The document provides information about replacing worn hammer heads on an upright piano. It explains that over time, the felt on hammer heads deteriorates as the strings cut into it, producing a harsh tone. Replacing hammer heads with new, custom-made ones can restore the piano's tone. The process involves carefully measuring and duplicating the angles and positioning of the original hammer heads to ensure a proper fit and tone. Installing new hammer heads correctly requires more than just gluing them on and involves precise preparation, placement, and adjustment of the hammers.
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Newsletter 24 upright hammer replacement
1. The Owner's Guide to Piano Repair
Focus On: Upright Hammer Replacement
Information provided courtesy of:
David Boyce, BA
Piano Technician
Tel: 01475 639915
Mobile: 07714 959806
2. Although the hammers on an upright piano are extremely durable,
they do deteriorate over time, and at some point need to be replaced. Worn
hammers may cause the tone of a piano to be harsh and unpleasant and can also
make it difficult to control the keys to produce the music you love. If the ham-
mers on your piano are badly worn, replacement would help bring back
beauty and richness to the tone of your instrument.
Striking surface
A new hammer head ready to install.
Do you find yourself frustrated with the poor performance of your piano and
wondering what could be done? The following is intended to help you decide
whether or not to have a new set of hammers installed in your piano.
Why exactly do worn out hammers cause a problem with the tone of a piano?
When hammer heads are manufactured, thick, stiff felt is stretched around a
wooden core, or molding, at great tension. The striking surface is smooth and
round and more or less egg-shaped (see photo above). The tension of the felt pro-
vides a bounce to the hammers so that when they strike the strings the deflection
that they cause to the strings results in vibration or tone.
Over the years, however, the steel of the treble strings and the copper wind-
ings of the bass strings gradually cut into the felt, breaking the felt fibers and re-
sulting in a layer of felt on the outside of the hammers which is pulpy or dead.
The piano's tone is altered as this dead layer increases, and eventually the ham-
mers don't produce a clean blow at all, but instead strike the strings with a flat-
tened and grooved surface (see photo on next page) which produces an unsatisfac-
torily harsh sound.
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3. This photo illustrates
the type of wear and tear that
hammer heads are subjected
to. These hammers are from
the treble section where each
note has three steel strings.
Over the years the strings cut
deeply into the felt. Instead
of striking the strings with a
clean blow, hammers such as
these produce a muddy,
muted tone—a far cry from
the tone the piano once had.
No matter how good the tuning of a piano, or to what extent other repair
work has been done to a piano with a set of hammers in this condition, the result-
ing tone will be less than optimal.
When the hammers are worn, is there any less expensive option than outright
Yes, if the amount of wear is minimal, the hammers may be suitable for a
job of reshaping and voicing. However, if the cuts in the felt are deep, reshaping
may not be feasible.
Hammer with significant wear. Same hammer after reshaping.
If the amount of felt which would have to be removed during the shaping
process is significant (to the point where the profile of the hammers is drastically
altered, as in the photos above), replacement with a new set of hammers would be
a better choice. Otherwise, the changes to the weight and dimensions of the ham-
mers which result from shaping would adversely alter the touch of the piano.
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4. Are replacement hammers a one-size-fits-all type of product, or are they cus-
tom made for the individual piano?
Hammers are always custom-tailored for the individual piano. Sample ham-
mers from the old action are used for the purpose of duplicating original felt
weight, boring angles, etc. to allow for a new set of hammers to be made which
replicate the original set. The first step is to select a set from those available
(photo below) which match the originals from a dimensional standpoint.
Hammer selection is
also determined by what
you as the owner want the
piano to sound like. For ex-
ample, do you want to go in
the direction of a loud, ag-
gressive sound or more to-
wards a sweet, singing tone
without the brilliance that
characterizes many pianos
Once the hammers
which best fit the bill are cho-
sen, the set is unpackaged and
laid out to be worked on.
Since the factory set comes
with more than 88 hammers,
a few hammers are first re-
To duplicate the original ham-
mers, careful measurements of im-
portant angles are taken. Here the
bore angle of the shank to the mold-
ing (the wooden center) of the ham-
mer is calibrated.
(Photos on pages 4 and 5 courtesy of Schaff Piano Supply Company, Lake Zurich, Illinois)
Page 4
5. Hammers are drilled
at precise angles so that they
strike the strings exactly as
the originals did. Since drill-
ing angles vary from piano
to piano, precision measure-
ments must be taken of the
sample hammers from the
original set. In this photo
the rake, (angle up and
down) of a sample hammer
is carefully determined.
A special drill press
dedicated to the boring of
hammer heads is used to
drill each hammer at the
exact angles needed. (Not
only are the necessary an-
gles critical, but also the
precise location of the hole
in the molding—the
wooden core of the ham-
The entire set of hammers is
drilled and made ready for installa-
tion. A new set of hammers such as
this is a huge improvement for an
older instrument. With modern
manufacturing techniques, ham-
mers produced today rival or even
surpass the quality of the hammers
which were installed in the day that
your piano was produced.
Page 5
6. Is the installation of new hammers simply a matter of gluing them on, or is
there more to it than that?
There is considerably more to installing a set of hammers than simply glu-
ing them on. The old hammer shanks are carefully prepared for the installation of
the new hammers. The type of glue is carefully chosen to best match the piano's
needs and applied in a specialized way. The exact positioning and orientation of
the original hammer is analyzed and duplicated.
If the original hammer shanks
and butts are retained, the remains of
the old glue must be removed from
the old shanks, and the end of each
shank carefully sized (using tool
shown in photo right) before the new
hammer heads are installed. The fit
must be neither too tight nor too
loose for proper adjustment.
Depending on the circum-
stances, either a cold glue or a hot
glue might be used. Here, hot hide
glue is mixed to achieve an exact-
ing viscosity and temperature for
maximum performance.
Positioning of the new ham-
mers begins with a determination
of the orientation of the original
hammers. In the photo to the right,
the exact line at which the ham-
mers impacted the strings is deter-
mined. The new hammers will be
installed to match this measure-
ment precisely.
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7. Using a straightedge, the
positioning of each hammer is
checked in four different ways,
adjusted if necessary, then re-
checked to make sure that all
four measurements are precise.
The exactness of this positioning
makes for a job which looks
"factory" in every way.
A ring of excess glue in the
form of a well-defined "collar" is
one signature of a professionally
done job. This practice is an exam-
ple of the rich tradition that is a
hallmark of piano production.
Both quality piano manufacturers
and skilled rebuilders alike are
aware of the importance of adher-
ing to traditional methods.
Is the value of an instrument lessened by the removal and replacement of the
original hammers?
Just the opposite. An old set of hammers on a vintage upright piano might
be compared to a balding set of tires on a classic car. Worn out hammers add noth-
ing to the value of a piano in that they represent maintenance which needs to be
taken care of before the piano is performing up to its potential. A strong case
might be made for the keeping of original ivory which is still in good shape, or
the original finish if the case has a lovely patina–but not for the hammers once
they have outlived their usefulness. Having a new set of hammers professionally
installed in such a case is always an improvement which adds value to the instru-
ment in that the tone of the piano will be vastly improved upon—the beauty of the
piano's voice won't be masked by worn out hammers. (Other related issues may
need to be dealt with as well, but having worn-out hammers replaced with a high-
quality set of new hammers is always a huge step in the right direction!)
Page 7
8. A set of new hammers will go a long way towards creating a beautiful tone once again.
"In business to bring your piano to its full potential."
Please advise me when you wish to have this repair professionally done.
David Boyce, BA
Piano Technician
Tel: 01475 639915
Mobile: 07714 959806
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