A new study confirms that PSA screening saves lives by showing a 21% overall survival advantage for prostate cancer and a 38% advantage for those screened for more than 10 years. However, the USPSTF recently recommended against routine PSA screening based on flawed studies. The updated data from the ERSPC highlights problems with the USPSTF process, which lacks transparency and oversight. Ultimately, the decision about prostate cancer screening and treatment should remain between patients and their doctors.
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New study confirms psa screening saves lives
1. New study confirms PSA screening saves lives
By Deepak A. Kapoor, M.D., president, Large Urology Group Practice Association
03/20/12 11:34 AM ET
For the past two decades (the PSA screening era), we have seen a nearly 40 percent decrease in deaths from prostate
cancer although there has been no increase in incidence during this interval. This month, a follow-up of the European
Randomized Study of Screening for Prostate Cancer (ERSPC) was published in the New England Journal of Medicine. It
confirmed what urologists and other health care providers have known for years: PSA screening is a valuable life-saving
tool. The study, Prostate-Cancer Mortality at 11 Years of Follow-up, showed that the statistical significance of prostate
screening for all age groups has improved, with an overall survival advantage of 21 percent. More importantly, for
patients followed for more than 10 years, this advantage increased to 38 percent.
Nearly six months ago, U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommended healthy men no longer receive PSA
tests as part of routine cancer screening. Ironically, this decision against routine PSA screening was made by a panel that
does not include urologists or oncologists. The same task force tried unsuccessfully to eliminate mammograms for women
ages 40-49 and recommended against teaching women to do breast self-exams. The panel made the PSA recommendation
based on contradictory information from studies with serious design flaws. Based on USPSTF recommendations, the
Government Accountability Office (GAO) singled out PSA tests as a screening that would require patient co-pays,
potentially discouraging men to have testing that could identify cancer in its earliest, most curable stage.
What is particularly disturbing about all this discussion is that PSA screening itself is not treatment, but is merely a simple
blood test. There are essentially no risks to screening, and with screening results, patients have the information they need
to make better informed decisions about their health. Particularly in need of this information are those at greatest risk for
prostate cancer: African-American men and those with a family history of prostate cancer. Opponents to prostate cancer
screening are not concerned about the risks or costs of screening (both of which are negligible) but rather that patients, in
consultation with their own doctor, may not make the right treatment decision. This paternalistic interference by the
government with the one of the most private decisions in any mans life is inconsistent with the values we hold most dear.
It is simply indefensible.
The revised ERSPC data highlights the problems with the USPSTF process. Under the Affordable Care Act, this taxpayer-
funded agency has been given great power to determine what screening tests must be provided. Despite this authority, the
USPSTF does complies with neither the Federal Advisory Committee Act, (FACA) nor the Administrative Procedures
Act (APA) which were enacted to ensure that those that ultimately work for American citizens conduct their business in
an objective, transparent fashion. We as a country deserve to know who is making health policy decisions by what
criteria, as well as if there is an inherent bias or potential conflict of interest that those with that decision-making power
may have.
Ultimately, the decision on how to screen and treat prostate cancer should stay where it has always been: between patients
and their doctors. This landmark research on the benefits of PSA screening is critical not only for mens health, but also
serves to illustrate the severe flaws in our existing process. Enactment of the USPSTF recommendations will cause the
needless deaths of thousands of men, and not only must this recommendation be modified, but the entire process revised
to ensure such missteps do not occur in the future.
Deepak A. Kapoor, M.D. is president of the Large Urology Group Practice Association, representing more than 1,800
urologists nationwide, as well as chairman and CEO of Integrated Medical Professionals, PLLC, the largest independent
urology group practice in the United States.