The European Commission has recently estimated the investment needs in energy (electricity and gas) infrastructure of European importance to be about 200 billion up to 2020 . The Commission has also stressed that, under a business as usual scenario, almost half of these investments are at risk of not being delivered in time or at all, leaving a gap of about 100 billion.
The main identified obstacles are problems related to permit granting, regulatory issues and financing; and those cannot be fully overcome by the existing measures.
In this context, the European Commission has proposed an Energy Infrastructure package, which we introduce in this presentation.
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New toolkit introduced by the energy infrastructure package
1. New toolkit
introduced by the Energy Infrastructure Package (EIP)
FSR Executive Seminar
March 8, 2013, Florence
Leonardo Meeus
2. New toolkit
Why a new toolkit?
1. Focus
2. Coordinate
3. Accelerate
4. Finance
Why a package?
2011/0300 (COD): Regulation on guidelines for trans-European energy infrastructure
2011/0301 (COD): Regulation laying down general rules for the granting of Community
financial aid in the field of the trans-European transport and energy networks
2011/0302 (COD): Regulation establishing the Connecting Europe Facility 2
3. New toolkit
1. Focus
Existing toolkit New toolkit
Union-wide list of Projects of
Common Interest (PCI)
EU labels (550 projects) Note that
Projects of common interest New policy is not necessarily more
Priority projects focused
Projects of European
But, it will be more transparent why
interest (42 projects)
policy focuses on certain projects and
not others
Single CBA method will be developed
for that purpose 3
4. New toolkit
2. Coordinate
Existing toolkit New toolkit
Enhanced TYNDP
Including all PCI candidates (also
third party projects)
10-Year Network
Using the single CBA method
Development Plan
(TYNDP) Regional Groups
Northern Sea offshore grid
North-South electricity
interconnections in Western Europe
North-South electricity
interconnections in Central Eastern
and South Eastern Europe
Baltic Energy Market Interconnection
Plan in electricity 4
5. New toolkit
3. Accelerate
Existing toolkit New toolkit
European Coordinators
National one stop shops
Procedure with deadlines for
permit granting process
Procedure with deadlines for cost
European allocation process
Coordinators Process towards guidelines for
regulated investment incentives 5
6. New toolkit
4. Finance
Existing toolkit New toolkit
More EU funding
Energy EUR 20M per year Energy 9,1B 2014-2020 proposed by
EC, meanwhile reduced
Improved leverage of EU funding
Grants Innovative financial instruments
Project Bond Initiative
Risk capital for PCIs
Improved use of EU funding
Evaluation reports Connecting Europe Facility
centralizes the available financial
instruments at EU level 6
7. New toolkit
There are new tools to
Focus: CBA method
Coordinate: enhanced TYNDP; Regional Groups
Accelerate: national one stop shops; procedure with deadlines for permit
granting and cost allocation; guidelines for regulated investment incentives
Finance: innovative instruments
These tools will apply to most projects
TYNDP includes 100 projects, and we could easily have up to 100 PCIs
Possible side-effect of this package
New actors in transmission investments 7
8. Thanks for your attention; 8