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Nicolene Mouton
 011 6206717
 083 2911663
Fax to email: 086 6211 216
* Accredited Financial Adviser
* Registered with the Financial Services Board
* Diploma in Business Admin
Registered as a Financial Services Provider
Most of us aspire to achieve financial security. Prudent financial planning is the key to
achieving this goal. Yet we often neglect or delay taking the necessary steps, losing
sight of the following risks in life:
 Dying too soon
 Living too long
 Becoming disabled
 Suffering from a dread disease (cancer/stroke/heart attack/etc.)
 Inadequate health care funding
If any of the above were to happen to you today, would you have adequate financial
resources to protect you and your loved ones? In the event of you dying or becoming
disabled, would your family be able to enjoy the same standard of living they currently
do, or would they have to cope with financial hardship over and above the trauma of
your disablement or death?
Would you have adequate financial protection to enjoy a carefree retirement and how
long will your retirement income last? Out of every ten South Africans aged 65, only
three will be able to retire financially independent. The rest will have to rely on a
meagre state pension, the handouts of family and friends or will be forced to carry on
working even when they are old and sickly. Quite a bleak picture.
And to complicate matters even further, various contingencies have to be planned for.
Such as your childrens education ... the death of a spouse ... adequate provision for
your health care needs ... tax and estate duty - to mention but a few.
With so much to think of, you certainly need the assistance of a financial expert to help
you plan. The good news is that expert help is now available absolutely free and
without any obligation with Liberty Lifes New Blueprint  a unique software
programme providing an objective analysis of your personal circumstances. New
Blueprint will analysis your current situation and future financial needs and point out
any shortfalls.
The outcomes of the analysis using New Blueprint will ensure you peace of mind that
your financial future and that of your family and loved ones is secure no matter what.
 Are you serious about financial planning
for the future?
 Do you have friends / family who need
assistance to achieve their financial goals?
 Do you know people with small children
who want to give their children the gift of a
good education?
 Do you know people who would like to
save tax?
Your life circumstances and your financial needs
are forever changing. What may be adequate
financial provision today, may be totally
inadequate tomorrow. Let me review your
financial portfolio in order to ensure that it is
updated with regard to your changing needs
and circumstances, as well as the eroding
effects of inflation.
My service to you will include but is not limited
 Estate Planning
 Risk planning in the event of your death ,
disability or serious Illness
 Retirement Planning
 Planning for your investment needs
 Healthcare needs (including top up cover)
If you are a decision maker within your
company we can assist with the following:
 Employee Benefit schemes (Health care
scheme and retirement fund).
 Contingency plans, Buy and sell agreements
and Key person assurance

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Nicolene Mouton

  • 1. Nicolene Mouton 011 6206717 083 2911663 Fax to email: 086 6211 216 nicolene.mouton@liblink.co.za * Accredited Financial Adviser * Registered with the Financial Services Board * Diploma in Business Admin Registered as a Financial Services Provider BLUEPRINTING YOUR FINANCIAL FUTURE Most of us aspire to achieve financial security. Prudent financial planning is the key to achieving this goal. Yet we often neglect or delay taking the necessary steps, losing sight of the following risks in life: Dying too soon Living too long Becoming disabled Suffering from a dread disease (cancer/stroke/heart attack/etc.) Inadequate health care funding If any of the above were to happen to you today, would you have adequate financial resources to protect you and your loved ones? In the event of you dying or becoming disabled, would your family be able to enjoy the same standard of living they currently do, or would they have to cope with financial hardship over and above the trauma of your disablement or death? Would you have adequate financial protection to enjoy a carefree retirement and how long will your retirement income last? Out of every ten South Africans aged 65, only three will be able to retire financially independent. The rest will have to rely on a meagre state pension, the handouts of family and friends or will be forced to carry on working even when they are old and sickly. Quite a bleak picture. And to complicate matters even further, various contingencies have to be planned for. Such as your childrens education ... the death of a spouse ... adequate provision for your health care needs ... tax and estate duty - to mention but a few. With so much to think of, you certainly need the assistance of a financial expert to help you plan. The good news is that expert help is now available absolutely free and without any obligation with Liberty Lifes New Blueprint a unique software programme providing an objective analysis of your personal circumstances. New Blueprint will analysis your current situation and future financial needs and point out any shortfalls. The outcomes of the analysis using New Blueprint will ensure you peace of mind that your financial future and that of your family and loved ones is secure no matter what. Are you serious about financial planning for the future? Do you have friends / family who need assistance to achieve their financial goals? Do you know people with small children who want to give their children the gift of a good education? Do you know people who would like to save tax? Your life circumstances and your financial needs are forever changing. What may be adequate financial provision today, may be totally inadequate tomorrow. Let me review your financial portfolio in order to ensure that it is updated with regard to your changing needs and circumstances, as well as the eroding effects of inflation. My service to you will include but is not limited to: Estate Planning Risk planning in the event of your death , disability or serious Illness Retirement Planning Planning for your investment needs Healthcare needs (including top up cover) If you are a decision maker within your company we can assist with the following: Employee Benefit schemes (Health care scheme and retirement fund). Contingency plans, Buy and sell agreements and Key person assurance