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                   Newsletter Edition 36 - October 2009
                                             In This Issue

Introduction - Ladder Exchange - Shocking Photographs - National Safety Passport
- Seminar Venue - Forthcoming Events



                  Welcome to our third birthday edition of the Groups Newsletter. We
                  hope you have found the Newsletters useful and interesting however to
                  keep it relevant we really need your help in submitting articles and
                  photographs. Enjoy this months content.

Website News

This months our seminar contained a question and answer session and we will shortly be
publishing a Q&A document on the website. The Calling Papers have been sent and we
are taking bookings for the October Seminar, Biological Agents. Further details can be
downloaded from www.necdm.co.uk

Last month we told you that we hoped to populate our Health & Safety Forms section on
the website during September. Unfortunately this has been delayed slightly as all the
forms need proof reading but they will hopefully be published in the coming few weeks.

However, this month we have added some more training material, a safety alert regarding
scissor lifts and details of FREE health & safety training that is available for residents of
the East Durham area.

Ladder Exchange

                  Despite a sustained long term reduction, falls from height remains the
                  most common type of fatal injury. In 2007/08, a total of 58 workers died
                  and over 3600 employees suffered major injury as a result of a fall from
                  height in the workplace. Many of these incidents could be avoided by
                  using the right equipment and taking simple precautions.

As part of HSEs Shattered Lives Campaign they have launched the Ladder Exchange
Initiative intended to help reduce the number of deaths and injuries resulting from falls
from height.

The focus of this initiative, that runs until 31 December, gives people the opportunity to get
rid of old, damaged and broken ladders by trading them in for a new one. Over 5,500
ladders have already been exchanged under this initiative since it first launched in 2007.

HSEs message remains simple - "Dont let a dodgy ladder shatter your life. If its not the
right ladder exchange.

From now until 31st December 2009 anyone with a broken, damaged or bent ladder can
part exchange it for a new one with discounts of up to 50%. Details of HSEs partners in
this initiative can be found on their website at www.hse.gov.uk

National Safety Passport

                  Cognition Media have developed an e-learning safety passport course to
                  deliver high quality safety training on a secure Flash Drive (memory
                  stick). The delivery method means that candidates can carry their
                  program with them and complete the modular course as and when they
                  have the time.

At the end of each module the candidate is validated on what they have learned and upon
the successful completion of the course the program will launch a short web form. This
allows the candidate to be registered for their EMSS Safety Passport Card and have it
posted directly to them. Nothing could be simpler.

The training aims to deliver a combination of industry best practice content and years of
research into the way the information is delivered to ensure maximum retention of
knowledge while making the learning experience more enjoyable. Employers benefit from
a safer workforce and significant cost savings while employees benefit from a more
efficient, more fulfilling course. A number of major clients across Europe including BP,
Conoco Phillips and Corus use the program for their own staff.

For further information please visit their website at www.nationalsafetypassport.com

Seminar Venue

We are always on the look out for a suitable, cost-effective venues for our seminars and
we would be grateful to receive any suggestions. The main criteria that we are looking for
are that the venue can accommodate up to 75 delegates (usually banquet style seating),
unobstructed view of the speakers, centrally located and with good car parking.

If you have any suggestions or, better still, a suitable room that the Group can use please
let Elizabeth Brown know at necdm@hotmail.co.uk

Shocking Photographs
Firstly a couple more photographs from Riyadh showing some top class worker
accommodation and how not to carry out lifting operations. Additional photographs of the
crane overturn and a description of what happened can be found on the Training Material
section of our website.

And again this month we have some bonus photos taken by Colin Embleton, Volker
Stevin Ltd, in Uganda showing some novel PPE (or lack of it) and an innovative tool for
working on the tarmac.

Forthcoming Events

21st October 2009  Biological Agents
25th November 2009  Planning for Emergency

Both events will be held at the Esporta Sunderland Health & Racquet Club, Doxford
International from 1 p.m. (for coffee with seminar to commence at 1.30 p.m.) to 4.30 p.m.


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Newsletter 36 October 2009

  • 1. www.necdm.co.uk Newsletter Edition 36 - October 2009 In This Issue Introduction - Ladder Exchange - Shocking Photographs - National Safety Passport - Seminar Venue - Forthcoming Events ------------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction Welcome to our third birthday edition of the Groups Newsletter. We hope you have found the Newsletters useful and interesting however to keep it relevant we really need your help in submitting articles and photographs. Enjoy this months content. Website News This months our seminar contained a question and answer session and we will shortly be publishing a Q&A document on the website. The Calling Papers have been sent and we are taking bookings for the October Seminar, Biological Agents. Further details can be downloaded from www.necdm.co.uk Last month we told you that we hoped to populate our Health & Safety Forms section on the website during September. Unfortunately this has been delayed slightly as all the forms need proof reading but they will hopefully be published in the coming few weeks. However, this month we have added some more training material, a safety alert regarding scissor lifts and details of FREE health & safety training that is available for residents of the East Durham area. Ladder Exchange Despite a sustained long term reduction, falls from height remains the most common type of fatal injury. In 2007/08, a total of 58 workers died and over 3600 employees suffered major injury as a result of a fall from height in the workplace. Many of these incidents could be avoided by using the right equipment and taking simple precautions. 1
  • 2. As part of HSEs Shattered Lives Campaign they have launched the Ladder Exchange Initiative intended to help reduce the number of deaths and injuries resulting from falls from height. The focus of this initiative, that runs until 31 December, gives people the opportunity to get rid of old, damaged and broken ladders by trading them in for a new one. Over 5,500 ladders have already been exchanged under this initiative since it first launched in 2007. HSEs message remains simple - "Dont let a dodgy ladder shatter your life. If its not the right ladder exchange. From now until 31st December 2009 anyone with a broken, damaged or bent ladder can part exchange it for a new one with discounts of up to 50%. Details of HSEs partners in this initiative can be found on their website at www.hse.gov.uk National Safety Passport Cognition Media have developed an e-learning safety passport course to deliver high quality safety training on a secure Flash Drive (memory stick). The delivery method means that candidates can carry their program with them and complete the modular course as and when they have the time. At the end of each module the candidate is validated on what they have learned and upon the successful completion of the course the program will launch a short web form. This allows the candidate to be registered for their EMSS Safety Passport Card and have it posted directly to them. Nothing could be simpler. The training aims to deliver a combination of industry best practice content and years of research into the way the information is delivered to ensure maximum retention of knowledge while making the learning experience more enjoyable. Employers benefit from a safer workforce and significant cost savings while employees benefit from a more efficient, more fulfilling course. A number of major clients across Europe including BP, Conoco Phillips and Corus use the program for their own staff. For further information please visit their website at www.nationalsafetypassport.com Seminar Venue We are always on the look out for a suitable, cost-effective venues for our seminars and we would be grateful to receive any suggestions. The main criteria that we are looking for are that the venue can accommodate up to 75 delegates (usually banquet style seating), unobstructed view of the speakers, centrally located and with good car parking. If you have any suggestions or, better still, a suitable room that the Group can use please let Elizabeth Brown know at necdm@hotmail.co.uk 2
  • 3. Shocking Photographs Firstly a couple more photographs from Riyadh showing some top class worker accommodation and how not to carry out lifting operations. Additional photographs of the crane overturn and a description of what happened can be found on the Training Material section of our website. And again this month we have some bonus photos taken by Colin Embleton, Volker Stevin Ltd, in Uganda showing some novel PPE (or lack of it) and an innovative tool for working on the tarmac. Forthcoming Events 21st October 2009 Biological Agents 25th November 2009 Planning for Emergency Both events will be held at the Esporta Sunderland Health & Racquet Club, Doxford International from 1 p.m. (for coffee with seminar to commence at 1.30 p.m.) to 4.30 p.m. 3