Imit8 is a new virtual world and online community for photographers and art lovers to showcase and view creative works in 3D galleries. Users can freely join, enter the world, and create their own gallery to share photos. Subscribers have additional options to build larger galleries, but basic use of viewing exhibitions and socializing is free. The virtual world pairs graphics technology with content management systems to replicate the experience of visiting art exhibitions and connecting with others who enjoy visual arts.
3. So, what is imit8? Imit8 is a virtual world and online community built around the idea of going to exhibitions and meeting other lovers of photography - we've paired the latest in graphics technology with our own content management systems to create a new social world for graphic art lovers.
4. How does it work? Imit8 is a world for the visual arts – and for photography and art lovers to meet and socialise while viewing new exhibitions from all over the world. Bring your friends in and socialise - or make new friends who love the visual arts as well. Play some of our built in activities and games or just walk through the galleries, taking in the work of artists from all over the world.
5. How much does it cost? Imit8 is free to join and enter - and you can create your own gallery for free as well. There are no ongoing fees for access to imit8 or imit8 events. We do have a premium' subscription if you want to build a bigger gallery than most, but if you don't want to spend anything imit8 won't nag you about it.