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                                                Monthly Staff News Letter
                                     11th November 2009                                                                 Issue 11

British Museum Exhibits the Real Atlantis
   An exhibition which
will change human history

                                                                                                In This Isue
        he British Museum,
        as the first museum
        in the world, will
                                                                                                Real Atlantis
open its doors for the                                                                          p. 1
new exhibition The Real
Atlantis. Scientists can                                                                       Theft of St George
now prove the existence                                                                         p. 2
of the underwater world of
Atlantis; it was discovered                                                                     Iran Gives British Museum
outside the coast of North                                                                      2-Month Deadline Over
West Africa near the Canary                                                                     Cyrus Cylinder
Islands on the floor of the                                                                     p. 2
Atlantic Ocean. The objects
they found are loaned to
the UK Museum for a                                                                             Event for the Whole Family
short period of time before                                                                     p. 3
the exhibits continue their                   was washed away under water with a
journey around the world. The rare and        focus on the changing role of the people          Future Exhibitions
beautiful objects will arrive to London on    living in Atlantis in an historical and           p. 3
the 6th of November 2009 and remain at        social timeline.
the museum for two months.                       Neil MacGregor, director of the British        Current Vacancies
   The exhibition will display what           Museum, said:  the world has never               p. 4
archeologists have discovered under water     seen an exhibition like this, showing the
in the Atlantic Ocean. The collection         spectacular finding of a lost civilization
                                                                                            The Real Atlantis
has over 500 objects recovered from           everyone believed to be a myth. The
the excavations; some of the objects are      majority of the objects have come straight
partial remains of an ancient civilization,
which was hidden under water for
                                              from the excavations, and will show the
                                              magnificent lifetime has forgotten. None
thousands of years. It will show images       of these objects have ever been showed
of the underwater world and artifacts that                                                  Have an opportunity to win a fieldtrip to
                                              exhibited to the public; Londoners will       the excavations of the Atlantis. This com-
were found on the site. Also illustrating     be the first to experience this amazing
the changing role of the people living                                                      petition is for all the kids who send in their
                                              discovery of a lost civilization.            drawings of what they experienced at the
in Atlantis in an historical and social          Dr Sarah Marshall, the curator for the
timeline.                                                                                   exhibition. The winners drawings will be
                                              exhibition added: the London visitors        exhibited in on of the rooms of the Atlan-
   The exhibition will also hold a            will have the first ever opportunity to see
conference where scientists will give                                                       tis exhibition. For more information see
                                              for them selves that Atlantis is no more a    www.britishmuseum.org
different theories to explain how Atlantis    myth.

                                              Theft of St George
  The famous Russian painting St              nised persons succeeded in abstracting       Read more on page 2
  George was stolen from the British Mu-      the 850.000 贈 masterpiece by putting the
  seum between 10 pm and 1 am last night.      security system of the museum out of op-
  Disguised as security guards, unrecog-       eration.....
Page 2

Theft of St George
The famous Russian painting of St             Metropolitan Police and according to          The Director of the State Historical
George was stolen from the British            Met Chief Sir Ian White: The suspects        Museum promised a reward of 贈10,000
Museum last night between 10.00 pm             are being questioned as we speak and we       for information leading to the return of the
and 1.00 am. Unknown perpetrators              are also checking the CCTV footage from       artwork.
succeeded in abstracting the 贈850.000          outside the museum.
masterpiece by putting the security system        The Director of the British Museum,
of the museum out of operation.                Neil MacGregor said: I am deeply
   The Byzantine icon from the 14th            shocked about this incident and I hope
century, on loan from Moscows State           that the authorities will solve this
Historical Museum, was to be exhibited in      organised crime as quickly as possible.
the British Museum until July 2010. The        Sarah Smith, Chief Security Officer of the
St George, which is part of a valuable       Museum added: We are still investigating
collection of five icons that all illustrate   why the security system did not detect the
orthodox saints, is now missing.               perpetrators and how the alarm system
   Highly sophisticated gadgets were used      was disabled.
to penetrate the security system without          The State Historical Museum has been
being detected by the CCTV cameras.            notified of the theft and they have offered
Four suspects have been detained by the        to work closely with the British Museum.

Iran Gives British Museum 2-Month Deadline
Over Cyrus Cylinder
Iran will stop all mutual                                                                                  Museum on October 8th
cooperation with the Brit-                                                                                 2009. We are currently
ish Museum unless an an-                                                                                   monitoring the political situ-
cient artefact, the Cyrus                                                                                  ation in Iran, but we hope
Cylinder, is loaned to                                                                                     that well be able to honour
the National Museum of                                                                                     that commitment as soon as
Iran within the next two                                                                                   possible. As ever with any
months. Hamid Baqaei,                                                                                      kind of loan, wed want to
vice president in charge of                                                                                be assured that the situation
Irans Cultural Heritage,                                                                                  in the country was suitable,
Handicrafts and Tourism                                                                                    she said. The British Mu-
Organization set the dead-                                                                                 seum promised to loan the
line in an interview with                                                                                  Cylinder after its 2005-6 ex-
the state-run Fars news                                                                                    hibition, Forgotten Empire:
agency. According to a                                                                                    The World of Ancient Per-
deal between Irans Na-                                                                                    sia, according to Boulton. It
tional Museum and the                                                                                      was made clear at the time,
British Museum, the an-                                                                                    she said, that the Cylinder
cient clay cylinder was                                                                                    would not be loaned until af-
scheduled to be lent to                                                                                    ter the Babylon: Myth and
Iran in September but the                      the agreement. Baqaei said: if the Brit-                   Reality exhibition, which
director of the British Museum refused to      ish Museum fails to send the Cyrus Cyl-       ended March 15. The British Museum also
do so, citing Irans post-election political   inder in the next two months to be shown      wanted the Cylinder shown temporarily in
state, Baqaei said in the interview carried   in Iran, we will stop any mutual activities   its new Iranian gallery. Discussions on the
by the Web site of Fars.                       with them, including archaeological coop-     timing of the loan started only compara-
   The Cylinder, dated about 539-530           eration and holding cultural heritage exhi-   tively recently, Boulton said.
B.C. and inscribed in Babylonian cunei-        bitions in the U.K.
form, has been described as the worlds           We certainly have committed to lend-
earliest charter of human rights. Iran has     ing the Cyrus Cylinder to Iran, and it is                     For more information visit
asked the British Museum to explain what       fully our intention to do that, said Han-                        www.bloomberg.com
political problem stops the fulfilment of      nah Boulton, head of press at the British
Page 3

Event for the Whole Family
The British Museum hosts its first            visitors to experience Christmas from a
Christmas event in the Great Court from       new perspective. In a multicultural city
29th November 2009 - 30th December            like London where different Christmas
2009. The opening of The History of          customs are brought together, this event
Christmas will be celebrated by unveiling    definitely is a must see.
a traditionally decorated Christmas tree.        During the Christmas event, the
    One part of the event will host an        children will have the opportunity to meet
exhibition showing a collection of            Santa Claus and give him their wish lists.
Christmas ornaments from different            For every visitor, the British Museum
countries and centuries. In addition, there   will give a donation to Great Ormond
will be a timeline showing the evolution      Street Childrens Hospital. Tickets for the
of Christmas as a pagan celebration to a      concerts can be purchased online on the
Christian festivity by displaying scripts,    museums homepage. The proceeds will
illustrations and findings from ancient       be donated to the childrens hospital.
    During the event several workshops,
concerts and plays will be held. Each
Sunday in advent, several choirs from all
over the world will perform Christmas
carols in the Great Court.
    On the opening day, Jim Carrey with
help from Neil MacGregor will light
up the Christmas tree. The Director of
the British Museum, Neil MacGregor
said, It is a fabulous occasion for our

                                      Future Exhibition
Kingdom of Ife:                               Fra Angelico to Leonardo:
Sculptures from West Africa                   Italian Renaissance drawings
4 March  6 June 2010                         22 April  25 July 2010

The exhibition features superb pieces         This major exhibition features 100
of Ife sculpture, drawn almost entirely       exquisite drawings by Italian artists during
from the magnificent collections of the       the critical period of the Renaissance,
National Commission for Museums and           from 1400 to 1510.
Monuments, Nigeria.                              Drawn from the two foremost
                                              collections in the field, the display charts
                                              the increasing importance of drawing
                                              during this period, featuring works by
                                              Leonardo da Vinci, Fra Angelico, Jacopo
                                              and Gentile Bellini, Botticelli, Carpaccio,
                                              Filippo Lippi, Mantegna, Michelangelo,
                                              Verrocchio and Titian.

                                                                                                             For more events visit
Page 4

3 Step in How-To...
Cure Your Headache without any Medicine
   Simple, natural ways to get rid of a                                                    Now, stretch your neck. Tilt your
    headache: Drink a tall glass of water.                                                   head to the right and pull slightly
    We often times get headaches due                                                         with your hand. Hold this position for
    to being dehydrated. Water will also                                                     10 seconds. Repeat for the left side.
    refresh our insides.                                                                     Finally tilt neck down as if you were
                                                                                             looking at your chest, hold for 10

                                                 Stand up and stretch your shoulders.
                                                  Stretch your arms up with your head
                                                  looking to the ceiling. Hold this
                                                  position for 10 seconds.

                                                                                         After this your headache should be gone.

                                      Fun During Lunch

A sudoku puzzle is a grid of 9 by 9
squares or cells that has been subdivided
into 9 sub grids or regions of three by
three cells. See the following diagram:
The objective of sudoku is to enter a digit
from 1 through 9 in each cell, in a way
that each horizontal row contains each
digit once, each vertical column contains
each digit exactly once and each sub grid
or region contains each digit exactly once.

Curent Vacancies at the British Museum
Project Curator: Islamic Coins  ZNM Project                       Project Curator: Medieval Relics Exhibition
Ref: 76767W Salary: 贈26,294 per annum Contract: Fixed              Ref: 76806W Salary: 贈22,457 pro rata Contract: Fixed term,
term, 23 months Department: ZNM Project and Coins and              22 months. January  July 2010, 3 days per week; August
Medals Application deadline: 12 noon, 4 November 2009              2010  October 2011, full time Department: Prehistory and
                                                                   Europe Application deadline: 12 noon, 23 November 2009
Project Curator: Moctezuma Exhibition
Ref: 76787W Salary: 贈22,457 per annum Contract: Fixed              Corporate Relations Manager
term, until 30 April 2010 Department: Africa, Oceania and the      Ref:    76805W Salary:   贈31,606   per    annum Contract:
Americas Application deadline: 12 noon, 5 November 2009            Permanent Department: Development Application deadline: 12
                                                                   noon, 27 November 2009
Community Programmes Coordinator: Transformation
Ref: 76798W Salary: 贈25,956 per annum, pro rata Contract: Fixed                                             For more jobs visit
term, 3 months Department: Learning and Audiences Application                     www.britishmuseum.org/the_museum/jobs.aspx
deadline: 12 noon, 20 November 2009

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News Letter Example

  • 1. NEWS LETTER Monthly Staff News Letter 11th November 2009 Issue 11 British Museum Exhibits the Real Atlantis An exhibition which will change human history T In This Isue he British Museum, as the first museum in the world, will Real Atlantis open its doors for the p. 1 new exhibition The Real Atlantis. Scientists can Theft of St George now prove the existence p. 2 of the underwater world of Atlantis; it was discovered Iran Gives British Museum outside the coast of North 2-Month Deadline Over West Africa near the Canary Cyrus Cylinder Islands on the floor of the p. 2 Atlantic Ocean. The objects they found are loaned to the UK Museum for a Event for the Whole Family short period of time before p. 3 the exhibits continue their was washed away under water with a journey around the world. The rare and focus on the changing role of the people Future Exhibitions beautiful objects will arrive to London on living in Atlantis in an historical and p. 3 the 6th of November 2009 and remain at social timeline. the museum for two months. Neil MacGregor, director of the British Current Vacancies The exhibition will display what Museum, said: the world has never p. 4 archeologists have discovered under water seen an exhibition like this, showing the in the Atlantic Ocean. The collection spectacular finding of a lost civilization The Real Atlantis has over 500 objects recovered from everyone believed to be a myth. The the excavations; some of the objects are majority of the objects have come straight partial remains of an ancient civilization, which was hidden under water for from the excavations, and will show the magnificent lifetime has forgotten. None Competition thousands of years. It will show images of these objects have ever been showed of the underwater world and artifacts that Have an opportunity to win a fieldtrip to exhibited to the public; Londoners will the excavations of the Atlantis. This com- were found on the site. Also illustrating be the first to experience this amazing the changing role of the people living petition is for all the kids who send in their discovery of a lost civilization. drawings of what they experienced at the in Atlantis in an historical and social Dr Sarah Marshall, the curator for the timeline. exhibition. The winners drawings will be exhibition added: the London visitors exhibited in on of the rooms of the Atlan- The exhibition will also hold a will have the first ever opportunity to see conference where scientists will give tis exhibition. For more information see for them selves that Atlantis is no more a www.britishmuseum.org different theories to explain how Atlantis myth. Theft of St George The famous Russian painting St nised persons succeeded in abstracting Read more on page 2 George was stolen from the British Mu- the 850.000 贈 masterpiece by putting the seum between 10 pm and 1 am last night. security system of the museum out of op- Disguised as security guards, unrecog- eration.....
  • 2. Page 2 Theft of St George The famous Russian painting of St Metropolitan Police and according to The Director of the State Historical George was stolen from the British Met Chief Sir Ian White: The suspects Museum promised a reward of 贈10,000 Museum last night between 10.00 pm are being questioned as we speak and we for information leading to the return of the and 1.00 am. Unknown perpetrators are also checking the CCTV footage from artwork. succeeded in abstracting the 贈850.000 outside the museum. masterpiece by putting the security system The Director of the British Museum, of the museum out of operation. Neil MacGregor said: I am deeply The Byzantine icon from the 14th shocked about this incident and I hope century, on loan from Moscows State that the authorities will solve this Historical Museum, was to be exhibited in organised crime as quickly as possible. the British Museum until July 2010. The Sarah Smith, Chief Security Officer of the St George, which is part of a valuable Museum added: We are still investigating collection of five icons that all illustrate why the security system did not detect the orthodox saints, is now missing. perpetrators and how the alarm system Highly sophisticated gadgets were used was disabled. to penetrate the security system without The State Historical Museum has been being detected by the CCTV cameras. notified of the theft and they have offered Four suspects have been detained by the to work closely with the British Museum. Iran Gives British Museum 2-Month Deadline Over Cyrus Cylinder Iran will stop all mutual Museum on October 8th cooperation with the Brit- 2009. We are currently ish Museum unless an an- monitoring the political situ- cient artefact, the Cyrus ation in Iran, but we hope Cylinder, is loaned to that well be able to honour the National Museum of that commitment as soon as Iran within the next two possible. As ever with any months. Hamid Baqaei, kind of loan, wed want to vice president in charge of be assured that the situation Irans Cultural Heritage, in the country was suitable, Handicrafts and Tourism she said. The British Mu- Organization set the dead- seum promised to loan the line in an interview with Cylinder after its 2005-6 ex- the state-run Fars news hibition, Forgotten Empire: agency. According to a The World of Ancient Per- deal between Irans Na- sia, according to Boulton. It tional Museum and the was made clear at the time, British Museum, the an- she said, that the Cylinder cient clay cylinder was would not be loaned until af- scheduled to be lent to ter the Babylon: Myth and Iran in September but the the agreement. Baqaei said: if the Brit- Reality exhibition, which director of the British Museum refused to ish Museum fails to send the Cyrus Cyl- ended March 15. The British Museum also do so, citing Irans post-election political inder in the next two months to be shown wanted the Cylinder shown temporarily in state, Baqaei said in the interview carried in Iran, we will stop any mutual activities its new Iranian gallery. Discussions on the by the Web site of Fars. with them, including archaeological coop- timing of the loan started only compara- The Cylinder, dated about 539-530 eration and holding cultural heritage exhi- tively recently, Boulton said. B.C. and inscribed in Babylonian cunei- bitions in the U.K. form, has been described as the worlds We certainly have committed to lend- earliest charter of human rights. Iran has ing the Cyrus Cylinder to Iran, and it is For more information visit asked the British Museum to explain what fully our intention to do that, said Han- www.bloomberg.com political problem stops the fulfilment of nah Boulton, head of press at the British
  • 3. Page 3 Event for the Whole Family The British Museum hosts its first visitors to experience Christmas from a Christmas event in the Great Court from new perspective. In a multicultural city 29th November 2009 - 30th December like London where different Christmas 2009. The opening of The History of customs are brought together, this event Christmas will be celebrated by unveiling definitely is a must see. a traditionally decorated Christmas tree. During the Christmas event, the One part of the event will host an children will have the opportunity to meet exhibition showing a collection of Santa Claus and give him their wish lists. Christmas ornaments from different For every visitor, the British Museum countries and centuries. In addition, there will give a donation to Great Ormond will be a timeline showing the evolution Street Childrens Hospital. Tickets for the of Christmas as a pagan celebration to a concerts can be purchased online on the Christian festivity by displaying scripts, museums homepage. The proceeds will illustrations and findings from ancient be donated to the childrens hospital. times. During the event several workshops, concerts and plays will be held. Each Sunday in advent, several choirs from all over the world will perform Christmas carols in the Great Court. On the opening day, Jim Carrey with help from Neil MacGregor will light up the Christmas tree. The Director of the British Museum, Neil MacGregor said, It is a fabulous occasion for our Future Exhibition Kingdom of Ife: Fra Angelico to Leonardo: Sculptures from West Africa Italian Renaissance drawings 4 March 6 June 2010 22 April 25 July 2010 The exhibition features superb pieces This major exhibition features 100 of Ife sculpture, drawn almost entirely exquisite drawings by Italian artists during from the magnificent collections of the the critical period of the Renaissance, National Commission for Museums and from 1400 to 1510. Monuments, Nigeria. Drawn from the two foremost collections in the field, the display charts the increasing importance of drawing during this period, featuring works by Leonardo da Vinci, Fra Angelico, Jacopo and Gentile Bellini, Botticelli, Carpaccio, Filippo Lippi, Mantegna, Michelangelo, Verrocchio and Titian. For more events visit www.britishmuseum.org/whats_on.aspx
  • 4. Page 4 3 Step in How-To... Cure Your Headache without any Medicine Simple, natural ways to get rid of a Now, stretch your neck. Tilt your headache: Drink a tall glass of water. head to the right and pull slightly We often times get headaches due with your hand. Hold this position for to being dehydrated. Water will also 10 seconds. Repeat for the left side. refresh our insides. Finally tilt neck down as if you were looking at your chest, hold for 10 seconds. Stand up and stretch your shoulders. Stretch your arms up with your head looking to the ceiling. Hold this position for 10 seconds. After this your headache should be gone. Fun During Lunch A sudoku puzzle is a grid of 9 by 9 squares or cells that has been subdivided into 9 sub grids or regions of three by three cells. See the following diagram: The objective of sudoku is to enter a digit from 1 through 9 in each cell, in a way that each horizontal row contains each digit once, each vertical column contains each digit exactly once and each sub grid or region contains each digit exactly once. Curent Vacancies at the British Museum Project Curator: Islamic Coins ZNM Project Project Curator: Medieval Relics Exhibition Ref: 76767W Salary: 贈26,294 per annum Contract: Fixed Ref: 76806W Salary: 贈22,457 pro rata Contract: Fixed term, term, 23 months Department: ZNM Project and Coins and 22 months. January July 2010, 3 days per week; August Medals Application deadline: 12 noon, 4 November 2009 2010 October 2011, full time Department: Prehistory and Europe Application deadline: 12 noon, 23 November 2009 Project Curator: Moctezuma Exhibition Ref: 76787W Salary: 贈22,457 per annum Contract: Fixed Corporate Relations Manager term, until 30 April 2010 Department: Africa, Oceania and the Ref: 76805W Salary: 贈31,606 per annum Contract: Americas Application deadline: 12 noon, 5 November 2009 Permanent Department: Development Application deadline: 12 noon, 27 November 2009 Community Programmes Coordinator: Transformation Ref: 76798W Salary: 贈25,956 per annum, pro rata Contract: Fixed For more jobs visit term, 3 months Department: Learning and Audiences Application www.britishmuseum.org/the_museum/jobs.aspx deadline: 12 noon, 20 November 2009