Pumping Services, Inc. is a 45,000 square foot employee-owned company located in Middlesex, NJ that provides pumping equipment, services, and engineered solutions for water and wastewater treatment. The newsletter highlights PSI's Process and Equipment team, which focuses on process and equipment for water and wastewater treatment plants. It also summarizes a webcast about the advantages of Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR) and Integrated Fixed-Film Activated Sludge (IFAS) technologies for wastewater treatment.
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Newsletter May 2010
1. May 2010
We employ over 50 persons, and are
an employee owned company. We
operate from an extensive state of the
art 45 000 sq ft
45,000 warehouse and
Who is Pumping workshop and corporate offices in
Services, Inc Middlesex NJ. Some of our core
strengths today which have been built
on a reputation for service, is an
Who is PSI Process unparalleled field service group that is
and Equipment on call 24/7, and a pump equipment
Dear Readers
rental group that can provide a wide
range of pumps and systems from
Welcome to our newsletter series. You stock for your planned and emergency
Meet the PSI will read information on new outages.
Process and technologies and cost savings ideas
available for your business. Included Who is PSI Process and Equipment
Equipment Team will be articles on energy and space
savings , ease of operation, lower PSI Process and Equipment group are
maintenance, advanced controls and a specialty team of employees that
monitoring, i
it i improved sustainability and
d t i bilit d focus on WWT process and equipment
MBBR Web Cast reliability of water and wastewater engineered solutions. The team
treatment equipment just to mention a spends extensive time with facility
few. Everything in a clean water system executives, consulting engineers, and
from the collection system, headworks planners. We provide expert
area, primary treatment, the biological information on equipment selection to
process, aeration and mixing, bio-solids optimize the LCC costs of your
Pumping Services, Inc. handling, nutrient removal,, clarification, upgrade or new treatment plant. We
tertiary treatment, to final effluent. In the are manufacturers representatives
201 Lincoln Blvd drinking water area, we will be covering and distributors of world leading
source water, to water treatment, to the suppliers of WWT equipment. We
Middlesex NJ USA serve New Jersey, Eastern PA, New
end user.
P: +1 732 469 4540 York Metro, Long Island, and the
Lower Hudson Valley of New York
Who is Pumping Services, Inc
F: +1 732 469 5912 Our goal is to provide optimal solutions
through our p
proven in house
Pumping S i
P i Services, I i celebrating it
Inc is l b ti its engineering expertise supported by our
40th year in business. Our Company suppliers that will deliver clean water at
had its humble beginnings serving the the lowest possible cost.
pump Industry in NJ providing pumps
and service primarily to the construction John Corkery
market. We supplied our first ITT Flygt PSI Process and Equipment.
submersible pumps in 1970.
John Corkery 732.667.1800 Wayne Laraway 732.667.1835 Edward Johnson 732.667.1822
Municipal Sales Manager. Northern New Jersey Eastern PA. Industrial Sales
New York Area sales
Tim Fortner 732.667.1831 Engineering assistance 732.667.1833
Roger Parkhurst 732.667.1804
Central and Southern New Jersey ocess.com
Western New Jersey
732 .667.1834
2. Pumping S i
P i Services I showed off it new PSI
Inc h d ff its
Process and Equipment image at the New Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR) processes
Jersey Water Environmental Association 95th enable biological wastewater treatment systems to
Annual Conference in Atlantic City in May. improve reliability, simplify operation, and reduce
size. MBBR technology employs thousands of
PSI were supported at the show by the polyethylene biofilm carriers operating in mixed
following manufacturer personal. Christopher motion within an aerated wastewater treatment
Knecht of Philadelphia Mixing Solutions, John
ec o ade p a g So u o s, Jo process.
process Every biofilm carrier adds productivity via
Buesgens of ICS Healy Ruff, Leo Albert of the provision of an active surface area sustaining
Oldcastle Precast, Adam Pashaian of Monroe heterotrophic and autotrophic bacteria within
Environmental, Ranjit Nair of Headworks Inc, protected cells. It is this high-density population of
Al Strauss of ITT Flygt, Roland Pond of bacteria that achieves high-rate biodegradation
Grundfos, Ron Aceto of Nov Monoflo, Nick productivity within the system, while also offering
Roberts of Howden Water Technologies, and process reliability and ease of operation.
Bob Langie of MJK This technology provides cost-effective treatment
productivity with minimal maintenance as MBBR
processes self-maintain an optimum level of
productive biofilm. Additionally, the biofilm attached to
the mobile carriers within the system automatically
responds to load fluctuations.
Webcast on Process and Practical Design
Considerations for the IFAS and MBBR Technologies
Black and Veatch's Director of Wastewater Process,
Mark Steichen, and Process Engineer Heather
PSI Staff at NJWEA 95TH Conference in Phillips presented an hour-long webcast on Process
Atlantic May 2010 were John Corkery, Wayne and Practical Design Considerations for the IFAS and
Laraway Marty Striefler, Ana Van Den
Striefler MBBR Technologies. The webcast was sponsored by
Hende, Dale Parkhurst, Roger Parkhurst, and Headworks Bio and hosted March 18th on
Tim Fortner. WaterWorld.com. This informative dialogue included
questions from the audience. For anyone interested
in learning more about the advantages of these
technologies, the adoption rate in the USA, and
particular design issues to watch for, this is an
excellent in-depth review. Click
www psiprocess com/newsfeed/ to connect to web
Call our PSI Process and Equipment team for a
Process Analysis for a Retrofit MBBR or a Process
Analysis for a Modular HIT System.
Pumping Services Inc displayed the
capabilities of our repair and service groups.
Before and after examples of repair of
B f d ft l f i f
equipment was highlighted.
For your service needs: call Rich Malt, Bryce
Parkhurst, Lou Moscetti, or Marty Striefler :
Pumping Services Inc, Service Group. Phone
732.469.4540 2
Mayl 2010