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Devendrasingh Rathore
M. #: +91 70466 43431
Email id: ds22rathore@gmail.com
Add. : 117/2795 G.H.B., Meghaninagar, Ahmedabad  16.
Seeking mid level assignments in administrative operations with an organization of high repute
 A certifiedElectrical engineerfrom Ahmedabad with nearly 2 years of experience in administrative
operations; currently associated with The Pride Hotel Ahmedabad as Maintenance Supervisor.
 Completed B.Tech (Electrical) from Pacific Institute of engg. Udaipur (Raj.)
 Combined multi-disciplinary experience across functions to optimize the entire administration of
 Directed cross-functional teams using interactive and motivational leadership.
 Well-rounded leadership, strategic planning, integrated machinery operations experience.
 Strategy Management Customer satisfaction
 Quality Control Team Management
 Chillers & Boilers Operations Technical Operations
The Pride Hotel Ahmedabad  Maintenance Supervisor  July 15  till now
Key of Deliverables:
 Taking care of 11 KV HT Panels and VCB Breaker
 Operating and Maintenance of LT Panel, MDB Panel, AHU Panel, ACB, MCCBs and MCBs.
 Taking care of 1000 KVA Transformer.
 Taking care and operating of 625 KVA Diesel Generator set.
 Taking care and operating of 1 nos. Steam boiler for hot water and 1nos. of hot water boiler.
 Prepared daily management report on daily shift work basis and MIS, HLP and M power report
during the monthly basis and handling the manpower management.
 Make preventive maintenance schedule and do preventive maintenance as per schedule.
 Materials management as per requirement.
 Taking care and operating of 3 nos. of 50 TR and 2 nos. of 55 TR Chillers Plant. 12 nos. of 33.5 TR of
VRV systems.
 Maintenance of all type of electrical equipments andPlumbing,HVAC, DG, Boiler relevant issues in
The Pride Hotel Property.
Alpha One Mall Ahmedabad  Electrician  June 14  June15
Key of Deliverables:
 Taking care of 33 KV & 11 KV HT Panels and SF6 and VCB Breakers.
 Operating and Maintenance of LT Panels, MDB Panels, AHU Panels, ACBs, MCCBs and MCBs.
 Taking care of 4 nos. of 2500 KVA Transformers and 4 nos. of 400 KVA Transformers. Take OTI and
WTI readings as per routine time.
 Taking care and operating of 4 nos. of 2200 KVA and 2 nos. of 1650 KVA Diesel Generator set.
 Installation and maintenance of electrical single phase and three phase wiring.
 Do preventive maintenance of LT panels, MDB panels, AHU panels as per scheduling.
 Maintenance of all type of electrical equipments in Alpha One Property.
 Appeared GATE 2014 exam Score was 12.
 Seminar on A series of expert lectures for two days on 15 & 16 Sep. 2008, organized by Electrical &
Electronics Engineering dept. at C.U. Shah College of engg. At wadhwan city.
 A technical eventattendedof DAKARRALLYat L.D. College of engineering at Ahmedabad on 24 & 25
Feb. 2010.
 Won prize in diploma 2nd
year for 400 m. race 3rd
2014 B.Tech (Electrical) from Pacific Institute of engg (RTU).
2011 Diploma (Electrical) from N.M.Gopani Polytechnic Institute of engg (TEB).
Gujarat Gov. approved Supervisor License (G/GS-E-002402-DEE-2014).
Fathers Name : Mr. Sohan singh Rathore
Mothers Name : Mrs. Manohar kanwar
Date of Birth : January, 22nd
, 1991
Sex : Male
Marital Status : Single
I do hereby declare that the above information is true to the best of my knowledge.
Date: Place: D.S.Rathore

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  • 1. RESUME Devendrasingh Rathore M. #: +91 70466 43431 Email id: ds22rathore@gmail.com Add. : 117/2795 G.H.B., Meghaninagar, Ahmedabad 16. Seeking mid level assignments in administrative operations with an organization of high repute SYNOPSIS A certifiedElectrical engineerfrom Ahmedabad with nearly 2 years of experience in administrative operations; currently associated with The Pride Hotel Ahmedabad as Maintenance Supervisor. Completed B.Tech (Electrical) from Pacific Institute of engg. Udaipur (Raj.) Combined multi-disciplinary experience across functions to optimize the entire administration of business. Directed cross-functional teams using interactive and motivational leadership. Well-rounded leadership, strategic planning, integrated machinery operations experience. CORE COMPETENCIES Strategy Management Customer satisfaction Quality Control Team Management Chillers & Boilers Operations Technical Operations ORGANISATION SCAN The Pride Hotel Ahmedabad Maintenance Supervisor July 15 till now Key of Deliverables: Taking care of 11 KV HT Panels and VCB Breaker Operating and Maintenance of LT Panel, MDB Panel, AHU Panel, ACB, MCCBs and MCBs. Taking care of 1000 KVA Transformer. Taking care and operating of 625 KVA Diesel Generator set. Taking care and operating of 1 nos. Steam boiler for hot water and 1nos. of hot water boiler. Prepared daily management report on daily shift work basis and MIS, HLP and M power report during the monthly basis and handling the manpower management. Make preventive maintenance schedule and do preventive maintenance as per schedule. Materials management as per requirement. Taking care and operating of 3 nos. of 50 TR and 2 nos. of 55 TR Chillers Plant. 12 nos. of 33.5 TR of VRV systems. Maintenance of all type of electrical equipments andPlumbing,HVAC, DG, Boiler relevant issues in The Pride Hotel Property.
  • 2. Alpha One Mall Ahmedabad Electrician June 14 June15 Key of Deliverables: Taking care of 33 KV & 11 KV HT Panels and SF6 and VCB Breakers. Operating and Maintenance of LT Panels, MDB Panels, AHU Panels, ACBs, MCCBs and MCBs. Taking care of 4 nos. of 2500 KVA Transformers and 4 nos. of 400 KVA Transformers. Take OTI and WTI readings as per routine time. Taking care and operating of 4 nos. of 2200 KVA and 2 nos. of 1650 KVA Diesel Generator set. Installation and maintenance of electrical single phase and three phase wiring. Do preventive maintenance of LT panels, MDB panels, AHU panels as per scheduling. Maintenance of all type of electrical equipments in Alpha One Property. ACHIEVEMENT & SEMINAR Appeared GATE 2014 exam Score was 12. Seminar on A series of expert lectures for two days on 15 & 16 Sep. 2008, organized by Electrical & Electronics Engineering dept. at C.U. Shah College of engg. At wadhwan city. A technical eventattendedof DAKARRALLYat L.D. College of engineering at Ahmedabad on 24 & 25 Feb. 2010. Won prize in diploma 2nd year for 400 m. race 3rd rank. ACADEMIA 2014 B.Tech (Electrical) from Pacific Institute of engg (RTU). 2011 Diploma (Electrical) from N.M.Gopani Polytechnic Institute of engg (TEB). LICENCE Gujarat Gov. approved Supervisor License (G/GS-E-002402-DEE-2014). PERSONAL DOSSIER Fathers Name : Mr. Sohan singh Rathore Mothers Name : Mrs. Manohar kanwar Date of Birth : January, 22nd , 1991 Sex : Male Marital Status : Single DECLARATION I do hereby declare that the above information is true to the best of my knowledge. Date: Place: D.S.Rathore