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Nikita Sinha
Shivji Puram, Deokali
Karanpur, Katra road,
Pratapgarh (U.P., INDIA) - 230001
Email-id : nikitasinha27@gmail.com
Mobile No.: 9453871288
Examination University Institute Year CPI/%
Post Graduate Specialization: Computer Science and Engineering
Post Graduation NIT Karnataka, Surathka NIT Karnataka 2015 8.8
UnderGraduate Specialization: Computer Science and Engineering
UnderGraduate UPTU,Lucknow IERT 2012 75.92
Intermediate Specialization: Science
Intermediate UP Board Tilak Inter College 2007 73.4
High School Specialization: Science
High School UP Board Tilak Inter College 2007 75.66
Experience Section
 Application Developer, Oracle India Corporation LTD., Hyderabad, July, 2015-Present :
 Working as an Application developer, my primary role is to develop Oracle e-commerce suit.
 The main goal of this project is to customize the existing store and agent module as an e-Commerce
project by using custom catalogs, pricing lists, etc.
 Participated in the entire phase of development cycle from design, implementation and testing etc.
 Key Technologies used are: Java, RQL, Java Script, Node.js, AngularJS, apache tomcat.
M. Tech Thesis
 Algorithm : Find the seed set in a social network by which in鍖uence can be maximized at the end of
diffusion process.
 There are crores number of possibilities to select the seed set from a social network. To check each and
every solution takes more time and memory.
 So, greedy approaches like linear threshold model, cascade independent model, time constraint based
approaches do not give better results in proper time.
 In this thesis, a Cuckoo Search Diffusion Model ( CSDM ) is proposed which is based on a meta-
heuristic approach known as the Cuckoo Search Algorithm.
Paper Published
 Cuckoo Search for In鍖uence Maximization in Social Networks ( Proceedings of 3rd International Conference
on Advanced Computing, 2015)
 The approaches which are already existing are greedy approaches, genetic algorithm and ant colony
optimization, Even-though these existing algorithms take more time for diffusion, they are not able to
generate a good number of in鍖uenced nodes.
 In this paper, a Cuckoo Search Diffusion Model ( CSDM ) is proposed which is based on a meta-
heuristic approach known as the Cuckoo Search Algorithm.
 It uses fewer parameters than any other meta-heuristic approaches.
 Parameter tuning is an easy task for this algorithm which is the main advantage of the Cuckoo Search
 Languages: (C, Java, JavaScript, R, SQL,AngularJS, AJAX, JQuery)
 Tools: (Eclipse, LATEX, Matlab, Netbeans, git),
 Database: (MySQL),
 Web Technologies: (HTML, CSS)
 Area: Application development,Database Management Systems , Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Ma-
chine Learning.
 Solving Travelling Salesman (TSP) Problem Using Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) (Course Project)
 Conventional ACO algorithm cost takes too much time to convergence and traps in local optima in
order to 鍖nd an optimal solution for TSP problems.
 This Project proposes an improved ant colony optimization algorithm with two highlights.
 First, candidate set strategy is adopted to rapid convergence speed.
 Second, a dynamic updating rule for heuristic parameter based on entropy to improve the performance
in solving TSP
 The proposed algorithm in the project has better performance than the conventional ACO algorithm
and the results of the proposed algorithms are found to be satisfactory.
 Mailing Client Application (Course Project)
 Storing, retrieved mails and allowing the user to read mails.
 Retrieving mails from a POP3 server as common on the internet today.
 Composing new mails and a reply function
 Sending mails keeping a persistent state, i.e. mails should not be lost when the client is closed/restarted.
 Providing a visually appealing and easy-to-use graphical user interface.
 Hotel Management System (Course Project)
 The Purpose of this project is to ease the daily or regular activities of the Hotel Management into an
automatic computerized retrievable process
 The daily activities includes the Room activities, Entering details of the new customer check in,checkout
 To allocate a room as per the customer need and interest
 Recording the checkout time and details, Releasing or Empty of room and to record the process in a
computer system for future
 One week SQL training in oracle (2015)
 One week Java SE training in oracle (2015)
 Teaching Assistant in the course Data Structure and Algorithm.
 Teaching Assistant in the course C Language.
 Teaching Assistant in the course Operating System.
 An active member of various reputed on-line developer and professional communities like Hacker rank.
 Quali鍖ed Gate Exam with All India Rank-470.
 Quali鍖ed All India Talent Search Examination.
 Won 2nd prize in skit at Udbhav in 2010.
 Won 2nd prize in group dance at Udbhav in 2011.
 Won 鍖rst prize in Freak Zone at Technovation in 2009.
 Participated a 10km marathon held on October,2016.
 Oracle 5km run winner, 2016.
 Participated a 6km marathon Nirbhaya Run held on March,2014.

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  • 1. Nikita Sinha Shivji Puram, Deokali Karanpur, Katra road, Pratapgarh (U.P., INDIA) - 230001 Email-id : nikitasinha27@gmail.com Mobile No.: 9453871288 ACADEMIC DETAILS Examination University Institute Year CPI/% Post Graduate Specialization: Computer Science and Engineering Post Graduation NIT Karnataka, Surathka NIT Karnataka 2015 8.8 UnderGraduate Specialization: Computer Science and Engineering UnderGraduate UPTU,Lucknow IERT 2012 75.92 Intermediate Specialization: Science Intermediate UP Board Tilak Inter College 2007 73.4 High School Specialization: Science High School UP Board Tilak Inter College 2007 75.66 Experience Section Application Developer, Oracle India Corporation LTD., Hyderabad, July, 2015-Present : Working as an Application developer, my primary role is to develop Oracle e-commerce suit. The main goal of this project is to customize the existing store and agent module as an e-Commerce project by using custom catalogs, pricing lists, etc. Participated in the entire phase of development cycle from design, implementation and testing etc. Key Technologies used are: Java, RQL, Java Script, Node.js, AngularJS, apache tomcat. M. Tech Thesis Algorithm : Find the seed set in a social network by which in鍖uence can be maximized at the end of diffusion process. There are crores number of possibilities to select the seed set from a social network. To check each and every solution takes more time and memory. So, greedy approaches like linear threshold model, cascade independent model, time constraint based approaches do not give better results in proper time. In this thesis, a Cuckoo Search Diffusion Model ( CSDM ) is proposed which is based on a meta- heuristic approach known as the Cuckoo Search Algorithm. Paper Published Cuckoo Search for In鍖uence Maximization in Social Networks ( Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computing, 2015) The approaches which are already existing are greedy approaches, genetic algorithm and ant colony optimization, Even-though these existing algorithms take more time for diffusion, they are not able to generate a good number of in鍖uenced nodes. In this paper, a Cuckoo Search Diffusion Model ( CSDM ) is proposed which is based on a meta- heuristic approach known as the Cuckoo Search Algorithm. It uses fewer parameters than any other meta-heuristic approaches. Parameter tuning is an easy task for this algorithm which is the main advantage of the Cuckoo Search algorithm.
  • 2. TECHNICAL SKILLS Languages: (C, Java, JavaScript, R, SQL,AngularJS, AJAX, JQuery) Tools: (Eclipse, LATEX, Matlab, Netbeans, git), Database: (MySQL), Web Technologies: (HTML, CSS) INTERESTS Area: Application development,Database Management Systems , Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Ma- chine Learning. MAJOR PROJECTS AND SEMINAR Solving Travelling Salesman (TSP) Problem Using Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) (Course Project) Conventional ACO algorithm cost takes too much time to convergence and traps in local optima in order to 鍖nd an optimal solution for TSP problems. This Project proposes an improved ant colony optimization algorithm with two highlights. First, candidate set strategy is adopted to rapid convergence speed. Second, a dynamic updating rule for heuristic parameter based on entropy to improve the performance in solving TSP The proposed algorithm in the project has better performance than the conventional ACO algorithm and the results of the proposed algorithms are found to be satisfactory. Mailing Client Application (Course Project) Storing, retrieved mails and allowing the user to read mails. Retrieving mails from a POP3 server as common on the internet today. Composing new mails and a reply function Sending mails keeping a persistent state, i.e. mails should not be lost when the client is closed/restarted. Providing a visually appealing and easy-to-use graphical user interface. Hotel Management System (Course Project) The Purpose of this project is to ease the daily or regular activities of the Hotel Management into an automatic computerized retrievable process The daily activities includes the Room activities, Entering details of the new customer check in,checkout To allocate a room as per the customer need and interest Recording the checkout time and details, Releasing or Empty of room and to record the process in a computer system for future TRAINING One week SQL training in oracle (2015) One week Java SE training in oracle (2015) POSITION OF RESPONSIBILITY Teaching Assistant in the course Data Structure and Algorithm. Teaching Assistant in the course C Language. Teaching Assistant in the course Operating System.
  • 3. CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITY An active member of various reputed on-line developer and professional communities like Hacker rank. Quali鍖ed Gate Exam with All India Rank-470. Quali鍖ed All India Talent Search Examination. Won 2nd prize in skit at Udbhav in 2010. Won 2nd prize in group dance at Udbhav in 2011. Won 鍖rst prize in Freak Zone at Technovation in 2009. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITY Participated a 10km marathon held on October,2016. Oracle 5km run winner, 2016. Participated a 6km marathon Nirbhaya Run held on March,2014.