This document discusses Generation Y (those born between 1979-1997) and their perspective on banking from several angles. It notes that Gen Y is 70 million strong in the US with $211 billion in annual income and wields significant influence. They are described as resourceful, creative, efficient, tech savvy, and praise-hungry but also self-centered. The document outlines their preferences for 24/7 access, valuing social connections over traditional media, and being digital natives who adopt new technologies quickly.
10. 1. Reduce the Drinking Age to 18! - 111,275
2. Legalize Same-Sex Marriage - 80,458
3. Americans for Alternative Energy - 69,465
4. Support a Woman's Right to Choose - 66,806
5. Support Stem Cell Research - 55,219
6. Abolish Abstinence Only Sex Education - 54,712
7. Government + Religion = Disaster - 47,949
8. AIDS / HIV research - 24,789
Top Facebook
9. Equal Rights for Gays - 24,013
10. Pro-Life - 22,409
The Garland Group | SocialStratus
11. What they are
Resourceful Praise Hungry
Creative Cocky/Arrogant
Ef鍖cient Self-centered
Tech Savvy Use to winning
12. Consumers
How do they consume?
The Garland Group | SocialStratus
20. 97% own a computer
94% own a cell phone
76% use Instant Messaging
75% of college students have a Facebook account
60% own a portable device such as an iPod
34% use websites as their primary source of news
The Garland Group | SocialStratus
21. Producers
What do they do for fun?
The Garland Group | SocialStratus
23. B鉛看乙乙庄稼乙 User Generated Content
The Garland Group | SocialStratus