The chain uses several social networks like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and a blog, but could better integrate them and engage followers. Facebook has few fans and little activity. Twitter is used more actively with promotions and responses. LinkedIn effectively connects employees. The blog posts useful travel information but lacks homepage links. Overall, the chain underutilizes social networks for marketing and should streamline posting across platforms and link them prominently on their website.
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Nh Hoteles
1. How does the chain use social networks? NH HotelesPfeiffer ThomasPoisson MehdiRospars Sophia April 1st 2010
2. FacebookFans: 728 Not so many compared to other chain hotels The chain does not post any information Few posts of the fans: 11 posts in 2010Only basic information of the chainNo pictures (only the logo of the chain )No facebook link on the homepage=> Facebook is not an effectif SN for this chain
3. TwitterFollowers: 873 Not enough compared to other chain hotels120 tweets The chains twits a lot: promotions, hotels events, recruitments and respond to the followers questions No twitter link on the homepage=> Quite a good use of Twitter
4. LinkedinMore than 500 employees present in this SN Employees can stay easily in contactWell structured: statistics, job opportunities Links to the chains blog => Good use of Linkedin
5. BlogGood amount of posts: information about different countries, cities, festivals and the chain in general Links to the chains websiteRSS feeds available for anyone It works, compared to the RSS of the homepageNo link of the blog on the homepage=> Very good use of the blog
6. ConclusionPresent on the main social networks but the chain could do more to stay in contact with the followersHomepage: No links to any of the social networksRSS feeds dont work Recommendations:Use to post the same information on several social networks on one click only