Buddhika wijesundaraBuddhika WijesundaraBuddhika Wijesundara is seeking a position as an accountant. He has over 5 years of experience working as an accountant for the Renuka Hotels Group of Companies in Sri Lanka and 2 years of experience as an associate for KPMG Sri Lanka. He has a BSc in Business Administration and is pursuing his chartered accountant qualifications.
Fabries, nienke rotterdam south mentor projectnewsroom-euvzThe document discusses the Mentors of Rotterdam program run by Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences. The program aims to engage students as mentors for youth in Rotterdam South. It provides three speakers to discuss the program: 1) Nienke Fabries, program manager, will discuss the who, what, why, where, when and how of the program; 2) Annelou Molendijk and Adeel Khan, former student mentors, will share their experiences and reflections; 3) The program trains student mentors to coach pupils one-on-one in schools to improve outcomes for Rotterdam South youth. It aims to expand from 400 student mentors currently to 2000 mentors by
Las cuevas de altamira. ricardorobertoreyestebanLas cuevas de Altamira se encuentran en Santillana del Mar y contienen pinturas rupestres de animales como bisontes, caballos y ciervos realizadas con pigmentos negros y rojos. Los artistas prehistóricos pintaban en el techo y paredes de la cueva agachados para aprovechar mejor la luz, representando las especies que cazaban para su subsistencia.
Fundamentals of Teaching ChineseShaz LawrenceThe document discusses methods for teaching Chinese fundamentals. It mentions that the presenter has two websites, Creative Chinese and Gigglepotz, to share Chinese teaching methods with teachers worldwide. During the presentation, the presenter hopes attendees can discover new creative and fun ways to teach Chinese. The document then covers topics like classroom management, assessment for learning, and integrating culture into Chinese lessons.
Decision Making and Critical ThinkingUniversity of North TexasThis document discusses decision making and critical thinking. It provides definitions of decision making as identifying and choosing alternatives based on preferences and values. Decision making aims to reduce uncertainty about options to allow for reasonable choice. Factors that influence decision making are also outlined, including information, options, consequences, and time. The document then discusses individual decision making styles and how groups make decisions, manage conflict, and feel about outcomes. Critical thinking is presented as an important process for decision making. Readers are tasked with applying critical thinking using Bloom's Taxonomy to reflect on a video and how its concepts may influence their career decisions and generate questions.
Taller no 3 informaticapink_8221Este documento enfatiza la importancia de que los niños aprendan a usar el computador de manera apropiada como una herramienta para acceder a información útil, con la guía de sus profesores y padres, quienes deben enseñarles sobre sitios seguros y de interés para tareas escolares o temas que les llamen la atención, evitando así el riesgo de encontrar contenido inapropiado que pueda afectar su desarrollo.
Taller no 3 informaticapink_8221Este documento enfatiza la importancia de que los niños aprendan a usar el computador de manera apropiada como una herramienta para acceder a información útil, con la guía de sus profesores y padres, quienes deben enseñarles sobre sitios seguros y de interés para tareas escolares o temas que les llamen la atención, evitando así el riesgo de encontrar contenido inapropiado que pueda afectar su desarrollo.