This document summarizes recent research on the evolution of language. It discusses advances in the field such as new perspectives on the geographical and temporal origins of language. Current areas of focus include the genetic, anatomical, and cultural underpinnings of language. The topic remains polarized between nativist and emergentist views. Modeling and novel insights are increasingly important to address lingering speculation. A pilot experiment provided preliminary evidence that embodied cognition may have played a role in the emergence of semantic preferences. Overall, the evolution of language remains an active area of research with progress being made through diverse approaches.
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New reviews and insights on language evolution [狠狠撸s]
Research · June 2015
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.3778.0642
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Complementary systems for conceptual processing: Modality norms and ERPs View project
Pablo Bernabeu
Radboud University & Tilburg University
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2. New reviews and insights
on language evolution
Pablo Bernabeu 1,2,3
Paul Vogt 3
1Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics
2Radboud University | 3Tilburg University
10th LangUE Conference. University of Essex, 18 June 2015
3. A check-up review. A test compound
? Focus on origins of language: principal question > change, acquisition
? Past, present status
? Current foci
? Weaknesses, possible directions
? Pilot experiment: role of embodiment in origins, change of language
5. Societe Linguistique de Paris, 1866 (translated by Lefebvre et al, 2013, p. 17)
Article 1. The Society of Linguistics aims to study languages, legends, traditions,
customs, and documents that can inform ethnographic science. Any other objects is
strictly forbidden.
ART. 2. The Society does not accept any communication concerning either the origin
of language or the creation of a universal language.
6. The further argument for the possession of language by
mammals and birds, at least, is that they readily learn to
respond to a name given them. To what extent that sense can
be cultivated is shown in Sir John Lubbock's dog, which brings
out a card with "o-u-t" on it when he wants to take a walk.
(Jastrow, 1886, p. 556)
7. The further argument for the possession of language by
mammals and birds, at least, is that they readily learn to
respond to a name given them. To what extent that sense can
be cultivated is shown in Sir John Lubbock's dog, which brings
out a card with "o-u-t" on it when he wants to take a walk.
(Jastrow, 1886, p. 556)
(Aitchison, 2008, p. 17)
In this admittedly speculative essay...
(Deacon, 2003, p. 138)
Theory and speculation are simply not
empirically comparable.
(Smolensky & Dupoux, 2009, p. 468)
The absence of direct evidence does
not, of course, prevent speculation,
hypothesizing and inferencing, and in
the ever-growing literature on
language evolution we see all...
(Pavlenko, 2014, p. 26)
8. 1994 - 2015
All words included by default (cf. +language +evolution) ? ‘Subscriber Login’ (institutional connection required)
The speculation in numbers
15. Advances (Aitchison, 2008)
? Geographical Polygenesis Monogenesis from Africa
? Temporal
? 50k ya (Chomsky, 2011)
? 1.4M ya (Levinson & Holler, 2014)
? 2.6M ya (Semaw, 2000; Stutz, 2014)
14 Aitchison (2008)
16. Advances (Aitchison, 2008)
? Geographical Polygenesis Monogenesis from Africa
? Temporal
? 50k ya (Chomsky, 2011) Differences subject to
? 1.4M ya (Levinson & Holler, 2014) definition of language
? 2.6M ya (Semaw, 2000; Stutz, 2014)
15 Aitchison (2008)
17. Current foci: the underpinnings (review: Fitch, 2010)
We are left 'with the material (anatomical, neural, biochemical) bases of language
in humans, related phenomena in less evolved creatures, and the dynamics of
populations and cultural transmission' (Hurford, 2003, p. 40).
18. Current foci: the underpinnings (review: Fitch, 2010)
We are left 'with the material (anatomical, neural, biochemical) bases of language
in humans, related phenomena in less evolved creatures, and the dynamics of
populations and cultural transmission' (Hurford, 2003, p. 40).
Mind/Brain Language-specific / general cognitive system
mutated/selected structurally/socially complex
19. Current foci: the underpinnings (review: Fitch, 2010)
We are left 'with the material (anatomical, neural, biochemical) bases of language
in humans, related phenomena in less evolved creatures, and the dynamics of
populations and cultural transmission' (Hurford, 2003, p. 40).
Mind/Brain Language-specific / general cognitive system
mutated/selected structurally/socially complex
Genes Foxp2: initially hailed as the ‘language gene’
Older than Lg, not human-exclusive ? communication?
20. Current foci: the underpinnings (review: Fitch, 2010)
We are left 'with the material (anatomical, neural, biochemical) bases of language
in humans, related phenomena in less evolved creatures, and the dynamics of
populations and cultural transmission' (Hurford, 2003, p. 40).
Mind/Brain Language-specific / general cognitive system
mutated/selected structurally/socially complex
Genes Foxp2: initially hailed as the ‘language gene’
Older than Lg, not human-exclusive ? communication?
Anatomy Cranium, thorax; aside, upright stand
Preadaptation for Lg / co-option for Lg / Lg-independent
21. Current foci: the underpinnings (review: Fitch, 2010)
We are left 'with the material (anatomical, neural, biochemical) bases of language
in humans, related phenomena in less evolved creatures, and the dynamics of
populations and cultural transmission' (Hurford, 2003, p. 40).
Mind/Brain Language-specific / general cognitive system
mutated/selected structurally/socially complex
Genes Foxp2: initially hailed as the ‘language gene’
Older than Lg, not human-exclusive ? communication?
Anatomy Cranium, thorax; aside, upright stand
Preadaptation for Lg / co-option for Lg / Lg-independent
Culture Universals vs diversity across languages
Gateways: semiotic refs / tools, furniture, shelter. Ratchet effect.
22. FOUND: Large topic, polarized nativism vs emergentism ? more, different reviews?
23. ?Modeling related to less speculation
FOUND: Large topic, polarized nativism vs emergentism ? more, different reviews?
Increasing use of modeling ? advantage?
24. ?Modeling related to less speculation
?What of novel insights?
FOUND: Large topic, polarized nativism vs emergentism ? more, different reviews?
Increasing use of modeling ? advantage?
25. Thetical Grammar: social, emotional
(Heine et al, 2013)
Offline brain systems: symbolic representation
- Secondly: symbol recursion ? grammar
(Bouchard, 2013)
Novel insights
‘Science advances one funeral at a time’
26. Thetical Grammar: social, emotional Origin of music and embodied cognition
(Heine et al, 2013) (Perlovksy, 2015)
Offline brain systems: symbolic representation Emergent mirror systems for body Lg
- Secondly: symbol recursion ? grammar (Steels & Spranger, 2012)
(Bouchard, 2013)
Novel insights
‘Science advances one funeral at a time’
27. Thetical Grammar: social, emotional Origin of music and embodied cognition
(Heine et al, 2013) (Perlovksy, 2015)
Offline brain systems: symbolic representation Emergent mirror systems for body Lg
- Secondly: symbol recursion ? grammar (Steels & Spranger, 2012)
(Bouchard, 2013) Neuroarchaeology (Stout et al, 2008)
The pragmatic foundations of communication: An
action-oriented model of the origin of language
(Adornetti & Ferretti, 2015)
28. Thetical Grammar: social, emotional Origin of music and embodied cognition
(Heine et al, 2013) (Perlovksy, 2015)
Offline brain systems: symbolic representation Emergent mirror systems for body Lg
- Secondly: symbol recursion ? grammar (Steels & Spranger, 2012)
(Bouchard, 2013) Neuroarchaeology (Stout et al, 2008)
The pragmatic foundations of communication:
action-oriented model of the origin of language
(Adornetti & Ferretti, 2015)
Embodied niche construction in the hominin
lineage: semiotic structure and sustained
attention in human embodied cognition
(Stutz, 2014)
29. Embodied cognition: key in the emergence of private and social semiotic
structuration, and hence of language
Gateway: Emergence of word order preferences (replication)
Extensional events ? SOV
Intensional events ? SVO
From Schouwstra & de Swart (2011) 28
30. Embodied cognition: key in the emergence of private and social semiotic
structuration, and hence of language
Gateway: Emergence of word order preferences (replication)
Extensional events ? SOV
Intensional events ? SVO
From Schouwstra & de Swart (2011) 29
35. Caveats pilot: distinction int/ext fine; disemb task perceptual; instructions varied
? Large, prolific topic: multiple areas, methods
? more frequent, impersonal overviews to handle flow
? Polarization nativism/emergentism: move on, but how?
? Speculation relatively larger ? Need for answers
+ modeling + novel insights
36. Caveats pilot: distinction int/ext fine; disemb task perceptual; instructions varied
? Large, prolific topic: multiple areas, methods
? more frequent, impersonal overviews to handle flow
? Polarization nativism/emergentism: move on, but how?
? Speculation relatively larger ? Need for answers
+ modeling + novel insights
? First experimental probe of LE and embodiment: preliminary
? budding account, likely to develop
37. Thanks to:
? Vinicius Macuch (Radboud U, Tilburg U)
? Sean Roberts (MPI Psycholinguistics)
? Luis Miguel Berscia (MPI Psycholinguistics)
? Yourself, for your kind attention
38. References
Adornetti & Ferretti (2015) The pragmatic foundations of…
Aitchison (2008) Lifting the veil: Uncovering language origin
Bouchard (2013) Arbitrary signs and the emergence of language
Chomsky (2011) Language and Other Cognitive Systems
Deacon (1997) The symbolic species
Fitch (2010) The evolution of language
Heine et al (2013) On the origin of grammar
Hurford (1989) Biological evolution of the Saussurean sign as a…
Jastrow (1886) The evolution of language
Lefebvre et al (2013) New perspectives on the origins of language
39. Levinson & Holler (2014) The origin of human multi-modal…
Pavlenko (2014) The bilingual mind
Perlovsky (2015) Origin of music and embodied cognition
Schouwstra & de Swart (2014) The semantic origins of word order
Semaw (2000) The World’s oldest stone artefacts from Gona, Ethiopia
Smolensky & Dupoux (2009) Universals in cognitive theories of…
Steels & Spranger (2012) Emergent mirror systems for body Lg
Stout et al (2008) Neural correlates of Early Stone Age toolmaking
Stutz (2014) Embodied niche construction in the hominin lineage
Whitney (1873) Oriental and Linguistic Studies, vol. 1
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