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We are committed to creating 10,000 Healthy Millionaires by the year 2010! Would YOU like to be one of them? Use MOUSE  to scroll through the slides and for links
Have you ever heard of a billion-dollar  Japanese company  that came to the United States and failed? Toyota     began operations in U.S. in  1957 Now the largest Japanese  automotive  manufacturer 2003 Revenue =  $132 Billion Sony     began operations in U.S. in  1960 Now the largest Japanese  electronics  manufacturer 2003 Revenue =  $61 Billion Do you know what the BIGGEST  industry in the U.S. is right now?
The Health Industry costs approx.  $2 Trillion  a year Medical care is  all based on  drugs  and  surgery According to the Nutrition Institute of America, Inc.s report, over  784,000  people die annually due to medical mistakes. Comparatively, the 2001 annual death rate for heart disease was 699,697 and the annual death rate for cancer was 553,251. Who wants to take drugs or have surgery knowing the leading cause of death in U.S. is medical care?
Right now there is a mega-trend movement toward  prevention If you were born between 1946-1964, you are a  BOOMER BABY! Starting in 2006, over 1 Billion Baby Boomers will turn  60  and this will continue till the year 2024 This generation made fortunes for  Gerber Baby Foods  (40s),  Mattel Toy Co.  (50s),  Fords Mustang  (60s),  Real Estate  (70s & 80s) and the  Stock Market  (90s) This same generation is now concerned with their  HEALTH   and does  NOT   want to be a customer of drugs and surgery!
Now, have you ever heard of a billion-dollar company from  Japan  that has entered the  health  industry? + The World Health Organization (WHO) ranks Japan  #1  in health and life expectancy.
NIKKEN a.k.a.  Nihon  Kenko  Zoushin Kenkyukai Japanese for   Japanese  Health  Research Institute NIKKEN   was founded in Japan in   1975 .   Today they are a   multi-billion   dollar, multi-national company that came to America in   1989 . They have moved their world headquarters from Fukuoka, Japan to Irvine, CA in   1999 . See Video
Company History A dramatic event occurred in the life of Mr. Isamu Masuda during 1972. With the birth of his first child, this peaceful man grew concerned about the health of his family. Working as a clerk in the public transportation industry, he had to stretch a meager income. All this prompted him to look for a solution. He found it in a public bathhouse that had pebbles on the floor to create a natural massage effect on the feet. An idea was born. In cooperation with Japanese scientists who had been studying magnetism, Mr. Masuda developed the prototype for a shoe insert, incorporating the pebble effect with magnets. And because of his interest in helping others grow financially, he chose a little-known distribution system called  network marketing . As a pioneer in the evolution of this new system and with  one unique   product ,  NIKKEN  came into being in Fukuoka, Japan, during March of 1975, starting with two small desks and one telephone. In its first four years of existence,  NIKKEN   became the  fastest-growing  network marketing company  in   Japanese history .
Listen to audios of what others have to say about    Network Marketing The richest people in the world look for and build  networks ; everyone else looks for work.    Rich Dad, Poor Dad The Perfect Business   (4:08) Robert Kiyosaki "The network marketing industry offers a ready made business system to anyone wanting to take control of his or her financial future. My Rich Dad taught me that one of the most powerful words in the world of business is 'network.' He said the richest people in the world look for and build networks; everyone else looks for work." Building Your Network  Marketing  Business   (15:32) Jim Rohn As one of America's foremost business philosophers and Network Marketing authorities, Jim Rohn tells you about the law of averages and the Bible principle of sowing and reaping. Jim is a gifted storyteller with dynamic delivery and thought-provoking substance.
Leverage How will  NIKKEN  create  10,000 Healthy Millionaires by 2010?  Answer: Leverage Only  1%  utilize leverage to earn income;  yet that 1% earns  96% of the income  in America 96% utilize a JOB to earn income; 3% utilize money Colleges teach us how to get a JOB and do the 40/40/40 plan: 40  hours x  40  years x  40 (1k) plan 40 hours x 52 weeks = 2,080 hours;  the average hours ONE person works in a year In  NIKKEN , you earn a percentage of the volume created by other people sponsored into the business six levels deep Leverage Example:  100 people working 10 hours a week = 52,000 hours worked in a year; 52,000 divided by 2,080 means you would have to work  25 YEARS  to earn the same amount done in  ONE YEAR  by 100 people working 10 hours a week
Auto / Home Program In addition to what you can earn through leverage,  NIKKEN  wants you to pick out the  car  and  home  of your choice so they can make the  payments for you ! How would you like your two BIGGEST expenses all taken care of so you can focus on sharing  NIKKEN  with others!
Huge Tax Advantages with Home Business & Wellness Home With the car and house payments taken care of by  NIKKEN , your new home business also has many tax advantages. However  What is aWellness Home?   this is the only home business that utilizes the  WHOLE HOUSE  through the Wellness Home concept as a place of business and not just the office. Please consult a tax professional concerning the tax advantages of a home business.
Company Today Over  $20 Billion  in Global Sales, $1.5 Billion Annually Now in  34 countries  with over 30 million satisfied customers Debt-free , cash reserves and $66 Million 215,000 sq. ft. World Headquarters in Irvine, CA capable of handling $5 Billion a year in volume. 5A1 Dun & Bradstreet rating , the worlds leading provider of financial information "Never have I seen in my 24 years as a Sr. Business Consultant for Dun & Bradstreet, a company build such a strong financial base in such a short period of time." - Darrell Petersen
Watch videos and visit websites about  Company Products Air Wellness Power5  CardioStrides  Fitness Shoes  Jade  GreenZymes Kenko  Dream Sleep System KenkoWave  Infrared Treatment System  Kenzen  Wellness Nutrition  Magnetic Biaxial Rotation Magsteps  PiMag  Water Products  ThalassoKea Hydroamine  Skin Therapy Air Far-Infrared Magnetics Nutrition Fitness Water View Product Catalog NOTE:  Must have  Acrobat Reader  installed to open catalog, articles and applications. Click  HERE  to install.
Vision 2010 & Company Future Develop   10,000 healthy millionaires   Establish one million Wellness Homes Create  $5 billion  in annual sales Expand to more than 100 countries and territories 100-year plan to become the largest wellness company Establish a global role in preserving the environment and fighting world hunger Contribute to the worldwide education of wellness and prevention, as we have successfully begun to do with world renowned partners such as the  University of California,   Irvine (UCI) Medical Center  in  the United States and the   Magnetic Health Science Foundation  in Tokyo, Japan
NIKKEN   has just begun a huge campaign with the announced objective to do to the health industry what Toyota did to cars 10,000   Healthy Millionaires  by  2010 Time is ticking
They did it! So can YOU! From light-bulb salesman; homemaker;  car salesman; business woman to   Millionaire  with  NIKKEN See Video See Video See Video See Video NIKKEN  also rewards your effort with a  $1M  bonus check !  See video
Zig Ziglar Honorary Chairman  & best-selling author "We should seek a merger with a company that would give us the size and reach we need for the message to reach the masses. We both knew who that company had to be.  Today I become part of the   NIKKEN   family   and I invite you to  join me . Do it. Get excited about it, and good things will happen to you."  Get Excited About Nikken    (1:17:03)
Decision Time The decision you make right now will affect the lives of millions    even a decision to do nothing.  NIKKEN  will create  10,000 Healthy Millionaires . The only question left is   Are you one of them?  WOW! I am excited!  Sign me up right now to get started on my journey to become one of the 10,000 Healthy Millionaires.   Business Application  No thank you, but I am interested in ordering some products.   Preferred Customer Application  To begin your "process of discovery  contact the person who directed you to this page. Click here to return to www. livinghealthyandwealthy .com

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  • 1. We are committed to creating 10,000 Healthy Millionaires by the year 2010! Would YOU like to be one of them? Use MOUSE to scroll through the slides and for links
  • 2. Have you ever heard of a billion-dollar Japanese company that came to the United States and failed? Toyota began operations in U.S. in 1957 Now the largest Japanese automotive manufacturer 2003 Revenue = $132 Billion Sony began operations in U.S. in 1960 Now the largest Japanese electronics manufacturer 2003 Revenue = $61 Billion Do you know what the BIGGEST industry in the U.S. is right now?
  • 3. The Health Industry costs approx. $2 Trillion a year Medical care is all based on drugs and surgery According to the Nutrition Institute of America, Inc.s report, over 784,000 people die annually due to medical mistakes. Comparatively, the 2001 annual death rate for heart disease was 699,697 and the annual death rate for cancer was 553,251. Who wants to take drugs or have surgery knowing the leading cause of death in U.S. is medical care?
  • 4. Right now there is a mega-trend movement toward prevention If you were born between 1946-1964, you are a BOOMER BABY! Starting in 2006, over 1 Billion Baby Boomers will turn 60 and this will continue till the year 2024 This generation made fortunes for Gerber Baby Foods (40s), Mattel Toy Co. (50s), Fords Mustang (60s), Real Estate (70s & 80s) and the Stock Market (90s) This same generation is now concerned with their HEALTH and does NOT want to be a customer of drugs and surgery!
  • 5. Now, have you ever heard of a billion-dollar company from Japan that has entered the health industry? + The World Health Organization (WHO) ranks Japan #1 in health and life expectancy.
  • 6. NIKKEN a.k.a. Nihon Kenko Zoushin Kenkyukai Japanese for Japanese Health Research Institute NIKKEN was founded in Japan in 1975 . Today they are a multi-billion dollar, multi-national company that came to America in 1989 . They have moved their world headquarters from Fukuoka, Japan to Irvine, CA in 1999 . See Video
  • 7. Company History A dramatic event occurred in the life of Mr. Isamu Masuda during 1972. With the birth of his first child, this peaceful man grew concerned about the health of his family. Working as a clerk in the public transportation industry, he had to stretch a meager income. All this prompted him to look for a solution. He found it in a public bathhouse that had pebbles on the floor to create a natural massage effect on the feet. An idea was born. In cooperation with Japanese scientists who had been studying magnetism, Mr. Masuda developed the prototype for a shoe insert, incorporating the pebble effect with magnets. And because of his interest in helping others grow financially, he chose a little-known distribution system called network marketing . As a pioneer in the evolution of this new system and with one unique product , NIKKEN came into being in Fukuoka, Japan, during March of 1975, starting with two small desks and one telephone. In its first four years of existence, NIKKEN became the fastest-growing network marketing company in Japanese history .
  • 8. Listen to audios of what others have to say about Network Marketing The richest people in the world look for and build networks ; everyone else looks for work. Rich Dad, Poor Dad The Perfect Business (4:08) Robert Kiyosaki "The network marketing industry offers a ready made business system to anyone wanting to take control of his or her financial future. My Rich Dad taught me that one of the most powerful words in the world of business is 'network.' He said the richest people in the world look for and build networks; everyone else looks for work." Building Your Network Marketing Business (15:32) Jim Rohn As one of America's foremost business philosophers and Network Marketing authorities, Jim Rohn tells you about the law of averages and the Bible principle of sowing and reaping. Jim is a gifted storyteller with dynamic delivery and thought-provoking substance.
  • 9. Leverage How will NIKKEN create 10,000 Healthy Millionaires by 2010? Answer: Leverage Only 1% utilize leverage to earn income; yet that 1% earns 96% of the income in America 96% utilize a JOB to earn income; 3% utilize money Colleges teach us how to get a JOB and do the 40/40/40 plan: 40 hours x 40 years x 40 (1k) plan 40 hours x 52 weeks = 2,080 hours; the average hours ONE person works in a year In NIKKEN , you earn a percentage of the volume created by other people sponsored into the business six levels deep Leverage Example: 100 people working 10 hours a week = 52,000 hours worked in a year; 52,000 divided by 2,080 means you would have to work 25 YEARS to earn the same amount done in ONE YEAR by 100 people working 10 hours a week
  • 10. Auto / Home Program In addition to what you can earn through leverage, NIKKEN wants you to pick out the car and home of your choice so they can make the payments for you ! How would you like your two BIGGEST expenses all taken care of so you can focus on sharing NIKKEN with others!
  • 11. Huge Tax Advantages with Home Business & Wellness Home With the car and house payments taken care of by NIKKEN , your new home business also has many tax advantages. However What is aWellness Home? this is the only home business that utilizes the WHOLE HOUSE through the Wellness Home concept as a place of business and not just the office. Please consult a tax professional concerning the tax advantages of a home business.
  • 12. Company Today Over $20 Billion in Global Sales, $1.5 Billion Annually Now in 34 countries with over 30 million satisfied customers Debt-free , cash reserves and $66 Million 215,000 sq. ft. World Headquarters in Irvine, CA capable of handling $5 Billion a year in volume. 5A1 Dun & Bradstreet rating , the worlds leading provider of financial information "Never have I seen in my 24 years as a Sr. Business Consultant for Dun & Bradstreet, a company build such a strong financial base in such a short period of time." - Darrell Petersen
  • 13. Watch videos and visit websites about Company Products Air Wellness Power5 CardioStrides Fitness Shoes Jade GreenZymes Kenko Dream Sleep System KenkoWave Infrared Treatment System Kenzen Wellness Nutrition Magnetic Biaxial Rotation Magsteps PiMag Water Products ThalassoKea Hydroamine Skin Therapy Air Far-Infrared Magnetics Nutrition Fitness Water View Product Catalog NOTE: Must have Acrobat Reader installed to open catalog, articles and applications. Click HERE to install.
  • 14. Vision 2010 & Company Future Develop 10,000 healthy millionaires Establish one million Wellness Homes Create $5 billion in annual sales Expand to more than 100 countries and territories 100-year plan to become the largest wellness company Establish a global role in preserving the environment and fighting world hunger Contribute to the worldwide education of wellness and prevention, as we have successfully begun to do with world renowned partners such as the University of California, Irvine (UCI) Medical Center in the United States and the Magnetic Health Science Foundation in Tokyo, Japan
  • 15. NIKKEN has just begun a huge campaign with the announced objective to do to the health industry what Toyota did to cars 10,000 Healthy Millionaires by 2010 Time is ticking
  • 16. They did it! So can YOU! From light-bulb salesman; homemaker; car salesman; business woman to Millionaire with NIKKEN See Video See Video See Video See Video NIKKEN also rewards your effort with a $1M bonus check ! See video
  • 17. Zig Ziglar Honorary Chairman & best-selling author "We should seek a merger with a company that would give us the size and reach we need for the message to reach the masses. We both knew who that company had to be. Today I become part of the NIKKEN family and I invite you to join me . Do it. Get excited about it, and good things will happen to you." Get Excited About Nikken (1:17:03)
  • 18. Decision Time The decision you make right now will affect the lives of millions even a decision to do nothing. NIKKEN will create 10,000 Healthy Millionaires . The only question left is Are you one of them? WOW! I am excited! Sign me up right now to get started on my journey to become one of the 10,000 Healthy Millionaires. Business Application No thank you, but I am interested in ordering some products. Preferred Customer Application To begin your "process of discovery contact the person who directed you to this page. Click here to return to www. livinghealthyandwealthy .com