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Interviewing Skills
& iCIMS 2023
Why Interviews Are Important
 Help you to assess a candidates strengths, weaknesses,
and suitability for the job
 Provide you with the information you need for making the
best hiring decisions
Nice Interviewing Skills.pptx
Why Interviews Are Important
 Help you to assess a candidates strengths, weaknesses,
and suitability for the job
 Provide you with the information you need for making the
best hiring decisions
Why is Interviewing so Crucial?
 Both the organization and the candidate have a lot to lose
if an interview leads to an improper match.
 Interviews that are not based on a proper job analysis
wont elicit meaningful information.
 Subjection to personal bias and other sources of error.
 Some candidates are very practiced at interviewing.
 Interview questions may be too closed-ended.
 Poor listening skills.
How & Why Interviews Go Wrong
Plan Your Strategy
 Know and understand AASs policies and procedures
 Determine key selection criteria
 Prepare a description of the job and the organization
Rating Scale
The most critical element of the rating scale is not how
many levels it has, but rather how those levels are
Use a rating scale anchored to benchmarks (example
answers, descriptions, or definitions of answers). Use
Subject Matter Experts to develop the scale and
Five-level Rating Scale
What would one expect or want an outstanding candidate
to give as the best possible answer?
(5 point)
What is an acceptable answer that one would expect a
qualified candidate to give?
(3 point)
What would one expect as a poor answer from a candidate
who has little or no knowledge or skill on this job
(1 point)
 Organizations that use the first approach  per question rating  tend to be in the public-
sector or otherwise very structured in their human resources or selection procedures. Below
is a typical 5-point scale used with this approach:
 Well Qualified (5) Candidate provides a thorough response to the question. Candidate
demonstrates a thorough understanding of the issues at hand that is more to substantially
more than the job requires. Response is well thought-out and well presented. Overall,
candidates response is complete, addresses all aspects of the question and does not require
Qualified (4-2) Candidate provides an acceptable response to the question. Candidates
understanding of the issues at hand is equal to or slightly less that what the job requires.
The response may not be as complete or thorough as the well-qualified candidates response.
Overall, candidates response is complete, addresses the question and any probing required
is minimal.
 Not Qualified (2-1) Candidate fails to provide an acceptable response to this question.
Candidates response does not convey the level of experience/expertise required in this
position. Candidates response may be vague or incomplete. Overall, candidate fails to
provide experience/expertise demonstrative of the requirements of this position.
 1. Conduct a Job Analysis. Identify the job characteristics (i.e., job tasks, duties, and responsibilities) and the
competencies/knowledge, skills, abilities required to perform the job successfully.
 2. Determine the Competencies to be Assessed by the Interview. Consider which competencies are measured
most effectively with an interview.
 3. Choose the Interview Format and Develop Questions. Determine if you will use a behavioral interview or
situational interview. Work with subject matter experts to develop questions.
 4. Develop Rating Scales to Evaluate Candidates. Determine the proficiency scale and develop accompanying
proficiency level examples. (NOTE: May not be applicable to a selecting officials interview.)
 5. Create Interview Probes. Establish if probes may be used. If probes will be used, draft specific probes for
each question.
 6. Pilot-Test the Interview Questions. Pilot test the interview questions on persons similar to the anticipated
candidates. Check for clarity and appropriateness.
 7. Create the Interviewers Guide. Prepare an interviewer's guide, question booklet, and rating form.
 8. Document the Development Process. Document all stages of the interview development.
 What is a Job Analysis?
 A systematic examination of the tasks performed in a job
and the competencies required to perform them
 A study of what workers do on the job, what
competencies are necessary to do it, what resources are
used in doing it, and the conditions under which it is done
 A job analysis is NOT an evaluation of the person
currently performing the job
 What is a Job Analysis?
 A job analysis consists of three general steps:
 1.Tasks and competencies are collected
 2.Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) rate the tasks and
 3.Any low-rated tasks and/or competencies are dropped
 Uses for a Job Analysis
 Job analysis data can be used to determine:
 Job requirements
 Training needs
 Position classification and grade levels
 Other personnel actions, such as promotions and
performance appraisals
A Great Hire?
 Performs effectively.
 Stays beyond the average employee tenure.
 Demonstrates a commitment to your organization and its
 Accepts, supports, and contributes to your business
Put it simply, a great hire meets ALL of your needs and
 Let candidates know what they can expect: A pet peeve of
many job seekers is that they are left "hanging" after an
interview, or they are promised follow-up that never
comes. If the candidate is a good fit, be clear about what
the next steps will be. And if the candidate is not a good
 "Always end the interview on a positive note, but be
genuine," says Goldman. "Don't tell the candidate to call
you if you don't mean it."
Steps to the Process
 Know what you want.
 Best hiring practice youll ever need! What 10 qualities you want
the top 10% to possess?
 Design for consistency.
 Design your interviewing process. It is a critical step that often
interviewers have no or little training in doing.
Interview Question Worksheet
Essential Functions
Function # 1 Prepares, scans and quality reviews
patient records.
Question 1:
Potential Follow-up Question:
Better Interviews
 Make them structured.
 Eliminates haphazard interviewing.
 Standardization allows you to compare apples to apples.
 Decreases legal liability
 Aids in documentation
 Provides equal treatment to all candidates
 Make them competency based.
 Make them behaviorally focused.
Review Your Notes
 Notes should be factual
 Avoid any opinions or personal biases
 Include job-related information only
 Keep notes on file for at least 1 year
Characteristics of Questions
 Realistic,to the point, brief and unambiguous
 Complex enough to allow adequate
demonstration of the ability being rated.
 Formulated at the language level of the
candidate, not laced with jargon.
 Tried out on job incumbents to check for clarity,
precision of wording and appropriateness.
 Not dependent upon skills or policy that will be
learned on the job.
Nice Interviewing Skills.pptx
Never ignore a gut feeling, but also never believe that its
Robert Heller
Interview Questions
 Job Knowledge
 Demonstrate specific job knowledge or documentation of
job knowledge.
 Past Behavior
 Describe activity of past jobs that relates to the job.
 Focus on work experience, education and other
qualifications of the candidates.
 Hypothetical situations that may occur on the job and how
candidates respond to situation
Traditional Questions
With these, you can gather general information about a
candidate and their skills and experience. Because these
questions are asked often, many candidates will have
prepared answers to them, so they can be used to help
candidates feel at ease in the early stages of an interview.
 What are your greatest strengths ?
 What are your experiences that are related to the position
for which you are being interviewed?
 Why do you want to work for us?
Situational Questions
Ask candidates what they would do in a specific situation
relevant to the job at hand. These questions can help you
understand a candidates thought process. Examples:
 How would you deal with an irate customer?
 If we were to hire you, what would be the first thing you
would do?
 How do you deal with stress on the job?
Behavior Based Questions
These require candidates to share a specific example from their
past experience. Each complete answer from a candidate
should be in the form of SAR response  Situation, Action and
Result. Examples:
 Tell me about a crisis you could have prevented. Did you do
anything differently after the crisis had passed?
 Tell me how you resolve crises by deploying your team members.
Give me a specific example.
 Crises usually require us to act quickly. In retrospect, how would
you have handled a recent crisis differently, if you had been given
more time to think before acting?
Culture Fit Questions
These will help you select candidates who are motivated
and suited to perform well in the unique environment of
your organization. Examples
 What gave you the greatest feeling of achievement in your
last job? Why was it so satisfying?
 Why did you choose this type of job?
 What motivates you to work hard? Give me some examples.
Leading Questions
Too much information can result in candidates altering
their responses to meet the interviewer's expectations
 We are an informal and team-oriented organization that
promotes taking risks and thinking 'outside the box.' We
encourage our employees to ask questions, share their
views, and approach challenges with creative solutions.
What do you consider an ideal working environment?
Allowing Time to Answer
 Rushing candidates or not allowing enough time for
them to think about and provide a response can result
in little or no information.
 Some candidates try to side-step a question and need
to be redirected to answer the original question.
 Give candidates enough time to respond.
 Insist on an answer.
 Allow silence to encourage them to think through a
Problematic Questions
First rule in Interviewing:
Innocent questions can lead to trouble.
9 Legal Landmines for Interviewers
 Problematic interview questions tend to fall into nine
 Marital Status
 Family Obligations
 National Origin or race
 Arrest or convictions
 Financial Condition
 Off-duty Activities
Illegal Questions
 Title VI, The Americans with Disabilities Act, and other Federal
and State acts forbid employers from discriminating against any
person on the basis of sex, race, national origin, religion or
 Therefore, an illegal question is any question pertaining to any
of these areas that could be construed discriminatory and is
completely unrelated to any requirement of the position.
 Questions must be focused only to determine a candidates
capability to perform the essential functions you have defined
for the job.
Must I ask each person the same interview questions?
 Each candidate should be asked the same template of questions. This
helps ensure that the applicants are compared to the job-specific
criteria and reduces the risk of discrimination in the hiring process.
You may find it necessary to ask some candidates additional questions
to explain information from their resume or application or to
encourage more complete interview responses.
If I know right away that this is not the candidate for me, must I
continue with the entire interview?
 Remember that first impressions can be misleading. If you are
convinced that you dont have a match, you should still afford
everyone the opportunity to answer each core question from the
template. Your goal is for each candidate to be fully heard and fairly
treated. You are not obligated to extend the interview beyond the
planned questions.
What do I do if the candidate tells me something that is
inappropriate or personal?
If the candidate does stray into an inappropriate area, thank
the candidate for their candor, and guide the conversation back
to your interview plan.
How long should an interview last?
This depends on the position for which the candidate interviews
and the structure of your interview process. If you follow a
template, individual interviews can be completed in about 30
minutes. The most important aspect is to ask each candidate the
same questions, and allow time for them to respond completely.
The Interview Process and Beyond
Before the Interview:
 Put candidates at ease: Interviewing can be stressful, so do your best
to help candidates relax. Make sure candidates are greeted and
escorted, if necessary, to their interview location. Start with low key
 Don judge on first impressions: Weve all met them --- people who
dont make a great impression but end up being great employees. To
make sure you dont overlook these diamonds in the rough, withhold
judgment until youve had the chance to thoroughly evaluate a
candidates capabilities and potential.
The Interview Process and Beyond
During the Interview:
 Tell the candidate a little about the job: While you dont want to
dominate the interview time, you should start with a brief summary of the
position including the prime responsibilities, reporting structure, key
challenges, and performance criteria. This will help the candidate provide
relevant example and criteria.
 Take notes: While you wont have to transcribe everything the candidate
says, do write down important points; key accomplishments; good
examples, and other information that will help you remember and fairly
evaluate each candidate.
 Invite candidates to ask questions: This can be the most valuable part of
the interview. Why do they want to be here---is it the challenge of the job?
The advances in the industry? The prestige of the organization? Is it the
Nice Interviewing Skills.pptx
The Interview Process and Beyond
After the Interview:
 Let the candidates know what they can expect: Always end the
interview on a positive note, but be genuine. Dont tell candidate to
call you if you dont mean it. If the candidate is a good fit, be clear
about what the next steps would be.
 Review notes and reach consensus. The post-interview evaluation is
the time to review notes and advance the hiring decision. Each
interviewer should be prepared to back up remarks and
recommendations with specific examples and notes from the
Interview Notes
 Notes should be factual
 Avoid any opinions or personal biases
 Include job-related information only
 Keep notes on file for at least 1 year
Nice Interviewing Skills.pptx
Nice Interviewing Skills.pptx
Nice Interviewing Skills.pptx
Nice Interviewing Skills.pptx
Nice Interviewing Skills.pptx
Why is Interviewing so Crucial?
 Both the organization and the candidate have a lot to lose
if an interview leads to an improper match.

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Nice Interviewing Skills.pptx

  • 2. Why Interviews Are Important Help you to assess a candidates strengths, weaknesses, and suitability for the job Provide you with the information you need for making the best hiring decisions
  • 4. Why Interviews Are Important Interviews: Help you to assess a candidates strengths, weaknesses, and suitability for the job Provide you with the information you need for making the best hiring decisions
  • 5. Why is Interviewing so Crucial? Both the organization and the candidate have a lot to lose if an interview leads to an improper match.
  • 6. Interviews that are not based on a proper job analysis wont elicit meaningful information. Subjection to personal bias and other sources of error. Some candidates are very practiced at interviewing. Interview questions may be too closed-ended. Poor listening skills. How & Why Interviews Go Wrong
  • 7. Plan Your Strategy Know and understand AASs policies and procedures Determine key selection criteria Prepare a description of the job and the organization
  • 8. 8 Rating Scale The most critical element of the rating scale is not how many levels it has, but rather how those levels are defined. Use a rating scale anchored to benchmarks (example answers, descriptions, or definitions of answers). Use Subject Matter Experts to develop the scale and benchmarks.
  • 9. 9 Five-level Rating Scale What would one expect or want an outstanding candidate to give as the best possible answer? (5 point) What is an acceptable answer that one would expect a qualified candidate to give? (3 point) What would one expect as a poor answer from a candidate who has little or no knowledge or skill on this job requirement? (1 point)
  • 10. Organizations that use the first approach per question rating tend to be in the public- sector or otherwise very structured in their human resources or selection procedures. Below is a typical 5-point scale used with this approach: Well Qualified (5) Candidate provides a thorough response to the question. Candidate demonstrates a thorough understanding of the issues at hand that is more to substantially more than the job requires. Response is well thought-out and well presented. Overall, candidates response is complete, addresses all aspects of the question and does not require probing. Qualified (4-2) Candidate provides an acceptable response to the question. Candidates understanding of the issues at hand is equal to or slightly less that what the job requires. The response may not be as complete or thorough as the well-qualified candidates response. Overall, candidates response is complete, addresses the question and any probing required is minimal. Not Qualified (2-1) Candidate fails to provide an acceptable response to this question. Candidates response does not convey the level of experience/expertise required in this position. Candidates response may be vague or incomplete. Overall, candidate fails to provide experience/expertise demonstrative of the requirements of this position.
  • 11. 1. Conduct a Job Analysis. Identify the job characteristics (i.e., job tasks, duties, and responsibilities) and the competencies/knowledge, skills, abilities required to perform the job successfully. 2. Determine the Competencies to be Assessed by the Interview. Consider which competencies are measured most effectively with an interview. 3. Choose the Interview Format and Develop Questions. Determine if you will use a behavioral interview or situational interview. Work with subject matter experts to develop questions. 4. Develop Rating Scales to Evaluate Candidates. Determine the proficiency scale and develop accompanying proficiency level examples. (NOTE: May not be applicable to a selecting officials interview.) 5. Create Interview Probes. Establish if probes may be used. If probes will be used, draft specific probes for each question. 6. Pilot-Test the Interview Questions. Pilot test the interview questions on persons similar to the anticipated candidates. Check for clarity and appropriateness. 7. Create the Interviewers Guide. Prepare an interviewer's guide, question booklet, and rating form. 8. Document the Development Process. Document all stages of the interview development. September
  • 12. What is a Job Analysis? A systematic examination of the tasks performed in a job and the competencies required to perform them A study of what workers do on the job, what competencies are necessary to do it, what resources are used in doing it, and the conditions under which it is done A job analysis is NOT an evaluation of the person currently performing the job
  • 13. What is a Job Analysis? A job analysis consists of three general steps: 1.Tasks and competencies are collected 2.Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) rate the tasks and competencies 3.Any low-rated tasks and/or competencies are dropped
  • 14. Uses for a Job Analysis Job analysis data can be used to determine: Job requirements Training needs Position classification and grade levels Other personnel actions, such as promotions and performance appraisals
  • 15. 15 A Great Hire? Performs effectively. Stays beyond the average employee tenure. Demonstrates a commitment to your organization and its mission. Accepts, supports, and contributes to your business culture. Put it simply, a great hire meets ALL of your needs and expectations.
  • 16. Let candidates know what they can expect: A pet peeve of many job seekers is that they are left "hanging" after an interview, or they are promised follow-up that never comes. If the candidate is a good fit, be clear about what the next steps will be. And if the candidate is not a good fit? "Always end the interview on a positive note, but be genuine," says Goldman. "Don't tell the candidate to call you if you don't mean it."
  • 17. 17 Steps to the Process Know what you want. Best hiring practice youll ever need! What 10 qualities you want the top 10% to possess? Design for consistency. Design your interviewing process. It is a critical step that often interviewers have no or little training in doing.
  • 18. Interview Question Worksheet Essential Functions Function # 1 Prepares, scans and quality reviews patient records. Question 1: Potential Follow-up Question:
  • 19. Better Interviews Make them structured. Eliminates haphazard interviewing. Standardization allows you to compare apples to apples. Decreases legal liability Aids in documentation Provides equal treatment to all candidates Make them competency based. Make them behaviorally focused.
  • 20. Review Your Notes Notes should be factual Avoid any opinions or personal biases Include job-related information only Keep notes on file for at least 1 year
  • 21. Characteristics of Questions Realistic,to the point, brief and unambiguous Complex enough to allow adequate demonstration of the ability being rated. Formulated at the language level of the candidate, not laced with jargon. Tried out on job incumbents to check for clarity, precision of wording and appropriateness. Not dependent upon skills or policy that will be learned on the job.
  • 23. Never ignore a gut feeling, but also never believe that its enough. Robert Heller (adaptation)
  • 24. Interview Questions Job Knowledge Demonstrate specific job knowledge or documentation of job knowledge. Past Behavior Describe activity of past jobs that relates to the job. Background Focus on work experience, education and other qualifications of the candidates. Situational Hypothetical situations that may occur on the job and how candidates respond to situation
  • 25. Traditional Questions With these, you can gather general information about a candidate and their skills and experience. Because these questions are asked often, many candidates will have prepared answers to them, so they can be used to help candidates feel at ease in the early stages of an interview. Examples: What are your greatest strengths ? What are your experiences that are related to the position for which you are being interviewed? Why do you want to work for us?
  • 26. Situational Questions Ask candidates what they would do in a specific situation relevant to the job at hand. These questions can help you understand a candidates thought process. Examples: How would you deal with an irate customer? If we were to hire you, what would be the first thing you would do? How do you deal with stress on the job?
  • 27. Behavior Based Questions These require candidates to share a specific example from their past experience. Each complete answer from a candidate should be in the form of SAR response Situation, Action and Result. Examples: Tell me about a crisis you could have prevented. Did you do anything differently after the crisis had passed? Tell me how you resolve crises by deploying your team members. Give me a specific example. Crises usually require us to act quickly. In retrospect, how would you have handled a recent crisis differently, if you had been given more time to think before acting?
  • 28. Culture Fit Questions These will help you select candidates who are motivated and suited to perform well in the unique environment of your organization. Examples What gave you the greatest feeling of achievement in your last job? Why was it so satisfying? Why did you choose this type of job? What motivates you to work hard? Give me some examples.
  • 29. Leading Questions Too much information can result in candidates altering their responses to meet the interviewer's expectations Example We are an informal and team-oriented organization that promotes taking risks and thinking 'outside the box.' We encourage our employees to ask questions, share their views, and approach challenges with creative solutions. What do you consider an ideal working environment?
  • 30. Allowing Time to Answer Rushing candidates or not allowing enough time for them to think about and provide a response can result in little or no information. Some candidates try to side-step a question and need to be redirected to answer the original question. Give candidates enough time to respond. Insist on an answer. Allow silence to encourage them to think through a response.
  • 31. Problematic Questions First rule in Interviewing: Innocent questions can lead to trouble.
  • 32. 9 Legal Landmines for Interviewers Problematic interview questions tend to fall into nine categories: Marital Status Family Obligations National Origin or race Age Religion Disability Arrest or convictions Financial Condition Off-duty Activities
  • 33. Illegal Questions Title VI, The Americans with Disabilities Act, and other Federal and State acts forbid employers from discriminating against any person on the basis of sex, race, national origin, religion or disability. Therefore, an illegal question is any question pertaining to any of these areas that could be construed discriminatory and is completely unrelated to any requirement of the position. Questions must be focused only to determine a candidates capability to perform the essential functions you have defined for the job.
  • 34. Must I ask each person the same interview questions? Each candidate should be asked the same template of questions. This helps ensure that the applicants are compared to the job-specific criteria and reduces the risk of discrimination in the hiring process. You may find it necessary to ask some candidates additional questions to explain information from their resume or application or to encourage more complete interview responses. If I know right away that this is not the candidate for me, must I continue with the entire interview? Remember that first impressions can be misleading. If you are convinced that you dont have a match, you should still afford everyone the opportunity to answer each core question from the template. Your goal is for each candidate to be fully heard and fairly treated. You are not obligated to extend the interview beyond the planned questions.
  • 35. What do I do if the candidate tells me something that is inappropriate or personal? If the candidate does stray into an inappropriate area, thank the candidate for their candor, and guide the conversation back to your interview plan. How long should an interview last? This depends on the position for which the candidate interviews and the structure of your interview process. If you follow a template, individual interviews can be completed in about 30 minutes. The most important aspect is to ask each candidate the same questions, and allow time for them to respond completely.
  • 36. The Interview Process and Beyond Before the Interview: Put candidates at ease: Interviewing can be stressful, so do your best to help candidates relax. Make sure candidates are greeted and escorted, if necessary, to their interview location. Start with low key questions. Don judge on first impressions: Weve all met them --- people who dont make a great impression but end up being great employees. To make sure you dont overlook these diamonds in the rough, withhold judgment until youve had the chance to thoroughly evaluate a candidates capabilities and potential.
  • 37. The Interview Process and Beyond During the Interview: Tell the candidate a little about the job: While you dont want to dominate the interview time, you should start with a brief summary of the position including the prime responsibilities, reporting structure, key challenges, and performance criteria. This will help the candidate provide relevant example and criteria. Take notes: While you wont have to transcribe everything the candidate says, do write down important points; key accomplishments; good examples, and other information that will help you remember and fairly evaluate each candidate. Invite candidates to ask questions: This can be the most valuable part of the interview. Why do they want to be here---is it the challenge of the job? The advances in the industry? The prestige of the organization? Is it the paycheck?
  • 39. The Interview Process and Beyond After the Interview: Let the candidates know what they can expect: Always end the interview on a positive note, but be genuine. Dont tell candidate to call you if you dont mean it. If the candidate is a good fit, be clear about what the next steps would be. Review notes and reach consensus. The post-interview evaluation is the time to review notes and advance the hiring decision. Each interviewer should be prepared to back up remarks and recommendations with specific examples and notes from the interview.
  • 40. Interview Notes Notes should be factual Avoid any opinions or personal biases Include job-related information only Keep notes on file for at least 1 year
  • 46. Why is Interviewing so Crucial? Both the organization and the candidate have a lot to lose if an interview leads to an improper match.