The document discusses different types of crimes and punishments. It outlines various crimes like assault, kidnapping, arson, murder, manslaughter, theft, fraud, and cyber crimes. It then discusses different types of punishments for crimes like fines, imprisonment, probation, and in some cases the death penalty. It also mentions an Islamic principle about punishment that killing one person is like killing all of humanity, while saving one person is like saving all of humanity.
9. Cyber Crime
• Defame someone on social media like Facebook,
twitter etc.
• Make Log-in ID of someone using his name.
• Theft of password.
• Hacking of Account.
12. Types of Punishment
• A fine
• Term of imprisonment
• Probation or parole
• The death penalty
13. Islam & Punishment
• If anyone kills a
person - unless it be
for murder or for
spreading mischief in
the land - it would be
as if he killed all
people. And if anyone
saves a life, it would
be as if he saved the
life of all people"