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State of the Philippine Education
The latest report by the National Statistical Coordination Board, recognizing that one in six school-age-children is
deprived of education, tells us of what is in store in our country’s future.
The enrollment rate in our primary school five years ago, was 90 percent. Last year, it dropped to 83 percent, and the
number is rising. The situation is worse for secondary education, where enrollment rate has been steady at only 59 percent
over the same period.
Unfortunately, this has been going on in decades. Past government administrations are equally guilty of negligence to
check the increasing numbers of illiterate Filipinos. Illiteracy to me, means the difficulty of a person to read and write, and
even if he or she can read or write, the comprehension is low and have difficulty following simple written instructions.
Education has been in the backburner and no serious effort was made to make it a major strategy for our progress.
Education has a dramatic effect on economic development and growth. In fact, other countries are starting to realize how
drop-out rates affect to their economies. In the Philippines, nobody knows the extent of its effect.
It appears that we lost sight of the implications of this issue, because there is no statistical data to show how much was
lost in terms of peso value due to school drop-outs and illiteracy. What I am saying is that, it is not only lost opportunity
to get better income, but the government also lost tax revenues from a productive and competitive population.
School non-completion affects so many things. It increases criminal activity, and adds to cost of prison and welfare
services. By simply following a simple linear cause and effect analysis, they have lower lifetime earnings, which reduces
buying power, lowers tax revenues for governments and reduces economic growth. When you extend your analysis, it
results to decreased health status, more criminal activity, higher rates of teen pregnancy and single motherhood. Wherever
you look at it, just higher costs all around.
Aside from those stated, the education system has direct effect on future economic growth. A major consideration of a
business to invest in a country or in a community, is the economic impact data. Part of this data is the education
achievement of the community, along with items such as transportation and workforce development. With the present
condition, we can’t hardly make the first cut because companies will see they don’t have a pipeline to supply them with
the workforce they need.
We can no longer deny that the manufacturing sector cannot sustain the rising need for employment, and high-tech jobs
are coming on. It is expected that majority of the jobs created over the next 10 years will be high-tech. How can this
country compete if many of our population didn’t even finish elementary school?
We are already seeing economic development pass us. The issue at hand should not only be viewed from the perspective
of children dropping-out of school and the inability of their parents to find better jobs. It is about lost opportunities - lost
lifetime earnings of those who were deprived of education, lost revenues for the government, and lost opportunity for this
country to catch-up with our already developed neighbors.
We need not fight over it now. The government should take the lead, to bring all the players to the table and define a
strategic education plan. Other sectors are waiting. I am sure the business leaders are hungry to know what they can
specifically do to help. http://www.scribd.com/doc/16466469/State-of-Philippine-Education
Historical Perspective of the Philippine Educational System

       Education in the Philippines has undergone several stages of development from the pre-Spanish times
to the present. In meeting the needs of the society, education serves as focus of emphases/priorities of the
leadership at certain periods/epochs in our national struggle as a race.

       As early as in pre-Magellanic times, education was informal, unstructured, and devoid of methods.
Children were provided more vocational training and less academics (3 Rs) by their parents and in the houses
of tribal tutors.

        The pre-Spanish system of education underwent major changes during the Spanish colonization. The
tribal tutors were replaced by the Spanish Missionaries. Education was religion-oriented. It was for the elite,
especially in the early years of Spanish colonization. Access to education by the Filipinos was later liberalized
through the enactment of the Educational Decree of 1863 which provided for the establishment of at least one
primary school for boys and girls in each town under the responsibility of the municipal government; and the
establishment of a normal school for male teachers under the supervision of the Jesuits. Primary instruction
was free and the teaching of Spanish was compulsory. Education during that period was inadequate,
suppressed, and controlled.

      The defeat of Spain by American forces paved the way for Aguinaldo's Republic under a Revolutionary
Government. The schools maintained by Spain for more than three centuries were closed for the time being
but were reopened on August 29, 1898 by the Secretary of Interior. The Burgos Institute in Malolos, the Military
Academy of Malolos, and the Literary University of the Philippines were established. A system of free and
compulsory elementary education was established by the Malolos Constitution.

       An adequate secularized and free public school system during the first decade of American rule was
established upon the recommendation of the Schurman Commission. Free primary instruction that trained the
people for the duties of citizenship and avocation was enforced by the Taft Commission per instructions of
President McKinley. Chaplains and non-commissioned officers were assigned to teach using English as the
medium of instruction.

      A highly centralized public school system was installed in 1901 by the Philippine Commission by virtue of
Act No. 74. The implementation of this Act created a heavy shortage of teachers so the Philippine Commission
authorized the Secretary of Public Instruction to bring to the Philippines 600 teachers from the U.S.A. They
were the Thomasites.

YEAR                                  TITULAR          LEGAL BASES

           Superior Commission of                      Educational Decree
1863                              Chairman
           Primary Instruction                         of 1863

                                                     Act. No. 74 of the
1901-      Department of Public       General        Philippine
1916       Instruction                Superintendent Commission, Jan.
                                                     21, 1901

1916-      Department of Public                        Organic Act Law of
1942       Instruction                                 1916 (Jones Law)

           Department of              Commissioner Renamed by the
           Education, Health and                   Japanese Executive
1944      Public Welfare                       Commission, June
                                               11, 1942

                                               Renamed by
          Department of
1944      Education, Health and    Minister
          Public Welfare
                                               Philippine Republic

                                               Renamed by
          Department of Public                 Japanese
1944                               Secretary
          Instruction                          Sponsored
                                               Philippine Republic

          Department of Public                 Renamed by the
          Instruction and          Secretary   Commonwealth
          Information                          Government

                                               Renamed by the
1946-     Department of
                                   Secretary   Commonwealth
1947      Instruction

                                               E.O. No. 94 October
1947-                                          1947
          Department of Education Secretary
1975                                           (Reorganization Act
                                               of 1947)

1975-     Department of Education              Proc. No. 1081,
1978      and Culture                          September 24, 1972

1978-     Ministry of Education                P.D. No. 1397, June
1984      and Culture                          2, 1978

1984-     Ministry of Education,               Education Act of
1986      Culture and Sports                   1982

          Department of
1987-                                          E.O. No. 117.
          Education, Culture and   Secretary
1994                                           January 30, 1987

                                               RA 7722 and RA
          Department of                        7796, 1994
          Education, Culture and   Secretary   Trifocalization of
          Sports                               Education

2001 -                                         RA 9155, August
          Department of Education Secretary
present                                        2001 (Governance of
Basic Education Act)

       The high school system supported by provincial governments, special educational institutions, school of
arts and trades, an agricultural school, and commerce and marine institutes were established in 1902 by the
Philippine Commission. In 1908, the Philippine Legislature approved Act No. 1870 which created the University
of the Philippines.

      The Reorganization Act of 1916 provided the Filipinization of all department secretaries except the
Secretary of Public Instruction.

      Japanese educational policies were embodied in Military Order No. 2 in 1942. The Philippine Executive
Commission established the Commission of Education, Health and Public Welfare and schools were reopened
in June 1942. On October 14, 1943, the Japanese - sponsored Republic created the Ministry of Education.
Under the Japanese regime, the teaching of Tagalog, Philippine History, and Character Education was
reserved for Filipinos. Love for work and dignity of labor was emphasized. On February 27, 1945, the
Department of Instruction was made part of the Department of Public Instruction.

      In 1947, by virtue of Executive Order No. 94, the Department of Instruction was changed to Department
of Education. During this period, the regulation and supervision of public and private schools belonged to the
Bureau of Public and Private Schools.

       In 1972, it became the Department of Education and Culture by virtue of Proclamation 1081 and the
Ministry of Education and Culture in 1978 y virtue of P.D. No. 1397. Thirteen regional offices were created and
major organizational changes were implemented in the educational system.

      The Education Act of 1982 created the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports which later became the
Department of Education, Culture and Sports in 1987 by virtue of Executive Order No. 117. The structure of
DECS as embodied in EO No. 117 has practically remained unchanged until 1994 when the Commission on
Higher Education (CHED), and 1995 when the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA)
were established to supervise tertiary degree programs and non-degree technical-vocational programs,

      The Congressional Commission on Education (EDCOM) report provided the impetus for Congress to
pass RA 7722 and RA 7796 in 1994 creating the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) and the Technical
Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), respectively.

      The trifocal education system refocused DECS’ mandate to basic education which covers elementary,
secondary and nonformal education, including culture and sports. TESDA now administers the post-secondary,
middle-level manpower training and development while CHED is responsible for higher education.

      In August 2001, Republic Act 9155, otherwise called the Governance of Basic Education Act, was
passed transforming the name of the Department of Education, Culture and Sports (DECS) to the Department
of Education (DepEd) and redefining the role of field offices (regional offices, division offices, district offices
and schools). RA 9155 provides the overall framework for (i) school head empowerment by strengthening their
leadership roles and (ii) school-based management within the context of transparency and local accountability.
The goal of basic education is to provide the school age population and young adults with skills, knowledge,
and values to become caring, self-reliant, productive and patriotic citizens.


    To carry out its mandates and objectives, the Department is organized into two major structural
components. The Central Office maintains the overall administration of basic education at the national level.
The Field Offices are responsible for the regional and local coordination and administration of the Department’s
mandate. RA 9155 provides that the Department should have no more than four Undersecretaries and four
Assistant Secretaries with at least one Undersecretary and one Assistant Secretary who are career service
officers chosen among the staff of the Department. (See DepEd Organizational Chart.)

      At present, the Department operates with four Undersecretaries in the areas of: (1) Programs and
Projects; (2) Regional Operations; (3) Finance and Administration; and (4) Legal Affairs; four Assistant
Secretaries in the areas of: (1) Programs and Projects; (2) Planning and Development; (3) Budget and
Financial Affairs; and (4) Legal Affairs.

      Backstopping the Office of the Secretary at the Central Office are the different services, bureaus and
centers. The five services are the Administrative Service, Financial and Management Service, Human
Resource Development Service, Planning Service, and Technical Service. Three staff bureaus provide
assistance in formulating policies, standards, and programs related to curriculum and staff development. These
are the Bureau of Elementary Education (BEE), Bureau of Secondary Education (BSE), and the Bureau of
Nonformal Education (BNFE). By virtue of Executive Order No. 81 series of 1999, the functions of a fourth
bureau, the Bureau of Physical Education and School Sports (BPESS), were absorbed by the Philippine Sports
Commission (PSC) last August 25, 1999.

       Six centers or units attached to the Department similarly provide technical and administrative support
towards the realization of the Department’s vision. These are the National Education Testing and Research
Center (NETRC), Health and Nutrition Center (HNC), National Educators Academy of the Philippines (NEAP),
Educational Development Projects Implementing Task Force (EDPITAF), National Science Teaching
Instrumentation Center (NSTIC), and Instructional Materials Council Secretariat (IMCS). There are four special
offices under OSEC: the Adopt-a-School Program Secretariat, Center for Students and Co-curricular Affairs,
Educational Technology Unit, and the Task Force Engineering Assessment and Monitoring.

       Other attached and support agencies to the Department are the Teacher Education Council (TEC),
Philippine High School for the Arts, Literacy Coordinating Council (LCC), and the Instructional Materials
Council (IMC).

      At the sub-national level, the Field Offices consist of the following:

   1. Sixteen (16) Regional Offices, including the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM*), each
      headed by a Regional Director (a Regional Secretary in the case of ARMM);

   2. One hundred fifty-seven (157) Provincial and City Schools Divisions, each headed by a Schools
      Division Superintendent. Assisting the Schools Division Offices are 2,227 School Districts, each headed
      by a District Supervisor;

   3. Under the supervision of the Schools Division Offices are forty-eight thousand, four hundred forty-six
      (48, 446) schools, broken down as follows:
          o 40,763 elementary schools (36,234 public and 4,529 private)
          o 7,683 secondary schools (4,422 public and 3,261 private)

The DepEd Vision

By 2030, DepEd is globally recognized for good governance and for developing functionally-literate and God-
loving Filipinos.

The DepEd Mission
To provide quality basic education that is equitably accessible to all and lay the foundation for life-long learning
and service for the common good.


Philippine Constitution Basic Education Act of 1982 Governance Act of Basic Education (RA9155)

Core Values

Culture of Excellence, Integrity and Accountability

The Current state of Philippine education in the concept of globalization
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The term globalization is referred to a lot of different contexts like economic, technological, sociocultural, political, and so and so
Throwing a leading question for this matter, what is the stand of education anyway? Since education is the sole building block of an
individual in order to rise from the crucial stages of human development up to the different contexts mentioned earlier, it supplies not
only the knowledge but as well as the in-service trainings needed to be exposed to those different fields. A person cannot just master
or be an expert of his craft without passing through the stages of education. Ergo, connecting education to the present globalization
condition, education is now pressured with a lot of expectations in bringing up an individual who will not only be suitable but as well
as flexible in the different functions of different orientations.
So how is this development process being applied and measured in education since the present globalization condition is erratic and it
changes by just a spur of the moment? Seeing though different cultures, different countries of the world have their own way of
addressing this concern, Most invest their biggest share of the budget on education, some on technology that will aid education in its
developmental process, others create new laws that bring out the best legislative demands for education, develop effective methods
and strategies on how to expand proficiency and efficiency through researches, and maintain social welfare at least to its average.
Using these addresses as reference, it seems that education plays a major role on all orientations and even serves as a intersection of all
areas of influence. Though, these mostly happens to first world countries. So, how about the third world countries like the Philippines
for example.
We can still enumerate the same as what I have mentioned, however, due to culture indifferences, different types of child-rearing,
diverse manners of inculcating discipline, and sometimes individualism, Philippine education lies distant from the expectations of
generally aiding an individual to feel competent or even feel confident in entering the globalization era at present. Just to itemize a
The Filipinos view education with utmost importance and the completion of reaching the tertiary level is a must and for them is one of
their greatest achievements in life, plus they do not only display this character at school but as well as in the training grounds and
work areas they are at, and that includes other countries.
The Filipino teaching strategies, I must say, is very promising. You can visibly see the resourcefulness and dedication of the mentors
in their profession and sees through achievements not in their selves but on their products, their students. They feel the biggest deals of
their lives seeing their learners walk their way through their own podiums. The richness of the Filipino literature, arts, originality , and
perseverance exhibit that Filipinos are fast learners inside and outside the school premises.
The literacy level of the Filipinos, compared to a lot of countries is way too high, as well as the talents, making the Filipino one of the
most demanded skilled workers in the world and stand out when it comes to love of work.
On the contrary, the present condition of the Philippine education is full of challenges and struggles. Based on the 2008 achievements,
the percentages of the figures presented as achieved were mostly positive although it is said to be minimal, leaving the target date of
the unachieved percentage unknown. Sad to say that all unachieved percentage was due to unavailability of funds provided by the
government. With poverty and corruption of the government, the Phillippine education would lie as is or improvement may just be as
steady as it is today for the two major challenges hamper the other factors that help out education status to progress.

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  • 1. State of the Philippine Education The latest report by the National Statistical Coordination Board, recognizing that one in six school-age-children is deprived of education, tells us of what is in store in our country’s future. The enrollment rate in our primary school five years ago, was 90 percent. Last year, it dropped to 83 percent, and the number is rising. The situation is worse for secondary education, where enrollment rate has been steady at only 59 percent over the same period. Unfortunately, this has been going on in decades. Past government administrations are equally guilty of negligence to check the increasing numbers of illiterate Filipinos. Illiteracy to me, means the difficulty of a person to read and write, and even if he or she can read or write, the comprehension is low and have difficulty following simple written instructions. Education has been in the backburner and no serious effort was made to make it a major strategy for our progress. Education has a dramatic effect on economic development and growth. In fact, other countries are starting to realize how drop-out rates affect to their economies. In the Philippines, nobody knows the extent of its effect. It appears that we lost sight of the implications of this issue, because there is no statistical data to show how much was lost in terms of peso value due to school drop-outs and illiteracy. What I am saying is that, it is not only lost opportunity to get better income, but the government also lost tax revenues from a productive and competitive population. School non-completion affects so many things. It increases criminal activity, and adds to cost of prison and welfare services. By simply following a simple linear cause and effect analysis, they have lower lifetime earnings, which reduces buying power, lowers tax revenues for governments and reduces economic growth. When you extend your analysis, it results to decreased health status, more criminal activity, higher rates of teen pregnancy and single motherhood. Wherever you look at it, just higher costs all around. Aside from those stated, the education system has direct effect on future economic growth. A major consideration of a business to invest in a country or in a community, is the economic impact data. Part of this data is the education achievement of the community, along with items such as transportation and workforce development. With the present condition, we can’t hardly make the first cut because companies will see they don’t have a pipeline to supply them with the workforce they need. We can no longer deny that the manufacturing sector cannot sustain the rising need for employment, and high-tech jobs are coming on. It is expected that majority of the jobs created over the next 10 years will be high-tech. How can this country compete if many of our population didn’t even finish elementary school? We are already seeing economic development pass us. The issue at hand should not only be viewed from the perspective of children dropping-out of school and the inability of their parents to find better jobs. It is about lost opportunities - lost lifetime earnings of those who were deprived of education, lost revenues for the government, and lost opportunity for this country to catch-up with our already developed neighbors. We need not fight over it now. The government should take the lead, to bring all the players to the table and define a strategic education plan. Other sectors are waiting. I am sure the business leaders are hungry to know what they can specifically do to help. http://www.scribd.com/doc/16466469/State-of-Philippine-Education
  • 2. Historical Perspective of the Philippine Educational System Education in the Philippines has undergone several stages of development from the pre-Spanish times to the present. In meeting the needs of the society, education serves as focus of emphases/priorities of the leadership at certain periods/epochs in our national struggle as a race. As early as in pre-Magellanic times, education was informal, unstructured, and devoid of methods. Children were provided more vocational training and less academics (3 Rs) by their parents and in the houses of tribal tutors. The pre-Spanish system of education underwent major changes during the Spanish colonization. The tribal tutors were replaced by the Spanish Missionaries. Education was religion-oriented. It was for the elite, especially in the early years of Spanish colonization. Access to education by the Filipinos was later liberalized through the enactment of the Educational Decree of 1863 which provided for the establishment of at least one primary school for boys and girls in each town under the responsibility of the municipal government; and the establishment of a normal school for male teachers under the supervision of the Jesuits. Primary instruction was free and the teaching of Spanish was compulsory. Education during that period was inadequate, suppressed, and controlled. The defeat of Spain by American forces paved the way for Aguinaldo's Republic under a Revolutionary Government. The schools maintained by Spain for more than three centuries were closed for the time being but were reopened on August 29, 1898 by the Secretary of Interior. The Burgos Institute in Malolos, the Military Academy of Malolos, and the Literary University of the Philippines were established. A system of free and compulsory elementary education was established by the Malolos Constitution. An adequate secularized and free public school system during the first decade of American rule was established upon the recommendation of the Schurman Commission. Free primary instruction that trained the people for the duties of citizenship and avocation was enforced by the Taft Commission per instructions of President McKinley. Chaplains and non-commissioned officers were assigned to teach using English as the medium of instruction. A highly centralized public school system was installed in 1901 by the Philippine Commission by virtue of Act No. 74. The implementation of this Act created a heavy shortage of teachers so the Philippine Commission authorized the Secretary of Public Instruction to bring to the Philippines 600 teachers from the U.S.A. They were the Thomasites. OFFICIAL OFFICIAL NAME OF YEAR TITULAR LEGAL BASES THE DEPARTMENT HEAD Superior Commission of Educational Decree 1863 Chairman Primary Instruction of 1863 Act. No. 74 of the 1901- Department of Public General Philippine 1916 Instruction Superintendent Commission, Jan. 21, 1901 1916- Department of Public Organic Act Law of Secretary 1942 Instruction 1916 (Jones Law) Department of Commissioner Renamed by the 1942- Education, Health and Japanese Executive
  • 3. 1944 Public Welfare Commission, June 11, 1942 Renamed by Department of Japanese 1944 Education, Health and Minister Sponsored Public Welfare Philippine Republic Renamed by Department of Public Japanese 1944 Secretary Instruction Sponsored Philippine Republic Department of Public Renamed by the 1945- Instruction and Secretary Commonwealth 1946 Information Government Renamed by the 1946- Department of Secretary Commonwealth 1947 Instruction Government E.O. No. 94 October 1947- 1947 Department of Education Secretary 1975 (Reorganization Act of 1947) 1975- Department of Education Proc. No. 1081, Secretary 1978 and Culture September 24, 1972 1978- Ministry of Education P.D. No. 1397, June Minister 1984 and Culture 2, 1978 1984- Ministry of Education, Education Act of Minister 1986 Culture and Sports 1982 Department of 1987- E.O. No. 117. Education, Culture and Secretary 1994 January 30, 1987 Sports RA 7722 and RA Department of 7796, 1994 1994- Education, Culture and Secretary Trifocalization of 2001 Sports Education Management 2001 - RA 9155, August Department of Education Secretary present 2001 (Governance of
  • 4. Basic Education Act) The high school system supported by provincial governments, special educational institutions, school of arts and trades, an agricultural school, and commerce and marine institutes were established in 1902 by the Philippine Commission. In 1908, the Philippine Legislature approved Act No. 1870 which created the University of the Philippines. The Reorganization Act of 1916 provided the Filipinization of all department secretaries except the Secretary of Public Instruction. Japanese educational policies were embodied in Military Order No. 2 in 1942. The Philippine Executive Commission established the Commission of Education, Health and Public Welfare and schools were reopened in June 1942. On October 14, 1943, the Japanese - sponsored Republic created the Ministry of Education. Under the Japanese regime, the teaching of Tagalog, Philippine History, and Character Education was reserved for Filipinos. Love for work and dignity of labor was emphasized. On February 27, 1945, the Department of Instruction was made part of the Department of Public Instruction. In 1947, by virtue of Executive Order No. 94, the Department of Instruction was changed to Department of Education. During this period, the regulation and supervision of public and private schools belonged to the Bureau of Public and Private Schools. In 1972, it became the Department of Education and Culture by virtue of Proclamation 1081 and the Ministry of Education and Culture in 1978 y virtue of P.D. No. 1397. Thirteen regional offices were created and major organizational changes were implemented in the educational system. The Education Act of 1982 created the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports which later became the Department of Education, Culture and Sports in 1987 by virtue of Executive Order No. 117. The structure of DECS as embodied in EO No. 117 has practically remained unchanged until 1994 when the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), and 1995 when the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) were established to supervise tertiary degree programs and non-degree technical-vocational programs, respectively. The Congressional Commission on Education (EDCOM) report provided the impetus for Congress to pass RA 7722 and RA 7796 in 1994 creating the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) and the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), respectively. The trifocal education system refocused DECS’ mandate to basic education which covers elementary, secondary and nonformal education, including culture and sports. TESDA now administers the post-secondary, middle-level manpower training and development while CHED is responsible for higher education. In August 2001, Republic Act 9155, otherwise called the Governance of Basic Education Act, was passed transforming the name of the Department of Education, Culture and Sports (DECS) to the Department of Education (DepEd) and redefining the role of field offices (regional offices, division offices, district offices and schools). RA 9155 provides the overall framework for (i) school head empowerment by strengthening their leadership roles and (ii) school-based management within the context of transparency and local accountability. The goal of basic education is to provide the school age population and young adults with skills, knowledge, and values to become caring, self-reliant, productive and patriotic citizens. DepEd MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE To carry out its mandates and objectives, the Department is organized into two major structural components. The Central Office maintains the overall administration of basic education at the national level.
  • 5. The Field Offices are responsible for the regional and local coordination and administration of the Department’s mandate. RA 9155 provides that the Department should have no more than four Undersecretaries and four Assistant Secretaries with at least one Undersecretary and one Assistant Secretary who are career service officers chosen among the staff of the Department. (See DepEd Organizational Chart.) At present, the Department operates with four Undersecretaries in the areas of: (1) Programs and Projects; (2) Regional Operations; (3) Finance and Administration; and (4) Legal Affairs; four Assistant Secretaries in the areas of: (1) Programs and Projects; (2) Planning and Development; (3) Budget and Financial Affairs; and (4) Legal Affairs. Backstopping the Office of the Secretary at the Central Office are the different services, bureaus and centers. The five services are the Administrative Service, Financial and Management Service, Human Resource Development Service, Planning Service, and Technical Service. Three staff bureaus provide assistance in formulating policies, standards, and programs related to curriculum and staff development. These are the Bureau of Elementary Education (BEE), Bureau of Secondary Education (BSE), and the Bureau of Nonformal Education (BNFE). By virtue of Executive Order No. 81 series of 1999, the functions of a fourth bureau, the Bureau of Physical Education and School Sports (BPESS), were absorbed by the Philippine Sports Commission (PSC) last August 25, 1999. Six centers or units attached to the Department similarly provide technical and administrative support towards the realization of the Department’s vision. These are the National Education Testing and Research Center (NETRC), Health and Nutrition Center (HNC), National Educators Academy of the Philippines (NEAP), Educational Development Projects Implementing Task Force (EDPITAF), National Science Teaching Instrumentation Center (NSTIC), and Instructional Materials Council Secretariat (IMCS). There are four special offices under OSEC: the Adopt-a-School Program Secretariat, Center for Students and Co-curricular Affairs, Educational Technology Unit, and the Task Force Engineering Assessment and Monitoring. Other attached and support agencies to the Department are the Teacher Education Council (TEC), Philippine High School for the Arts, Literacy Coordinating Council (LCC), and the Instructional Materials Council (IMC). At the sub-national level, the Field Offices consist of the following: 1. Sixteen (16) Regional Offices, including the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM*), each headed by a Regional Director (a Regional Secretary in the case of ARMM); 2. One hundred fifty-seven (157) Provincial and City Schools Divisions, each headed by a Schools Division Superintendent. Assisting the Schools Division Offices are 2,227 School Districts, each headed by a District Supervisor; 3. Under the supervision of the Schools Division Offices are forty-eight thousand, four hundred forty-six (48, 446) schools, broken down as follows: o 40,763 elementary schools (36,234 public and 4,529 private) o 7,683 secondary schools (4,422 public and 3,261 private) The DepEd Vision By 2030, DepEd is globally recognized for good governance and for developing functionally-literate and God- loving Filipinos. The DepEd Mission
  • 6. To provide quality basic education that is equitably accessible to all and lay the foundation for life-long learning and service for the common good. Mandate Philippine Constitution Basic Education Act of 1982 Governance Act of Basic Education (RA9155) Core Values Culture of Excellence, Integrity and Accountability Maka-Diyos Makatao Makabayan Makalikasan--- The Current state of Philippine education in the concept of globalization Ads by Google Davao Hotel Discounts Agoda.com/Davao_Hotels Check & Compare Rates, Reviews. Up to 75% off. Book today! Ads by Google Teachers needed in Canadawww.EducationCanada.com Apply to schools who accept Foreign teachers. Apply Today! Educationwww.educationandsuccess.net/ Need help in school? Talk to us and share your stories. School Education Showwww.cieet.com 660 Exhibitors from 30+ Countries Why not Check Now & Meet Yours? The term globalization is referred to a lot of different contexts like economic, technological, sociocultural, political, and so and so forth. Throwing a leading question for this matter, what is the stand of education anyway? Since education is the sole building block of an individual in order to rise from the crucial stages of human development up to the different contexts mentioned earlier, it supplies not only the knowledge but as well as the in-service trainings needed to be exposed to those different fields. A person cannot just master or be an expert of his craft without passing through the stages of education. Ergo, connecting education to the present globalization condition, education is now pressured with a lot of expectations in bringing up an individual who will not only be suitable but as well as flexible in the different functions of different orientations. So how is this development process being applied and measured in education since the present globalization condition is erratic and it changes by just a spur of the moment? Seeing though different cultures, different countries of the world have their own way of addressing this concern, Most invest their biggest share of the budget on education, some on technology that will aid education in its
  • 7. developmental process, others create new laws that bring out the best legislative demands for education, develop effective methods and strategies on how to expand proficiency and efficiency through researches, and maintain social welfare at least to its average. Using these addresses as reference, it seems that education plays a major role on all orientations and even serves as a intersection of all areas of influence. Though, these mostly happens to first world countries. So, how about the third world countries like the Philippines for example. We can still enumerate the same as what I have mentioned, however, due to culture indifferences, different types of child-rearing, diverse manners of inculcating discipline, and sometimes individualism, Philippine education lies distant from the expectations of generally aiding an individual to feel competent or even feel confident in entering the globalization era at present. Just to itemize a few. The Filipinos view education with utmost importance and the completion of reaching the tertiary level is a must and for them is one of their greatest achievements in life, plus they do not only display this character at school but as well as in the training grounds and work areas they are at, and that includes other countries. The Filipino teaching strategies, I must say, is very promising. You can visibly see the resourcefulness and dedication of the mentors in their profession and sees through achievements not in their selves but on their products, their students. They feel the biggest deals of their lives seeing their learners walk their way through their own podiums. The richness of the Filipino literature, arts, originality , and perseverance exhibit that Filipinos are fast learners inside and outside the school premises. The literacy level of the Filipinos, compared to a lot of countries is way too high, as well as the talents, making the Filipino one of the most demanded skilled workers in the world and stand out when it comes to love of work. On the contrary, the present condition of the Philippine education is full of challenges and struggles. Based on the 2008 achievements, the percentages of the figures presented as achieved were mostly positive although it is said to be minimal, leaving the target date of the unachieved percentage unknown. Sad to say that all unachieved percentage was due to unavailability of funds provided by the government. With poverty and corruption of the government, the Phillippine education would lie as is or improvement may just be as steady as it is today for the two major challenges hamper the other factors that help out education status to progress.