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                                                                                                                 Member of

      Message from the President

      Since its creation in 1998, our small company has become a major player in the international vanilla market.

      We have adapted and developed our business throughout even the most difficult periods, while keeping pace with

      our customers' demands in terms of both quality and quantity.

      Today, we reaffirm our commitment to the vanilla industry by further improving our quality process and by adopting a

      socially and environmentally ethical approach.

      We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our customers and all of those who have placed their trust in us for

      the last 15 years.

      Along with all of the Vanipro team members, I would like to wish you a very happy new year.

                                                                                                                       Jean-François SAVIN

      Our new recruits

      Romain Berthe: QHSE Manager (Quality, Hygiene, Security and Environment).

      Romain is in charge of corporate quality policy. His role is to design new quality control processes for use internally as well as for

      external partners. He is in regular contact with our customers' quality control departments, providing Vanipro with better awareness

      of their requirements. Romain Berthe is also in charge of the Bourbon Ethics programme and sustainable development policy in


      Elisabeth Bosio: Elisabeth joined us this year and her role is to design communication tools to promote new product developments

      introduced by Vanipro as well as to improve awareness of our sustainable development initiatives in Madagascar. She is in charge

      of communication with the NGO HELP MADA and will also provide marketing support to our customers.

Z.I. de la Sarrée - Route de Gourdon - 06220 LE BAR SUR LOUP - FRANCE - Tel. : +33 (0)4 97 05 22 90 - Fax: +33 (0)4 93 60 97 92 - info@vanipro.com

      Here is our up to date analysis of the 2012 harvest :

      Madagascar : Despite the fact that the legal opening date for harvesting was fixed for July 10th, we believe that some growers
      began harvesting at the beginning of June, suggesting that for the second consecutive year the harvest’s quality will be quite
      mediocre. The fact that the beans were not mature enough when harvested and the problem of vacuum packing of unprocessed
      beans has again produced negative effects on quality. Unfortunately, this type of practice is increasingly common in the bush.
      Freshly prepared vanilla is packed in bags, preserved and stored in moist conditions by the farmers. This has harmful effects on the
      vanillin content, creating imbalances in ratios and leading to uncontrolled fermentations and distortion of the flavour profile.

      On the green vanilla market, a processor purchased large volumes regardless of the quality or ripeness of the pods, sending out a
      strong signal and pushing prices higher. The situation was similar on the bulk market. The feedback we received from the field
      indicates that poor quality shorts, cuts and bulk were output first.

      At the moment, vanilla quality is quite mediocre, with high moisture levels. We are therefore facing the risk of a 2012/2013 harvest of
      lesser quality at higher prices. Global volumes do not seem to be affected, but volumes of good quality could well be limited,
      placing further pressure on prices. It would also appear that a number of local stakeholders are in favour of a speculative approach.

      For all of these reasons, we underline the need for caution especially as exporters are also noting a late but dense flowering,
      suggesting that future harvests could be abundant, with an estimated volume equal to or greater than that of 2011.

      Vacuum-packed beans will require much more handling, involving more weight losses, which will unfortunately confirm limited
      quality production.

      We prefer to wait until the beginning of 2013 before positioning ourselves. By then we will have the first laboratory results regarding
      the 2012 harvest, which will give us a clearer idea of the market price.

      With knowledge of both quality and prices regarding the 2012 harvest, we will be in a more comfortable position to offer either 2012
      vanilla or our “carry back”.


      Vanipro recently invested in a new industrial machine. We can now offer you an assistance in the grinding phase of your production.

      Please feel free to contact us for more information about this new service.

Z.I. de la Sarrée - Route de Gourdon - 06220 LE BAR SUR LOUP - FRANCE - Tel. : +33 (0)4 97 05 22 90 - Fax: +33 (0)4 93 60 97 92 - info@vanipro.com
    Vanipro Mada                                                                                        Bourbon Oil

      Vanipro Mada is a wholly owned subsidiary of Vanipro SAS registered under
      Malagasy law. Founded in September 2012, its main role will be to work locally in
      the following areas :

      . Research and Development
      . Quality Control
      . Sustainable Development

      . Research and Development :
      The role of the research and development team is to work on various methods

      Antalaha in August 2012. Based on initial results, we are expecting a 20 to 40%
      increase in vanillin levels compared to traditional pod processing methods. In
                                                                                                            The companies Vanipro SAS
      addition, we are currently carrying out work on aromatic notes.
                                                                                                                and SCIM (long-standing
      . Quality Control :                                                                                 clove specialists) are partners
      Poor quality harvests and fears surrounding the use of vacuum bags were                                              in Bourbon Oil.
      among the reasons behind our decision to develop a locally based quality                             This processing plant located
      control programme. Romain Berthe, our QHSE manager, is moving out to
                                                                                                              in Tamatave has exclusive
      Madagascar and will be assisted by our stock manager Mikael Blanchet who is
                                                                                                                agreements to produce
      already out there. Vanipro Mada's mission is to select, control and monitor the
      curing and conditioning processes in accordance with the specifications                                 eugenol. As a result of the
      agreed upon with our partners.                                                                          partnership, the company
                                                                                                                  Bourbon Oil is currently
      . Sustainable development :                                                                         carrying out tests using a pilot
      With the help of its export partners, Vanipro Mada aims to put small Malagasy                              unit in order to produce
      plantations back at the heart of the system. To achieve such objectives, it is
                                                                                                                             essential oils.
      introducing a development and monitoring programme for cooperatives that
      will deal with social, environmental and ethical issues. Establishing a relationship
      of trust between the cooperatives and Vanipro Mada will lead to better quality
      products and attribution of an incentive bonus.

    Société Marseillaise d’Importation

      Since 1941, the “Société Marseillaise d’Importation” is specialised in trading tropical products. It joined the Vanipro
      Group in 2006.
      Initially involved in the trade of cassava roots and vanilla, SMI extended its activities to the supply of a broad range of
      spices imported from Madagascar (cinnamon scraps, sticks and powder, cloves, black pepper and green pepper in
      brine, pink peppercorns). It also exports various forms of raffia all around the world (hanks or thread, balls, shrink-wrapped
      and coloured varieties). The company imports products from other countries, including cinnamon from the Seychelles,
      cassia and cloves from Indonesia as well as from Sri Lanka and the Comoros Islands. SMI remains the leader in the raffia
      industry and is currently seeking to expand its activities to include cocoa and green coffee, both of which are produced
      in the North West of Madagascar.

Z.I. de la Sarrée - Route de Gourdon - 06220 LE BAR SUR LOUP - FRANCE - Tel. : +33 (0)4 97 05 22 90 - Fax: +33 (0)4 93 60 97 92 - info@vanipro.com
    Help Mada

      In 2007, Vanipro created Help Mada, its own NGO in Madagascar.
      This organisation enables us to carry out a number of operations.
      The Vary Project : Rice for schooling
      Our action: Donations of rice are granted to families to help meet
      their food requirements, in return they promise to send their children
      to school. Distribution of school kits, staff training and monitoring of school results.
      Reforestation : Help Mada promotes reforestation and the protection of the environment.
      Our action : Creation of tree nurseries, planting zones, tree planting and site protection.

      Our action : Helping raise awareness and informing people about the importance of basic hygiene. Villagers are given access to
      medication and health care services, we run pregnancy-monitoring programmes and organise vaccination campaigns…
      To date, two medical clinics have been built and two doctors have been recruited. One is located in Ambodimanga and the other
      in Ambinany Antsahabe. The Minister of Health inaugurated the medical centre in Ambinany Antsahabe in November.
      We are proud to know that we can count on the help of our customers for this project.
      We warmly encourage all of those who have great affection for Madagascar and the Sava region in particular to help us provide
      them with financial support.

     The Gazelles rally and Vanipro                                                                            Eau Soleil Paca
      Vanipro is pleased to sponsor The Majungazelles,                                                         Eau Soleil Paca is an
      the only women's rally team that will be representing                                                    association whose
      Madagascar at the Gazelles Rally.
      Vanipro offers support for women's initiatives as well as
      other needy causes and innovative projects.                                                              international solidarity
                                                                                                               projects based on
      This team of French women, who all feel African at heart
                                                                                                               sustainable development
      after living either in Madagascar or in Africa, is participating for the first time in the exclusively
      female rally. They are very active and determined sport enthusiasts, who love challenges. The
      rally they are competing in promotes values such as courage, solidarity and respect for the              development of
      environment, values that are shared by the team and by us too.                                           renewable energies.
      The Aïcha Gazelles Rally and The Majungazelles support the Heart of Gazelles Charity. The
                                                                                                               projects and a range of
      association was founded at the Aïcha Gazelles Rally in Morocco in 2001. This officially
                                                                                                               training programmes
      recognized public interest organisation, in partnership with the Moroccan government, has set
                                                                                                               involving local players.
      up an aid programme for nomadic and underprivileged populations located along the rally                  This organisation is a
      route.                                                                                                   partner of the Medical
      The Majungazelles are also offering their support to the Malagasy charity "Majunga fait son tour         Centres in the Bush project
      du monde*", which organises regattas for children and participates in the promotion of cultural          run by Help Mada and has
      development among the coastal populations of Majunga. Children are given various objects                 helped install water
                                                                                                               towers, wells and
      (computers…) that enable them to discover the existence of other countries and cultures.
                                                                                                               washhouses at our sites.
      * Majunga tours the world

Z.I. de la Sarrée - Route de Gourdon - 06220 LE BAR SUR LOUP - FRANCE - Tel. : +33 (0)4 97 05 22 90 - Fax: +33 (0)4 93 60 97 92 - info@vanipro.com

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News letter vanipro

  • 1. NEWSLETTER DECEMBER 2012 Member of VANIPRO GROUP Message from the President Since its creation in 1998, our small company has become a major player in the international vanilla market. We have adapted and developed our business throughout even the most difficult periods, while keeping pace with our customers' demands in terms of both quality and quantity. Today, we reaffirm our commitment to the vanilla industry by further improving our quality process and by adopting a socially and environmentally ethical approach. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our customers and all of those who have placed their trust in us for the last 15 years. Along with all of the Vanipro team members, I would like to wish you a very happy new year. Jean-François SAVIN Our new recruits Romain Berthe: QHSE Manager (Quality, Hygiene, Security and Environment). Romain is in charge of corporate quality policy. His role is to design new quality control processes for use internally as well as for external partners. He is in regular contact with our customers' quality control departments, providing Vanipro with better awareness of their requirements. Romain Berthe is also in charge of the Bourbon Ethics programme and sustainable development policy in Madagascar. Elisabeth Bosio: Elisabeth joined us this year and her role is to design communication tools to promote new product developments introduced by Vanipro as well as to improve awareness of our sustainable development initiatives in Madagascar. She is in charge of communication with the NGO HELP MADA and will also provide marketing support to our customers. Z.I. de la Sarrée - Route de Gourdon - 06220 LE BAR SUR LOUP - FRANCE - Tel. : +33 (0)4 97 05 22 90 - Fax: +33 (0)4 93 60 97 92 - info@vanipro.com www.vanipro.com
  • 2. FLASH MARKET UPDATE Here is our up to date analysis of the 2012 harvest : Madagascar : Despite the fact that the legal opening date for harvesting was fixed for July 10th, we believe that some growers began harvesting at the beginning of June, suggesting that for the second consecutive year the harvest’s quality will be quite mediocre. The fact that the beans were not mature enough when harvested and the problem of vacuum packing of unprocessed beans has again produced negative effects on quality. Unfortunately, this type of practice is increasingly common in the bush. Freshly prepared vanilla is packed in bags, preserved and stored in moist conditions by the farmers. This has harmful effects on the vanillin content, creating imbalances in ratios and leading to uncontrolled fermentations and distortion of the flavour profile. On the green vanilla market, a processor purchased large volumes regardless of the quality or ripeness of the pods, sending out a strong signal and pushing prices higher. The situation was similar on the bulk market. The feedback we received from the field indicates that poor quality shorts, cuts and bulk were output first. At the moment, vanilla quality is quite mediocre, with high moisture levels. We are therefore facing the risk of a 2012/2013 harvest of lesser quality at higher prices. Global volumes do not seem to be affected, but volumes of good quality could well be limited, placing further pressure on prices. It would also appear that a number of local stakeholders are in favour of a speculative approach. For all of these reasons, we underline the need for caution especially as exporters are also noting a late but dense flowering, suggesting that future harvests could be abundant, with an estimated volume equal to or greater than that of 2011. Vacuum-packed beans will require much more handling, involving more weight losses, which will unfortunately confirm limited quality production. We prefer to wait until the beginning of 2013 before positioning ourselves. By then we will have the first laboratory results regarding the 2012 harvest, which will give us a clearer idea of the market price. With knowledge of both quality and prices regarding the 2012 harvest, we will be in a more comfortable position to offer either 2012 vanilla or our “carry back”. Grinder Vanipro recently invested in a new industrial machine. We can now offer you an assistance in the grinding phase of your production. Please feel free to contact us for more information about this new service. Z.I. de la Sarrée - Route de Gourdon - 06220 LE BAR SUR LOUP - FRANCE - Tel. : +33 (0)4 97 05 22 90 - Fax: +33 (0)4 93 60 97 92 - info@vanipro.com www.vanipro.com
  • 3. FOCUS ON VANIPRO GROUP Vanipro Mada Bourbon Oil Vanipro Mada is a wholly owned subsidiary of Vanipro SAS registered under Malagasy law. Founded in September 2012, its main role will be to work locally in the following areas : . Research and Development . Quality Control . Sustainable Development . Research and Development : The role of the research and development team is to work on various methods Antalaha in August 2012. Based on initial results, we are expecting a 20 to 40% increase in vanillin levels compared to traditional pod processing methods. In The companies Vanipro SAS addition, we are currently carrying out work on aromatic notes. and SCIM (long-standing . Quality Control : clove specialists) are partners Poor quality harvests and fears surrounding the use of vacuum bags were in Bourbon Oil. among the reasons behind our decision to develop a locally based quality This processing plant located control programme. Romain Berthe, our QHSE manager, is moving out to in Tamatave has exclusive Madagascar and will be assisted by our stock manager Mikael Blanchet who is agreements to produce already out there. Vanipro Mada's mission is to select, control and monitor the curing and conditioning processes in accordance with the specifications eugenol. As a result of the agreed upon with our partners. partnership, the company Bourbon Oil is currently . Sustainable development : carrying out tests using a pilot With the help of its export partners, Vanipro Mada aims to put small Malagasy unit in order to produce plantations back at the heart of the system. To achieve such objectives, it is essential oils. introducing a development and monitoring programme for cooperatives that will deal with social, environmental and ethical issues. Establishing a relationship of trust between the cooperatives and Vanipro Mada will lead to better quality products and attribution of an incentive bonus. Société Marseillaise d’Importation Since 1941, the “Société Marseillaise d’Importation” is specialised in trading tropical products. It joined the Vanipro Group in 2006. Initially involved in the trade of cassava roots and vanilla, SMI extended its activities to the supply of a broad range of spices imported from Madagascar (cinnamon scraps, sticks and powder, cloves, black pepper and green pepper in brine, pink peppercorns). It also exports various forms of raffia all around the world (hanks or thread, balls, shrink-wrapped and coloured varieties). The company imports products from other countries, including cinnamon from the Seychelles, cassia and cloves from Indonesia as well as from Sri Lanka and the Comoros Islands. SMI remains the leader in the raffia industry and is currently seeking to expand its activities to include cocoa and green coffee, both of which are produced in the North West of Madagascar. Z.I. de la Sarrée - Route de Gourdon - 06220 LE BAR SUR LOUP - FRANCE - Tel. : +33 (0)4 97 05 22 90 - Fax: +33 (0)4 93 60 97 92 - info@vanipro.com www.vanipro.com
  • 4. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN SOCIAL ACTION VANIPRO MADA INVOLVED Help Mada In 2007, Vanipro created Help Mada, its own NGO in Madagascar. This organisation enables us to carry out a number of operations. The Vary Project : Rice for schooling Our action: Donations of rice are granted to families to help meet their food requirements, in return they promise to send their children to school. Distribution of school kits, staff training and monitoring of school results. Reforestation : Help Mada promotes reforestation and the protection of the environment. Our action : Creation of tree nurseries, planting zones, tree planting and site protection. Our action : Helping raise awareness and informing people about the importance of basic hygiene. Villagers are given access to medication and health care services, we run pregnancy-monitoring programmes and organise vaccination campaigns… To date, two medical clinics have been built and two doctors have been recruited. One is located in Ambodimanga and the other in Ambinany Antsahabe. The Minister of Health inaugurated the medical centre in Ambinany Antsahabe in November. We are proud to know that we can count on the help of our customers for this project. We warmly encourage all of those who have great affection for Madagascar and the Sava region in particular to help us provide them with financial support. The Gazelles rally and Vanipro Eau Soleil Paca Vanipro is pleased to sponsor The Majungazelles, Eau Soleil Paca is an the only women's rally team that will be representing association whose Madagascar at the Gazelles Rally. Vanipro offers support for women's initiatives as well as other needy causes and innovative projects. international solidarity projects based on This team of French women, who all feel African at heart sustainable development after living either in Madagascar or in Africa, is participating for the first time in the exclusively initiatives. female rally. They are very active and determined sport enthusiasts, who love challenges. The rally they are competing in promotes values such as courage, solidarity and respect for the development of environment, values that are shared by the team and by us too. renewable energies. The Aïcha Gazelles Rally and The Majungazelles support the Heart of Gazelles Charity. The projects and a range of association was founded at the Aïcha Gazelles Rally in Morocco in 2001. This officially training programmes recognized public interest organisation, in partnership with the Moroccan government, has set involving local players. up an aid programme for nomadic and underprivileged populations located along the rally This organisation is a route. partner of the Medical The Majungazelles are also offering their support to the Malagasy charity "Majunga fait son tour Centres in the Bush project du monde*", which organises regattas for children and participates in the promotion of cultural run by Help Mada and has development among the coastal populations of Majunga. Children are given various objects helped install water towers, wells and (computers…) that enable them to discover the existence of other countries and cultures. washhouses at our sites. * Majunga tours the world Z.I. de la Sarrée - Route de Gourdon - 06220 LE BAR SUR LOUP - FRANCE - Tel. : +33 (0)4 97 05 22 90 - Fax: +33 (0)4 93 60 97 92 - info@vanipro.com www.vanipro.com