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Jagjot Singh
(guidance by Jagmohan Sahni)
So many questions
 What is Nirbhau?
 Who is Nirbhau?
 How do I become Nirbhau?
 What to give up to become Nirbhau?
 What to do to become Nirbhau?
 What not to do to become Nirbhau?
 What are examples of Nirbhau behavior?
 How do I check if I am Nirbhau?
 What if I do it all  and still I am not Nirbhau?
 Is Nirbhau a process or a goal?
 So what if I am Nirbhau? WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS?
So many questions
 What is Nirbhau?
 Who is Nirbhau?
 How do I become Nirbhau?
 What to give up to become Nirbhau?
 What to do to become Nirbhau?
 What not to do to become Nirbhau?
 What are examples of Nirbhau behavior?
 How do I check if I am Nirbhau?
 What if I do it all  and still I am not Nirbhau?
 Is Nirbhau a process or a goal?
 So what if I am Nirbhau? WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS?
Bhay Vich.. Asa ki Vaar 
Mehla 1 Ang 464
 爬伍┣爰爬 爬爬 爰 爛
 Shalok, First Mehl:
 爬爰 爬朽┸爬朽┸ 爬爬逗┌爰 爬逗┨爰 爬伍└爬逗┥爬 爛
 In the Fear of God, the wind and breezes ever
 爬爰 爬朽┸爬朽┸ 爬逗┣爬朽┨ 爬迦 爬爬萎爬爬 爛
 In the Fear of God, thousands of rivers flow.
 爬爰 爬朽┸爬朽┸ 爬爬爬朽┸ 爬爬∇ 爬逗爬爬鉦┻爬 爛
 In the Fear of God, fire is forced to labor.
 爬爰 爬朽┸爬朽┸ 爬о┛爬む 爬爬爰 爬爬鉦┻爬 爛
 In the Fear of God, the earth is crushed under
its burden.
 爬爰 爬朽┸爬朽┸ 爬爰萎└爰 爬朽┸爬萎 爬朽┯爬 爬爬鉦┻爬 爛
 In the Fear of God, the clouds move across the
 爬爰 爬朽┸爬朽┸ 爬萎┥爬爬 爬о┛爬 爬爰爬爬萎 爛
 In the Fear of God, the Righteous Judge of
Dharma stands at His Door.
 爬爰 爬朽┸爬朽┸ 爬伍爬萎爰 爬爰 爬朽┸爬朽┸ 爬逗萎└爰 爛
 In the Fear of God, the sun shines, and in the
Fear of God, the moon reflects.
 爬爰爬 爬爬萎爰爰 爬逗┣爬 爬 爬爰萎┐爰 爛
 They travel millions of miles, endlessly.
 爬爰 爬朽┸爬朽┸ 爬朽┯爬 爬爰爬 爬伍爬 爬逗┥爬 爛
 In the Fear of God, the Siddhas exist, as do the
Buddhas, the demi-gods and Yogis.
 爬爰 爬朽┸爬朽┸ 爬爬÷┥爬爰 爬爬爬鉦┯ 爛
 In the Fear of God, the Akaashic ethers are
stretched across the sky.
 爬爰 爬朽┸爬朽┸ 爬爰爬 爬爬項┥爬爬 爬伍爬 爛
 In the Fear of God, the warriors and the most
powerful heroes exist.
 爬爰 爬朽┸爬朽┸ 爬爬逗┻爬 爬爬鉦┸爬朽┨ 爬爰爬 爛
 In the Fear of God, multitudes come and go.
 爬伍爬朽┣爬 爬爬 爬朽┣爬朽爬 爬朽┯爬朽┛ 爬迦爬爰 爛
 God has inscribed the Inscription of His Fear
upon the heads of all.
 爬逗┥爬逗 爬爬逗┛爬爬 爬爬逗┛爰 爬爬鉦┛爰 爬伍爰 爬踸爰 爛ムоゥ
 O Nanak, the Fearless Lord, the Formless Lord,
the True Lord, is One. ||1||
Dar Bavan Akhri  Ang 341
爬÷─爬 爬÷┛ 爬爬爬爰 爬÷┛爰 爬爬鉦 爛
DADDA: When the Fear of God wells up, other fears depart.
爬む┥ 爬÷┛ 爬爬朽┨ 爬÷┛爰 爬萎┻爬項 爬伍┏爬鉦 爛
Other fears are absorbed into that Fear.
爬爬 爬÷┛ 爬÷┛爰 爬 爬爬逗┬爬 爬÷┛爰 爬迦┥爬爰 爛
When one rejects the Fear of God, then other fears cling to
爬爬逗─爬 爬項爬 爬÷┛爰 爬爬 爬項爬 爬爬鉦爰 爛ムо爛
But if he becomes fearless, the fears of his heart run away.
Nirmal Bhau Har doojari lav .. Ang
爬項┻爬 爬爰爬爰爰 爬迦┥爬 爬伍┻爬む爰爬萎 爬爰爬萎爰 爬朽┏爬迦┥爬爬 爬爬朽┣ 爬萎┥爬 爬爰爬 爛
In the second round of the marriage ceremony, the Lord leads you to meet the True Guru, the
Primal Being.
爬爬逗┛爬爬 爬爰 爬爬逗 爬項爬 爬項爬爰 爬爰爬迦 爬爬逗┥爬爬 爬爬朽┣ 爬萎┥爬 爬爰爬 爛
With the Fear of God, the Fearless Lord in the mind, the filth of egotism is eradicated.
爬爬逗┛爬爬迦 爬爬 爬爬鉦爬 爬項┻爬 爬爰爬 爬爬鉦爬 爬項┻爬 爬逗爬爰 爬萎┥爬爰 爬項└爰爬萎 爛
In the Fear of God, the Immaculate Lord, sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, and behold the
Lord's Presence before you.
爬項┻爬 爬爬む┏ 爬萎┥爬爰 爬爬伍┥爬朽┛爬 爬伍爬爬爰 爬伍┛爬 爬萎┻爬項 爬爬萎┴爰爬萎 爛
The Lord, the Supreme Soul, is the Lord and Master of the Universe; He is pervading and
permeating everywhere, fully filling all spaces.
爬爰萎┐爬朽┛ 爬爬鉦┨爬朽┛ 爬項┻爬 爬爬萎┃爰 爬踸爰 爬朽┏爬朽┣ 爬項┻爬 爬爬 爬爰萎爬 爬爬鉦 爛
Deep within, and outside as well, there is only the One Lord God. Meeting together, the humble
servants of the Lord sing the songs of joy.
爬爬 爬逗┥爬逗 爬爰爬爰 爬迦┥爬 爬逗┣爬鉦 爬爬逗┨爬 爬伍━爬 爬逗爬鉦 爛ム爛
Servant Nanak proclaims that, in this, the second round of the marriage ceremony, the unstruck
sound current of the Shabad resounds. ||2||
Who is Nirbhau Gyani  Mehla 9..
Ang 1427
爬爰 爬爬鉦┨爰 爬爬 爬爰爬 爬逗┻爬 爬逗┻爬 爬爰 爬爬鉦┸爬 爬爬 爛
One who does not frighten anyone*, and who is not
afraid of anyone else 
爬爬項 爬逗┥爬逗 爬伍爬朽┸ 爬萎 爬爬逗┥ 爬爬爬爬逗 爬む┥爬朽┨ 爬爬爬鉦┻爬 爛ムо爛
says Nanak, listen, mind: call him spiritually wise.
Bhau leads to Love  Asa ki Vaar Ang
爬逗┥爬逗 爬朽爬逗爬 爬爬朽┸ 爬爬 爬朽┐爬逗爬項┥ 爬爬朽┸ 爬爬鉦 爛ム爛
O Nanak, those whose minds are filled with the
Fear of God, have the love of God in their
minds as well. ||2||
Biggest Worldly Fears are 
Ang 44  Mehla 5
爬逗┥爬逗 爬爬о┥ 爬爬萎 爬む┨爬鉦 爬朽爬ム 爬爬爬萎┐爰 爬
爬爬逗┏爰 爬爬萎┥ 爛ム爛ム爛ム爰爛
Nanak builds his house upon that
site where there is no death, no
birth, and no old age.
*gur parsad
Anand sahib  Mehla 3  Ang 921 
爬爰爬伍 爬爬爬爬 爬爬爬 爬爬爬 爬む爬伍 爬爬鉦┨爬朽┛ 爬爬鉦爬 爛
As is the fire within the womb, so is Maya outside.
爬爬鉦爬 爬爬爬爬 爬伍┃ 爬爬爰 爬爰爬逗 爬爬萎┐爰 爬爰爬迦 爬萎┸爬鉦爬 爛
The fire of Maya is one and the same; the Creator has staged this play.
爬爬 爬朽┐爬伍 爬爬鉦┌爬 爬む┥ 爬爰萎┻爬爬 爬爬萎┸爬鉦┻爬 爬爬迦┥ 爬爬鉦爬 爛
According to His Will, the child is born, and the family is very pleased.
爬朽┣爬 爬爰爰爬爰 爬迦爰 爬朽┐爬萎┯爬逗┥ 爬爬鉦爬 爬爬爬萎 爬逗┛爬む┥爬爬 爛
Love for the Lord wears off, and the child becomes attached to desires;
the script of Maya runs its course.
爬踸 爬爬鉦爬 爬朽爬む 爬項┻爬 爬朽┸爬伍┛爰 爬爰爬項 爬爬爬爰 爬爬鉦 爬爰爬爬 爬迦┥爬爬 爛
This is Maya, by which the Lord is forgotten; emotional attachment
and love of duality well up.
爬爬項 爬逗┥爬逗爰 爬爰爬 爬爬萎┯爬鉦└爰 爬朽爬逗┥ 爬朽┣爬 爬迦┥爬爰 爬朽┐爬逗 爬朽┸爬逗 爬爬鉦爬 爬爬鉦爬 爛ム爰爛
Says Nanak, by Guru's Grace, those who enshrine love for the Lord find
Him, in the midst of Maya. ||29||
What is Benefit .. Kabir 858 Ang
爬む┸ 爬爰爬 爬爬逗┥ 爬爬爬 爬爰爬萎┥ 爬爬 爬爬萎┏爰 爬 爬逗┥爬伍 爛
What is Your value, O Guru of the world, if You
will not erase the karma of my past actions?
爬朽┯爰萎 爬伍┛爬 爬爬 爬爬鉦爬 爬爬 爬爰萎━爰爬爰 爬爬萎┥爬伍 爛ムоゥ 爬萎┨爬鉦 爛
Why seek safety from a lion, if one is to be eaten
by a jackal? ||1||Pause||
Benefit is.. Bhagat RamanandAng
爬伍┻爬む爰爬 爬爰 爬爬朽┣爬項┥爬萎 爬む爬 爛
I am a sacrifice to You, O my True Guru.
爬朽爬朽┸ 爬伍爬 爬朽━爬爬 爬爬萎┏ 爬爬鉦爰 爬爰爬 爛
You have cut through all my confusion and doubt.
爬萎┥爬爬鉦┸爰 爬 爬伍爬爬爰 爬萎┏爬 爬爬萎┨爬 爛
Raamaanand's Lord and Master is the All-pervading Lord
爬爰爬 爬爬 爬伍━爬爰 爬爬鉦爰 爬爰爬爬 爬爬萎┏ 爛ム爛ムоゥ
The Word of the Guru's Shabad eradicates the karma of
millions of past actions. ||3||1||
Benefit.. Karam Kabir  Ang 1103
 爬爬項爬朽┛ 爬項┏ 爬爬鉦┨爰 爬爬逗┻爬項爰 爛
 Why should I come into the world again?
 爬爬逗┸ 爬爬鉦┸爬 爬逗爬爬爰 爬朽┐爬伍 爬爬 爬項爬爬爰 爬爰爬朽┸ 爬伍┏爬鉦┸爬朽┨爬爰 爛ムоゥ 爬萎┨爬鉦 爛
 Coming and going is by the Hukam of His Command; realizing His Hukam, I shall
merge in Him. ||1||Pause||
 爬爬 爬逗爬爰 爬爰萎┸ 爬о┥爬む 爬爰 爬萎┸爬逗┥ 爬爬伍 爬爬萎┏爰 爬逗爬爬鉦┸爬朽┨爬爰 爛
 When the body, formed of the five elements, perishes, then any such doubts shall
 爬爬萎┯爬逗 爬爰爬朽─ 爬爬 爬伍┏爬爬萎┯爰 爬踸爰 爬逗┥爬爰 爬爬逗爬朽┬爬逗爰 爛ム爛
 Giving up the different schools of philosophy, I look upon all equally; I meditate
only on the One Name. ||2||
 爬朽爬 爬項┏ 爬迦┥爬 爬朽┐爬 爬項 爬迦┥爬爰 爬む爬伍 爬爬萎┏ 爬爬爬鉦┻爬爬逗爰 爛
 Whatever I am attached to, to that I am attached; such are the deeds I do.
 爬項┻爬 爬爰 爬爬爬逗┴爬 爬爬萎 爬爬 爬爬爬逗 爬む 爬爰爬 爬爰 爬伍━爬爬 爬伍┏爬鉦┻爬爬逗爰 爛ム爛
 When the Dear Lord grants His Grace, then I am merged in the Word of the Guru's
Shabad. ||3||
Benefits continue raag asa Mehla 4 ..
So Purakh Ang 11
 爬項┻爬 爬爬逗爬朽┬爬 爬項┻爬 爬爬逗爬朽┬爬 爬む爬о 爬爰 爬伍 爬爬 爬爰爬 爬爬朽┨ 爬伍爬爬逗┥爬伍 爛
 Those who meditate on You, Lord, those who meditate on You-those humble
beings dwell in peace in this world.
 爬伍 爬爰爬爬む 爬伍 爬爰爬爬む 爬爬 爬朽爬 爬項┻爬 爬爬逗爬爬 爬爰 爬朽┐爬 爬む爬爰 爬爬 爬爰 爬逗┥爬伍 爛
 They are liberated, they are liberated-those who meditate on the Lord. For them,
the noose of death is cut away.
 爬爬爬 爬爬逗┛爬爬 爬爬爬 爬逗┬爬 爬爬逗┛爬爬 爬爬逗爬爬 爬爰 爬爬む┸ 爬爬 爬爬 爬伍┃爰 爬爬朽┥爬伍 爛
 Those who meditate on the Fearless One, on the Fearless Lord-all their fears are
 爬朽爬 爬伍爬朽┸爬 爬朽爬 爬伍爬朽┸爬 爬爰爬萎┥ 爬項┻爬 爬爰 爬む 爬項┻爬 爬項┻爬 爬萎爬朽┴ 爬伍┏爬鉦┯爰 爛
 Those who serve, those who serve my Dear Lord, are absorbed into the Being of
the Lord, Har, Har.
 爬伍 爬о萎┸爰 爬伍 爬о萎┸爰 爬朽爬 爬項┻爬 爬爬逗爬爬 爬爰 爬爬逗 爬逗┥爬逗爰 爬朽┐爬 爬爬朽┣ 爬爬鉦┯爰 爛ム爛
 Blessed are they, blessed are they, who meditate on their Dear Lord. Servant
Nanak is a sacrifice to them. ||3||
Ultimate Goal is .. Naam
JapoSukhmani Sahib (22)  Ang 293
 爬朽┐爬 爬む 爬爰爬朽┛ 爬爬項┥ 爬爰 爬爬鉦 爛
 Where can anyone go, to get
away from Him?
 爬爬爬萎 爬萎┥爬爬逗┨爬鉦┛爰 爬朽├爬爬 爛
 Meditating on the Protector
Lord, you shall be saved.
 爬爬逗┛爬爬 爬爬爰 爬伍爬 爬爬 爬爬爬爰 爛
 Meditating on the Fearless
Lord, all fear departs.
 爬爬萎┃ 爬朽爬萎┴爬 爬む 爬爬萎┥爬爰 爬爰爬爰 爛
 By God's Grace, mortals are
 爬朽爬伍 爬爬萎┃爰 爬萎┥爬爰 爬朽┐爬伍 爬逗┥爬項 爬爰爬 爛
 One who is protected by God
never suffers in pain.
 爬逗┥爬爰 爬爬爬 爬爬朽┸ 爬項爬逗┐ 爬伍爬 爛
 Chanting the Naam, the mind
becomes peaceful.
 爬朽┸爰萎┐爬 爬爬鉦 爬朽┏爬爰 爬爬逗 爬爬鉦┛爰 爛
 Anxiety departs, and ego is
 爬朽┐爬伍 爬爬 爬爬 爬爰爬 爬 爬爬項爬逗┸爬項┥爬萎
 No one can equal that humble
 爬朽┯爬 爬爬爬朽┛ 爬爬鉦│爬 爬爰爬萎 爬伍爬萎┥ 爛
 The Brave and Powerful Guru
stands over his head.
 爬逗┥爬逗 爬む┥ 爬爰 爬爬鉦┛爬 爬爰爬萎┥ 爛ム爛
 O Nanak, his efforts are
fulfilled. ||7||
Benefits of Naam Jap
 Mehla 4 .. Ang 539
 爬爰 爬項┻爬 爬逗┥爬爰 爬朽├爬爬爬爰 爬爰爬萎 爬朽爰萎└爰爰爰爬 爬朽┐爬逗┥ 爬爰 爬爰 爬逗┯爬爬朽┐ 爬爬 爬萎┥爬 爛
 Those who meditate on the Lord's Name, O my soul, overpower the
five passions.
 Mehla 3 .. Ang 646
 爬爰 爬項┻爬 爬逗┥爬爰 爬朽├爬爬逗┻爬 爬朽┐爬 爬÷┛爰 爬伍┻爬 爬爬朽┐爬 爛
 Those who meditate on the Lord's Name, cast out their fears.
 Mehla 4 .. Ang 985
 爬朽爬逗爬 爬項┻爬 爬逗┥爬爰 爬朽├爬爬爬 爬朽┐爬逗爬 爬逗爬爰 爬伍┛爬 爬爰 爬爬鉦┣爬 爛
 Those who meditate on the Name of the Lord - all their entanglements are
What does Nirbhau feel like?  Kabir ..
Ang 1162
 爬爰萎 爬爰爬伍┥爬爬朽┸ 爬爬朽┨爬 爬爰萎┃爰爬 爛
 The mother Ganges is deep and
 爬爰萎爰爬 爬爬鉦爬朽├ 爬爬朽┛ 爬爬萎 爬爬爰爬 爛ムоゥ
 Tied up in chains, they took
Kabeer there. ||1||
 爬爬逗 爬 爬朽─爬爰 爬む┸爰 爬爬鉦┸爰 爬爬 爬÷┛爬鉦
 My mind was not shaken; why
should my body be afraid?
 爬逗┛爬 爬爬爬 爬朽┸爬む 爬萎┻爬項 爬伍┏爬鉦 爛
爬萎┨爬鉦 爛
 My consciousness remained
immersed in the Lotus Feet of
the Lord. ||1||Pause||
 爬爰萎爬 爬爰 爬迦┨爬朽┛ 爬爰爬萎 爬爰爬爰 爬爰萎爰爬 爛
 The waves of the Ganges broke
the chains,
 爬朽┏爬萎爬爬鉦┣爬 爬爬 爬爰爬爰 爬爬爰爬 爛ム爛
 and Kabeer was seated on a
deer skin. ||2||
 爬爬朽┨ 爬爰萎━爰爬 爬爰爬 爬伍萎 爬 爬伍┥爬 爛
 Says Kabeer, I have no friend or
 爬爬 爬ム┣ 爬萎┥爬爬 爬項 爬萎爰爬逗┥爬
 On the water, and on the land,
the Lord is my Protector.
What does Nirbhau feel like?
 Mehla 5
 Ang 394
 爬爬伍┥ 爬爬萎 爰 爬爬項┣爬 爰 爛
 Aasaa, Seventh House, Fifth Mehl:
 爬項┻爬 爬爬 爬逗┥爬爰 爬朽┛爬爰 爬朽┸爬 爬朽├爬爬 爛
 Meditate continually on the Name of the Lord
within your heart.
 爬伍萎爰 爬伍┥爬ム 爬伍爬 爬む┛爬鉦爬 爛ムоゥ
 Thus you shall save all your companions and
associates. ||1||
 爬爰爬萎 爬爰爬萎 爬伍 爬爬 爬伍└爬 爬逗 爬逗┥爬迦 爛
 My Guru is always with me, near at hand.
 爬朽┯爬爬朽┛ 爬朽┯爬爬朽┛ 爬朽┐爬伍 爬伍└爬 爬伍┏爰爬項┥爬迦 爛ムоゥ 爬萎┨爬鉦 爛
 Meditating, meditating in remembrance on Him,
I cherish Him forever. ||1||Pause||
 爬む爬萎┥ 爬爰爬 爬爰爬爬 爬迦┥爬爰 爛
 Your actions seem so sweet to me.
 爬項┻爬 爬逗┥爬爰 爬爬爬鉦┛爬ム 爬逗┥爬逗爰 爬爬鉦爬爰 爛ム爛ム爰爛ム爰爛
 Nanak begs for the treasure of the Naam, the
Name of the Lord. ||2||42||93||
 Ang 671
 爬逗┥ 爬爰 爬爰爬萎┥ 爬爰爬伍┏爬逗 爬萎┻爬項 爬逗┥ 爬項┏ 爬朽爬 爬爰 爬爰爬萎┥爬 爛
 No one is my enemy, and I am no one's enemy.
 爬爬萎┨爬爰 爬爬伍┥爬萎 爬爬伍┥爬朽┛爬 爬爰爬む┻爬 爬伍┻爬む爰爬 爬む 爬伍爬逗 爬爬鉦
 God, who expanded His expanse, is within all; I
learned this from the True Guru. ||2||
 爬伍┃爰 爬爰 爬爰爬む 爬逗┏ 爬爬爬 爬爰爬逗┥ 爬項┏ 爬伍┃爬逗┥ 爬爰 爬伍┥爬爬 爛
 I am a friend to all; I am everyone's friend.
 爬爰爬朽┛ 爬爬萎┥爬爬 爬爬 爬爬 爬朽━爬萎┨爬 爬む┥ 爬爰爬迦 爬爰爬 爬爰爬萎 爬萎┥爬爬
 When the sense of separation was removed from
my mind, then I was united with the Lord, my
King. ||3||
Nanak in Sialkot  Gun gaavo.. 723 ang
 爬爰爬 爬爰 爬伍爬朽┨爬迦 爬爬鉦┸爰爬爬朽┨ 爬逗┥爬逗 爬萎┐爰 爬爬 爬爰爰萎爰 爬爬鉦 爬逗
爬迦┥爬迦 爛ムоゥ
 The wedding songs of murder are sung, O Nanak,
and blood is sprinkled instead of saffron, O Lalo.
 爬伍┥爬爬逗━ 爬爰 爬爰爬 爬逗┥爬逗爰 爬爬鉦┸爰 爬爬鉦┯ 爬爰爬萎 爬朽┸爬朽┸ 爬爬爰 爬爬伍爬迦┥
 Nanak sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord and
Master in the city of corpses, and voices this
So What do I do?... Mehla 5206
 爬爬項 爬爬朽━爬逗┥爬伍 爬萎┥爬爬 爛
 He is the Eternal King.
 爬爬逗┛爬爬 爬伍 爬爬 爬む爬爬鉦┛爰 爬爬伍┐爰 爬爬逗 爬÷┛爬逗 爬爬逗┥ 爬む 爬爬爬 爛ムоゥ 爬萎┨爬鉦 爛
 The Fearless Lord abides with you. So where does this fear come from? ||1||Pause||
 爬踸 爬爬項┻爬 爬む爰 爬項爬朽┨ 爬爬逗┥爬萎 爬踸 爬爬項┻爬 爬爬逗┏爬鉦┸爰 爛
 In one person, You are arrogant and proud, and in another, You are meek and humble.
 爬踸 爬爬項┻爬 爬む爰 爬爬爰 爬爬爰 爬踸 爬爬項┻爬 爬爬萎爬爬鉦┸爰 爛ムоゥ
 In one person, You are all by Yourself, and in another, You are poor. ||1||
 爬踸 爬爬項┻爬 爬む爰 爬爰萎┻爬÷┐爰 爬爬爬む┥ 爬踸 爬爬項┻爬 爬爬迦 爬項爬む┥ 爛
 In one person, you are a Pandit, a religious scholar and a preacher, and in another, You are just a fool.
 爬踸 爬爬項┻爬 爬む爰 爬伍┃爰 爬朽爬爰 爬爬萎┥爬項爰 爬踸 爬爬項┻爬 爬爬爰 爬 爬迦爬む┥ 爛ム爛
 In one person, You grab hold of everything, and in another, You accept nothing. ||2||
 爬爬鉦 爬爰 爬爰爬む┛爰 爬爬項┥ 爬爬萎 爬爬爰爬萎 爬朽爬迦┥爬逗┸爬項┥爬萎 爬爬鉦┸爰 爛
 What can the poor wooden puppet do? The Master Puppeteer knows everything.
 爬爰爬伍┥ 爬爰爬爰 爬爬萎┥爬逗 爬爬鉦爰爬爬萎 爬爬項 爬む爬伍 爬項 爬伍┥爬爰 爬爬逗 爛ム爛
 As the Puppeteer dresses the puppet, so is the role the puppet plays. ||3||
 爬爬朽┸爬 爬爰爬爬萎 爬爬項爬む 爬爬鉦┻爬 爬爬萎爬 爬爬朽┴ 爬項爬 爬萎爬逗┥爬萎┥ 爛
 The Lord has created the various chambers of assorted descriptions, and He Himself protects them.
 爬爰爬伍 爬爬項┻爬 爬萎┥爬爰 爬む爬伍 爬萎┨爬逗┥ 爬朽爬 爬爬項 爬爬萎 爬朽━爬逗┥爬萎┥ 爛ム爛
 As is that vessel in which the Lord places the soul, so does it dwell. What can this poor being do? ||4||
 爬朽爬朽┸ 爬朽爬爰 爬爰爬 爬伍爬 爬爬鉦┸爰 爬朽爬朽┸ 爬爬 爬伍┃ 爬朽━爬朽├ 爬伍┥爬爰 爛
 The One who created the thing, understands it; He has fashioned all of this.
 爬爬項 爬逗┥爬逗 爬爬爬萎萎┴爬 爬伍爬爬爰 爬爰爬爬朽┐ 爬爬爰爬逗 爬爬鉦爰 爛ム爛ム爛ムо爰爛
 Says Nanak, the Lord and Master is Infinite; He alone understands the value of His Creation. ||5||5||126||
You know what to do  ang 1376 -
 爬爬爰爬 爬爬逗 爬爬鉦┸爰 爬伍┃ 爬爬鉦┐ 爬爬鉦┸爬 爬項 爬爬爬爬逗 爬爬萎 爛
 Kabeer, the mortal knows everything, and
knowing, he still makes mistakes.
 爬爬鉦┨爰 爬爰 爬爰爬伍┣爬鉦┐ 爬項┥爬朽┘ 爬爰爬爰 爬爰爬 爬爬萎 爛ム爰о爛
 What good is a lamp in one's hand, if he falls
into the well? ||216||
Start with  I am nothing  547 ang
 爬む 爬伍┏爬萎┘爰 爬朽─爬 爬爰爬萎 爬爬爬 爬ム爬萎 爬萎┥爬 爛
 You are great and all-powerful; my understanding is so inadequate, O Lord.
 爬爬鉦┣爬朽┨ 爬爬朽爬萎┐爬爬逗┥ 爬爰爬萎┸ 爬朽└爬萎┯爬朽 爬む爬萎 爬萎┥爬 爛
 You cherish even the ungrateful ones; Your Glance of Grace is perfect, Lord.
 爬爬爬鉦┻爬 爬爰爬朽├ 爬爬爬鉦┛ 爬爬萎┐爰 爬爰爬朽┨ 爬逗爬逗 爬爬爰 爬 爬爬鉦┸爬 爛
 Your wisdom is unfathomable, O Infinite Creator. I am lowly, and I know nothing.
 爬萎┐爬逗 爬朽┐爬爬朽 爬伍萎爬萎┨爬 爬爬爬÷ 爬爬伍 爬逗爬爰 爬爬爬逗┥ 爛
 Forsaking the jewel, I have saved the shell; I am a lowly, ignorant beast.
 爬朽┐爬爬朽 爬逗┣爬む 爬爬項┥ 爬逗萎┸爬朽┣ 爬爰爬 爬爬朽┛ 爬爬朽┛ 爬爰爬萎 爛
 I have kept that which forsakes me, and is very fickle, continually committing sins,
again and again.
 爬逗┥爬逗 爬伍┛爬朽┸ 爬伍┏爬萎┘ 爬伍爬爬爰 爬爰爬 爬萎┥爬爬項 爬爰爬萎 爛ム爛
 Nanak seeks Your Sanctuary, Almighty Lord and Master; please, preserve my
honor. ||3||
 I am too small  Ang 612
 爬項┻爬 爬爬爬爰 爬む 爬項 爬朽┏爬朽┐ 爬爬朽┛ 爬逗┛爬逗 爬朽爬 爬爬鉦┸爬 爬項爬 爬爰爬伍 爬萎 爛
 The Lord is limitless, but I can only describe Him within my
limitations; what do I know, about what He is like?
 爬爬萎 爬爰爬逗┐爰 爬伍┻爬む爰爬 爬爬爰爬逗 爬爰 爬爰爬萎 爬爰爬項 爬爬爬爰爬伍 爬萎 爛ム爛
 I offer my prayer to my True Guru; I am so foolish - please, teach
me! ||3||
 爬爰 爬爰爬萎 爬爰 爬爰爬む 爬爬鉦┐ 爬項 爬爰爬朽 爬爬萎┥爬о 爬む┻爬萎 爬萎 爛
 I am just a fool, but millions of sinners just like me have been saved.
 爬爰爬萎 爬逗┥爬逗爰 爬朽爬 爬伍爬朽┌爬 爬爰爬朽爬 爬伍 爬朽┸爬朽┛ 爬爬萎┃爬鉦┻爬 爬 爬爬朽┛爬 爬萎 爛ム爛ム爛ムо爛
 Those who have heard, and seen Guru Nanak, do not descend into
the womb of reincarnation again. ||4||2||13||
Love him  he gave you everything ..
Sukhmani Sahib  Ang 266
爬爬伍爬爬爰 爛
爬萎┏爬爬 爬爰 爬爰爬 爬爰爬爬 爬爬萎┥爬逗 爛
Think of the Glory of the All-pervading
Lord, O mortal;
爬爬逗┸ 爬爰爬 爬む 爬爬逗┸ 爬朽└爬萎┯爬爬鉦┸爰 爛
what is your origin, and what is your
爬朽爬朽┸ 爬む爰 爬伍┥爬朽 爬伍┸爬鉦┻爬 爬伍爬爬鉦┻爬萎 爛
He who fashioned, adorned and
decorated you, -
爬爬萎┃ 爬爬爬朽┸ 爬爬朽┨ 爬朽爬逗┻爬 爬爬爬鉦┻爬萎 爛
in the fire of the womb, He preserved
爬爬鉦┛ 爬爬爬朽┯爬ム┥ 爬む爬爬爬 爬爬爬爬萎 爬爰爬 爛
In your infancy, He gave you milk to drink.
爬爬爬 爬爰爬爬 爬爰爬爬 爬伍爬 爬伍爬 爛
In the flower of your youth, He gave you
food, pleasure and understanding.
爬爬爬萎┬爬 爬爬爬 爬爬爬爬 爬伍┥爬 爬伍爬 爛
As you grow old, family and friends are
爬爰爬朽 爬爬朽┴爬爬 爬爰爬 爬爬 爬爰爬 爛
to feed you as you rest.
爬爬項 爬朽┸爬萎爰爬逗 爬爰爬逗 爬爬爰 爬 爬爰爬逗 爛
This worthless person has not
appreciated in the least, all the good
deeds done for him.
爬爬爬朽┯ 爬迦爬項 爬む 爬逗┥爬逗 爬伍爬逗 爛ムоゥ
If you bless him with forgiveness, O
Nanak, only then will he be saved.
TO DO  develop discerning intellect 
ang 641
 爬朽┴爬爬萎 爬爬 爬朽━爬朽├ 爬朽┏爬迦┌爰 爬 爬爬鉦 爬爰 爬爰爬 爬爬萎┏ 爬爬逗 爬爬 爛
 O Beloved, this is not the way to meet the Lord; I have performed
these rituals so many times.
 爬逗┥爬爬 爬爬爬萎 爬伍爬爬爰 爬爰 爬爰爬爬萎 爬爰爬爰 爬爰爬爬 爬爬爬爰爬爬 爛 爬萎┨爬鉦 爛
 I have collapsed, exhausted, at the Door of my Lord Master; I pray
that He may grant me a discerning intellect. ||Pause||
 爬爰爬朽┸ 爬爬爬 爬爬萎┴爬鉦┐爰 爬萎┻爬項 爬逗爬 爬朽┸爬朽┛爬 爬爬 爬爬鉦┨爰 爛
 One may remain silent and use his hands as begging bowls, and
wander naked in the forest.
 爬む 爬む爬萎┘ 爬伍┃ 爬о┛爬む 爬爬萎┻爬爬 爬爰爬朽━爬о┥ 爬爰爬爬爰 爬逗┥爬項 爛ム爛
 He may make pilgrimages to river banks and sacred shrines all over
the world, but his sense of duality will not leave him. ||2||
TO DO  as if Guru is with me always 
2 ang (jap)
 爬む爬萎┻爬 爬逗┥爬逗┥ 爬爰 爬朽┐爬伍 爬爬鉦┸爬 爬爬朽┌爰 爬爬鉦┌爰 爬爬 爬逗┥爬 爬爬萎 爛
 If I am pleasing to Him, then that is my pilgrimage and cleansing bath.
Without pleasing Him, what good are ritual cleansings?
 爬爰爬む 爬朽┯爬萎┻爬 爬爬爬鉦 爬逗爬爬 爬朽┸爬爰 爬爬萎┏爬 爬朽 爬朽┏爬迦 爬迦 爛
 I gaze upon all the created beings: without the karma of good actions,
what are they given to receive?
 爬爬朽┐ 爬朽┸爬朽┸ 爬萎┐爬 爬爬逗┥爬項┛ 爬爬鉦┻爬爬 爬爰 爬爬 爬爰爬 爬爰 爬朽┯爬 爬伍爬爰 爛
 Within the mind are gems, jewels and rubies, if you listen to the Guru's
Teachings, even once.
 爬爰爬萎┥ 爬爬 爬爰爬朽┨ 爬爰爬逗┥爬 爛
 The Guru has given me this one understanding:
 爬伍┃爬逗┥ 爬爰爬 爬爬 爬爬爰 爬爬鉦┐爬 爬伍 爬爰 爬朽┸爬伍┻爬 爬 爬爬鉦 爛ム爛
 there is only the One, the Giver of all souls. May I never forget Him! ||6||
To DoUdham.. Mehla 5 405 ang
 爬爬伍┥ 爬爬項┣爬 爰 爛
 Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:
 爬爬爬爰 爬爬萎 爬爬萎┥爬逗┨爰 爬爬鉦爰爬 爬爰爬爬 爬伍┥爬о 爬伍萎┻爬 爛
 I make the effort, as You cause me to do, my Lord and Master, to
behold You in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.
 爬項┻爬 爬項┻爬 爬逗┥爬爰 爬逗┛爬鉦┸爬項 爬萎萎爬朽┸ 爬爬爰 爬項 爬爬萎┃ 爬萎萎┻爬 爛ムоゥ
 I am imbued with the color of the Love of the Lord, Har, Har; God
Himself has colored me in His Love. ||1||
 爬爬 爬爬朽┨ 爬萎┥爬 爬逗┥爬爬 爬爬鉦┻爬 爛
 I chant the Lord's Name within my mind.
 爬爬朽┛ 爬朽爬萎┴爬 爬逗┯爬項 爬爰爬萎 爬朽┨爬萎└爰 爬項爬 爬伍┨爬鉦 爬爬朽┴ 爛ムоゥ 爬萎┨爬鉦 爛
 Bestow Your Mercy, and dwell within my heart; please, become my
Helper. ||1||Pause||
To do  effort UDHAM.. Mehla 5522
 爬伍┣爰爬爰 爬爬 爰 爛
 Shalok, Fifth Mehl:
 爬爬爬爰 爬爬萎爬朽└爬 爬爰爬 爬む爰 爬爬爬鉦┸爬朽└爬 爬伍爬 爬爰爰萎┸爰 爛
 Make the effort, and you shall live; practicing it,
you shall enjoy peace.
 爬爬逗爬爬爬爬 爬む爰 爬爬萎┃爰 爬朽┏爬迦 爬逗┥爬逗 爬爬む┛爰 爬朽┸爰萎┐ 爛ムоゥ
 Meditating, you shall meet God, O Nanak, and
your anxiety shall vanish. ||1||
Your one chance.. dharam kamao 
Ang 1159
爬爰爬 爬伍爬逗┥ 爬む 爬爬爬朽┐ 爬爬爬鉦 爛
Serving the Guru, devotional worship is practiced.
爬む━ 爬爬 爬爬鉦┸爬 爬爰爬項 爬爬鉦 爛
Then, this human body is obtained.
爬爬 爬爰爬項 爬爬 爬朽┯爬爬萎┻爬 爬爰爬 爛
Even the gods long for this human body.
爬伍 爬爰爬項 爬爬爰 爬項┻爬 爬爰 爬伍爬 爛ムоゥ
So vibrate that human body, and think of serving the Lord. ||1||
爬爬爬逗 爬 爬爬爰 爬 爬爰爬爬 爬爬 爬爬鉦┸爰 爛
Vibrate, and meditate on the Lord of the Universe, and never forget Him.
爬爬鉦┸爬 爬爬逗┏ 爬爬 爬踸逗 爬迦┥爬逗 爛ムоゥ 爬萎┨爬鉦 爛
This is the blessed opportunity of this human incarnation. ||1||Pause||
爬爬 爬迦爰 爬爬萎┥ 爬萎爬爰 爬逗┨爰 爬爬爬 爛
As long as the disease of old age has not come to the body,
爬爬 爬迦爰 爬爬鉦┻爬 爬爬萎┯爰 爬逗┨爰 爬爬鉦爬 爛
and as long as death has not come and seized the body,
爬爬 爬迦爰 爬朽━爬爬 爬爬 爬逗┨爰 爬爬鉦┸爰 爛
and as long as your voice has not lost its power,
爬爬朽 爬迦爬朽┨ 爬萎 爬爬 爬伍┥爬朽┛爬爬爬鉦┸爰 爛ム爛
O mortal being, vibrate and meditate on the Lord of the World. ||2||
He has given you everything7 ang
 爬萎┥爬む 爬萎爬む 爬朽┘爬む 爬逗┥爬 爛
 Nights, days, weeks and seasons;
 爬爬逗┌ 爬爬鉦┌爰 爬爬爬逗 爬爬鉦┐爬鉦┣ 爛
 wind, water, fire and the nether regions
 爬朽┐爬伍 爬朽┸爬朽┸ 爬о┛爬む 爬ム┥爬朽┴ 爬萎爰 爬о┛爬 爬伍┥爬 爛
 in the midst of these, He established
the earth as a home for Dharma.
 爬朽┐爬伍 爬朽┸爬朽┸ 爬爰爬 爬爰爬爬朽┐ 爬爰 爬萎萎 爛
 Upon it, He placed the various species
of beings.
 爬朽┐爬 爬爰 爬逗┥爬 爬爬逗 爬 爬爬逗 爬 爛
 Their names are uncounted and
 爬爬萎┏爰 爬爬萎┏爰 爬項爬 爬逗爬逗┥爬萎 爛
 By their deeds and their actions, they
shall be judged.
 爬伍┸爬 爬爬朽┴ 爬伍┸爬 爬爬萎━爬鉦┛爰 爛
 God Himself is True, and True is His
 爬朽┐爬ム 爬伍爬項┻爬 爬爰萎┸ 爬爬萎┸爬鉦┌爰 爛
 There, in perfect grace and ease, sit the
self-elect, the self-realized Saints.
 爬逗└爬萎 爬爬萎┻爬 爬爬逗 爬逗爬伍┥爬爰 爛
 They receive the Mark of Grace from
the Merciful Lord.
 爬爬 爬爬爬鉦 爬爬ム 爬爬鉦 爛
 The ripe and the unripe, the good and
the bad, shall there be judged
 爬逗┥爬逗 爬爬爬 爬爬鉦┴爰 爬爬鉦 爛ム爰爛
 O Nanak, when you go home, you will
see this. ||34||
True fruit  Phal  ang 274
 爬爰爬伍┸爰 爬伍 爬朽爬伍 爬爬爬朽┛ 爬伍爬爬萎┯爰萎┸ 爛
 The true Vaishnaav, the devotee
of Vishnu, is the one with whom
God is thoroughly pleased.
 爬朽━爬伍┸ 爬爰 爬爬鉦爬 爬む 爬項爬 爬朽┃爰萎┸ 爛
 He dwells apart from Maya.
 爬爬萎┏ 爬爬萎┐ 爬項爬逗 爬朽┸爬項爬萎┏ 爛
 Performing good deeds, he does
not seek rewards.
 爬朽┐爬伍 爬爰爬伍┸爰 爬爬 爬朽┸爬萎┏爬 爬о┛爬 爛
 Spotlessly pure is the religion of
such a Vaishnaav;
 爬爬鉦┨爰 爬逗┣ 爬爰 爬爬爬 爬逗┨爰 爬爬鉦爰 爛
 he has no desire for the fruits of
his labors.
 爬爰爬逗┣ 爬爬爬朽┐ 爬爰爬萎┐爬 爬伍萎┻爬 爬萎┥爬逗 爛
 He is absorbed in devotional
worship and the singing of Kirtan,
the songs of the Lord's Glory.
 爬爬 爬む┸ 爬爰萎┐爬朽┛ 爬朽┯爬爬萎┸ 爬爰爬爬鉦┣ 爛
 Within his mind and body, he
meditates in remembrance on the
Lord of the Universe.
 爬伍┃ 爬爬爬朽┛ 爬項爬逗┐ 爬朽爬萎┴爬鉦┣ 爛
 He is kind to all creatures.
 爬爬朽┴ 爬朽└爬萎爰 爬爬逗┛爬 爬逗┥爬爰 爬爬爬鉦┸爰 爛
 He holds fast to the Naam, and
inspires others to chant it.
 爬逗┥爬逗 爬爬逗 爬爰爬伍┸爰 爬爬萎┏ 爬爬爬 爬爬鉦┻爰
 O Nanak, such a Vaishnaav obtains
the supreme status. ||2||
Get to the stage of  ang 534
 爬萎┥爬爰 爬 爬逗┥爬項 爬爰爬爬朽┐ 爬 爬逗┥爬項 爬爬朽┸ 爬爬萎爬朽┐ 爬逗┛爬
爬爬爬迦┥爬萎 爛
 I do not seek power, and I do not seek
liberation. My mind is in love with Your Lotus
.. And then there is Nadar.. Mehla 5
Ang 1139
 爬爰爬萎 爬爬項┣爬 爰 爛
 Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:
 爬爬爬伍 爬む 爬萎┥爬爬爬 爬爬む┯爰 爬爬爬逗 爬爬鉦┛爰 爛
 Who can kill that person whom You protect, O Lord?
 爬伍┃ 爬む爬 爬項 爬爰萎┐爬朽┛ 爬伍爬 爬伍萎┯爬鉦┛爰 爛
 All beings, and the entire universe, is within You.
 爬爰爬朽 爬爬爬鉦┸ 爬朽┸爬む┸爬 爬項 爬爬萎┥爬爰 爛
 The mortal thinks up millions of plans,
 爬伍 爬項爬逗 爬朽 爬爬萎 爬逗爬 爬朽┸爬÷┥爬爰 爛ムоゥ
 but that alone happens, which the Lord of wondrous plays does.
 爬萎┥爬爬逗 爬萎┥爬爬逗 爬爬爬萎┴爬 爬逗┥爬爬 爛
 Save me, save me, O Lord; shower me with Your Mercy.
 爬む爬萎 爬伍┛爬爬 爬む爬萎 爬爬萎┻爬鉦┬爬 爛ムоゥ 爬萎┨爬鉦 爛
 I seek Your Sanctuary, and Your Court. ||1||Pause||
 爬朽爬朽┸ 爬伍爬朽┸爬 爬爬逗┛爬爬 爬伍爬爬爬鉦┐爬 爛
 Whoever serves the Fearless Lord, the Giver of Peace,
 爬朽┐爬朽┸ 爬爬 爬爰爬朽┛ 爬爰爬 爬踸爰 爬爬萎┥爬む┥ 爛
 is rid of all his fears; he knows the One Lord.
 爬爰 爬む 爬爬萎┻爬 爬伍爬 爬逗爬朽┸ 爬項爬 爛
 Whatever You do, that alone comes to pass in the end.
 爬爬鉦┛爰 爬 爬萎┥爬爰 爬爰爬爬 爬爰爬 爛ム爛
 There is no other who can kill or protect us. ||2||
 爬朽爬 爬む 爬伍爬逗┻爬 爬爬鉦┌爬 爬爬鉦┻爬 爛
 What do you think, with your human understanding?
 爬爰萎┐爬萎爬鉦┏爰 爬爰爬萎爰 爬伍爬爬鉦┌爰 爛
 The All-knowing Lord is the Searcher of Hearts.
 爬踸 爬爰爬 爬踸爰 爬爬о┥爬萎 爛
 The One and only Lord is my Support and Protection.
 爬伍┃ 爬朽爬爰 爬爬鉦┌爰 爬朽┯爬萎爬爬項┥爬萎 爛ム爛
 The Creator Lord knows everything. ||3||
 爬爬爬伍 爬爬爬爬 爬逗└爬爬 爬爬萎 爬爬萎┐爬鉦┛爰 爛
 That person who is blessed by the Creator's Glance of Grace-
 爬朽┐爬伍 爬爬 爬爰 爬伍┻爬 爬爬鉦 爬伍┸爬鉦┻爬 爛
 all his affairs are resolved.
 爬朽┐爬 爬爬 爬萎┥爬爬 爬踸爰 爬伍爬 爛
 The One Lord is his Protector.
 爬爬 爬逗┥爬逗 爬爬爬朽 爬 爬伍┥爬爰 爬爰爬 爛ム爛ム爛ムо爛
 O servant Nanak, no one can equal him. ||4||4||17||

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  • 4. 爬爰 Vs 爬÷┛ Vs 爬爬
  • 5. Bhay Vich.. Asa ki Vaar Mehla 1 Ang 464 爬伍┣爰爬 爬爬 爰 爛 Shalok, First Mehl: 爬爰 爬朽┸爬朽┸ 爬爬逗┌爰 爬逗┨爰 爬伍└爬逗┥爬 爛 In the Fear of God, the wind and breezes ever blow. 爬爰 爬朽┸爬朽┸ 爬逗┣爬朽┨ 爬迦 爬爬萎爬爬 爛 In the Fear of God, thousands of rivers flow. 爬爰 爬朽┸爬朽┸ 爬爬爬朽┸ 爬爬∇ 爬逗爬爬鉦┻爬 爛 In the Fear of God, fire is forced to labor. 爬爰 爬朽┸爬朽┸ 爬о┛爬む 爬爬爰 爬爬鉦┻爬 爛 In the Fear of God, the earth is crushed under its burden. 爬爰 爬朽┸爬朽┸ 爬爰萎└爰 爬朽┸爬萎 爬朽┯爬 爬爬鉦┻爬 爛 In the Fear of God, the clouds move across the sky. 爬爰 爬朽┸爬朽┸ 爬萎┥爬爬 爬о┛爬 爬爰爬爬萎 爛 In the Fear of God, the Righteous Judge of Dharma stands at His Door. 爬爰 爬朽┸爬朽┸ 爬伍爬萎爰 爬爰 爬朽┸爬朽┸ 爬逗萎└爰 爛 In the Fear of God, the sun shines, and in the Fear of God, the moon reflects. 爬爰爬 爬爬萎爰爰 爬逗┣爬 爬 爬爰萎┐爰 爛 They travel millions of miles, endlessly. 爬爰 爬朽┸爬朽┸ 爬朽┯爬 爬爰爬 爬伍爬 爬逗┥爬 爛 In the Fear of God, the Siddhas exist, as do the Buddhas, the demi-gods and Yogis. 爬爰 爬朽┸爬朽┸ 爬爬÷┥爬爰 爬爬爬鉦┯ 爛 In the Fear of God, the Akaashic ethers are stretched across the sky. 爬爰 爬朽┸爬朽┸ 爬爰爬 爬爬項┥爬爬 爬伍爬 爛 In the Fear of God, the warriors and the most powerful heroes exist. 爬爰 爬朽┸爬朽┸ 爬爬逗┻爬 爬爬鉦┸爬朽┨ 爬爰爬 爛 In the Fear of God, multitudes come and go. 爬伍爬朽┣爬 爬爬 爬朽┣爬朽爬 爬朽┯爬朽┛ 爬迦爬爰 爛 God has inscribed the Inscription of His Fear upon the heads of all. 爬逗┥爬逗 爬爬逗┛爬爬 爬爬逗┛爰 爬爬鉦┛爰 爬伍爰 爬踸爰 爛ムоゥ O Nanak, the Fearless Lord, the Formless Lord, the True Lord, is One. ||1||
  • 6. Dar Bavan Akhri Ang 341 爬÷─爬 爬÷┛ 爬爬爬爰 爬÷┛爰 爬爬鉦 爛 DADDA: When the Fear of God wells up, other fears depart. 爬む┥ 爬÷┛ 爬爬朽┨ 爬÷┛爰 爬萎┻爬項 爬伍┏爬鉦 爛 Other fears are absorbed into that Fear. 爬爬 爬÷┛ 爬÷┛爰 爬 爬爬逗┬爬 爬÷┛爰 爬迦┥爬爰 爛 When one rejects the Fear of God, then other fears cling to him. 爬爬逗─爬 爬項爬 爬÷┛爰 爬爬 爬項爬 爬爬鉦爰 爛ムо爛 But if he becomes fearless, the fears of his heart run away. ||19||
  • 7. Nirmal Bhau Har doojari lav .. Ang 774 爬項┻爬 爬爰爬爰爰 爬迦┥爬 爬伍┻爬む爰爬萎 爬爰爬萎爰 爬朽┏爬迦┥爬爬 爬爬朽┣ 爬萎┥爬 爬爰爬 爛 In the second round of the marriage ceremony, the Lord leads you to meet the True Guru, the Primal Being. 爬爬逗┛爬爬 爬爰 爬爬逗 爬項爬 爬項爬爰 爬爰爬迦 爬爬逗┥爬爬 爬爬朽┣ 爬萎┥爬 爬爰爬 爛 With the Fear of God, the Fearless Lord in the mind, the filth of egotism is eradicated. 爬爬逗┛爬爬迦 爬爬 爬爬鉦爬 爬項┻爬 爬爰爬 爬爬鉦爬 爬項┻爬 爬逗爬爰 爬萎┥爬爰 爬項└爰爬萎 爛 In the Fear of God, the Immaculate Lord, sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, and behold the Lord's Presence before you. 爬項┻爬 爬爬む┏ 爬萎┥爬爰 爬爬伍┥爬朽┛爬 爬伍爬爬爰 爬伍┛爬 爬萎┻爬項 爬爬萎┴爰爬萎 爛 The Lord, the Supreme Soul, is the Lord and Master of the Universe; He is pervading and permeating everywhere, fully filling all spaces. 爬爰萎┐爬朽┛ 爬爬鉦┨爬朽┛ 爬項┻爬 爬爬萎┃爰 爬踸爰 爬朽┏爬朽┣ 爬項┻爬 爬爬 爬爰萎爬 爬爬鉦 爛 Deep within, and outside as well, there is only the One Lord God. Meeting together, the humble servants of the Lord sing the songs of joy. 爬爬 爬逗┥爬逗 爬爰爬爰 爬迦┥爬 爬逗┣爬鉦 爬爬逗┨爬 爬伍━爬 爬逗爬鉦 爛ム爛 Servant Nanak proclaims that, in this, the second round of the marriage ceremony, the unstruck sound current of the Shabad resounds. ||2||
  • 8. Who is Nirbhau Gyani Mehla 9.. Ang 1427 爬爰 爬爬鉦┨爰 爬爬 爬爰爬 爬逗┻爬 爬逗┻爬 爬爰 爬爬鉦┸爬 爬爬 爛 One who does not frighten anyone*, and who is not afraid of anyone else 爬爬項 爬逗┥爬逗 爬伍爬朽┸ 爬萎 爬爬逗┥ 爬爬爬爬逗 爬む┥爬朽┨ 爬爬爬鉦┻爬 爛ムо爛 says Nanak, listen, mind: call him spiritually wise. ||16|| *nirvair
  • 9. Bhau leads to Love Asa ki Vaar Ang 465 爬逗┥爬逗 爬朽爬逗爬 爬爬朽┸ 爬爬 爬朽┐爬逗爬項┥ 爬爬朽┸ 爬爬鉦 爛ム爛 O Nanak, those whose minds are filled with the Fear of God, have the love of God in their minds as well. ||2||
  • 10. Biggest Worldly Fears are Ang 44 Mehla 5 爬逗┥爬逗 爬爬о┥ 爬爬萎 爬む┨爬鉦 爬朽爬ム 爬爬爬萎┐爰 爬 爬爬逗┏爰 爬爬萎┥ 爛ム爛ム爛ム爰爛 Nanak builds his house upon that site where there is no death, no birth, and no old age. ||4||6||76|| *gur parsad Anand sahib Mehla 3 Ang 921 爬爰爬伍 爬爬爬爬 爬爬爬 爬爬爬 爬む爬伍 爬爬鉦┨爬朽┛ 爬爬鉦爬 爛 As is the fire within the womb, so is Maya outside. 爬爬鉦爬 爬爬爬爬 爬伍┃ 爬爬爰 爬爰爬逗 爬爬萎┐爰 爬爰爬迦 爬萎┸爬鉦爬 爛 The fire of Maya is one and the same; the Creator has staged this play. 爬爬 爬朽┐爬伍 爬爬鉦┌爬 爬む┥ 爬爰萎┻爬爬 爬爬萎┸爬鉦┻爬 爬爬迦┥ 爬爬鉦爬 爛 According to His Will, the child is born, and the family is very pleased. 爬朽┣爬 爬爰爰爬爰 爬迦爰 爬朽┐爬萎┯爬逗┥ 爬爬鉦爬 爬爬爬萎 爬逗┛爬む┥爬爬 爛 Love for the Lord wears off, and the child becomes attached to desires; the script of Maya runs its course. 爬踸 爬爬鉦爬 爬朽爬む 爬項┻爬 爬朽┸爬伍┛爰 爬爰爬項 爬爬爬爰 爬爬鉦 爬爰爬爬 爬迦┥爬爬 爛 This is Maya, by which the Lord is forgotten; emotional attachment and love of duality well up. 爬爬項 爬逗┥爬逗爰 爬爰爬 爬爬萎┯爬鉦└爰 爬朽爬逗┥ 爬朽┣爬 爬迦┥爬爰 爬朽┐爬逗 爬朽┸爬逗 爬爬鉦爬 爬爬鉦爬 爛ム爰爛 Says Nanak, by Guru's Grace, those who enshrine love for the Lord find Him, in the midst of Maya. ||29||
  • 11. What is Benefit .. Kabir 858 Ang 爬む┸ 爬爰爬 爬爬逗┥ 爬爬爬 爬爰爬萎┥ 爬爬 爬爬萎┏爰 爬 爬逗┥爬伍 爛 What is Your value, O Guru of the world, if You will not erase the karma of my past actions? 爬朽┯爰萎 爬伍┛爬 爬爬 爬爬鉦爬 爬爬 爬爰萎━爰爬爰 爬爬萎┥爬伍 爛ムоゥ 爬萎┨爬鉦 爛 Why seek safety from a lion, if one is to be eaten by a jackal? ||1||Pause||
  • 12. Benefit is.. Bhagat RamanandAng 1195 爬伍┻爬む爰爬 爬爰 爬爬朽┣爬項┥爬萎 爬む爬 爛 I am a sacrifice to You, O my True Guru. 爬朽爬朽┸ 爬伍爬 爬朽━爬爬 爬爬萎┏ 爬爬鉦爰 爬爰爬 爛 You have cut through all my confusion and doubt. 爬萎┥爬爬鉦┸爰 爬 爬伍爬爬爰 爬萎┏爬 爬爬萎┨爬 爛 Raamaanand's Lord and Master is the All-pervading Lord God. 爬爰爬 爬爬 爬伍━爬爰 爬爬鉦爰 爬爰爬爬 爬爬萎┏ 爛ム爛ムоゥ The Word of the Guru's Shabad eradicates the karma of millions of past actions. ||3||1||
  • 13. Benefit.. Karam Kabir Ang 1103 爬爬項爬朽┛ 爬項┏ 爬爬鉦┨爰 爬爬逗┻爬項爰 爛 Why should I come into the world again? 爬爬逗┸ 爬爬鉦┸爬 爬逗爬爬爰 爬朽┐爬伍 爬爬 爬項爬爬爰 爬爰爬朽┸ 爬伍┏爬鉦┸爬朽┨爬爰 爛ムоゥ 爬萎┨爬鉦 爛 Coming and going is by the Hukam of His Command; realizing His Hukam, I shall merge in Him. ||1||Pause|| 爬爬 爬逗爬爰 爬爰萎┸ 爬о┥爬む 爬爰 爬萎┸爬逗┥ 爬爬伍 爬爬萎┏爰 爬逗爬爬鉦┸爬朽┨爬爰 爛 When the body, formed of the five elements, perishes, then any such doubts shall end. 爬爬萎┯爬逗 爬爰爬朽─ 爬爬 爬伍┏爬爬萎┯爰 爬踸爰 爬逗┥爬爰 爬爬逗爬朽┬爬逗爰 爛ム爛 Giving up the different schools of philosophy, I look upon all equally; I meditate only on the One Name. ||2|| 爬朽爬 爬項┏ 爬迦┥爬 爬朽┐爬 爬項 爬迦┥爬爰 爬む爬伍 爬爬萎┏ 爬爬爬鉦┻爬爬逗爰 爛 Whatever I am attached to, to that I am attached; such are the deeds I do. 爬項┻爬 爬爰 爬爬爬逗┴爬 爬爬萎 爬爬 爬爬爬逗 爬む 爬爰爬 爬爰 爬伍━爬爬 爬伍┏爬鉦┻爬爬逗爰 爛ム爛 When the Dear Lord grants His Grace, then I am merged in the Word of the Guru's Shabad. ||3||
  • 14. Benefits continue raag asa Mehla 4 .. So Purakh Ang 11 爬項┻爬 爬爬逗爬朽┬爬 爬項┻爬 爬爬逗爬朽┬爬 爬む爬о 爬爰 爬伍 爬爬 爬爰爬 爬爬朽┨ 爬伍爬爬逗┥爬伍 爛 Those who meditate on You, Lord, those who meditate on You-those humble beings dwell in peace in this world. 爬伍 爬爰爬爬む 爬伍 爬爰爬爬む 爬爬 爬朽爬 爬項┻爬 爬爬逗爬爬 爬爰 爬朽┐爬 爬む爬爰 爬爬 爬爰 爬逗┥爬伍 爛 They are liberated, they are liberated-those who meditate on the Lord. For them, the noose of death is cut away. 爬爬爬 爬爬逗┛爬爬 爬爬爬 爬逗┬爬 爬爬逗┛爬爬 爬爬逗爬爬 爬爰 爬爬む┸ 爬爬 爬爬 爬伍┃爰 爬爬朽┥爬伍 爛 Those who meditate on the Fearless One, on the Fearless Lord-all their fears are dispelled. 爬朽爬 爬伍爬朽┸爬 爬朽爬 爬伍爬朽┸爬 爬爰爬萎┥ 爬項┻爬 爬爰 爬む 爬項┻爬 爬項┻爬 爬萎爬朽┴ 爬伍┏爬鉦┯爰 爛 Those who serve, those who serve my Dear Lord, are absorbed into the Being of the Lord, Har, Har. 爬伍 爬о萎┸爰 爬伍 爬о萎┸爰 爬朽爬 爬項┻爬 爬爬逗爬爬 爬爰 爬爬逗 爬逗┥爬逗爰 爬朽┐爬 爬爬朽┣ 爬爬鉦┯爰 爛ム爛 Blessed are they, blessed are they, who meditate on their Dear Lord. Servant Nanak is a sacrifice to them. ||3||
  • 15. Ultimate Goal is .. Naam JapoSukhmani Sahib (22) Ang 293 爬朽┐爬 爬む 爬爰爬朽┛ 爬爬項┥ 爬爰 爬爬鉦 爛 Where can anyone go, to get away from Him? 爬爬爬萎 爬萎┥爬爬逗┨爬鉦┛爰 爬朽├爬爬 爛 Meditating on the Protector Lord, you shall be saved. 爬爬逗┛爬爬 爬爬爰 爬伍爬 爬爬 爬爬爬爰 爛 Meditating on the Fearless Lord, all fear departs. 爬爬萎┃ 爬朽爬萎┴爬 爬む 爬爬萎┥爬爰 爬爰爬爰 爛 By God's Grace, mortals are released. 爬朽爬伍 爬爬萎┃爰 爬萎┥爬爰 爬朽┐爬伍 爬逗┥爬項 爬爰爬 爛 One who is protected by God never suffers in pain. 爬逗┥爬爰 爬爬爬 爬爬朽┸ 爬項爬逗┐ 爬伍爬 爛 Chanting the Naam, the mind becomes peaceful. 爬朽┸爰萎┐爬 爬爬鉦 爬朽┏爬爰 爬爬逗 爬爬鉦┛爰 爛 Anxiety departs, and ego is eliminated. 爬朽┐爬伍 爬爬 爬爬 爬爰爬 爬 爬爬項爬逗┸爬項┥爬萎 爛 No one can equal that humble servant. 爬朽┯爬 爬爬爬朽┛ 爬爬鉦│爬 爬爰爬萎 爬伍爬萎┥ 爛 The Brave and Powerful Guru stands over his head. 爬逗┥爬逗 爬む┥ 爬爰 爬爬鉦┛爬 爬爰爬萎┥ 爛ム爛 O Nanak, his efforts are fulfilled. ||7||
  • 16. Benefits of Naam Jap Mehla 4 .. Ang 539 爬爰 爬項┻爬 爬逗┥爬爰 爬朽├爬爬爬爰 爬爰爬萎 爬朽爰萎└爰爰爰爬 爬朽┐爬逗┥ 爬爰 爬爰 爬逗┯爬爬朽┐ 爬爬 爬萎┥爬 爛 Those who meditate on the Lord's Name, O my soul, overpower the five passions. Mehla 3 .. Ang 646 爬爰 爬項┻爬 爬逗┥爬爰 爬朽├爬爬逗┻爬 爬朽┐爬 爬÷┛爰 爬伍┻爬 爬爬朽┐爬 爛 Those who meditate on the Lord's Name, cast out their fears. Mehla 4 .. Ang 985 爬朽爬逗爬 爬項┻爬 爬逗┥爬爰 爬朽├爬爬爬 爬朽┐爬逗爬 爬逗爬爰 爬伍┛爬 爬爰 爬爬鉦┣爬 爛 Those who meditate on the Name of the Lord - all their entanglements are ended.
  • 17. What does Nirbhau feel like? Kabir .. Ang 1162 爬爰萎 爬爰爬伍┥爬爬朽┸ 爬爬朽┨爬 爬爰萎┃爰爬 爛 The mother Ganges is deep and profound. 爬爰萎爰爬 爬爬鉦爬朽├ 爬爬朽┛ 爬爬萎 爬爬爰爬 爛ムоゥ Tied up in chains, they took Kabeer there. ||1|| 爬爬逗 爬 爬朽─爬爰 爬む┸爰 爬爬鉦┸爰 爬爬 爬÷┛爬鉦 爛 My mind was not shaken; why should my body be afraid? 爬逗┛爬 爬爬爬 爬朽┸爬む 爬萎┻爬項 爬伍┏爬鉦 爛 爬萎┨爬鉦 爛 My consciousness remained immersed in the Lotus Feet of the Lord. ||1||Pause|| 爬爰萎爬 爬爰 爬迦┨爬朽┛ 爬爰爬萎 爬爰爬爰 爬爰萎爰爬 爛 The waves of the Ganges broke the chains, 爬朽┏爬萎爬爬鉦┣爬 爬爬 爬爰爬爰 爬爬爰爬 爛ム爛 and Kabeer was seated on a deer skin. ||2|| 爬爬朽┨ 爬爰萎━爰爬 爬爰爬 爬伍萎 爬 爬伍┥爬 爛 Says Kabeer, I have no friend or companion. 爬爬 爬ム┣ 爬萎┥爬爬 爬項 爬萎爰爬逗┥爬 爛ム爛ムо爛ムо爛 ||3||10||18|| On the water, and on the land, the Lord is my Protector. ||3||10||18||
  • 18. What does Nirbhau feel like? Mehla 5 Ang 394 爬爬伍┥ 爬爬萎 爰 爬爬項┣爬 爰 爛 Aasaa, Seventh House, Fifth Mehl: 爬項┻爬 爬爬 爬逗┥爬爰 爬朽┛爬爰 爬朽┸爬 爬朽├爬爬 爛 Meditate continually on the Name of the Lord within your heart. 爬伍萎爰 爬伍┥爬ム 爬伍爬 爬む┛爬鉦爬 爛ムоゥ Thus you shall save all your companions and associates. ||1|| 爬爰爬萎 爬爰爬萎 爬伍 爬爬 爬伍└爬 爬逗 爬逗┥爬迦 爛 My Guru is always with me, near at hand. 爬朽┯爬爬朽┛ 爬朽┯爬爬朽┛ 爬朽┐爬伍 爬伍└爬 爬伍┏爰爬項┥爬迦 爛ムоゥ 爬萎┨爬鉦 爛 Meditating, meditating in remembrance on Him, I cherish Him forever. ||1||Pause|| 爬む爬萎┥ 爬爰爬 爬爰爬爬 爬迦┥爬爰 爛 Your actions seem so sweet to me. 爬項┻爬 爬逗┥爬爰 爬爬爬鉦┛爬ム 爬逗┥爬逗爰 爬爬鉦爬爰 爛ム爛ム爰爛ム爰爛 Nanak begs for the treasure of the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||2||42||93|| Ang 671 爬逗┥ 爬爰 爬爰爬萎┥ 爬爰爬伍┏爬逗 爬萎┻爬項 爬逗┥ 爬項┏ 爬朽爬 爬爰 爬爰爬萎┥爬 爛 No one is my enemy, and I am no one's enemy. 爬爬萎┨爬爰 爬爬伍┥爬萎 爬爬伍┥爬朽┛爬 爬爰爬む┻爬 爬伍┻爬む爰爬 爬む 爬伍爬逗 爬爬鉦 爛ム爛 God, who expanded His expanse, is within all; I learned this from the True Guru. ||2|| 爬伍┃爰 爬爰 爬爰爬む 爬逗┏ 爬爬爬 爬爰爬逗┥ 爬項┏ 爬伍┃爬逗┥ 爬爰 爬伍┥爬爬 爛 I am a friend to all; I am everyone's friend. 爬爰爬朽┛ 爬爬萎┥爬爬 爬爬 爬爬 爬朽━爬萎┨爬 爬む┥ 爬爰爬迦 爬爰爬 爬爰爬萎 爬萎┥爬爬 爛ム爛 When the sense of separation was removed from my mind, then I was united with the Lord, my King. ||3||
  • 19. Nanak in Sialkot Gun gaavo.. 723 ang 爬爰爬 爬爰 爬伍爬朽┨爬迦 爬爬鉦┸爰爬爬朽┨ 爬逗┥爬逗 爬萎┐爰 爬爬 爬爰爰萎爰 爬爬鉦 爬逗 爬迦┥爬迦 爛ムоゥ The wedding songs of murder are sung, O Nanak, and blood is sprinkled instead of saffron, O Lalo. ||1|| 爬伍┥爬爬逗━ 爬爰 爬爰爬 爬逗┥爬逗爰 爬爬鉦┸爰 爬爬鉦┯ 爬爰爬萎 爬朽┸爬朽┸ 爬爬爰 爬爬伍爬迦┥ 爛 Nanak sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord and Master in the city of corpses, and voices this account.
  • 20. So What do I do?... Mehla 5206 爬爬項 爬爬朽━爬逗┥爬伍 爬萎┥爬爬 爛 He is the Eternal King. 爬爬逗┛爬爬 爬伍 爬爬 爬む爬爬鉦┛爰 爬爬伍┐爰 爬爬逗 爬÷┛爬逗 爬爬逗┥ 爬む 爬爬爬 爛ムоゥ 爬萎┨爬鉦 爛 The Fearless Lord abides with you. So where does this fear come from? ||1||Pause|| 爬踸 爬爬項┻爬 爬む爰 爬項爬朽┨ 爬爬逗┥爬萎 爬踸 爬爬項┻爬 爬爬逗┏爬鉦┸爰 爛 In one person, You are arrogant and proud, and in another, You are meek and humble. 爬踸 爬爬項┻爬 爬む爰 爬爬爰 爬爬爰 爬踸 爬爬項┻爬 爬爬萎爬爬鉦┸爰 爛ムоゥ In one person, You are all by Yourself, and in another, You are poor. ||1|| 爬踸 爬爬項┻爬 爬む爰 爬爰萎┻爬÷┐爰 爬爬爬む┥ 爬踸 爬爬項┻爬 爬爬迦 爬項爬む┥ 爛 In one person, you are a Pandit, a religious scholar and a preacher, and in another, You are just a fool. 爬踸 爬爬項┻爬 爬む爰 爬伍┃爰 爬朽爬爰 爬爬萎┥爬項爰 爬踸 爬爬項┻爬 爬爬爰 爬 爬迦爬む┥ 爛ム爛 In one person, You grab hold of everything, and in another, You accept nothing. ||2|| 爬爬鉦 爬爰 爬爰爬む┛爰 爬爬項┥ 爬爬萎 爬爬爰爬萎 爬朽爬迦┥爬逗┸爬項┥爬萎 爬爬鉦┸爰 爛 What can the poor wooden puppet do? The Master Puppeteer knows everything. 爬爰爬伍┥ 爬爰爬爰 爬爬萎┥爬逗 爬爬鉦爰爬爬萎 爬爬項 爬む爬伍 爬項 爬伍┥爬爰 爬爬逗 爛ム爛 As the Puppeteer dresses the puppet, so is the role the puppet plays. ||3|| 爬爬朽┸爬 爬爰爬爬萎 爬爬項爬む 爬爬鉦┻爬 爬爬萎爬 爬爬朽┴ 爬項爬 爬萎爬逗┥爬萎┥ 爛 The Lord has created the various chambers of assorted descriptions, and He Himself protects them. 爬爰爬伍 爬爬項┻爬 爬萎┥爬爰 爬む爬伍 爬萎┨爬逗┥ 爬朽爬 爬爬項 爬爬萎 爬朽━爬逗┥爬萎┥ 爛ム爛 As is that vessel in which the Lord places the soul, so does it dwell. What can this poor being do? ||4|| 爬朽爬朽┸ 爬朽爬爰 爬爰爬 爬伍爬 爬爬鉦┸爰 爬朽爬朽┸ 爬爬 爬伍┃ 爬朽━爬朽├ 爬伍┥爬爰 爛 The One who created the thing, understands it; He has fashioned all of this. 爬爬項 爬逗┥爬逗 爬爬爬萎萎┴爬 爬伍爬爬爰 爬爰爬爬朽┐ 爬爬爰爬逗 爬爬鉦爰 爛ム爛ム爛ムо爰爛 Says Nanak, the Lord and Master is Infinite; He alone understands the value of His Creation. ||5||5||126||
  • 21. You know what to do ang 1376 - Kabir 爬爬爰爬 爬爬逗 爬爬鉦┸爰 爬伍┃ 爬爬鉦┐ 爬爬鉦┸爬 爬項 爬爬爬爬逗 爬爬萎 爛 Kabeer, the mortal knows everything, and knowing, he still makes mistakes. 爬爬鉦┨爰 爬爰 爬爰爬伍┣爬鉦┐ 爬項┥爬朽┘ 爬爰爬爰 爬爰爬 爬爬萎 爛ム爰о爛 What good is a lamp in one's hand, if he falls into the well? ||216||
  • 22. Start with I am nothing 547 ang 爬む 爬伍┏爬萎┘爰 爬朽─爬 爬爰爬萎 爬爬爬 爬ム爬萎 爬萎┥爬 爛 You are great and all-powerful; my understanding is so inadequate, O Lord. 爬爬鉦┣爬朽┨ 爬爬朽爬萎┐爬爬逗┥ 爬爰爬萎┸ 爬朽└爬萎┯爬朽 爬む爬萎 爬萎┥爬 爛 You cherish even the ungrateful ones; Your Glance of Grace is perfect, Lord. 爬爬爬鉦┻爬 爬爰爬朽├ 爬爬爬鉦┛ 爬爬萎┐爰 爬爰爬朽┨ 爬逗爬逗 爬爬爰 爬 爬爬鉦┸爬 爛 Your wisdom is unfathomable, O Infinite Creator. I am lowly, and I know nothing. 爬萎┐爬逗 爬朽┐爬爬朽 爬伍萎爬萎┨爬 爬爬爬÷ 爬爬伍 爬逗爬爰 爬爬爬逗┥ 爛 Forsaking the jewel, I have saved the shell; I am a lowly, ignorant beast. 爬朽┐爬爬朽 爬逗┣爬む 爬爬項┥ 爬逗萎┸爬朽┣ 爬爰爬 爬爬朽┛ 爬爬朽┛ 爬爰爬萎 爛 I have kept that which forsakes me, and is very fickle, continually committing sins, again and again. 爬逗┥爬逗 爬伍┛爬朽┸ 爬伍┏爬萎┘ 爬伍爬爬爰 爬爰爬 爬萎┥爬爬項 爬爰爬萎 爛ム爛 Nanak seeks Your Sanctuary, Almighty Lord and Master; please, preserve my honor. ||3||
  • 23. I am too small Ang 612 爬項┻爬 爬爬爬爰 爬む 爬項 爬朽┏爬朽┐ 爬爬朽┛ 爬逗┛爬逗 爬朽爬 爬爬鉦┸爬 爬項爬 爬爰爬伍 爬萎 爛 The Lord is limitless, but I can only describe Him within my limitations; what do I know, about what He is like? 爬爬萎 爬爰爬逗┐爰 爬伍┻爬む爰爬 爬爬爰爬逗 爬爰 爬爰爬萎 爬爰爬項 爬爬爬爰爬伍 爬萎 爛ム爛 I offer my prayer to my True Guru; I am so foolish - please, teach me! ||3|| 爬爰 爬爰爬萎 爬爰 爬爰爬む 爬爬鉦┐ 爬項 爬爰爬朽 爬爬萎┥爬о 爬む┻爬萎 爬萎 爛 I am just a fool, but millions of sinners just like me have been saved. 爬爰爬萎 爬逗┥爬逗爰 爬朽爬 爬伍爬朽┌爬 爬爰爬朽爬 爬伍 爬朽┸爬朽┛ 爬爬萎┃爬鉦┻爬 爬 爬爬朽┛爬 爬萎 爛ム爛ム爛ムо爛 Those who have heard, and seen Guru Nanak, do not descend into the womb of reincarnation again. ||4||2||13||
  • 24. Love him he gave you everything .. Sukhmani Sahib Ang 266 爬爬伍爬爬爰 爛 Ashtapadee: 爬萎┏爬爬 爬爰 爬爰爬 爬爰爬爬 爬爬萎┥爬逗 爛 Think of the Glory of the All-pervading Lord, O mortal; 爬爬逗┸ 爬爰爬 爬む 爬爬逗┸ 爬朽└爬萎┯爬爬鉦┸爰 爛 what is your origin, and what is your appearance? 爬朽爬朽┸ 爬む爰 爬伍┥爬朽 爬伍┸爬鉦┻爬 爬伍爬爬鉦┻爬萎 爛 He who fashioned, adorned and decorated you, - 爬爬萎┃ 爬爬爬朽┸ 爬爬朽┨ 爬朽爬逗┻爬 爬爬爬鉦┻爬萎 爛 in the fire of the womb, He preserved you. 爬爬鉦┛ 爬爬爬朽┯爬ム┥ 爬む爬爬爬 爬爬爬爬萎 爬爰爬 爛 In your infancy, He gave you milk to drink. 爬爬爬 爬爰爬爬 爬爰爬爬 爬伍爬 爬伍爬 爛 In the flower of your youth, He gave you food, pleasure and understanding. 爬爬爬萎┬爬 爬爬爬 爬爬爬爬 爬伍┥爬 爬伍爬 爛 As you grow old, family and friends are there, 爬爰爬朽 爬爬朽┴爬爬 爬爰爬 爬爬 爬爰爬 爛 to feed you as you rest. 爬爬項 爬朽┸爬萎爰爬逗 爬爰爬逗 爬爬爰 爬 爬爰爬逗 爛 This worthless person has not appreciated in the least, all the good deeds done for him. 爬爬爬朽┯ 爬迦爬項 爬む 爬逗┥爬逗 爬伍爬逗 爛ムоゥ If you bless him with forgiveness, O Nanak, only then will he be saved. ||1||
  • 25. TO DO develop discerning intellect ang 641 爬朽┴爬爬萎 爬爬 爬朽━爬朽├ 爬朽┏爬迦┌爰 爬 爬爬鉦 爬爰 爬爰爬 爬爬萎┏ 爬爬逗 爬爬 爛 O Beloved, this is not the way to meet the Lord; I have performed these rituals so many times. 爬逗┥爬爬 爬爬爬萎 爬伍爬爬爰 爬爰 爬爰爬爬萎 爬爰爬爰 爬爰爬爬 爬爬爬爰爬爬 爛 爬萎┨爬鉦 爛 I have collapsed, exhausted, at the Door of my Lord Master; I pray that He may grant me a discerning intellect. ||Pause|| 爬爰爬朽┸ 爬爬爬 爬爬萎┴爬鉦┐爰 爬萎┻爬項 爬逗爬 爬朽┸爬朽┛爬 爬爬 爬爬鉦┨爰 爛 One may remain silent and use his hands as begging bowls, and wander naked in the forest. 爬む 爬む爬萎┘ 爬伍┃ 爬о┛爬む 爬爬萎┻爬爬 爬爰爬朽━爬о┥ 爬爰爬爬爰 爬逗┥爬項 爛ム爛 He may make pilgrimages to river banks and sacred shrines all over the world, but his sense of duality will not leave him. ||2||
  • 26. TO DO as if Guru is with me always 2 ang (jap) 爬む爬萎┻爬 爬逗┥爬逗┥ 爬爰 爬朽┐爬伍 爬爬鉦┸爬 爬爬朽┌爰 爬爬鉦┌爰 爬爬 爬逗┥爬 爬爬萎 爛 If I am pleasing to Him, then that is my pilgrimage and cleansing bath. Without pleasing Him, what good are ritual cleansings? 爬爰爬む 爬朽┯爬萎┻爬 爬爬爬鉦 爬逗爬爬 爬朽┸爬爰 爬爬萎┏爬 爬朽 爬朽┏爬迦 爬迦 爛 I gaze upon all the created beings: without the karma of good actions, what are they given to receive? 爬爬朽┐ 爬朽┸爬朽┸ 爬萎┐爬 爬爬逗┥爬項┛ 爬爬鉦┻爬爬 爬爰 爬爬 爬爰爬 爬爰 爬朽┯爬 爬伍爬爰 爛 Within the mind are gems, jewels and rubies, if you listen to the Guru's Teachings, even once. 爬爰爬萎┥ 爬爬 爬爰爬朽┨ 爬爰爬逗┥爬 爛 The Guru has given me this one understanding: 爬伍┃爬逗┥ 爬爰爬 爬爬 爬爬爰 爬爬鉦┐爬 爬伍 爬爰 爬朽┸爬伍┻爬 爬 爬爬鉦 爛ム爛 there is only the One, the Giver of all souls. May I never forget Him! ||6||
  • 27. To DoUdham.. Mehla 5 405 ang 爬爬伍┥ 爬爬項┣爬 爰 爛 Aasaa, Fifth Mehl: 爬爬爬爰 爬爬萎 爬爬萎┥爬逗┨爰 爬爬鉦爰爬 爬爰爬爬 爬伍┥爬о 爬伍萎┻爬 爛 I make the effort, as You cause me to do, my Lord and Master, to behold You in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. 爬項┻爬 爬項┻爬 爬逗┥爬爰 爬逗┛爬鉦┸爬項 爬萎萎爬朽┸ 爬爬爰 爬項 爬爬萎┃ 爬萎萎┻爬 爛ムоゥ I am imbued with the color of the Love of the Lord, Har, Har; God Himself has colored me in His Love. ||1|| 爬爬 爬爬朽┨ 爬萎┥爬 爬逗┥爬爬 爬爬鉦┻爬 爛 I chant the Lord's Name within my mind. 爬爬朽┛ 爬朽爬萎┴爬 爬逗┯爬項 爬爰爬萎 爬朽┨爬萎└爰 爬項爬 爬伍┨爬鉦 爬爬朽┴ 爛ムоゥ 爬萎┨爬鉦 爛 Bestow Your Mercy, and dwell within my heart; please, become my Helper. ||1||Pause||
  • 28. To do effort UDHAM.. Mehla 5522 ang 爬伍┣爰爬爰 爬爬 爰 爛 Shalok, Fifth Mehl: 爬爬爬爰 爬爬萎爬朽└爬 爬爰爬 爬む爰 爬爬爬鉦┸爬朽└爬 爬伍爬 爬爰爰萎┸爰 爛 Make the effort, and you shall live; practicing it, you shall enjoy peace. 爬爬逗爬爬爬爬 爬む爰 爬爬萎┃爰 爬朽┏爬迦 爬逗┥爬逗 爬爬む┛爰 爬朽┸爰萎┐ 爛ムоゥ Meditating, you shall meet God, O Nanak, and your anxiety shall vanish. ||1||
  • 29. Your one chance.. dharam kamao Ang 1159 爬爰爬 爬伍爬逗┥ 爬む 爬爬爬朽┐ 爬爬爬鉦 爛 Serving the Guru, devotional worship is practiced. 爬む━ 爬爬 爬爬鉦┸爬 爬爰爬項 爬爬鉦 爛 Then, this human body is obtained. 爬爬 爬爰爬項 爬爬 爬朽┯爬爬萎┻爬 爬爰爬 爛 Even the gods long for this human body. 爬伍 爬爰爬項 爬爬爰 爬項┻爬 爬爰 爬伍爬 爛ムоゥ So vibrate that human body, and think of serving the Lord. ||1|| 爬爬爬逗 爬 爬爬爰 爬 爬爰爬爬 爬爬 爬爬鉦┸爰 爛 Vibrate, and meditate on the Lord of the Universe, and never forget Him. 爬爬鉦┸爬 爬爬逗┏ 爬爬 爬踸逗 爬迦┥爬逗 爛ムоゥ 爬萎┨爬鉦 爛 This is the blessed opportunity of this human incarnation. ||1||Pause|| 爬爬 爬迦爰 爬爬萎┥ 爬萎爬爰 爬逗┨爰 爬爬爬 爛 As long as the disease of old age has not come to the body, 爬爬 爬迦爰 爬爬鉦┻爬 爬爬萎┯爰 爬逗┨爰 爬爬鉦爬 爛 and as long as death has not come and seized the body, 爬爬 爬迦爰 爬朽━爬爬 爬爬 爬逗┨爰 爬爬鉦┸爰 爛 and as long as your voice has not lost its power, 爬爬朽 爬迦爬朽┨ 爬萎 爬爬 爬伍┥爬朽┛爬爬爬鉦┸爰 爛ム爛 O mortal being, vibrate and meditate on the Lord of the World. ||2||
  • 30. He has given you everything7 ang (jap) 爬萎┥爬む 爬萎爬む 爬朽┘爬む 爬逗┥爬 爛 Nights, days, weeks and seasons; 爬爬逗┌ 爬爬鉦┌爰 爬爬爬逗 爬爬鉦┐爬鉦┣ 爛 wind, water, fire and the nether regions - 爬朽┐爬伍 爬朽┸爬朽┸ 爬о┛爬む 爬ム┥爬朽┴ 爬萎爰 爬о┛爬 爬伍┥爬 爛 in the midst of these, He established the earth as a home for Dharma. 爬朽┐爬伍 爬朽┸爬朽┸ 爬爰爬 爬爰爬爬朽┐ 爬爰 爬萎萎 爛 Upon it, He placed the various species of beings. 爬朽┐爬 爬爰 爬逗┥爬 爬爬逗 爬 爬爬逗 爬 爛 Their names are uncounted and endless. 爬爬萎┏爰 爬爬萎┏爰 爬項爬 爬逗爬逗┥爬萎 爛 By their deeds and their actions, they shall be judged. . 爬伍┸爬 爬爬朽┴ 爬伍┸爬 爬爬萎━爬鉦┛爰 爛 God Himself is True, and True is His Court. 爬朽┐爬ム 爬伍爬項┻爬 爬爰萎┸ 爬爬萎┸爬鉦┌爰 爛 There, in perfect grace and ease, sit the self-elect, the self-realized Saints. 爬逗└爬萎 爬爬萎┻爬 爬爬逗 爬逗爬伍┥爬爰 爛 They receive the Mark of Grace from the Merciful Lord. 爬爬 爬爬爬鉦 爬爬ム 爬爬鉦 爛 The ripe and the unripe, the good and the bad, shall there be judged 爬逗┥爬逗 爬爬爬 爬爬鉦┴爰 爬爬鉦 爛ム爰爛 O Nanak, when you go home, you will see this. ||34|| .
  • 31. True fruit Phal ang 274 爬爰爬伍┸爰 爬伍 爬朽爬伍 爬爬爬朽┛ 爬伍爬爬萎┯爰萎┸ 爛 The true Vaishnaav, the devotee of Vishnu, is the one with whom God is thoroughly pleased. 爬朽━爬伍┸ 爬爰 爬爬鉦爬 爬む 爬項爬 爬朽┃爰萎┸ 爛 He dwells apart from Maya. 爬爬萎┏ 爬爬萎┐ 爬項爬逗 爬朽┸爬項爬萎┏ 爛 Performing good deeds, he does not seek rewards. 爬朽┐爬伍 爬爰爬伍┸爰 爬爬 爬朽┸爬萎┏爬 爬о┛爬 爛 Spotlessly pure is the religion of such a Vaishnaav; 爬爬鉦┨爰 爬逗┣ 爬爰 爬爬爬 爬逗┨爰 爬爬鉦爰 爛 he has no desire for the fruits of his labors. 爬爰爬逗┣ 爬爬爬朽┐ 爬爰爬萎┐爬 爬伍萎┻爬 爬萎┥爬逗 爛 He is absorbed in devotional worship and the singing of Kirtan, the songs of the Lord's Glory. 爬爬 爬む┸ 爬爰萎┐爬朽┛ 爬朽┯爬爬萎┸ 爬爰爬爬鉦┣ 爛 Within his mind and body, he meditates in remembrance on the Lord of the Universe. 爬伍┃ 爬爬爬朽┛ 爬項爬逗┐ 爬朽爬萎┴爬鉦┣ 爛 He is kind to all creatures. 爬爬朽┴ 爬朽└爬萎爰 爬爬逗┛爬 爬逗┥爬爰 爬爬爬鉦┸爰 爛 He holds fast to the Naam, and inspires others to chant it. 爬逗┥爬逗 爬爬逗 爬爰爬伍┸爰 爬爬萎┏ 爬爬爬 爬爬鉦┻爰 爛ム爛 O Nanak, such a Vaishnaav obtains the supreme status. ||2||
  • 32. Get to the stage of ang 534 爬萎┥爬爰 爬 爬逗┥爬項 爬爰爬爬朽┐ 爬 爬逗┥爬項 爬爬朽┸ 爬爬萎爬朽┐ 爬逗┛爬 爬爬爬迦┥爬萎 爛 I do not seek power, and I do not seek liberation. My mind is in love with Your Lotus Feet.
  • 33. .. And then there is Nadar.. Mehla 5 Ang 1139 爬爰爬萎 爬爬項┣爬 爰 爛 Bhairao, Fifth Mehl: 爬爬爬伍 爬む 爬萎┥爬爬爬 爬爬む┯爰 爬爬爬逗 爬爬鉦┛爰 爛 Who can kill that person whom You protect, O Lord? 爬伍┃ 爬む爬 爬項 爬爰萎┐爬朽┛ 爬伍爬 爬伍萎┯爬鉦┛爰 爛 All beings, and the entire universe, is within You. 爬爰爬朽 爬爬爬鉦┸ 爬朽┸爬む┸爬 爬項 爬爬萎┥爬爰 爛 The mortal thinks up millions of plans, 爬伍 爬項爬逗 爬朽 爬爬萎 爬逗爬 爬朽┸爬÷┥爬爰 爛ムоゥ but that alone happens, which the Lord of wondrous plays does. ||1|| 爬萎┥爬爬逗 爬萎┥爬爬逗 爬爬爬萎┴爬 爬逗┥爬爬 爛 Save me, save me, O Lord; shower me with Your Mercy. 爬む爬萎 爬伍┛爬爬 爬む爬萎 爬爬萎┻爬鉦┬爬 爛ムоゥ 爬萎┨爬鉦 爛 I seek Your Sanctuary, and Your Court. ||1||Pause|| 爬朽爬朽┸ 爬伍爬朽┸爬 爬爬逗┛爬爬 爬伍爬爬爬鉦┐爬 爛 Whoever serves the Fearless Lord, the Giver of Peace, 爬朽┐爬朽┸ 爬爬 爬爰爬朽┛ 爬爰爬 爬踸爰 爬爬萎┥爬む┥ 爛 is rid of all his fears; he knows the One Lord. 爬爰 爬む 爬爬萎┻爬 爬伍爬 爬逗爬朽┸ 爬項爬 爛 Whatever You do, that alone comes to pass in the end. 爬爬鉦┛爰 爬 爬萎┥爬爰 爬爰爬爬 爬爰爬 爛ム爛 There is no other who can kill or protect us. ||2|| 爬朽爬 爬む 爬伍爬逗┻爬 爬爬鉦┌爬 爬爬鉦┻爬 爛 What do you think, with your human understanding? 爬爰萎┐爬萎爬鉦┏爰 爬爰爬萎爰 爬伍爬爬鉦┌爰 爛 The All-knowing Lord is the Searcher of Hearts. 爬踸 爬爰爬 爬踸爰 爬爬о┥爬萎 爛 The One and only Lord is my Support and Protection. 爬伍┃ 爬朽爬爰 爬爬鉦┌爰 爬朽┯爬萎爬爬項┥爬萎 爛ム爛 The Creator Lord knows everything. ||3|| 爬爬爬伍 爬爬爬爬 爬逗└爬爬 爬爬萎 爬爬萎┐爬鉦┛爰 爛 That person who is blessed by the Creator's Glance of Grace- 爬朽┐爬伍 爬爬 爬爰 爬伍┻爬 爬爬鉦 爬伍┸爬鉦┻爬 爛 all his affairs are resolved. 爬朽┐爬 爬爬 爬萎┥爬爬 爬踸爰 爬伍爬 爛 The One Lord is his Protector. 爬爬 爬逗┥爬逗 爬爬爬朽 爬 爬伍┥爬爰 爬爰爬 爛ム爛ム爛ムо爛 O servant Nanak, no one can equal him. ||4||4||17||