
際際滷Share a Scribd company logo
bot.setup([js: false, css: false])
bot.go "http://blog.com"
bot.siteErrorIf ('text_exists', '502 Bad Gateway')
bot.set ".//*[@id='user_login']", blog.user, "username"
bot.set ".//*[@id='user_pass']", blog.password, "password"
bot.click(".//input[@id='wp-submit']", "login button")
bot.bannedIf "text_exists", "ERROR : Invalid username"
bot.bannedIf "text_exists", "ERROR : Your account has been marked as a spammer"
bot.invalidIf "text_exists", "ERROR"
bot.checkIf "text_exists", 'Sign Out'
bot.go blog.url + "/wp-admin/post-new.php"
bot.siteErrorIf('text_exists', '502 Bad Gateway')
bot.set ".//*[@id='title']", content.title, 'post title', "input"
bot.set ".//*[@id='content']", content.body, "post body", "textarea"
bot.click ".//input[@type='submit' and @id='publish']", 'post submit'
bot.posted true
bot.setSuccess bot.get(["//span[@id='view-post-btn']/a", "//*[@id='post-preview']"], "href", "view
bot.setup ([js:true])
bot.go blog.url
bot.invalidIf "url_contains","notfound"
bot.js false
bot.go "${blog.url}/login.htm"
bot.set "//input[@id='login']", blog.user,"username","input"
bot.set "//input[@name='password']", blog.password,"password","input"
bot.click "//input[@type='submit' and @name='submit']","login button","button"
bot.bannedIf "text_exists","Wrong login/password."
bot.stopIfNot "url_contains","index.htm"
bot.js true
bot.go "${blog.url}/admin.php?ctrl=posts&tab=edit&blog=1"
bot.set "//input[@id='post_title']", content.title,"post title","input"
bot.executeJs "activate_tinymce('post_content');"
bot.set "//textarea[@id='post_content']", content.body,"post content","input"
bot.click "//input[@type='submit' and @class='submit_ok']","submit post","button"
bot.posted true
bot.click "Permalink","view post","text"
bot.success = bot.url
bot.setup ([js:true])
bot.go blog.url
bot.siteErrorIf ('text_exists', '502 Bad Gateway')
bot.invalidIf "url_contains","notfound"
bot.js false
bot.go "${blog.url}/login.htm"
bot.siteErrorIf ('text_exists', '502 Bad Gateway')
bot.set "//input[@id='login']", blog.user,"username","input"
bot.set "//input[@name='password']", blog.password,"password","input"
bot.click "//input[@type='submit' and @name='submit']","login button","button"
bot.bannedIf "text_exists","Wrong login/password."
bot.stopIfNot "url_contains","index.htm"
bot.js true
bot.go "${blog.url}/admin.php?ctrl=posts&tab=edit&blog=1"
bot.set "//input[@id='post_title']", content.title,"post title","input"
bot.executeJs "activate_tinymce('post_content');"
bot.set "//textarea[@id='post_content']", content.body,"post content","input"
bot.click "//input[@type='submit' and @class='submit_ok']","submit post","button"
bot.posted true
bot.click "Permalink","view post","text"
bot.success = bot.url
siteErrorIf('text_exists', '502 Bad Gateway')
bot.setup ([js: true, css: true, domains:['onlinegame.rail-nation.com']])
bot.go "http://tribe.net/welcome?action=TribeLogout"
bot.set ".//*[@id='email']", blog.user, "username","input"
bot.set ".//*[@id='password']", blog.password, "password","input"
bot.click ".//input[@type='submit' and @value='sign in']", "login button","button"
bot.sleep 5000
bot.badProxyIf('text_exists', 'The requested URL could not be retrieved')
bot.bannedIf('text_exists', 'Invalid e-mail or password')
bot.checkIf("text_exists", "sign out", true, 10, 5)
bot.click "//a[contains(text(), 'blog post')]", "new post", "link_xpath"
bot.checkIf "path_exists", "//*[@id='topic_subject']", true, 5, 5
bot.set ".//*[@id='topic_subject']", content.title, 'post title', "input"
bot.set ".//*[@id='topic_body']", content.body, "post body", "input", "TEXT"
bot.click "submit", "submit button", "text"
bot.checkIf("text_exists", "edit this post", true, 5, 5)
bot.posted true
bot.click "permalink", "view entry", "text"
bot.setSuccess bot.url
bot.setup([js: false])
bot.go "http://alplist.com/login.php"
bot.set "//input[@id='username']", blog.user, "username", "input"
bot.set "//input[@id='password']", blog.password, "password", "input"
bot.click ".//*[@type='submit' and @value='Login']", 'sign in button', 'button'
bot.invalidIf "text_exists", "Username or Password incorrect"
bot.checkIf "text_exists", "Logout", true
bot.go "http://alplist.com/add_story.php"
bot.set "//*[@id='story_url']", content.url, "url", "input"
bot.click ".//*[@type='submit' and @value='Continue']", 'next', 'button'
bot.checkIf "text_exists", "Story Title", true, 10, 2
content.title = bot.left(content.title, 80)
bot.set "//*[@id='story_title']", content.title, "subject", "input"
bot.set "//*[@id='story_desc']", content.body, "description", "input"
bot.set "story_category", "0", "category", "radio_random"
bot.captcha("//*[@id='add_story']//img[@src=/slideshow/error-found/37631791/& "//*[@id='security_code']")
bot.click ".//*[@type='submit' and @value='Submit Story']", 'publish bookmark', 'button'
bot.go http://alplist.com/add_story.php
def urlparam = "${content.url}?p=${bot.random(1,1000)}"
bot.set("//*[@id='story_url']", urlparam,"url", "input")
bot.click ".//*[@type='submit' and @value='Continue']", 'next', 'button'
bot.checkIf("text_exists", "More Info", true)
bot.click "More Info", "post entry", "text"
bot.posted true
bot.setSuccess bot.url
bot.setup([js: true, css: true])
bot.start "1. Login "
bot.go "http://url.org/signin/"
bot.set "//*[@id='username']", blog.user, "username", "input"
bot.set "//input[@id='password']", blog.password, "password", "input"
bot.click ".//input[@type='submit' and @name='submitted']", 'sign in button', 'button'
bot.invalidIf "text_exists", "The details you have entered are incorrect"
bot.checkIf "text_exists", "Log Out", true
bot.start "2. Add a Bookmark"
bot.click "Add a Bookmark", "add bookmark link", "text"
bot.set "//*[@id='address']", content.url, "url", "input"
bot.set "//*[@id='titleField']", content.title, "subject", "input"
bot.set "//input[@name='description']", bot.left(content.body, 255), "description", "input"
bot.set "//*[@id='tags']", content.tags, "tags", "input"
bot.captcha("//*[@id='page_2']/form//img", "//*[@name='imagepasswd']")
bot.click ".//input[@type='submit' and @name='submitted']", 'publish bookmark', 'button'
bot.checkIf "path_exists", "//*[@id='bookmarks']//a[contains(text(), '${content.title}')]", true, 5,
bot.posted true
//could not get exactly URL. return my bookmarks link
bot.setSuccess bot.url
bot.setup([js: true, css: true])
bot.start "1. Login "
bot.go "http://www.folkd.com/page/login.html"
bot.set "//*[@id='username']", blog.user, "username", "input"
bot.set "//input[@id='password']", blog.password, "password", "input"
bot.click ".//input[@type='submit' and @id='submit_login']", 'sign in button', 'button'
bot.invalidIf "text_exists", "Invalid "
bot.checkIf "text_exists", "Logout", true
bot.start "2. Add a Bookmark"
bot.go "http://www.folkd.com/page/submit.html"
bot.set "//*[@id='url_page']", content.url, "url", "input"
bot.click ".//button[@type='submit']", 'submit link', 'button'
bot.set "//*[@id='add_title']", content.title, "subject", "input"
bot.set "//*[@id='add_description']", content.body, "description", "input"
def tags = ""${content.tags}""
tags = tags.replace(",", "" "")
bot.set "//*[@id='add_tags_show']", tags, "tags", "input"
bot.set(bot.get(".//div[@id='recaptcha_image']/img", "src"),
bot.click ".//input[@type='submit']", 'publish bookmark', 'button'
bot.checkIf "text_exists", "Great! Your Link has been saved", true
bot.click "Details", "bookmark entry", "text"
bot.posted true
bot.setSuccess bot.url
TODO: Duplicate article, check to append ?p=bot.random(1,1000)
TODO: Content is too long. Reduce set description :: textarea value
bot.setup([js: false])
bot.go "http://topseobacklinks.com/login.php"
bot.set ".//form[@id='thisform']//*[@name='username']", blog.user, "username", "input"
bot.set ".//form[@id='thisform']//*[@name='password']", blog.password, "password", "input"
bot.click ".//form[@id='thisform']//*[@type='submit']", 'sign in button', 'button'
bot.checkIf "path_exists", "//a[contains(@href,'/login.php')]", true
bot.go "http://topseobacklinks.com/submit.php"
def urlparam = "${content.url}?p=${bot.random(1,1000)}"
bot.set ".//form[@id='thisform']//*[@id='url']", urlparam, "url", "input"
bot.click ".//form[@id='thisform']//*[@type='submit']", 'next', 'button'
bot.invalidIf("text_exists", "Duplicate article URL", "Duplicate article")
bot.checkIf "path_exists", "//input[@id='title']", true, 10, 2
content.title = bot.left(content.title, 120)
bot.set "//input[@id='title']", content.title, "subject", "input"
bot.set ".//*[@name='category']", "1", "category", "select_random"
bot.set "//*[@id='bodytext']", bot.left(content.body,150), "description", "textarea"
bot.click ".//form[@id='thisform']//input[@type='submit']", 'publish bookmark', 'button'
bot.js false
bot.checkIf "url_contains", "upcoming", true
bot.posted true
bot.checkIf "text_exists", "${content.title}"
bot.click "Read More", "bookmark entry", "text"
bot.setSuccess bot.url
TODO: Error URL after clicked. Need to handle checking errors in click() like go()
Error: The requested URL could not be retrieved
bot.setup([js: false, domains: ['google.com/_/+1', 'twitter.com', 'facebook.com', 'sharethis.com',
'addthis.com', 'prosperent.com', trafficmongrel.com]])
bot.go "http://sfcsf.org/login.php"
bot.set ".//form[@id='thisform']//*[@name='username']", blog.user, "username", "input"
bot.set ".//form[@id='thisform']//*[@name='password']", blog.password, "password", "input"
bot.click ".//form[@id='thisform']//*[@type='submit']", 'sign in button', 'button'
bot.checkIf "path_exists", "//a[contains(@href,'/login.php')]", true
bot.go http://sfcsf.org/submit.php
def urlparam = "${content.url}?p=${bot.random(1,1000)}"
bot.set "//*[@id='url']", urlparam, "url", "input"
bot.js true
bot.click ".//form[@id='thisform']//*[@type='submit']", 'next', 'button'
bot.invalidIf("text_exists", "Duplicate article URL", "Duplicate article")
bot.checkIf "path_exists", "//input[@id='title']", true, 10, 2
bot.set "//input[@id='title']", content.title, "subject", "input"
bot.set ".//*[@name='category']", "1", "category", "select_random"
bot.set "//*[@id='bodytext']", content.body, "description", "textarea"
bot.set(bot.get(".//div[@id='recaptcha_image']/img", "src"),
bot.click ".//form[@id='thisform']//input[@type='submit']", 'publish bookmark', 'button'
bot.js false
bot.checkIf "text_exists", "Confirm Details", true
bot.posted true
bot.checkIf "text_exists", "${content.title}"
bot.click "Read More", "bookmark entry", "text"
bot.setSuccess bot.url
bot.setup([driver: true])
bot.go "http://cloudytags.com/"
bot.set "//*[@name='user']", blog.user, 'user', "input"
bot.set "//*[@name='pass']", blog.password, 'password', "input"
bot.click "//*[@id='loginbut']", "Sing in button", "button"
bot.sleep 5000
bot.checkIf "text_exists", "Logout", true, 10, 1
bot.go "http://cloudytags.com/submit.html"
bot.set "//*[@id='submitform']/*[@name='url']", content.url, "url", "input"
bot.click "//*[@id='enterurlbut']", "Post it! step1", "button"
// Wait unit adv timer will be gone away.
bot.sleep 10000
// NOTE: At least one tag should be selected.
content.tags.split(",").eachWithIndex() {item, index ->
bot.set "//input[@name='tag${index}']", "${item}", "tag${index} = ${item}", "input"
bot.set "//textarea[@name='ladesc']", content.title, "title", "textarea"
bot.set(bot.get(".//div[@id='recaptcha_image']/img", "src"),
bot.click "//*[@id='addlinkbut']", "Post it! step2", "button"
bot.invalidIf "text_exists", "We got an error adding your link in our database", "Some problems with
posted links. Probably link is dublicated."
bot.checkIf "text_exists", "Well DONE!", true, 10, 1
bot.posted true
bot.go "http://cloudytags.com/users/${blog.user}.html"
bot.setSuccess bot.find(".//*[@id='ShowLinks']/table[1]/tbody/tr[1]/td[1]/a", "Last posted

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Error found

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