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Nguy棚n Vn H動ng
9. Technical Lead | Male | 22/02/1981
Experience 12 ye ars
Latest company FPT So f t ware as 9. Technical Lead
Highest education C畛 nh但n
Languages English - Trung c畉p
Email nguye nvanhung2202@yaho o .co m
Phone 094 3 126386
Address Linh Dam, Ho ang Lie t , Qu畉n Ho ng Mai, H N畛 i Cit y
- Over 10+ years of extensive experience as Oracle Technical Consultant in
implementation, upgrade and customization of Oracle e - Busine ss Suit e Applicat io ns.
This includes system study, design, development, post implementation maintenance and
support of Oracle EBS.
- Extensive experience as Oracle Applications e-Business Suite Consultant and
Technical Developer in Design, Development and Implementation of Oracle
Applications R12/11i.
- Strong understanding of business f lows, underlying technical architecture and table
structure of Oracle E- Busine ss Finance Suit e .
- Extensive experience in Implementation, Migration, Customization, Production and
Support of various modules in Oracle Applications with major f ocus in Orde r
Manage me nt (OM), Inve nt o ry (INV), Ge ne ral Le dge r (GL), Acco unt s Re ce ivable
(AR), Acco unt s Payable s (AP), Purchasing (PO)
- Experience in Data Conversion, Data Migration, Report Generation and Developing
Interf aces within several modules in Oracle Applications.
- Technically prof icient in RICE co mpo ne nt s (Re po rt s, Int e rf ace s,
Co nve rsio ns, Ext e nsio ns)
- Worked with the business f unctional areas to research and identif y the
best t e chnical so lut io n to support business processes.
- Prof iciency with tools used to support Oracle Applications development
including PL/SQL (St o re d Pro ce dure s, Package s, Funct io ns & T rigge rs),
SQL*Lo ade r, Fo rms, Re po rt s, Wo rkf lo w Builde r, Fo rm Pe rso nalizat io n.
- Experience in designing, developing, testing, pe rf o rmance t uning. Experience in
working on high volume, high throughput.
- Over 1+ years of experience as SAP BO technical consultant. Good understanding
about BI solution.
- Experience in team work, can manage a team/department to 20 members
- Over 2 years of experience as BI Technical Consultant in development, upgrade BI
systems (SAP BO, SAP BW).
- Over 6 months of experience as SAP Technical Consultant in development SAP ECC
6.0 (SAP ABAP, Smart f orm, Excel with Transf ormation and OLE).
Oracle Developer
Oracle Pl/sql
IT - Ph畉n M畛m
It- Sof tware
Oracle ERP EBS
Oracle Report Builder
Oralce SQL Standard, Pl/sql
Oracle Form Builder
Oracle Developer Suite
Sql/ Oracle
Oracle Workf low
Oracle Alert
Oracle Form Persionalization
01/2016 - Present
9. Technical Lead
FPT Sof tware
1. Project: Implement SAP ECC 6.0 f or VPBank (including FI, CO, MM, FM modules)
2. Customer: VPBank
3. Team: 9 developers
4. Main tasks:
- Review f unctional specif ication documents and review customer's requirments.
- Manage development team: assign task, monitor, and support.
- Develop reports using SAP ABAP, ALV, Smart-f orm and Transf ormation.
- Review code and tuning code.
- Writing technical specif ication documents.
- Deliver technical specif ication and source code to customer.
12/2014 - 12/2015
8. Project Manager
FPT Sof tware
1. Project: Migrate SAP BO system f rom 3.1 to 4.1
2. Customer: Fujitsu's client
3. Team: 5 of f shore members + 2 Onsite member.
4. Main tasks:
- Wrote up cost estimate f or the project.
- Produced project plan.
- Monitored staf f and team perf ormance
- Reviewed and analysis users requirement.
- Converted universe f rom BO 3.1 to BO 4.1: Convert DB2 f unctions to Oracle f unctions.
- Converted BI reports f rom Desktop intelligent to Web Intelligent.
- Developed new BI reports using SAP BI Tool: IDT and Web Intelligence Rich Client.
- Completed data conversion f rom DB2 database to Oracle database using PL/SQL, SQL*
- Holding weekly internal and external meetings on progress
03/2014 - 11/2014
7. Technical Consult ant (I worked as a f reelancer f or Oracle Singapore)
Marc Sof tware PTE LTD (Singapre)
1. Projects: Upgraded ERP system f rom Oracle EBS R11i to Oracle EBS R12.2.3 f or Masan
group (T41B project).
2. Customer: Masan group
3. Main tasks:
- Reviewed and analyzed users requirements.
- Reviewed data conversion strategy and data conversion solution.
- Reviewed and converted custom objects (custom f orm, custom reports, f orm
personalization) f rom R11i to R12 in some modules: INV, OM, PO, AR, AP, GME, Discount
and Promotion module (custom module), Transportation Cost (custom module).
- Developed data conversion tools (created PL/SQL program, worked on SQL*Loader to
load data f rom f lat f iles into database table)
- Developed new complicated reports,
- Developed f orms using Oracle Forms with some special requirements: To upload data
f rom f lat f iles into database table, to submit request and send the output f iles to
customers, suppliers via emails automatically...
- Created f orm personalizations using Custom.pll.
09/2011 - 02/2014
6. Chef of Technology Development Depart ment
FPT Inf ormation System - FIS ERP Service Company (FES)
1. Projects:
- Project 1: Treasury and Budget Management Inf ormation System (Oracle EBS R11i
implementation)  TABMIS
- Project 2: Migrate ERP System f rom Oracle EBS R11s to Oracle EBS R12 f or FPT
- Project 3: Oracle EBS R12 implementation f or Tan A Dai Thanh group (internal account
managing system).
- Project 4: POS and Oracle ERP implementation f or Tran Anh Digital World.,jsc.
- Project 5: Oracle EBS R12 implementation f or Maritime Bank ERP internal account
managing system
2. Customers:
- Ministry of Finance  MOF.
- FPT Corporation.
- Tan A Dai Thanh Group.
- Tran Anh Digital World .,jsc.
- Maritime Bank
3. Team: Technology Development Department
- Team size: 18 staf f s
- Team's main tasks:
+ Developed and supported Oracle ERP pojects on development technology: Oracle
Form, Oracle Report, Oracle Workf low, Oracle Personalization, Data Conversion, and
+ Trained and handover technology to the customer
+ Supported other teams/departments to build technical solutions f or projects, pre-sale
+ Developed and supported other systems: FIFA MIS (.net), People Sof t...
4. Main tasks:
- Reviewed, planned, controlled and assigned resource to the projects.
- Reviewed overall planning, detail planning f or development of the projects
- Controlled progress of project's development
- Managed and developed humane resource f or the department
- Trained and handover the work to the customers
- Trained and supported new staf f
- Tuning perf ormance of SQL, PL/SQL code.
- Reported projects's status to the deputy director of the center.
- Designed and developed new f orms/reports/interf aces/f orm personalization.
- Customized workf low using Oracle Workf low Builder.
02/2008 - 08/2011
5. Report ing & Dat a Conversion Lead
FPT Inf ormation System - FIS ERP Service Company (FES)
1. Project: Treasury and Budget Management Inf ormation System - TABMIS
- Project target: Implemented Oracle R11i f or Ministry Of Finance to manage treasury and
budget. This was a biggest ERP project at that time. In this project, IBM was the main
contractor and FPT IS was the sub-contractor.
2. Customer: Ministry Of Finance (MOF)
3. Team: Reports & Data Conversion team:
- Team size: 8 staf f s
- Team's main tasks:
+ Developed reports: 60 reports
+ Developed data conversion programs and perf ormed data conversion
4. Main tasks:
- Reviewed customer's requirements.
- Reviewed f unctional specif ications.
- Planed and asigned tasks to developers.
- Developed Oracle Report with Oracle Reports, PL/SQL Developer, Oracle Database
- Worked on tuning perf ormance of SQL, PL/SQL code.
- Wrote technical specif ication documents.
- Reviewed technical specif ication documents, technical trainning documents (trainning
customer's technical team).
- Delivered technical specif ication documents and source codes to customers.
01/2007 - 01/2008
4. Enhancement Lead
FPT Inf ormation System - FIS ERP Service Company (FES)
1. Project: Treasury and Budget Management Inf ormation System - TABMIS
- Project target: Implemented Oracle R11i f or Ministry Of Finance to manage treasury and
budget. This was a biggest ERP project at that time. In this project, IBM was the main
contractor and FPT IS was the sub-contractor.
2. Customer: Ministry Of Finance (MOF)
3. Team: Enhancement team
- Team size: 5 staf f s.
- Team's main tasks: Developed Form, Library, Workf low, Alert and other procedure
4. Main tasks:
- Reviewed customer's requirements.
- Reviewed f unctional specif ications.
- Planed and asigned tasks to developers.
- Developed enhancement requirement with Oracle Form, Oracle Workf low, Oracle Alert,
PL/SQL Developer, Oracle Database tools.
- Wrote technical specif ication documents.
- Reviewed technical specif ication documents
- Delivered technical specif ication documents and source codes to customers.
07/2006 - 12/2006
3. Technical Lead
FPT Inf ormation System - FIS ERP Service Company (FES)
1. Projects:
- Project 1. Oracle EBS R12 implementation f or GAMI GROUP.
- Project 2. Oracle EBS R12 implementation f or CAVICO.VN
- Project 3. Oracle EBS R12 implementation f or SON HA Co. ltd
- Project 4. Oracle EBS R12 implementation f or Lam Son Sugar Joint Stock Corporation
2. Customers:
- Gami Group
- Cavico Viet Nam
- Son Ha group
- Lam S董n Sugar Jsc
3. Main taks:
- Analyzed customer requirements
- Reviewed f unctional specif ication
- Designed and developed reports using Oracle Reports, Oracle SQL, PL/SQL
- Designed and developed f orms using Oracle Forms, Oracle SQL, PL/SQL
- Assigned tasks to memmbers, controlled plan.
- Reviewed code.
12/2005 - 06/2006
2. Techinical Consult ant
FPT Inf ormation System - FIS ERP Service Company (FES)
1. Project: Implement Oracle EBS R11 f or Euro Window
2. Customer: European Plastics Window Company Co. ltd (Euro Window)
3. Main tasks:
- Developed new reports: inventory module, f ix assets module.
- Developed new f orms
- Customized standard reports, standard f orms
06/2004 - 11/2005
1. Oracle Developer
1. Project: Building Golden Hope ERP system
- Project target: Implement Pythis ERP f or Golden Hope.
2. Customer: Golden Hope Nha Be edible oil Co.ltd
3. Main tasks:
- Developed reports using Oracle Report 6i
- Developed f orms using Oracle Form 6i
- Supported end users and f ig bug.
- Wrote technical specif ication documents.
05/2012 - 05/2012
Project Management Fundament al  PMF
Project Management Fundamental
10/1999 - 06/2004
Inf ormat ion Syst em Management Engineer
Nguyen Gia Khanh
BU Leader at FPT Sof tware
khanhng@f sof t.com.vn | 0936900789

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  • 1. Nguy棚n Vn H動ng 9. Technical Lead | Male | 22/02/1981 Experience 12 ye ars Latest company FPT So f t ware as 9. Technical Lead Highest education C畛 nh但n Languages English - Trung c畉p Email nguye nvanhung2202@yaho o .co m Phone 094 3 126386 Address Linh Dam, Ho ang Lie t , Qu畉n Ho ng Mai, H N畛 i Cit y SUMMARY - Over 10+ years of extensive experience as Oracle Technical Consultant in implementation, upgrade and customization of Oracle e - Busine ss Suit e Applicat io ns. This includes system study, design, development, post implementation maintenance and support of Oracle EBS. - Extensive experience as Oracle Applications e-Business Suite Consultant and Technical Developer in Design, Development and Implementation of Oracle Applications R12/11i. - Strong understanding of business f lows, underlying technical architecture and table structure of Oracle E- Busine ss Finance Suit e . - Extensive experience in Implementation, Migration, Customization, Production and Support of various modules in Oracle Applications with major f ocus in Orde r Manage me nt (OM), Inve nt o ry (INV), Ge ne ral Le dge r (GL), Acco unt s Re ce ivable (AR), Acco unt s Payable s (AP), Purchasing (PO) - Experience in Data Conversion, Data Migration, Report Generation and Developing Interf aces within several modules in Oracle Applications. - Technically prof icient in RICE co mpo ne nt s (Re po rt s, Int e rf ace s, Co nve rsio ns, Ext e nsio ns) - Worked with the business f unctional areas to research and identif y the best t e chnical so lut io n to support business processes. - Prof iciency with tools used to support Oracle Applications development
  • 2. including PL/SQL (St o re d Pro ce dure s, Package s, Funct io ns & T rigge rs), SQL*Lo ade r, Fo rms, Re po rt s, Wo rkf lo w Builde r, Fo rm Pe rso nalizat io n. - Experience in designing, developing, testing, pe rf o rmance t uning. Experience in working on high volume, high throughput. - Over 1+ years of experience as SAP BO technical consultant. Good understanding about BI solution. - Experience in team work, can manage a team/department to 20 members - Over 2 years of experience as BI Technical Consultant in development, upgrade BI systems (SAP BO, SAP BW). - Over 6 months of experience as SAP Technical Consultant in development SAP ECC 6.0 (SAP ABAP, Smart f orm, Excel with Transf ormation and OLE). SKILL Oracle SAP ABAP Oracle Developer Oracle Pl/sql IT - Ph畉n M畛m It- Sof tware Oracle ERP EBS SAP & ERP Oracle Report Builder SAP Bo Oralce SQL Standard, Pl/sql Oracle Form Builder Oracle Developer Suite Sql/ Oracle Oracle Workf low Oracle Alert Oracle Form Persionalization WORK EXPERIENCE 01/2016 - Present 9. Technical Lead FPT Sof tware
  • 3. 1. Project: Implement SAP ECC 6.0 f or VPBank (including FI, CO, MM, FM modules) 2. Customer: VPBank 3. Team: 9 developers 4. Main tasks: - Review f unctional specif ication documents and review customer's requirments. - Manage development team: assign task, monitor, and support. - Develop reports using SAP ABAP, ALV, Smart-f orm and Transf ormation. - Review code and tuning code. - Writing technical specif ication documents. - Deliver technical specif ication and source code to customer. 12/2014 - 12/2015 8. Project Manager FPT Sof tware 1. Project: Migrate SAP BO system f rom 3.1 to 4.1 2. Customer: Fujitsu's client 3. Team: 5 of f shore members + 2 Onsite member. 4. Main tasks: - Wrote up cost estimate f or the project. - Produced project plan. - Monitored staf f and team perf ormance - Reviewed and analysis users requirement. - Converted universe f rom BO 3.1 to BO 4.1: Convert DB2 f unctions to Oracle f unctions. - Converted BI reports f rom Desktop intelligent to Web Intelligent. - Developed new BI reports using SAP BI Tool: IDT and Web Intelligence Rich Client. - Completed data conversion f rom DB2 database to Oracle database using PL/SQL, SQL* Loader. - Holding weekly internal and external meetings on progress 03/2014 - 11/2014 7. Technical Consult ant (I worked as a f reelancer f or Oracle Singapore)
  • 4. Marc Sof tware PTE LTD (Singapre) 1. Projects: Upgraded ERP system f rom Oracle EBS R11i to Oracle EBS R12.2.3 f or Masan group (T41B project). 2. Customer: Masan group 3. Main tasks: - Reviewed and analyzed users requirements. - Reviewed data conversion strategy and data conversion solution. - Reviewed and converted custom objects (custom f orm, custom reports, f orm personalization) f rom R11i to R12 in some modules: INV, OM, PO, AR, AP, GME, Discount and Promotion module (custom module), Transportation Cost (custom module). - Developed data conversion tools (created PL/SQL program, worked on SQL*Loader to load data f rom f lat f iles into database table) - Developed new complicated reports, - Developed f orms using Oracle Forms with some special requirements: To upload data f rom f lat f iles into database table, to submit request and send the output f iles to customers, suppliers via emails automatically... - Created f orm personalizations using Custom.pll. 09/2011 - 02/2014 6. Chef of Technology Development Depart ment FPT Inf ormation System - FIS ERP Service Company (FES) 1. Projects: - Project 1: Treasury and Budget Management Inf ormation System (Oracle EBS R11i implementation) TABMIS - Project 2: Migrate ERP System f rom Oracle EBS R11s to Oracle EBS R12 f or FPT Corporation. - Project 3: Oracle EBS R12 implementation f or Tan A Dai Thanh group (internal account managing system). - Project 4: POS and Oracle ERP implementation f or Tran Anh Digital World.,jsc. - Project 5: Oracle EBS R12 implementation f or Maritime Bank ERP internal account managing system 2. Customers: - Ministry of Finance MOF. - FPT Corporation.
  • 5. - Tan A Dai Thanh Group. - Tran Anh Digital World .,jsc. - Maritime Bank 3. Team: Technology Development Department - Team size: 18 staf f s - Team's main tasks: + Developed and supported Oracle ERP pojects on development technology: Oracle Form, Oracle Report, Oracle Workf low, Oracle Personalization, Data Conversion, and Integration + Trained and handover technology to the customer + Supported other teams/departments to build technical solutions f or projects, pre-sale support. + Developed and supported other systems: FIFA MIS (.net), People Sof t... 4. Main tasks: - Reviewed, planned, controlled and assigned resource to the projects. - Reviewed overall planning, detail planning f or development of the projects - Controlled progress of project's development - Managed and developed humane resource f or the department - Trained and handover the work to the customers - Trained and supported new staf f - Tuning perf ormance of SQL, PL/SQL code. - Reported projects's status to the deputy director of the center. - Designed and developed new f orms/reports/interf aces/f orm personalization. - Customized workf low using Oracle Workf low Builder. 02/2008 - 08/2011 5. Report ing & Dat a Conversion Lead FPT Inf ormation System - FIS ERP Service Company (FES) 1. Project: Treasury and Budget Management Inf ormation System - TABMIS - Project target: Implemented Oracle R11i f or Ministry Of Finance to manage treasury and budget. This was a biggest ERP project at that time. In this project, IBM was the main contractor and FPT IS was the sub-contractor.
  • 6. 2. Customer: Ministry Of Finance (MOF) 3. Team: Reports & Data Conversion team: - Team size: 8 staf f s - Team's main tasks: + Developed reports: 60 reports + Developed data conversion programs and perf ormed data conversion 4. Main tasks: - Reviewed customer's requirements. - Reviewed f unctional specif ications. - Planed and asigned tasks to developers. - Developed Oracle Report with Oracle Reports, PL/SQL Developer, Oracle Database tools. - Worked on tuning perf ormance of SQL, PL/SQL code. - Wrote technical specif ication documents. - Reviewed technical specif ication documents, technical trainning documents (trainning customer's technical team). - Delivered technical specif ication documents and source codes to customers. 01/2007 - 01/2008 4. Enhancement Lead FPT Inf ormation System - FIS ERP Service Company (FES) 1. Project: Treasury and Budget Management Inf ormation System - TABMIS - Project target: Implemented Oracle R11i f or Ministry Of Finance to manage treasury and budget. This was a biggest ERP project at that time. In this project, IBM was the main contractor and FPT IS was the sub-contractor. 2. Customer: Ministry Of Finance (MOF) 3. Team: Enhancement team - Team size: 5 staf f s. - Team's main tasks: Developed Form, Library, Workf low, Alert and other procedure 4. Main tasks: - Reviewed customer's requirements. - Reviewed f unctional specif ications.
  • 7. - Planed and asigned tasks to developers. - Developed enhancement requirement with Oracle Form, Oracle Workf low, Oracle Alert, PL/SQL Developer, Oracle Database tools. - Wrote technical specif ication documents. - Reviewed technical specif ication documents - Delivered technical specif ication documents and source codes to customers. 07/2006 - 12/2006 3. Technical Lead FPT Inf ormation System - FIS ERP Service Company (FES) 1. Projects: - Project 1. Oracle EBS R12 implementation f or GAMI GROUP. - Project 2. Oracle EBS R12 implementation f or CAVICO.VN - Project 3. Oracle EBS R12 implementation f or SON HA Co. ltd - Project 4. Oracle EBS R12 implementation f or Lam Son Sugar Joint Stock Corporation LASUCO. 2. Customers: - Gami Group - Cavico Viet Nam - Son Ha group - Lam S董n Sugar Jsc 3. Main taks: - Analyzed customer requirements - Reviewed f unctional specif ication - Designed and developed reports using Oracle Reports, Oracle SQL, PL/SQL - Designed and developed f orms using Oracle Forms, Oracle SQL, PL/SQL - Assigned tasks to memmbers, controlled plan. - Reviewed code. 12/2005 - 06/2006 2. Techinical Consult ant FPT Inf ormation System - FIS ERP Service Company (FES)
  • 8. 1. Project: Implement Oracle EBS R11 f or Euro Window 2. Customer: European Plastics Window Company Co. ltd (Euro Window) 3. Main tasks: - Developed new reports: inventory module, f ix assets module. - Developed new f orms - Customized standard reports, standard f orms 06/2004 - 11/2005 1. Oracle Developer VIETNAM PYRAMID NEW TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION PYTHIS 1. Project: Building Golden Hope ERP system - Project target: Implement Pythis ERP f or Golden Hope. 2. Customer: Golden Hope Nha Be edible oil Co.ltd 3. Main tasks: - Developed reports using Oracle Report 6i - Developed f orms using Oracle Form 6i - Supported end users and f ig bug. - Wrote technical specif ication documents. EDUCATION 05/2012 - 05/2012 Project Management Fundament al PMF Kh叩c - PROJECT MANAGEMENT INSTUTE - PMI Project Management Fundamental 10/1999 - 06/2004 Inf ormat ion Syst em Management Engineer C畛 nh但n - HA NOI UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY REFERENCE
  • 9. REFERENCE Nguyen Gia Khanh BU Leader at FPT Sof tware khanhng@f sof t.com.vn | 0936900789