The document contains instructions for a bot to log in to various websites, create blog posts or bookmarks, and validate the results. It logs into sites like,,, and It creates posts and bookmarks, setting title, body, tags, and submitting. It checks for errors or success messages and gets the URL of the created post.
An introduction to Facebook Graph API and OAuth 2. This presentation covers basic example of Facebook Graph API, and including how OAuth 2 client-side flow works.
Apresenta巽達o da nova Graph API do Facebook, esta que classifica e relaciona o conte炭do da rede social em forma de um grafo contendo objects e connections e seus correlacionamentos
Summit2014 topic 0066 - 10 enhancements that require 10 lines of codeAngel Borroy L坦pez
This document provides an agenda and discussion topics for an Alfresco training session. It includes introductions, preliminary thoughts on Alfresco from a new user perspective, definitions of some technical Alfresco terms, and a countdown of real questions from users with proposed solutions ranging from 1-9 lines of code.
1) The document discusses Geb, a browser automation framework for testing web and mobile applications. It provides examples of using Page Object Model and control modules to organize tests.
2) It describes using selectors, assertions, waiting techniques, and interacting with elements via mouse, keyboard and JavaScript. Multiple browsers are supported for testing.
3) Project structure, organizing requirements as stories and features, implementing page objects and test steps are covered. Other frameworks like Selenide are also mentioned.
CodeFest 2013. 仂亠仆从仂 . 个亠亶仄于仂从 Html Elements 亳仍亳 从舒从 亟仂弍仆仂 于亰舒亳仄仂亟亠亶...CodeFest
The document discusses page object modeling for web UI tests. It describes defining page objects with typed page elements like text inputs, buttons, dropdowns etc. and using these page objects and elements in test steps and tests to interact with the web page. Blocks are used to group related elements and matchers are defined to make assertions on elements.
This document provides an introduction and overview of jQuery UI. It explains that jQuery UI is a plugin library that adds new interactive features and widgets to the jQuery JavaScript library. It then explores the main components of jQuery UI, including interactions like draggable and droppable, widgets like accordion and datepicker, visual effects, and utilities for positioning and theming. Examples of code are provided for many of the interactions and widgets.
The document discusses jQuery, a JavaScript library. It provides an introduction to jQuery, explaining that it simplifies HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling, animation, and Ajax interactions for rapid web development. It also allows developers to write less code and do more. The core jQuery function and chaining methods are described. Finally, it covers jQuery selectors, traversing, manipulation, and other basic APIs.
I Don't Care About Security (And Neither Should You)Joel Lord
Remember when setting up an auth system was easy? Me neither. From the signup form, the login form, password reset form, and all the validation in between it can easily take weeks if not months to get something basic up and running. Then you have to deal with all the security considerations. No thanks. During this presentation, the attendees will be introduced to OpenID and OAuth. They will learn how to leverage these technologies to create secure applications, but most importantly, they will learn why and how to delegate authorization and authentication so they can focus on their real work and forget about all that security stuff.
I Don't Care About Security (And Neither Should You)Joel Lord
Remember when setting up an auth system was easy? Me neither. From the signup form, the login form, password reset form, and all the validation in between it can easily take weeks if not months to get something basic up and running. Then you have to deal with all the security considerations. No thanks. During this presentation, the attendees will be introduced to OpenID and OAuth. They will learn how to leverage these technologies to create secure applications, but most importantly, they will learn why and how to delegate authorization and authentication so they can focus on their real work and forget about all that security stuff.
Persona: in your browsers, killing your passwordsFrancois Marier
Introduction to Persona, a new cross-browser login system for the web that's built entirely in Javascript. Powered by node.js on the backend, it pushes most of the crypto to the browser in order to create a secure and privacy-sensitive experience.
The document discusses using promises to write asynchronous code in a synchronous style. It provides examples of testing a blog API using callbacks, async/await, and promises. With callbacks, the code is nested and difficult to follow. Using async/await and promises helps linearize the code and make the asynchronous logic clearer and easier to read. Promises transform asynchronous code into a series of synchronous-looking steps chained together with .then() calls. This improves readability and maintainability compared to deeply nested callbacks.
JQuery is a JavaScript library that makes it easier to use JavaScript on websites. It allows developers to select HTML elements and perform actions on them with simple method calls. Some key points covered include how to include JQuery in an HTML page, common selectors to select elements, and examples of using JQuery to modify CSS styles and handle events like clicks and hovers. Events in JQuery allow responding to user actions, and methods like hide(), show(), toggle() allow changing the visibility of elements.
The go-start webframework (GTUG Vienna 27.03.2012)ungerik
This document summarizes a high level web framework called go-start that was created for the Go programming language. Some key points:
- It aims to provide a high level framework like Django or Rails that is easy to setup and deploy while staying true to Go conventions.
- It uses MVC architecture and prefers Go syntax over template languages for views. It includes HTML5 Boilerplate, jQuery and handles external dependencies.
- Views can be defined using Go syntax and DOM representations on the server. Common widgets like lists, tables and forms are provided at a higher level.
- Models are Go structs with validation via reflection and shared between forms and the MongoDB database.
- Routing
This document provides a cheat sheet for Emmet syntax and abbreviations for generating HTML and CSS code. It includes abbreviations for common HTML elements and attributes as well as CSS properties. Some examples of Emmet syntax include nav>ul>li to generate a nav element containing an unordered list with a list item, and + to create sibling elements. CSS abbreviations use fuzzy search to find property names, like ov:h to generate overflow:hidden. Prefixing with - adds vendor prefixes, so -border-radius becomes -webkit-border-radius.
This document discusses OAuth and OpenID Connect for authentication and authorization. It begins with an introduction to traditional authentication and its limitations. OAuth is then introduced as a solution, with descriptions of the authorization code and implicit flows. JSON Web Tokens and their structure are explained. Code samples are provided for building an OAuth authorization server and API with Express, JWT, and other packages. Finally, OpenID Connect is discussed as an identity layer that builds on OAuth 2.0, with descriptions of its scopes and flows.
The Web beyond "usernames & passwords" (OSDC12)Francois Marier
Identity systems on the Web are a bit of a mess. Surely in 2012, we would have something else than usernames and passwords for logging into websites. A solution that doesn't require trusting a central authority with a privacy policy that can change at a whim.
It turns out that solving the general identity problem is very hard. Some of these solutions require complicated redirections, an overwhelming amount of jargon and lots of verbose XML. The technology has been around for a long time, but implementing it properly (and safely) is often incredibly difficult. It's a lot to ask of the millions of part-time developers out there that are building sites out of some quick HTML, a MySQL database and some PHP Code samples.
This talk will explore the challenges of the existing Web identity solutions and introduce the choices that we made during the development of Persona, a new Open Source federated identity solution from Mozilla, designed and built to respect user privacy.
This presentation covers some jQuery basics, as well as some general concepts you should understand about jQuery. You will find other tips and tricks sprinkled throughout before the live coding session starts.
The code from the live coding session is available here: and covers far more advanced topics than the slide portion of this presentation.
Integrating OAuth and Social Login Into WordpressWilliam Tam
My presentation at #wpnyc WordCampNYC 2016. An overview of how OAuth works (mostly OAuth2), and techniques for integrating it in plugins, themes, and as part of 'social login' for websites.
OOCSS for JavaScript Pirates jQcon BostonJohn Hann
OCSS is an approach to CSS that focuses on maximizing reuse through separation of concerns. It advocates separating container styles from content and structure styles from skin/presentation styles. OCSS objects consist of HTML, CSS rules, and JavaScript behavior associated via a class name. Classes can inherit styles and states from other classes. The approach aims to create loosely coupled, maintainable CSS through principles like reuse, separation of concerns, and object-oriented modeling of components.
Front-end Javascript testing is a thing since 3/4 years now, but its still a ghost in the dev community: someone believes in it while someone else is not convinced at all.
This talk will tackle the misconceptions about testing, how and what to test, dependencies mocking and strategies to write tests in a profitable way without being afraid.
The FamilySearch Reference Client is an open-source implementation of the Family Tree user interface that was developed to:
1) Make it easy for partners to access the FamilySearch tree using an extensible framework
2) Provide reusable components for partners to use
3) Demonstrate how to access the FamilySearch Tree using the Javascript SDK
This document provides an introduction to jQuery, including what jQuery is, why it's useful, how to include it, and some common jQuery syntax and methods. Key points:
- jQuery is a JavaScript framework that makes interacting with HTML, CSS, and browser functionality simpler. It provides methods for DOM manipulation, AJAX requests, and event handling.
- jQuery uses CSS selector syntax to select elements and chainable methods to manipulate them. Common methods include show(), hide(), addClass(), removeClass(), and more.
- Events like click and change can have callback functions attached via jQuery. AJAX requests allow asynchronous data retrieval without page reloads.
- jQuery handles cross-browser compatibility and provides a consistent
The document is the login page of Facebook in Indonesian. It contains the login form where users can enter their email/phone number and password to log into their Facebook account. It also includes language selection options where users can choose to see the page in other languages.
I Don't Care About Security (And Neither Should You)Joel Lord
Remember that time where setting up a login page was easy? It seems like nowadays, it take many weeks to start a project just to create a signup form, a login form and a forget password screen. During this presentation, the attendees will be introduced to OpenID and OAuth. They will also learn how to leverage these technologies to create more secure application. Most importantly, they will learn how to delegate authorization and authentication so they can focus on their real work and forget about all that security stuff.
This document provides an overview of key concepts for working with Elasticsearch including:
- What documents and their metadata fields like _index, _type, and _id represent
- How to index, retrieve, update, delete and check for existence of documents
- Using versions for optimistic concurrency control
- Partially updating documents with scripts
- Retrieving multiple documents with _mget
- Reducing overhead with bulk indexing operations
- Setting default types to reduce repetition
I Don't Care About Security (And Neither Should You)Joel Lord
Remember when setting up an auth system was easy? Me neither. From the signup form, the login form, password reset form, and all the validation in between it can easily take weeks if not months to get something basic up and running. Then you have to deal with all the security considerations. No thanks. During this presentation, the attendees will be introduced to OpenID and OAuth. They will learn how to leverage these technologies to create secure applications, but most importantly, they will learn why and how to delegate authorization and authentication so they can focus on their real work and forget about all that security stuff.
I Don't Care About Security (And Neither Should You)Joel Lord
Remember when setting up an auth system was easy? Me neither. From the signup form, the login form, password reset form, and all the validation in between it can easily take weeks if not months to get something basic up and running. Then you have to deal with all the security considerations. No thanks. During this presentation, the attendees will be introduced to OpenID and OAuth. They will learn how to leverage these technologies to create secure applications, but most importantly, they will learn why and how to delegate authorization and authentication so they can focus on their real work and forget about all that security stuff.
Persona: in your browsers, killing your passwordsFrancois Marier
Introduction to Persona, a new cross-browser login system for the web that's built entirely in Javascript. Powered by node.js on the backend, it pushes most of the crypto to the browser in order to create a secure and privacy-sensitive experience.
The document discusses using promises to write asynchronous code in a synchronous style. It provides examples of testing a blog API using callbacks, async/await, and promises. With callbacks, the code is nested and difficult to follow. Using async/await and promises helps linearize the code and make the asynchronous logic clearer and easier to read. Promises transform asynchronous code into a series of synchronous-looking steps chained together with .then() calls. This improves readability and maintainability compared to deeply nested callbacks.
JQuery is a JavaScript library that makes it easier to use JavaScript on websites. It allows developers to select HTML elements and perform actions on them with simple method calls. Some key points covered include how to include JQuery in an HTML page, common selectors to select elements, and examples of using JQuery to modify CSS styles and handle events like clicks and hovers. Events in JQuery allow responding to user actions, and methods like hide(), show(), toggle() allow changing the visibility of elements.
The go-start webframework (GTUG Vienna 27.03.2012)ungerik
This document summarizes a high level web framework called go-start that was created for the Go programming language. Some key points:
- It aims to provide a high level framework like Django or Rails that is easy to setup and deploy while staying true to Go conventions.
- It uses MVC architecture and prefers Go syntax over template languages for views. It includes HTML5 Boilerplate, jQuery and handles external dependencies.
- Views can be defined using Go syntax and DOM representations on the server. Common widgets like lists, tables and forms are provided at a higher level.
- Models are Go structs with validation via reflection and shared between forms and the MongoDB database.
- Routing
This document provides a cheat sheet for Emmet syntax and abbreviations for generating HTML and CSS code. It includes abbreviations for common HTML elements and attributes as well as CSS properties. Some examples of Emmet syntax include nav>ul>li to generate a nav element containing an unordered list with a list item, and + to create sibling elements. CSS abbreviations use fuzzy search to find property names, like ov:h to generate overflow:hidden. Prefixing with - adds vendor prefixes, so -border-radius becomes -webkit-border-radius.
This document discusses OAuth and OpenID Connect for authentication and authorization. It begins with an introduction to traditional authentication and its limitations. OAuth is then introduced as a solution, with descriptions of the authorization code and implicit flows. JSON Web Tokens and their structure are explained. Code samples are provided for building an OAuth authorization server and API with Express, JWT, and other packages. Finally, OpenID Connect is discussed as an identity layer that builds on OAuth 2.0, with descriptions of its scopes and flows.
The Web beyond "usernames & passwords" (OSDC12)Francois Marier
Identity systems on the Web are a bit of a mess. Surely in 2012, we would have something else than usernames and passwords for logging into websites. A solution that doesn't require trusting a central authority with a privacy policy that can change at a whim.
It turns out that solving the general identity problem is very hard. Some of these solutions require complicated redirections, an overwhelming amount of jargon and lots of verbose XML. The technology has been around for a long time, but implementing it properly (and safely) is often incredibly difficult. It's a lot to ask of the millions of part-time developers out there that are building sites out of some quick HTML, a MySQL database and some PHP Code samples.
This talk will explore the challenges of the existing Web identity solutions and introduce the choices that we made during the development of Persona, a new Open Source federated identity solution from Mozilla, designed and built to respect user privacy.
This presentation covers some jQuery basics, as well as some general concepts you should understand about jQuery. You will find other tips and tricks sprinkled throughout before the live coding session starts.
The code from the live coding session is available here: and covers far more advanced topics than the slide portion of this presentation.
Integrating OAuth and Social Login Into WordpressWilliam Tam
My presentation at #wpnyc WordCampNYC 2016. An overview of how OAuth works (mostly OAuth2), and techniques for integrating it in plugins, themes, and as part of 'social login' for websites.
OOCSS for JavaScript Pirates jQcon BostonJohn Hann
OCSS is an approach to CSS that focuses on maximizing reuse through separation of concerns. It advocates separating container styles from content and structure styles from skin/presentation styles. OCSS objects consist of HTML, CSS rules, and JavaScript behavior associated via a class name. Classes can inherit styles and states from other classes. The approach aims to create loosely coupled, maintainable CSS through principles like reuse, separation of concerns, and object-oriented modeling of components.
Front-end Javascript testing is a thing since 3/4 years now, but its still a ghost in the dev community: someone believes in it while someone else is not convinced at all.
This talk will tackle the misconceptions about testing, how and what to test, dependencies mocking and strategies to write tests in a profitable way without being afraid.
The FamilySearch Reference Client is an open-source implementation of the Family Tree user interface that was developed to:
1) Make it easy for partners to access the FamilySearch tree using an extensible framework
2) Provide reusable components for partners to use
3) Demonstrate how to access the FamilySearch Tree using the Javascript SDK
This document provides an introduction to jQuery, including what jQuery is, why it's useful, how to include it, and some common jQuery syntax and methods. Key points:
- jQuery is a JavaScript framework that makes interacting with HTML, CSS, and browser functionality simpler. It provides methods for DOM manipulation, AJAX requests, and event handling.
- jQuery uses CSS selector syntax to select elements and chainable methods to manipulate them. Common methods include show(), hide(), addClass(), removeClass(), and more.
- Events like click and change can have callback functions attached via jQuery. AJAX requests allow asynchronous data retrieval without page reloads.
- jQuery handles cross-browser compatibility and provides a consistent
The document is the login page of Facebook in Indonesian. It contains the login form where users can enter their email/phone number and password to log into their Facebook account. It also includes language selection options where users can choose to see the page in other languages.
I Don't Care About Security (And Neither Should You)Joel Lord
Remember that time where setting up a login page was easy? It seems like nowadays, it take many weeks to start a project just to create a signup form, a login form and a forget password screen. During this presentation, the attendees will be introduced to OpenID and OAuth. They will also learn how to leverage these technologies to create more secure application. Most importantly, they will learn how to delegate authorization and authentication so they can focus on their real work and forget about all that security stuff.
This document provides an overview of key concepts for working with Elasticsearch including:
- What documents and their metadata fields like _index, _type, and _id represent
- How to index, retrieve, update, delete and check for existence of documents
- Using versions for optimistic concurrency control
- Partially updating documents with scripts
- Retrieving multiple documents with _mget
- Reducing overhead with bulk indexing operations
- Setting default types to reduce repetition
This document describes how to build a bulletin board application in Laravel. It covers setting up the application structure with Blade views and layouts, connecting to a MySQL database to manage users and posts, creating Eloquent models, and building out the controller logic for common actions like registration, login, creating, editing, and deleting posts. Key sections include setting up the MVC framework with routes and controllers, implementing authentication with sessions, and using relationships and pagination for working with related data.
The document discusses page object modeling for web testing. It includes examples of page object classes with WebElement fields located using annotations. It also discusses some limitations of duplicating code and proposes using element blocks, type definitions, and a matcher library to address these limitations. Standard and extended element types are defined to help structure page objects and represent page elements in a more object-oriented way.
The project gutenberg e book, fairy tales from brazil, by elsie spicerAndrei Hort炭a
This document is the full text of the book "Fairy Tales from Brazil" by Elsie Spicer Eells. It contains 18 folk tales from Brazilian folklore that explain natural phenomena or aspects of the natural world. The stories are introduced as if they are being told by an "ama" or maid named Theresa to children under mango trees in a Brazilian garden at story time.
HTML5 is the latest evolution of the standard markup language for the World Wide Web with new semantics and APIs, including new form types like color pickers and date pickers. It introduces features like local storage, video and audio playback, 2D drawing, and geolocation. WebSockets provide a standardized way for the web to establish two-way communications between a client and server. The Canvas element allows for dynamic, scriptable rendering of 2D shapes and bitmap images. Overall, HTML5 aims to make web-based applications more capable and powerful.
HTML5 - The 2012 of the Web - Adobe MAXRobert Nyman
HTML5 introduces new semantic elements like <header>, <nav>, <article>, and <footer> that divide a document into sections. It also includes new form input types, storage APIs like Web Storage and IndexedDB, multimedia with <video> and <canvas>, offline web apps, and real-time communication with Web Sockets. While HTML5 is still evolving, its new features are being adopted widely on the modern web thanks to its potential to create richer applications and experiences within browsers.
This presentation emphasis on How to connect a Play Application with Mysql as database in Scala.Play includes a simple data access layer called Anorm that uses plain SQL to interact with the database and provides an API to parse and transform the resulting datasets.
The document provides an overview of key concepts in JavaServer Pages (JSP) technology including scriptlets, directives, expressions, implicit objects, attributes, actions, beans, and plugins. It explains how to access classes, import packages, declare variables and methods, handle requests and responses, and integrate with Java beans in JSPs. Code examples are provided to illustrate different JSP elements and programming techniques.
This document contains code for a blog welcome page with multiple scrolling marquee texts welcoming users in Spanish and promoting the blog's focus on technological impact. It includes links to internal pages on the blog as well as embedded videos and a floating top bar with closing functionality.
Web Components are a set of four specifications that allow developers to create reusable custom elements. They include HTML Imports for including HTML in other pages, Shadow DOM for encapsulation, Template for reusable DOM templates, and Custom Elements for defining new HTML elements. While browser support is still limited, libraries like Polymer, X-Tag, and Bosonic provide polyfills to bring Web Components to all browsers.
The document is code for a news bulletin widget that loads news articles and displays them on a webpage. It includes functions for loading new data from an API, displaying individual articles, handling expanding text, and reinitializing the content area. The code retrieves article details, formats them into HTML, and appends the results to the content container.
1. JavaScript can be used to add interactivity and dynamic behavior to web pages. It runs in the browser and can change HTML content, control the browser, and respond to events like user clicks or form submissions.
2. The Document Object Model (DOM) provides methods for accessing and modifying HTML elements on the page from JavaScript. Elements can be referenced by ID or name and then manipulated.
3. Form validation is often done with JavaScript by attaching a validation function to the form's onsubmit event handler. If validation fails, the function returns false to prevent submission.
1. JavaScript can be used to add interactivity and dynamic behavior to web pages. It runs in the browser and can change HTML content, run functions in response to events, and validate form input.
2. The Document Object Model (DOM) provides methods for accessing and modifying HTML elements via JavaScript. Elements can be referenced by ID or name and then manipulated.
3. JavaScript code can be included inline in HTML pages or in external .js files linked via <script> tags. Functions are often attached to events like clicks or form submissions to run code when those events occur.
Apartment over Commercial housing involves apartments located above commercial spaces in a mixed-use building. These buildings typically contain 25-100 units over 3-5 floors, with a net density of 26-84 units per acre. Careful design is needed to separate or integrate pedestrian access, parking, deliveries, and trash between the residential and commercial uses. High density allows for good access to neighborhood amenities, though active pedestrian areas and shared parks are also important for livability.
This document provides design guidelines for mixed-use development projects in the City of Antioch. It discusses two types of mixed-use projects - vertical, with residential over commercial, and horizontal, with residential and commercial in separate buildings. The guidelines aim to promote high quality design that enhances the pedestrian environment, protects bicyclists, designs parking to promote safety, ensures compatibility between uses, and encourages infill development with a mix of residential and commercial uses. Site planning guidelines address building placement, street orientation, parking location, and treatment of service areas. Architecture guidelines discuss creating an engaging street environment and building frontage.
Apartment over Commercial housing involves apartments located above commercial spaces, with residential units potentially occupying part of the ground floor as well. These buildings typically contain 25-100 units across 3-5 floors, with a net site density of 26-84 units per acre. Careful interior unit, building access, parking, and outdoor space design is needed to balance the residential and commercial uses and ensure safety, sociability, and livability. High density apartment over commercial developments can provide good neighborhood amenities and access to services if pedestrian environments and shared open spaces are incorporated.