The document describes how to implement an API in Nginx to delete a specific cached file by URI. It explains that Nginx caches files based on an MD5 hash of the request URI. A Lua script is used to take the URI as input, calculate the hashed file path, and delete it using the OS remove command. The script returns a JSON response indicating if the file was successfully deleted. While this approach works, the author later found a simpler existing solution for purging cached items in Nginx using Lua.
2. Who am I?
? Yuki Iwamoto
? Freelance Engineer
? Quitting smoking (40days)
3. I¨m searching for a Nginx
? Delete cache function
? Only one uri (Not all cache)
4. Example
? I want to delete only this uri cache.?
? Sending request like this, ?
then delete ^/entry/11/112233 ̄ cache?
5. About nginx cache
? File name is md5 hashed from proxy_cache_key
? The ?rst folder would be the last (n) character?
from levels in proxy_cache_path
? ?nd and delete the ?le
9. ? Convert uri to md5?
local uri_md5 = ngx.md5( cache_uri )
10. ? The ?rst folder would be the last (1) character (from -1 to -1)?
from levels in proxy_cache_path?
local ?rst_path = string.sub( uri_md5, -1, -1 )
? The second folder would be the last (2) character(from -2 to -2)?
from levels in proxy_cache_path?
local second_path = string.sub( uri_md5, -2,-2 )
? The third folder would be the last (3) character (from -3 to -4)?
from levels in proxy_cache_path?
local third_path = string.sub( uri_md5, -4, -3 )