The document summarizes information about Newcastle disease virus (NDV), including that it is caused by a single-stranded RNA virus from the Avulavirus genus. NDV strains range from lentogenic to velogenic (strongest). The virus is transmitted through contact with feces or other excretions from infected birds and can spread through contaminated materials. Newcastle disease affects many domestic and wild avian species and while it poses little risk to humans, it can cause conjunctivitis or flu-like symptoms in those exposed. Clinical symptoms vary depending on virus strain, health, age and species but include respiratory and nervous signs.
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Newcastle disease
3. -The disease is caused by a virus called Newcastle Disease
Virus (NDV)
-Virus classification :
+ Negative single strand RNA virus
+ Order : Mononegaveralis
+ Famiy : Paramyxoviridae
+ Genus: Avulavirus
+ Species : Newcastle disease virus (NDV)
4. - Virus strains :
+ Lentogenic NDV
+ Mesogenic NDV
+ Velogenic NDV (The strongest strain )
- It is a pantropic virus which has more than one
( Nervous system and respiratory system )
5. Transmission occurs by exposure to faecal
and other excretions from infected birds, and
through contact with contaminated
food, water, equipment and clothing.
High concentrations of the NDV are found in
birds' bodily discharges; therefore, the
disease can be spread easily by mechanical
means. Virus-bearing material can be picked
up on shoes and clothing and carried from an
infected flock to a healthy one.
7. -Newcastle disease is a contagious bird disease affecting
many domestic and wild avian species; it is transmissible to
Its effects are most notable in domestic poultry due to their high
susceptibility and the potential for severe impacts of an epizootic on the
poultry industries. It is endemic to many countries.
Exposure of humans to infected birds (for example in
poultry processing plants) can cause mild conjunctivitis
and influenza-like symptoms, but the Newcastle disease
virus (NDV) otherwise poses no hazard to human health.
Interest in the use of NDV as an anticancer agent has
arisen from the ability of NDV to selectively kill human
tumour cells with limited toxicity to normal cells.
9. + It depend on the strain of the NDV , health , age
and species of the poultry
+ It includes respiratory and nervous symptoms
+The incubation period for the disease ranges
from two to 15 days
22. 1-Serological tests:
2-Detection of virus nucleic acid:
3-Isolation of the virus:
Tissue culture ¨CEmbryonic Chicken Egg
26. samples are obtained by swabbing the
trachea and the cloaca. Cotton swabs can
be used. The virus can also be isolated from
the lungs, brain, spleen, liver, and kidneys.
27. Any animals showing symptoms of
Newcastle disease should be quarantined
immediately. New birds should also be
vaccinated before being introduced to a
flock. An inactivated viral vaccine is
available, as well as various combination
Antibiotic can be given to prevent bacterial