This document discusses the benefits of businesses adopting electric vehicles early. It notes that Bristol has air quality and congestion issues despite being the European Green Capital. Businesses are helping to address this by pushing for long-term transport strategies, encouraging electric vehicle uptake through test drive events, and supporting initiatives like the Big Commuting Challenge. The benefits to businesses include good PR, reduced running costs for fuel, maintenance and taxes, and access to subsidies for charging infrastructure and vehicle costs.
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1. Electric Vehicles
Why should business be an early adopter?
Nina Skubala
Initiative Manager, Business West
Vice-Chair, Green Capital Partnership
Director ,Go Green Business
3. Business West Leading business support organisation in the South West
working with over 18,000 businesses
West of England Initiative Business leadership team who's remit is enabling
businesses to play a role in how the area is shaped and developed ensuring it
remains the best place to live
Go Green Run by Low Carbon South West and Business West its the main
business engagement program during Bristol 2015. Currently engaging 800+
Bristol Green Capital Partnership Civil leadership body seeking to create a low
carbon city with a high quality of life for all
6. But
Second most city congested city in UK in 2013
according to Tom Tom
Noise pollution along the M32, shows that the
noise can reach 75+ decibels in many areas
Air quality in 90 Bristol streets out of 123
measured by council had levels above the EU
limit in 2010
7. Why does this matter?
Traffic congestion costs UK economy 贈4.3bn a year
More than 贈426m is wasted on fuel alone a year
The cost in terms of lost time is 贈331 per commuter a year, or
Hold-ups to business or freight vehicles amounts to 贈1.1bn
annually being added to household costs
Noise and air pollution create stress and health problems and
make life very unpleasant for those affected
8. How is the business community
making a difference?
9. Pushing for a long term transport strategy
Produced a 2050 vision for the city: High in Hope
Pushing for integrated transport and planning across the 4
local authorities that make up the West of England
11. Encouraging take up of EV
Supported The Mall at Cribs to have a Sustainable Travel element to
their motor show
Run events through Go Green, Business West and Low Carbon South
West to encourage further take up over 100 delegates came to a
recent Go Green Breakfast and had the opportunity to test drive EV!
Support the #BigCommutingChallenge to help employers to engage
staff 3000 took part in 2014 Aim to reach 5000 by 2015
12. What are the benefits to your business?
Good PR
Reduced running costs (tax, fuel, parking,
Access to subsides (Enhanced Capital Allowance; free
charging points)
13. More information
Business West
West of England Initiative
Go Green Bristol
Low Carbon South West
Bristol 2015
Green Capital Partnership