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U.S. Army Recruiting Command
7 Jan 15
Newcomers Orientation
United States Army Recruiting Command
U.S. Army Recruiting Command
7 Jan 15
 Opening Remarks
 USAREC Family Programs Overview Video
 Overview of USARECs Quality of Life (QOL)
 Closing Remarks
 Request Feedback
Newcomers Orientation
U.S. Army Recruiting Command
7 Jan 15
USAREC Mission
Provide the Strength of the Army
1 October 2013 through September
2019, the Army (USAREC) will recruit
professional, volunteer Soldiers; Soldier
2020, capable of effectively executing
operations in the Army complex
operating environment.
U.S. Army Recruiting Command
7 Jan 15
U.S. Army Recruiting Command FY14
6 Brigades
44 Battalions
261 Companies
2 Districts
982 Centers
7397 RA Recruiters
1427 AR Recruiters
8824 Total Recruiters
Alaska Japan
Hawaii Amer Samoa
Puerto Rico S. Korea
Virgin Islands Guam
Germany Panama
6F Los Angeles
6H Portland
6I Sacramento
6J Salt Lake City
6K Southern Cal
6L Seattle
6N Fresno
1A Albany
1B Baltimore
1D New England
1E Harrisburg
1G New York Cty
1K Mid-Atlantic
1N Syracuse
1O Beckley
3A Atlanta
3D Columbia
3E Jacksonville
3G Miami
3H Montgomery
3J Raleigh
3N Tampa
3T Baton Rouge
5A Chicago
5C Cleveland
5D Columbus
5H Indianapolis
5I Great Lakes
5J Milwaukee
5K Minneapolis
5N Nashville
4C Dallas
4D Denver
4E Houston
4G Kansas City
4J Oklahoma City
4K San Antonio
4P Phoenix
1st BDE2nd BDE3rd BDE5th BDE6th BDE
9A 1st MR BN
9B 2nd MR BN
9C 3rd MR BN
9D 5th MR BN
9E 6th MR BN
U.S. Army Recruiting Command
7 Jan 15
Soldier & Family Assistance
(8 Personnel)
Unit Ministry Team
(3 Personnel)
Command Psych
(9 Personnel)
Well Being Team
USAREC Well Being Team
Military Family Life Consultants (MFLCs) and
Personal Finance Counselors (PFCs) are
contract employees providing area support to
each Brigade (12 teams total: 2/BDE)
Soldier & Family Assistance
Program Manager
Family Advocacy Program
Victim Advocate
Sexual Assualt Response
Unit Ministry Team
Well Being Team
Brigade XO
Soldier and Familiy
Assistance Program Manager
Family Readiness Groups SHARP Victim Advocates
Well Being Team
Battalion XO
U.S. Army Recruiting Command
7 Jan 15
Program Responsibilities
Family Advocacy &
Sexual Harassment Assault Response Program
 Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC)
 all BDE SARCs on board
 In the process of hiring GS 9 Civilian SHARP
Victim Advocates (VA)
 One per Brigade
 Two per Battalion
**Note (some larger BNs have more than two)
Family Advocacy Program (FAP)
 One per BDE
 Domestic Violence
 Child Abuse
 FAP Prevention Programs
U.S. Army Recruiting Command
7 Jan 15
Program Responsibilities of SFAs:
Multi-skilled Providers
 Financial Readiness and Consumer
Affairs Programs
 Manages Personal Financial
 Army Family Action Plan
 Army Family Team Building
Relocation Assistance
Exceptional Family
Member Program Family Member Employment Assistance
 Information, Referral, and Follow-up
 Sponsorship Training (e-Sponsor)
 (NAF) Management for SFA Programs
 AVCC: Volunteer Management
Child Youth and School Services
Resource and Referrals
SFA Contact Number:
U.S. Army Recruiting Command
7 Jan 15
SFA Programs
 Certified Beneficiary Counseling Assistance Coordinator (BCAC)
 Liaison between the Soldier/Family Member & TRICARE
 Claims resolution
 Enrollment assistance
 Briefings for the Soldier/Family Member at in-processing and
annually-usually ATC
 Dental Program
 Enrollment assistance
 Active Duty Dental Program (ADDP) for remote Soldiers
 Claims resolution
U.S. Army Recruiting Command
7 Jan 15
SFA Programs
 Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP)
 Enrollment/disenrollment assistance
 Liaison with ACS EFMP staff
 EFMP Stabilization
 EFMP Respite Care
 Two EFMP System Navigators Assigned to USAREC:
 provides referrals and resources, as well as advocate for your
 1st & 2nd Brigades and MRB contact Mr. Edward Dwight
Wiggins: edward.d.wiggins4.ctr@mail.mil or 502-626-1080
 3rd, 5th, & 6th Brigades contact Ms. Emily Hay,
Emily.g.hay2.ctr@mail.mil or 502-626-2015
U.S. Army Recruiting Command
7 Jan 15
SFA Programs
 Education Assistance
 Scholarship information/resources
 GI Bill assistance
 Child Care Assistance
 Army Fee Assistance Child Care Program
 Created to assist Army Sponsors with the cost of off-post child
care, allowing Families to pay fees comparable to those charged
at an installation.
 Spouses can be working, looking for work or in school full time
 5 hours respite care, available every month
 Volunteer Opportunities
 USAREC specific volunteer awards
 Receive specialized training
 Some refundable expenses
U.S. Army Recruiting Command
7 Jan 15
SFA Programs
 Spouse Employment
 Employment Partnership of the Armed Forces
 Military Spouse Employment Partnership
 Military Spouse Corporate Career Network
 Hero to Hired
 USA Jobs
 Spouse Licensure Portability- USA4MilitaryFamilies
 State Employment Services
 Cover some child care costs
 Provide education or training
 Veterans employment assistance
 Military Spouse unemployment benefits
U.S. Army Recruiting Command
7 Jan 15
SFA Programs
 Spouse Scholarships:
 National Military Family Association-Joanne Holbrook Military
Spouse Scholarship
 Army Emergency Relief (AER)
 Fisher House Foundation
 Career One Stop
 Commissary Scholarship Program
 Saban Military Spouse Educational Scholarship
 Thanks USA
 Pat Tillman Foundation
 Military Officers Association of America
 Army Scholarship Foundation
U.S. Army Recruiting Command
7 Jan 15
SFA Programs
 Military Family Life Consultants (MFLC)
 Short-term solution focused, non-medical counseling
 Personal Financial Counselor (PFC)
 Debt reduction, security clearance issues, car/home
buying, college planning, retirement planning
** NOTE: 2 MFLC/PFC teams are assigned to each Brigade
 Interactive Customer Evaluation (ICE)
U.S. Army Recruiting Command
7 Jan 15
Utilizing Technology to Overcome Challenges
 Army OneSource (AOS)
 Military One Source (MOS)
 My Installation: Battalion Sites
 Plan My Move
 Google + Hangout
- FRG Meeting
- Senior FRG Advisor Family Forums
 Virtual Teleconference (VTC)
- Qtrly FRG Executive Steering Mtgs
- Collaboration with SFAs
 Defense Connect Online (DCO)
 Facebook Sites: BN Sites, Spouse Grp
 211 Assistance
U.S. Army Recruiting Command
7 Jan 15
211 United Way Assistance
 211 United Way:
 United Way has become synonymous with caring and helping
children, families and individuals. They have a long tradition of helping
people with basic needs food, clothing, shelter and safety and
changing lives through strong, well-managed programs. United Way is
also engaging the community to get to the heart of problems.
 As of February 2014 all 50 states are covered plus Washington DC
& Puerto Rico
 There are specific pots of money for the Military
 They are available to assist with various issues
U.S. Army Recruiting Command
7 Jan 15
PCS Programs
 Relocation Assistance
 MilitaryINSTALLATIONS via Military OneSource
 Plan My Move
 Information and Referral Resources
 PCS Entitlements
 Government Leased Housing
 Financial Readiness
 Emergency Assistance- AER/Red Cross
 Referral to appropriate financial counselors
U.S. Army Recruiting Command
7 Jan 15
Our Mission Important Notes
Basic Qualifications
As of 9 DEC 2014
Leased Government Housing Program
 Corps of Engineers (COE) will pay SM Rent and
 No credit check or deposit required
 COE signs lease with the lessor
 Average application processing time is 33 days
 The dwelling will be safe, suitable, and sanitary
 Pets are allowed, some restrictions do apply
 All ranks may participate
 Soldiers whose duty stations are less than a 1-hour commute from military installations with available
housing, will not be permitted to apply for LGH unless they obtain a non-availability certificate from the
installations housing office. Distance and commute exceptions will be granted with a certificate of non-
availability from the housing office.
 Soldiers will have to forfeit BAH once dwellings are occupied; both Service Members will forfeit their BAH in
dual military households
 BAH + 20% out-of-pocket will cover rent , utilities and rental insurance
 Educate Soldiers through briefings on the Leased
Housing Program entitlements during the Army
Recruiter Course (ARC), Pre-Command Course,
Command Sergeant Major Course, Executive Officer
Course, First Sergeant Course, and Center
Commanders Course, and assisting the US Army
Corps of Engineers (COE) in finding suitable leased
 Receive, review and submit housing applications to
the COE
 Counsel Soldier and spouse if needed on the Leased
Housing Program or other housing options
U.S. Army Recruiting Command
7 Jan 15
USAREC Housing Office
 Mr. Ed Andino  USAREC Housing Officer
Work Phone: 502-624-3103
Cell: 803 - 586-9719
 Ms. Julia Zachery  USAREC Program Manager
Work Phone: 502-626-0264
Fax: 502 - 626-2013
 Ms. Wanda Jenkins  Logistics Division Chief
Work Phone: 502-626-0637
Fax: 502 - 626-2013
 USAREC Housing Office Email address:
U.S. Army Recruiting Command
7 Jan 15
 Family Readiness Group (FRG):
 Commanders Program
 SFAs provide training & guidance
 Family Strong Resource Guide (Theres an APP for that!):
USAREC maps, history, recruiting key processes, Chain of Command,
QOL programs, resource information and URL links
 Chaplain Programs
 Brigade Psychologist
U.S. Army Recruiting Command
7 Jan 15
Command Psychologist Core Functions Key OCP Programs
 Provide operational and organizational
Psychology consultation for the CG, USAREC
Staff, and subordinate commands
 Crisis response and critical incidents
 Coordinate BH issues/policies with TRADOC
and OTSG
 Implement and manage the screening of
Recruiters at the RRS
 Manage WTU applications for USAREC
 Validate, implement, and train BH community
on the standards for behavioral health
assessments of Recruiters.
Assessment and Selection
Conduct 100% evaluation of all students at the
RRS to ensure the suitability for duties and
responsibilities of recruiting
USAREC Leaders Edge Program
Multi-rater evaluation program for leaders to
operate in complex environment by improving
self awareness
Adaptive Leader Program
Improve self awareness of leaders and new
recruiters for improved/adaptive performance.
URAC and suicide prevention training to
provide tools for leaders to communicate and
learn to identify and support at-risk Soldiers.
Office of the Command Psychologist (OCP)
U.S. Army Recruiting Command
7 Jan 15
Office of the Command Psychologist Leaders
LTC Craig M. Jenkins
Command Psychologist, Ft Knox KY
(502) 626-0135 /(502) 386-5861
Dr. Barbara Tobias
1 BDE BHC, Ft Meade MD
(301) 677-4558/(443) 803-4333
MAJ(P) Raymond McClenen
3 BDE BHC, Ft Knox KY
(502) 626-0038 /(502) 472-2111
Dr. Betty Brown
2 BDE BHC, Redstone Arsenal AL
(256) 450-9542 /888) 253-7840
*MAJ Chaska L. Gomez
Chief, OCP-RRS, Ft Knox KY
O: (502) 624-2417 C:(803) 800-6766
*Contact for Provider Consults
CPT Bettina Schmid
5 BDE BHC, Ft Sam Houston TX
(210) 221-0535/(210) 643-4843
CPT Chrystal Agnor
6 BDE BHC, Las Vegas NV
(702) 639-2013/(702) 713-1151
Dr. Birgit Valdez
(866) 217-5379/(502) 235-4587
U.S. Army Recruiting Command
7 Jan 15
Core Functions Top Five Objectives
- Acts of worship, sacraments, rites, and
- Accommodate recognized DoD faith groups
 Coach, train, and mentor Brigade UMTs
 Resource Brigade Strong Bonds Events (A, B, C)
 Spiritual Fitness:
- Nurturing the Living
- Care for the Wounded
- Honor the Fallen
- Suicide Awareness and Prevention
- Moral Leadership
- Brigade UMT/SB Site Visits
 Provide Religious Support
 Support the Brigade UMTs and Recruiting Force
 FY15 Strong Bonds Program (Singles, Couples, and
 Spiritual Fitness, Health, and Wellness of the
 Chaplain Led Training
CH (LTC) Dallas M. Walker
Command Chaplain
Ms. Anna Randall
SFC James Nelson
Chaplain Assistant
Perform and provide quality religious support to a
TEAM of dispersed and specialized professionals
responsible for recruiting the All-Volunteer Army.
Technically supervise, resource, train, and support the
brigade unit ministry teams (UMT) to provide for the
constitution free exercise of religion, spiritual fitness,
health, and wellness of the organization.
Resource, inspire, and challenge the recruiting force
to be spiritually fit, ready, and resilient.
U.S. Army Recruiting Command
7 Jan 15
USAREC Online Resources
 Family Resource Guide Link:
 HQ USAREC Soldier and Family Assistance
Facebook Site: https://www.facebook.com/USARECSFAB
 HQ USAREC Soldier and Family Assistance
Website: http://www.usarec.army.mil/hq/HRD/SFA/index.shtml
U.S. Army Recruiting Command
7 Jan 15
 Toll-free number for all SFAs: 1-800-790-0963, plus
Brigade number then select Battalion.
 ICE Feedback Link - We need your feedback!
 YOUR QUESTIONS: Answers to all submitted questions
will be posted to this YouTube page as well as the SFAB
website: http://www.usarec.army.mil/hq/HRD/SFA/index.shtml
U.S. Army Recruiting Command
7 Jan 15
Thank You!
In Closing

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Newcomer Orientation Presentation

  • 1. U.S. Army Recruiting Command 1 7 Jan 15 Newcomers Orientation United States Army Recruiting Command
  • 2. U.S. Army Recruiting Command 2 7 Jan 15 Opening Remarks USAREC Family Programs Overview Video Overview of USARECs Quality of Life (QOL) Support Questions Closing Remarks Request Feedback Newcomers Orientation Agenda
  • 3. U.S. Army Recruiting Command 3 7 Jan 15 USAREC Mission Provide the Strength of the Army 1 October 2013 through September 2019, the Army (USAREC) will recruit professional, volunteer Soldiers; Soldier 2020, capable of effectively executing operations in the Army complex operating environment.
  • 4. U.S. Army Recruiting Command 4 7 Jan 15 U.S. Army Recruiting Command FY14 6 Brigades 44 Battalions 261 Companies 2 Districts 982 Centers 7397 RA Recruiters 1427 AR Recruiters 8824 Total Recruiters OCONUS Alaska Japan Hawaii Amer Samoa Puerto Rico S. Korea Virgin Islands Guam Germany Panama 6F Los Angeles 6H Portland 6I Sacramento 6J Salt Lake City 6K Southern Cal 6L Seattle 6N Fresno 1A Albany 1B Baltimore 1D New England 1E Harrisburg 1G New York Cty 1K Mid-Atlantic 1N Syracuse 1O Beckley 3A Atlanta 3D Columbia 3E Jacksonville 3G Miami 3H Montgomery 3J Raleigh 3N Tampa 3T Baton Rouge 5A Chicago 5C Cleveland 5D Columbus 5H Indianapolis 5I Great Lakes 5J Milwaukee 5K Minneapolis 5N Nashville 4C Dallas 4D Denver 4E Houston 4G Kansas City 4J Oklahoma City 4K San Antonio 4P Phoenix 1st BDE2nd BDE3rd BDE5th BDE6th BDE 9A 1st MR BN 9B 2nd MR BN 9C 3rd MR BN 9D 5th MR BN 9E 6th MR BN MR BDE SORB
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  • 7. U.S. Army Recruiting Command 7 7 Jan 15 Program Responsibilities of SFAs: Multi-skilled Providers Financial Readiness and Consumer Affairs Programs Manages Personal Financial Counselors Army Family Action Plan Army Family Team Building Relocation Assistance Exceptional Family Member Program Family Member Employment Assistance Information, Referral, and Follow-up Sponsorship Training (e-Sponsor) (NAF) Management for SFA Programs AVCC: Volunteer Management TRICARE/TPR & TPRADFM Child Youth and School Services Resource and Referrals SFA Contact Number: 1-800-790-0963
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  • 10. U.S. Army Recruiting Command 10 7 Jan 15 SFA Programs Education Assistance Scholarship information/resources GI Bill assistance Tutor.com Child Care Assistance SitterCity Army Fee Assistance Child Care Program Created to assist Army Sponsors with the cost of off-post child care, allowing Families to pay fees comparable to those charged at an installation. Spouses can be working, looking for work or in school full time 5 hours respite care, available every month http://financeweb.gsa.gov/childcare_portal/childcare_army_home Volunteer Opportunities USAREC specific volunteer awards Receive specialized training Travel Some refundable expenses
  • 11. U.S. Army Recruiting Command 11 7 Jan 15 SFA Programs Spouse Employment Employment Partnership of the Armed Forces Military Spouse Employment Partnership Military Spouse Corporate Career Network SECO Milicruit Hero to Hired USA Jobs Spouse Licensure Portability- USA4MilitaryFamilies State Employment Services Cover some child care costs Provide education or training Veterans employment assistance Military Spouse unemployment benefits
  • 12. U.S. Army Recruiting Command 12 7 Jan 15 SFA Programs Spouse Scholarships: National Military Family Association-Joanne Holbrook Military Spouse Scholarship MyCAA Army Emergency Relief (AER) Fisher House Foundation Career One Stop Commissary Scholarship Program Saban Military Spouse Educational Scholarship Thanks USA Pat Tillman Foundation Military Officers Association of America Army Scholarship Foundation
  • 13. U.S. Army Recruiting Command 13 7 Jan 15 SFA Programs Military Family Life Consultants (MFLC) Short-term solution focused, non-medical counseling Personal Financial Counselor (PFC) Debt reduction, security clearance issues, car/home buying, college planning, retirement planning ** NOTE: 2 MFLC/PFC teams are assigned to each Brigade Interactive Customer Evaluation (ICE)
  • 14. U.S. Army Recruiting Command 14 7 Jan 15 Utilizing Technology to Overcome Challenges Army OneSource (AOS) Military One Source (MOS) My Installation: Battalion Sites Plan My Move vFRG Google + Hangout - FRG Meeting - Senior FRG Advisor Family Forums Virtual Teleconference (VTC) - Qtrly FRG Executive Steering Mtgs - Collaboration with SFAs Teleconference Defense Connect Online (DCO) Facebook Sites: BN Sites, Spouse Grp 211 Assistance
  • 15. U.S. Army Recruiting Command 15 7 Jan 15 211 United Way Assistance 211 United Way: United Way has become synonymous with caring and helping children, families and individuals. They have a long tradition of helping people with basic needs food, clothing, shelter and safety and changing lives through strong, well-managed programs. United Way is also engaging the community to get to the heart of problems. As of February 2014 all 50 states are covered plus Washington DC & Puerto Rico There are specific pots of money for the Military They are available to assist with various issues
  • 16. U.S. Army Recruiting Command 16 7 Jan 15 PCS Programs Relocation Assistance MilitaryINSTALLATIONS via Military OneSource Plan My Move Information and Referral Resources PCS Entitlements BAH, BAS,TLE etc SDAP Government Leased Housing Financial Readiness Emergency Assistance- AER/Red Cross Referral to appropriate financial counselors
  • 17. U.S. Army Recruiting Command 17 7 Jan 15 Our Mission Important Notes Basic Qualifications As of 9 DEC 2014 Leased Government Housing Program Corps of Engineers (COE) will pay SM Rent and Utilities No credit check or deposit required COE signs lease with the lessor Average application processing time is 33 days The dwelling will be safe, suitable, and sanitary Pets are allowed, some restrictions do apply All ranks may participate Soldiers whose duty stations are less than a 1-hour commute from military installations with available housing, will not be permitted to apply for LGH unless they obtain a non-availability certificate from the installations housing office. Distance and commute exceptions will be granted with a certificate of non- availability from the housing office. Soldiers will have to forfeit BAH once dwellings are occupied; both Service Members will forfeit their BAH in dual military households BAH + 20% out-of-pocket will cover rent , utilities and rental insurance Educate Soldiers through briefings on the Leased Housing Program entitlements during the Army Recruiter Course (ARC), Pre-Command Course, Command Sergeant Major Course, Executive Officer Course, First Sergeant Course, and Center Commanders Course, and assisting the US Army Corps of Engineers (COE) in finding suitable leased housing Receive, review and submit housing applications to the COE Counsel Soldier and spouse if needed on the Leased Housing Program or other housing options
  • 18. U.S. Army Recruiting Command 18 7 Jan 15 USAREC Housing Office Mr. Ed Andino USAREC Housing Officer Work Phone: 502-624-3103 Cell: 803 - 586-9719 Ms. Julia Zachery USAREC Program Manager Work Phone: 502-626-0264 Fax: 502 - 626-2013 Ms. Wanda Jenkins Logistics Division Chief Work Phone: 502-626-0637 Fax: 502 - 626-2013 USAREC Housing Office Email address: Usarmy.knox.usarec.list.hq-g4-8-housing-office@mail.mil
  • 19. U.S. Army Recruiting Command 19 7 Jan 15 USAREC QOL Programs Family Readiness Group (FRG): Commanders Program SFAs provide training & guidance Family Strong Resource Guide (Theres an APP for that!): USAREC maps, history, recruiting key processes, Chain of Command, QOL programs, resource information and URL links Chaplain Programs Brigade Psychologist
  • 20. U.S. Army Recruiting Command 20 7 Jan 15 Command Psychologist Core Functions Key OCP Programs Provide operational and organizational Psychology consultation for the CG, USAREC Staff, and subordinate commands Crisis response and critical incidents coordinator Coordinate BH issues/policies with TRADOC and OTSG Implement and manage the screening of Recruiters at the RRS Manage WTU applications for USAREC Validate, implement, and train BH community on the standards for behavioral health assessments of Recruiters. Assessment and Selection Conduct 100% evaluation of all students at the RRS to ensure the suitability for duties and responsibilities of recruiting USAREC Leaders Edge Program Multi-rater evaluation program for leaders to operate in complex environment by improving self awareness Adaptive Leader Program Improve self awareness of leaders and new recruiters for improved/adaptive performance. URAC and suicide prevention training to provide tools for leaders to communicate and learn to identify and support at-risk Soldiers. Office of the Command Psychologist (OCP)
  • 21. U.S. Army Recruiting Command 21 7 Jan 15 Office of the Command Psychologist Leaders LTC Craig M. Jenkins Command Psychologist, Ft Knox KY (502) 626-0135 /(502) 386-5861 Dr. Barbara Tobias 1 BDE BHC, Ft Meade MD (301) 677-4558/(443) 803-4333 MAJ(P) Raymond McClenen 3 BDE BHC, Ft Knox KY (502) 626-0038 /(502) 472-2111 Dr. Betty Brown 2 BDE BHC, Redstone Arsenal AL (256) 450-9542 /888) 253-7840 *MAJ Chaska L. Gomez Chief, OCP-RRS, Ft Knox KY O: (502) 624-2417 C:(803) 800-6766 *Contact for Provider Consults CPT Bettina Schmid 5 BDE BHC, Ft Sam Houston TX (210) 221-0535/(210) 643-4843 CPT Chrystal Agnor 6 BDE BHC, Las Vegas NV (702) 639-2013/(702) 713-1151 Dr. Birgit Valdez MRB/SORB BHC, Ft Knox KY (866) 217-5379/(502) 235-4587
  • 22. U.S. Army Recruiting Command 22 7 Jan 15 Core Functions Top Five Objectives Statutory: - Acts of worship, sacraments, rites, and ceremonies - Accommodate recognized DoD faith groups Coach, train, and mentor Brigade UMTs Resource Brigade Strong Bonds Events (A, B, C) Spiritual Fitness: - Nurturing the Living - Care for the Wounded - Honor the Fallen Training: - Suicide Awareness and Prevention - Moral Leadership - Brigade UMT/SB Site Visits Provide Religious Support Support the Brigade UMTs and Recruiting Force FY15 Strong Bonds Program (Singles, Couples, and Families) Spiritual Fitness, Health, and Wellness of the Organization Chaplain Led Training CHAPLAIN CH (LTC) Dallas M. Walker Command Chaplain Ms. Anna Randall CH/EO/EEO Administrative Assistant SFC James Nelson Sr. NCO Chaplain Assistant Personnel Mission Perform and provide quality religious support to a TEAM of dispersed and specialized professionals responsible for recruiting the All-Volunteer Army. Technically supervise, resource, train, and support the brigade unit ministry teams (UMT) to provide for the constitution free exercise of religion, spiritual fitness, health, and wellness of the organization. Vision Resource, inspire, and challenge the recruiting force to be spiritually fit, ready, and resilient.
  • 23. U.S. Army Recruiting Command 23 7 Jan 15 USAREC Online Resources Family Resource Guide Link: http://www.usarec.army.mil/downloads/hq/HRD/SFA/USAREC_ FamilyResourceGuideOct2013.pdf HQ USAREC Soldier and Family Assistance Facebook Site: https://www.facebook.com/USARECSFAB HQ USAREC Soldier and Family Assistance Website: http://www.usarec.army.mil/hq/HRD/SFA/index.shtml
  • 24. U.S. Army Recruiting Command 24 7 Jan 15 Toll-free number for all SFAs: 1-800-790-0963, plus Brigade number then select Battalion. ICE Feedback Link - We need your feedback! https://ice.disa.mil/index.cfm?fa=card&sp=134221&s=1159&dep=*DoD&sc=6 YOUR QUESTIONS: Answers to all submitted questions will be posted to this YouTube page as well as the SFAB website: http://www.usarec.army.mil/hq/HRD/SFA/index.shtml Summary
  • 25. U.S. Army Recruiting Command 25 7 Jan 15 Thank You! In Closing