeting invitations and agendas, take and distribute minutes, and track the status of conclusions. Key features include automatically populating meeting details from templates, carrying conclusions over from previous meetings, and providing transparency into the status of open conclusions. The module aims to improve meetings by facilitating organization and ensuring follow-through on conclusions.
1) Desde os anos 1960, houve uma mudan巽a nos paradigmas que guiam as ci棚ncias humanas, com o "descentramento" da perspectiva euroc棚ntrica.
2) Os estudos africanistas tiveram grande influ棚ncia nessa mudan巽a, desafiando teorias como a "ham鱈tica" e revelando a ag棚ncia dos povos africanos.
3) Isso levou a uma crise nos departamentos tradicionais e necessidade de dar mais espa巽o aos estudos africanistas e s perspectivas dos intelectuais do Sul global.
The international climate change summit that the Australian government announced would be held in Adelaide in November now looks likely to be postponed. Reports indicate the meeting would take place at the earliest in January. While government ministers are committed, coordinating their schedules has proven very difficult. The opposition Greens party accuses the government of using the announced summit to undermine UN climate talks, and claims little preparation has been done to actually hold the meeting in November as announced.
Curso UX Tenerife (No maltrates a tus usuarios) FG ULL - D鱈a 2 - Peores y Mej...Rom辿n Rodr鱈guez-Gil
El documento presenta varios casos de ejemplo que ilustran buenas y malas pr叩cticas de dise単o de interfaz de usuario (UX). Analiza 18 aspectos que influyen en la experiencia del usuario, como el mensaje claro en la p叩gina de aterrizaje, la navegaci坦n, los botones de acci坦n, el uso del color, etc. Para cada caso, muestra un ejemplo considerado como "peor" y otro como "mejor" para ese aspecto particular. El objetivo es fomentar un debate sobre c坦mo dise単ar interfaces que brinden la mejor experiencia de usuario.
Este documento presenta los principales conceptos y din叩micas desarrolladas en la asignatura de Narrativas Digitales. Se explican conceptos como la narrativa digital, el aprendizaje colaborativo mediado y la educomunicaci坦n. Tambi辿n se describen tres din叩micas utilizadas: un an叩lisis DAFO sobre redes sociales, una discusi坦n en Twitter y la creaci坦n de un mapa conceptual. Finalmente, se justifica la secuencia de estas din叩micas y se propone una actividad adicional colaborativa utilizando la aplicaci坦n WallWisher.
Find out about our events that are coming up on campus in the week commencing 6 April and beyond.
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Come valutare se vale la pena scrivere un business planAntonio Tresca
El tiempo atmosf辿rico y las temperaturasMarisa Bellot
Este documento instruye al lector sobre c坦mo completar tablas con las temperaturas m叩ximas y m鱈nimas pronosticadas para los pr坦ximos 5 d鱈as en Valencia y Guip炭zcoa utilizando datos de un sitio web de pron坦sticos del tiempo. Luego pide al lector que identifique los d鱈as de la semana con las temperaturas m叩s bajas y m叩s altas en cada lugar, y que cree gr叩ficas de barras y l鱈neas con los datos de temperatura recopilados.
Ra炭l Noyola, Director de Turismo de San Pedro Mixtepec, discute los esfuerzos para promover el desarrollo tur鱈stico de Puerto Escondido y la regi坦n, incluyendo atraer nuevas inversiones y resolver problemas como la inseguridad de la tenencia de la tierra. Planea trabajar con inversionistas como Marriott para traer m叩s turismo y est叩ndares m叩s altos, pero primero la comunidad local debe demostrar que puede cumplir con las expectativas de inversi坦n y seguridad jur鱈dica.
El documento discute investigaciones que muestran que el uso regular de ibuprofeno puede reducir significativamente el riesgo de desarrollar la enfermedad de Alzheimer. Estudios en Alemania y Estados Unidos encontraron que las personas que tomaron ibuprofeno u otros antiinflamatorios no esteroideos durante varios a単os tuvieron la mitad o un 40% menos de probabilidades de desarrollar Alzheimer, respectivamente. Sin embargo, los expertos enfatizan que se necesita m叩s investigaci坦n antes de recomendar el ibuprofeno como tratamiento preventivo.
This document is a collection of photos from various photographers on The photos depict different subjects like coffee, pugs, landscapes, and more. The document encourages the viewer to get inspired by the photos and create their own presentation on 際際滷Share using Haiku Deck.
Apartment over Commercial housing involves apartments located above commercial spaces in a mixed-use building. These buildings typically contain 25-100 units over 3-5 floors, with a net density of 26-84 units per acre. Careful design is needed to separate or integrate pedestrian access, parking, deliveries, and trash between the residential and commercial uses. High density allows for good access to neighborhood amenities, though active pedestrian areas and shared parks are also important for livability.
The document contains instructions for a bot to log in to various websites, create blog posts or bookmarks, and validate the results. It logs into sites like,,, and It creates posts and bookmarks, setting title, body, tags, and submitting. It checks for errors or success messages and gets the URL of the created post.
This document provides design guidelines for mixed-use development projects in the City of Antioch. It discusses two types of mixed-use projects - vertical, with residential over commercial, and horizontal, with residential and commercial in separate buildings. The guidelines aim to promote high quality design that enhances the pedestrian environment, protects bicyclists, designs parking to promote safety, ensures compatibility between uses, and encourages infill development with a mix of residential and commercial uses. Site planning guidelines address building placement, street orientation, parking location, and treatment of service areas. Architecture guidelines discuss creating an engaging street environment and building frontage.
Apartment over Commercial housing involves apartments located above commercial spaces, with residential units potentially occupying part of the ground floor as well. These buildings typically contain 25-100 units across 3-5 floors, with a net site density of 26-84 units per acre. Careful interior unit, building access, parking, and outdoor space design is needed to balance the residential and commercial uses and ensure safety, sociability, and livability. High density apartment over commercial developments can provide good neighborhood amenities and access to services if pedestrian environments and shared open spaces are incorporated.
Find out about our events that are coming up on campus in the week commencing 6 April and beyond.
Find more information on CareerHub
Come valutare se vale la pena scrivere un business planAntonio Tresca
El tiempo atmosf辿rico y las temperaturasMarisa Bellot
Este documento instruye al lector sobre c坦mo completar tablas con las temperaturas m叩ximas y m鱈nimas pronosticadas para los pr坦ximos 5 d鱈as en Valencia y Guip炭zcoa utilizando datos de un sitio web de pron坦sticos del tiempo. Luego pide al lector que identifique los d鱈as de la semana con las temperaturas m叩s bajas y m叩s altas en cada lugar, y que cree gr叩ficas de barras y l鱈neas con los datos de temperatura recopilados.
Ra炭l Noyola, Director de Turismo de San Pedro Mixtepec, discute los esfuerzos para promover el desarrollo tur鱈stico de Puerto Escondido y la regi坦n, incluyendo atraer nuevas inversiones y resolver problemas como la inseguridad de la tenencia de la tierra. Planea trabajar con inversionistas como Marriott para traer m叩s turismo y est叩ndares m叩s altos, pero primero la comunidad local debe demostrar que puede cumplir con las expectativas de inversi坦n y seguridad jur鱈dica.
El documento discute investigaciones que muestran que el uso regular de ibuprofeno puede reducir significativamente el riesgo de desarrollar la enfermedad de Alzheimer. Estudios en Alemania y Estados Unidos encontraron que las personas que tomaron ibuprofeno u otros antiinflamatorios no esteroideos durante varios a単os tuvieron la mitad o un 40% menos de probabilidades de desarrollar Alzheimer, respectivamente. Sin embargo, los expertos enfatizan que se necesita m叩s investigaci坦n antes de recomendar el ibuprofeno como tratamiento preventivo.
This document is a collection of photos from various photographers on The photos depict different subjects like coffee, pugs, landscapes, and more. The document encourages the viewer to get inspired by the photos and create their own presentation on 際際滷Share using Haiku Deck.
Apartment over Commercial housing involves apartments located above commercial spaces in a mixed-use building. These buildings typically contain 25-100 units over 3-5 floors, with a net density of 26-84 units per acre. Careful design is needed to separate or integrate pedestrian access, parking, deliveries, and trash between the residential and commercial uses. High density allows for good access to neighborhood amenities, though active pedestrian areas and shared parks are also important for livability.
The document contains instructions for a bot to log in to various websites, create blog posts or bookmarks, and validate the results. It logs into sites like,,, and It creates posts and bookmarks, setting title, body, tags, and submitting. It checks for errors or success messages and gets the URL of the created post.
This document provides design guidelines for mixed-use development projects in the City of Antioch. It discusses two types of mixed-use projects - vertical, with residential over commercial, and horizontal, with residential and commercial in separate buildings. The guidelines aim to promote high quality design that enhances the pedestrian environment, protects bicyclists, designs parking to promote safety, ensures compatibility between uses, and encourages infill development with a mix of residential and commercial uses. Site planning guidelines address building placement, street orientation, parking location, and treatment of service areas. Architecture guidelines discuss creating an engaging street environment and building frontage.
Apartment over Commercial housing involves apartments located above commercial spaces, with residential units potentially occupying part of the ground floor as well. These buildings typically contain 25-100 units across 3-5 floors, with a net site density of 26-84 units per acre. Careful interior unit, building access, parking, and outdoor space design is needed to balance the residential and commercial uses and ensure safety, sociability, and livability. High density apartment over commercial developments can provide good neighborhood amenities and access to services if pedestrian environments and shared open spaces are incorporated.